Burned (Purgatory Club BDSM Erotic) (8 page)

BOOK: Burned (Purgatory Club BDSM Erotic)
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I know your legs have to be uncomfortable dangling like that. Lift your feet and pull them towards you until they are close to your ass.” He grabbed one and demonstrated. She visibly stiffened and gasped when he wrapped the cuff around both her legs and locked them in place.

Zane, what—?”

Her head thrashed and her body shook, she had so little control of herself, even her words.

Making sure your legs don’t cramp. Be still and relax, no one is here to hurt you.” He bent and blew a puff of air across her swollen folds.

Oh, God, Zane, I can’t—”

Yes, you can.” He lifted the other leg for her and strapped that one as well. In this position it would be easier to penetrate her deeply without her needing to do a thing. Which was a damn good thing, because the final heated blow would send her rocketing.

He grabbed the implement and dipped it into the lit candle. Fire flamed, the sound rippling around them. Her head perked up and he knew she’d heard it. He popped it on one nipple, then the other. Fuck, he couldn’t wait another second to be inside her.

His fingers toyed with the red-hot flesh between her thighs until he couldn’t resist another second. He’d teased and tormented them both enough for one night. He removed his fingers and nudged the opening with the crown of his cock. Moisture coated him, easing his entry into the snug passage. Her breath caught in her throat as he forged inside, the clenching muscles gripping him and his control until he slammed the last few inches forward.

Her back arched as her muscles tightened like a vise around him, sending a wave of pleasure shuddering through him.

Fuck, she was so hot.

You’re mine, damn it. You need this. Hell, I need this. I need you and your submission. Submit to me…now.”

If the look in her eyes wasn’t enough, her physical reaction to his words told him everything. One more clench like that and he’d be done. Sweat beaded on his brow as he struggled to hold still, holding the fire above her clit once again.

He leaned forward and yanked the cloth from her eyes. “Look at me. See who’s in control. Submit, Ruby.”

Her eyes stared down at him. “I submit, Zane, I submit.”

Filled with satisfaction, he touched the flame to her pulsing clit for a split second. Her scream of ecstasy was the sweetest fucking sound as she tipped into orgasm. He tossed the stick into the safety pan and grabbed her hips. Muscles clenched and tightened around his dick as he began to shaft her. Her tight grip on him made it impossible to achieve long strokes so he angled his hips upward and continued with short, forceful digs. Cum boiled in his balls as his release gained momentum. Ruby screamed each time she squeezed around him until he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Oh hell, Ruby, too much. Too good.”

Agonizing pulses of pleasure ripped through him as his release broke free. Hips bucked wildly on each jerk of his cock.

Cum harder, Ruby.” His thumb attacked her clit and she screamed his name. The sheer force of her muscles clenched on his dick milked him dry, leaving them both a shuddering heap.

Long moments later, when his fried brain began to function again, he lifted his head and stared into the gaze of his new submissive. He was so proud of her strength. Now if he could only find his.

Jesus, woman. You trying to kill me?”

A small smile teased her lips as he moved to kiss her belly.

I didn’t know.”

I know you didn’t, but I did. You may not need to be a full-time submissive, but in here, yeah, you need this as much as I do.”

So what does it mean?” Her fingers brushed across his neck.

It means that I’m going to fuck you six ways to Sunday every chance I get, and then you’re going to beg me to do it again.”

And the fire?”

He pressed his lips to the soft, rounded flesh of a breast. “Oh, trust me, when it comes to you and me, we all three go together…It’s meant to be.”


Chapter Five


When Ruby woke the next morning, her body protested movement. Every muscle, every joint and hell, probably every hair follicle ached from the night before. She rolled toward Zane to find an empty spot. A strange sense of loss cut through her straight to the quick. Their night was over and now she’d have to face a new day with a radically different perspective.

A quick check of the bedside clock confirmed she had just enough time to get back to her place for a shower and fresh clothes before she headed to work. She had a new investigation pending that she hoped to keep her busy and her mind off of Zane.

Yeah, right.

She cleaned up and headed into the kitchen. Maybe she could find some more of those awesome peanut butter cookies he’d plied her with last night. As soon as she walked in the kitchen she spied a plate of said cookies and a glass of orange juice waiting for her. And a note.

She picked up the note first.


Had to leave early for a meeting with a potential client. Thought you might like my idea of a breakfast for champions before you head off to work today so I left these for you. I’ll be busy most of the day but how about dinner tonight? I’ll cook. Meet me here at six o’clock.

Oh, and Ruby, thank you.



A smile wider than a lake crossed her face, making her wince. God, even that hurt. She laughed out loud as the memory of Zane’s cock buried to her throat reminded her why her cheeks were sore this morning. He’d pushed her, no, pushed them both through most of the night until she’d literally passed out on him. He’d proven his voracious appetite for fire play and sex matched her own.

But what now? He’d asked her to dinner but she didn’t want to assume that meant anything serious. Her stomach clenched at the thought of not seeing Zane again. She simply wasn’t equipped to make this kind of decision on only a few hours of sleep. She glanced at the clock and grabbed the cookies from the plate. She needed to leave now or risk being late. She shoved Zane’s note in her pocket and headed for the front door. There was just enough time to catch the bus that would deliver her to her front door.

The rest of the day Ruby combed through the debris and devastation of the McCormick house looking for clues that would lead her to the source of the fire. Fortunately the family had gotten out safely before the fire consumed their lovely home. Still…the loss of everything you owned in the blink of an eye knocked a person flat and left children scared to close their eyes at night. The family in this case only made her push harder to solve the case. If they were left hanging for long, the insurance company would drag their feet and more chaos would ensue. She had people to protect.

Her mind also often wandered to Zane and the delicious memories of the many ways he’d tortured her body. A wisp of heat warmed her insides. Many times through the night he’d called her his submissive and for the first time in her life she began having second thoughts about the true meaning of the word for her.

A glint of fading sunlight winked in Ruby’s vision. She glanced at her watch and realized she was late for her date.


She jumped to her feet, losing her balance and crashed to the ground in a pile of soot and debris.

Ruby stood and tried to brush her clothes clean. Instead the soot and ash burrowed into her clothes and covered her hands. Jesus, what a mess. If she went home first to get cleaned up she’d be over two hours late. More reason to hurry. She rushed from the building and jumped in her car. Half way to her apartment she changed her mind and drove to Zane’s place.

A few minutes later, she stood mussed and anxious in front of Zane’s door waiting for him to answer. Excess energy zinged through her body as the anxiety and worries from her day crashed in on her.

Zane opened the door with a scowl on his face. “You’re la—.”

I’m sorry. I lost track of time in the investigation, and when I noticed that the sun was going down I lost my balance and I fell and now I’m a crazy mess and I wanted to go home and clean up, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging any longer. Really, I’m so sorry. I thought about dinner all day long and have been looking forward to talking to you.” She heaved a sigh.

A wide spread across his face. “Are you done?”

Before she could answer, he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

No. I’m fil—”

Stop talking, Ruby.”

In an instant, his command caused some of the stress she’d been suffering drift away. She sagged against him.

I have the perfect solution. Come with me.”

For once in her life she didn’t argue. She let Zane lead her into his bedroom where her attention was drawn to the bed they’d occupied together less than twelve hours before. She choked back a whimper as they walked past it and into the master bathroom.

I think you’re going to like this.”

He sat her on the edge of the giant tub dominating the room, turned on the water and then went to a panel in the wall. He pressed a button and fire erupted in the middle of the wall separating the bathroom from the bedroom.

Whoa. I didn’t even realize that was a fireplace.”

Uh huh. Somehow I knew you would appreciate that,” Zane said as he quickly removed her disgusting clothes.

C’mon, climb on in.” Zane stripped and stepped in behind her. He maneuvered her around until her back rested to his front.

Why are you being so nice to me? I showed up late and probably tracked dirt all through your condo. Is this all part of the submission game you want me to play?”

An arm tightened around her waist. “No, Ruby it’s not a game. Is it so surprising that it pleases me to care for you?” He pressed his lips to her nape. “This is just life.”

What does that mean? I thought we were just having dinner but this feels like more than that. But how can so much change in just twenty-four hours? That’s crazy, right?”

I’ve been waiting a while for you so it’s been agonizingly slow for me. You were right when you said I wanted a submissive.”

I knew this was too good to be true. I’m going to go now.” She tugged, but his embrace didn’t give. Tears sprang to her eyes. Sitting naked in the tub with the man she craved left her too bare—vulnerable.

You didn’t let me finish. I want a submissive who will submit to me sexually like you did last night.”

Last night had been incredible for her. “Not all the time?”

I’ll probably be a tad overprotective at times. It’s the nature of the beast.”

Ruby smirked. “In case you haven’t noticed. I can hold my own when I need to.”

Bring it on, babe. I relish the challenge.”

No I don’t want this.
She could see herself falling in love with him and then where would she be? Way too risky.

You’re incorrigible. And just looking for a reason to do something crazy like spank me.”

For a moment his lips brushed over her ear. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

It is.”

The words came out of her mouth but there was no heat to them, all the blood had rushed to much lower parts. His hand had begun a trail to her pussy and the more he talked to her the hotter she got.

He stroked her clit and played with her ear until her legs shook with an impending release.

You don’t play fair,” she whimpered.

Nope not fair,” he replied before he shoved two thick fingers inside her. “But always fun.”

Oh God!” she cried out then bit her lip in a lame attempt to regain some control.

Tell me you don’t want me,” he taunted.

She shook her head wildly from side to side. “No, I don’t want you.” Her head dropped back against him.

Liar.” His thumb vigorously rubbed across her clit and Ruby lost her mind. The scream started at the same time as the explosion.

Mmm. Now that’s the way to end a hard day.”

Yes, your tub is really nice.” She was damned grateful he couldn’t see the huge grin on her face.

Such a smart mouth on a pretty girl. I think I’ll have to give you something later to keep it occupied.”

Ruby blushed. He could turn her on in ten seconds flat. No, make that two. He made her laugh when she least expected it, and he’d even convinced her to hate her least favorite word a little less in one night.

They finished their time in the bath in companionable silence. She imagined he had as much thinking to do as she did. After he’d thoroughly washed her she turned and faced him and returned the favor.

You aren’t at all what I expected you to be,” she blurted.

Do I even want to know what you expected?” He wrapped his arms around her once again and pulled her down on top of him.

Ruby shook her head. “Probably best that you don’t.” She’d been so wrong. He wasn’t just a self-centered egotistical ass looking to keep a woman under his thumb at all times like she’d originally pegged him for.

BOOK: Burned (Purgatory Club BDSM Erotic)
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