Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2)
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Chapter Four

ANDREW sat at his office desk, busying himself to try and get the college kids off his mind. He was relieved the worse was over, but couldn’t shake the nervous rumbling in his gut. The incident was avoidable. He thought he had been clear when he told them not to go outside, but still, he felt it might be partly his fault.
They’re all adults, but I’m acting like they’re kids; like they’re my responsibility

He let out a breath and shook his head, resigning himself to letting it be. The nerves and feeling jittery would take at least a half hour to pass. He had become used to it. Actually, he wasn’t quite used to it—the adrenalin-rushed, tense reaction that tightened up every muscle in his body was not something he thought he could ever get used to. Still, he had begun to know what to expect. That predictability allowed him a modicum of calm.

He put the air ambulance contact page back in its place in the top drawer, and hoped he would not have any use for it during the rest of the students’ visit. As he got up to leave, he heard a knock on the door.

“Hey,” Abby said.

“Hi. Finished already?”

“Not quite. Rob took over and chased me away. He’s always been like that. Keeping busy is like breathing for him. I’ve known him since forever. His family never needed to push him to do anything. Hard work is also his way of dealing with everything.”

“I know the feeling sometimes.”

“Speaking of keeping busy,” she said, resting her hands on his chest as she looked up at him, “care for some company?”

“Hmmm,” he answered, gathering her into his arms. “Let me think about that for a second. Who am I kidding? Yes, of course I’d love your company.”


The tone of her voice was smooth and soft, filled with seduction. She felt so good in his arms. Andrew could take her right there in his office. He settled instead for a kiss on her forehead. There was still a lot of night left for what he wanted.

“So what do you have in mind?”

“I was thinking, as my ankle is so much better, we could put on that Jacuzzi tub in your bedroom, and relax a little. After that, we could have a glass of wine.” She reached up to his neck and squeezed his shoulders gently. “Or, I could give you a massage to relax these tight shoulders of yours.”

“I couldn’t say no to you if I tried,” he said, smiling. God, she knew how to set him at ease. “Let’s go, before I pick you up like Biff the caveman and carry you to my bed again.”

“I never said I had a problem with it,” she teased. “I just said I didn’t want to get too used to it.”

“In that case…” He swooped her up and carried her to his bedroom.

She may have forgotten the others were around. She let out a loud squeal, and giggled all the way to his bed.

He set her down gently. “Wait here. I’ll get the water started.”

He was gone for less than a minute. There was one thing he realized about Abby as he filled the large tub—he adored the feel of her skin on his, her body close to his, her breath on his cheek. She made him feel—normal. The word seemed mundane to most people, he was sure; but for him, it meant so much more.

It meant he could breathe, without feeling he was hyperventilating; he could think without his mind racing; he could speak without hesitation; he could sleep without the nightmares; and normal meant he could probably love her without that nagging, debilitating fear he had, that something bad might happen. He hadn’t felt as good as he did around her for over two years. He desperately wanted to get back there—to normalcy.

“Is it ready yet?” Abby peaked over his shoulder as he bent to feel the water temperature.

He stood up and turned to her, smiling. “It’s just getting started.”

“So we have time, then.”

“Time for what?”

She took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. “Time for some wine and a toast.”

She had brought a bottle to the room with two wine glasses.


She let him open it. He poured the wine and passed her a glass.

“And we’re toasting to?”

“To teamwork. And overcoming. And extra well-wishes for John’s speedy treatment and recovery.”

“Here, here.” He repeated the toast before they clinked glasses and had a sip.

“Good wine, too,” she added, taking his glass and putting both back on the tray. “Now, let’s get in that tub. Actually, I’ll rinse off before I jump in.”

“Me too. I’ll come with you. I’ve got extra robes in there, too.”

They peeled off all their clothes and went to the shower, hand in hand. Andrew got it started, and they took turns standing under the warm, rejuvenating stream of water. The tub was ready by time they were done.

“After you, Abby.” He held out his hand to help her step inside.

Abby moaned from delight when she sank down into the hot water. “Ahhhh. This is
what I needed.”

When she was settled, he climbed in after her. It was delightful; the feel of slowly lowering his cooling body from the shower, into the steamy swirling water. The heat soaked deep into his muscles. He felt he could relax. He sat beside her. She had leaned back, and had closed her eyes. She looked so peaceful, immersed from the neck down. Andrew followed suit, letting the tensions of the past two hours—and probably of the past two years—melt away.

When his body was used to the heat, he reached over to the wall and turned up the jets a couple of notches.

“God, this feels so good,” Abby whispered, seeming in complete mindless abandon as she relaxed.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it this much.” He put his arm around her shoulder and gently pulled her closer.

“I am, but—”


“Not as much as this.”

She moved through the water and straddled his legs to kneel in his lap. She held on to the tub on each side of his massive shoulders until she seemed to get her balance, and began to rub his muscular shoulders and neck.

“How does that feel?”

“Incredible,” he answered, gripping her waist and pulling her in for more contact with his throbbing cock. “The massage feels nice too.”


As he rocked her gently, her grip on his shoulder loosened slightly, and the massage soon ceased. Abby was positioned perfectly. Her small breasts glistened in front of him. He couldn’t resist kissing each one. Her moans became louder, and she was soon rocking along with him in the water. 

He released an arm from her waist and slid it up her back as he sucked each breast hungrily.

“I want you, Abby.” He growled as he bit gently on her tender nipples.

She hissed with pleasure, fisting his hair as she bucked her hips faster. The water around them picked up their rhythm, and lapped against the sides as their desire intensified.

“God, I want you so bad too. I want you inside me, Andrew.”

She lifted her hips enough for him to position his manhood under her. He gripped an ass cheek with one hand and the top of her back with the other, pulling her onto his cock as she sank down on it. Her eyes rolled back into her head when he lifted her up and impaled her again. He relished the look on her face as she found her pleasure and rocked him to his.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she inched closer to her climax, burying his head in her chest and tilting her neck to find and graze his ear. The heat of the water, her tightness on his cock and the way she nibbled on his ear pushed him too close the edge.

“I’m gonna come, Abby,” he groaned into her chest, sending a deep vibration through her that he thought must have done it for her too. She arched her back, and this time, she let out a long, raspy moan as she came. Her channel tightened around his shaft, creating the perfect amount of friction for him to release. He came with one final thrust, and growled a deep and almost tormented tune.

As she descended from her high, she rested her head on his shoulder and held on to him around his arms. They didn’t move for several minutes. They were exhausted from urgent events of the evening and their spent passion.

“I could so get used to this,” Abby whispered in his ear.

“I think I already have, Abby,” he answered, tightening his grasp around her waist. “You’re addictive.”

“Mmmm. And you know something else?”

“What’s that?”

“I want you again.”

He felt his cock twitch from her tantalizing announcement. Her voice was all it took to make him hard.

“Oh, God, Abby. You have a way with words, woman. I’m ready for you all over again.”

“That’s convenient.”

“No kidding. Come on, let’s get out of this water before it starts to cool.”

He lifted her off his shaft and helped her up. “Take your time standing up. The hot water can make you dizzy.”

He held a firm hand on her back until she was out of the tub, and got out afterward. They dried off and threw on robes before going to bed.

“Are you thirsty?” she asked, sprawling out on the bed.

“I’ll get us some water from the kitchen. You relax.”

“Thanks, Andrew.”

He put on a robe and quietly took the back hallway to the kitchen. There was likely no one up, but he didn’t want to take any chances. His attempt at avoidance didn’t help much—Rob was sitting in a bar stool at the kitchen center island. He was nursing a beer, and did not look like his usual self.

“Hey,” Andrew said to him. “Everything okay?”

“Oh, hi Andrew,” he answered, straightening up. “Yeah. Yes, I’m okay. All good over here.”

Andrew could tell he was covering. The worried frown on his face betrayed him.

“I’ll be okay. I think it just hit me, you know? One minute, I’m hanging out with my buddy, and the next, he’s passed out with one messed up arm. I was good, you know? I was taking it in stride; staying positive and keeping cool for the ladies. That was until I went to tie up that bag with all those paper towels of his blood. He lost so much blood, man. I used up a whole paper towel roll cleaning up what was on the floor. I’ve never seen so much blood pour out of a person.

He seemed dazed as he spoke, as though he was witnessing it all over again. “And that arm. It was seriously chewed up. I saw the bone sticking out, and the flesh, and all that blood. You think he’ll be able to use that hand again? I mean, that could be it for him, you know?”

Rob looked despondent. He could probably break down or cry any minute. Andrew walked over to him and put a firm hand on his shoulder, for support. “I won’t lie to you. It’s a severe injury, and he lost a lot of blood. But we acted quickly, gave him first aid, and a little bit extra. John’s got a lot going for him—he’s young, he’s a big guy, and he’s strong. He has a chance, and will get the best possible care at Norton Memorial. The chopper service hasn’t called me yet, and that’s a good sign. It means they’re working on him. John is putting in a good fight. It’s best not to worry tonight. You should go get some sleep. We’ll find out more in the morning.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right.”

“I am,” he answered, and walked back to the fridge for water.

“Okay. I’ll head up now. Thanks Andrew. You’ve probably heard a million thanks by now, and I think you should just get used to hearing more. Good night.”

“Good night.” Andrew smiled as Rob left through the main hallway.
These are good kids
. One by one, they were growing on him. More or less.

He took the main hallway to leave. He made sure the front door was locked, and went back to his room. As he slipped into bed beside Abby, he could tell she was fast asleep. He lay on his back and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he wasn’t sure how things would be when they all left. He drifted to sleep with that thought playing on his mind.

Chapter Five

ABBY turned in her sleep and was aware of Andrew’s strong arms around her. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him in the dim moonlight that streamed in the window. He was not only gorgeous; he looked peaceful as he slept. She was tempted to run her hand through his soft, dark hair, but didn’t want to wake him. He needed his rest.

She gently slipped out from under his arm, and got out of bed to use the bathroom. Her ankle felt so much better; there was barely a limp when she walked. There was enough ambient light for her to see without turning anything on. It was a small perk as she did her best not to disturb Andrew.

When she was finished, she weighed whether she should stay in his room or leave. It was great sleeping beside him. She felt safe and warm in his arms. She was tempted to stay. She stood in the bathroom doorway, and looked over at him. Oh yes, she could love this man. Still, there was so much more she wanted to learn about him, and to share about herself with him.

She wondered whether there was enough time. Eventually the plows would come, and they would leave him behind when they drove back to San Francisco and their lives. She wanted to spend more time with him; to know him better. They lived less than four hours apart in good weather. That distance was not insurmountable, if they were both interested in seeing each other often.

She shook her head, forcing some of the thoughts from her mind. The truth was she barely knew him. Yes, they slept together, and there was a strong, unquestionable connection between them. But did he want more, the way she did? Would he be willing to travel to see her while they got better acquainted and spent more time together?

She had never even asked if he was single. For all she knew, she was a convenient, temporary distraction for him. And although she used the pill religiously, they had not used protection a few times. She had to take responsibility for that. She knew better; but she couldn’t deny the unfamiliar voice in her head that told her it did not matter.  Maybe he thought she was sleeping with him out of obligation, or because he opened up his home to them.

She walked over to the bottle of water he brought for her earlier, and took a drink. This was one of the reasons she did her best to never worry about situations like this. Worrying was so unproductive; it was not in her nature to overthink. Things were the way they were, and it made no sense to stress out about the unknown, or regret her actions after the fact, or to create an infinite set of what-if scenarios.

She let out a long breath. What she knew was she wanted to see him after this chance meeting was over. She never felt this way before, so completely magnetized to another human being. She wanted to get to know him, and she hoped he would want the same. For now, she wanted to get back into bed with him.

She pulled back the covers, and slipped in beside him, doing her best not to stir him. When he didn’t, she turned on her side and snuggled up close to him, soaking up some of his warmth as she settled in. He must have felt her touch. He groaned and turned toward her.

“Need anything?” He opened his eyes slowly.

“No, I was just in the bathroom. Sorry I woke you.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’ve always been a light sleeper.” She watched him as she he lifted his head to look at the clock. “It’s not time to get up already, is it?”

“No, it’s about four in the morning,” she answered, rubbing her hand down his arm. “Go back to sleep. You must be tired.”

“I could sleep some more. Are you tired?” He slid his arm around to her back and pulled her closer.

“Maybe a little. Why?”

“I seem to remember someone mentioning she was, how should I say, in the mood?”

“Yes, someone was,” she teased, running her hand through his hair. “But now she’s something else.”

“And what would that be?”

She placed one leg over his and bent her knee around his hip. She could feel his cock stiffen on her thigh. It made her stomach clench with need. “Right now? She’s lustful and completely aroused.”




ANDREW growled out a raspy breath. Right there, as they faced each other on their sides, Andrew held her knee and pulled it up high to his waist to position himself. He moved his hand close to her opening, and slid his cock inside her.

“Oh God.” She wrapped her hands around his neck and rubbed her breasts on his chest. She was so wet, undulating her hips to take him deeper inside. “Fuck me hard, baby.”

Andrew raised her leg even higher and drove into her. He squeezed his arm under her to grip her waist and pulled her into him. His thrusts grew deeper and harder. Her begging drove him wild. At this angle, he could feel her so deep inside; her tight walls, so wet and hot, sliding up and down around his shaft. He wanted to satisfy all of her desires.

He pulled out gently and kissed her neck.

“I want you on all fours, Abby. I want to please you.”

She willingly turned on her stomach. He smacked her behind playfully as she rested on her arms. Her head turned toward him, studying him from beneath her lashes.

“More than all the times before?”


“And what will we get, if I let you?” She was teasing him.

“Me? Satisfaction. You? Probably the best night of your life?” Andrew smiled broadly.

“Is that a promise?” Her voice had turned husky; it was a whimper, instead of words.

“I will do my best.”

“Okay.” Abby bounced to her elbows and then up onto her hands and knees. Not many women could make crawling around on a bed both sweet and sexy, but she could. She crawled backward to get close to him, her legs on either side of his. She crouched down and let her forehead press into the sheets. “I’m ready.”

“I love how open you are with me, Abby. That eagerness of yours is so contagious.”

Picking up her head, she twisted her neck around to wink at him over her shoulder. “Best night of my life, remember?”

She swayed her hips before his eyes, pushing all other thoughts far from his mind. He never lied. A promise was a promise. He promised her the best night of her life and he was going to give it to her. Come hell or high water.

“Then hold on, this is going to be slow and gentle.”

He clasped her hips in both hands and stilled her movement. Her forehead fell back to the sheets. He kissed each of her ass cheeks in turn, licking and nibbling them all over. Scooting back in the bed, he got up onto his knees and started to trail kisses and nibbles from her butt to the small of her back and up her spine. The sweet taste of her skin was better than any wine. He could lick her all night. Stretching across her back, he nestled her ass against his groin.

His cock fit perfectly, as though made to be between her legs. He settled it along the length of her slit, sliding slowly to coat his shaft with her wetness. He ground his teeth at the exquisite sensation.

With his weight slightly pressing down on her, he reached beneath her body and cupped her breasts. He loved the feel of them—the perfect size for him. The perky globes filled his hands as if made for him and him alone. He kneaded her flesh gently, rubbing his palms across and around her nipples. They pebbled and peaked under his ministrations. He took the buds between his thumb and forefinger and gently stroked the hardened, nerve-dense skin back and forth. Abby’s body shuddered under him. He could see her ribs quaking as she struggled to breathe. He loved how she responded to him without hesitation or bashfulness.

He pulled a little on her nipples again, making her back arch. A low moan erupted from her lips. Her nails gathered the sheets and she clutched them in her fist, seeming to hold on for some semblance of control. He could see her face in his mind. Her bottom lip would be gripped tightly between her teeth, as she did when she was turned on before, her eyes would be shut, and her nostrils flaring. The pulse where her neck and shoulder met would be pounding, just begging him to bite and lick. The skin between her breasts would flush pink, a tell-tale sign of her impending climax.

He continued to play with her nipples as he sat back on his knees, pulling her slightly up in the effort. Her head lifted from the sheets.

“Fill me, Andrew,” she whispered her plea. “Please come inside me.”

Palming his cock, he lined up with her entrance and thrust into her gently. She responded by pushing back. They met. She was so tight and wet. He withdrew to the tip and thrust inside again. Her folds yielded and her channel welcomed him home. He released one breast and caressed a fingertip down her body to her clit.

He palmed her mound and found her clit, causing a deep groaning purr to escape her lips. He circled her clit with deft fingers, pressing along each side of the flesh. It swelled between his fingers, and he felt her core relax and pulse around his shaft. He kept his pace steady, despite the demands of his body, his needy cock, and her own undulating motions.

Rocking back and forth, he ground his cock deeply into her. He tilted her hips to stroke down on her G-spot. She cried out with the contact and reared back, causing Andrew’s hand to lose contact from her breast and her clit.

“Oh God, Andrew. Harder!”

He smiled, and imagined the day he could be comfortable enough to let out a laugh with her at her demands; full-bodied guffaws, while she giggled along with him.

Smacking her ass lightly, he said, “Whatever you need, Abby. Just as you like.”


Then, pressing his fingers into her hips, he forced her down to her elbows and drove himself deeper, faster, and harder into her. Their thighs smacked together. The sound filled the room and blended into the moans of her trembling orgasm, followed quickly by her scream, and then, his own husky wail. He pressed on for three deep thrusts, and exploded into her as she came.

They lingered in position for a short time. Coming apart, they fell to the bed together. He slid his body off to the side so he could hold her. For minutes, they rested silently, each trying to catch their breath.

“So?” He nudged her gently in the ribs.

“Best. Night. Ever.” She turned to her side and kissed his neck.

“Tired now?”

“Yes. Let’s sleep, baby.”

BOOK: Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2)
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