bullied (Possessed #0.5) (3 page)

BOOK: bullied (Possessed #0.5)
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Burying his face in her neck, he inhaled deeply. The panties she wasn’t wearing would have melted when he groaned.

. She smelled like sin incarnate. Every lusty thought he’d ever had was now centered around the way Cecilia smelled. It was like the wildest of flowers, the sweetest of candies. Her scent was fast becoming an addiction he didn’t think he could live without.

“Cecilia…” he moaned, kissing her neck. Nipping gently behind her ear. When she melted in his arms, he was done. Gripping behind her thighs, he picked her up carrying her to the tiny couch in her living room and laid her down softly, pulling back just enough to remove the towel between them.

A quick glimpse of her body showed more scars, but beyond that was pure beauty. Curves that went for miles; legs meant to hold him tight. Hips intended to cradle him perfectly. He couldn’t wait to sink into her silky depths.

Laying down on top of her nude body while he was still fully clothed was torture in the most delicious way. Locking eyes with her, he grabbed hold of both her wrists slowly dragging them above her head, watching for any signs of distress in her expressive eyes. They were clouded with uncertainty and lust.

“Relax, sweets, I just want to see. Maybe taste.” Winking at her when she gasped, he lowered his head to her collar bone laying light kisses all the way across it. Her skin was soft as silk and so warm. There was something he found incredibly sexy and delicate about her collar bones. They showcased what led to a pair of the most magnificent breasts he’d ever seen.

Less than a handful but enough to wrap his lips around. His mouth watered for a taste of her small pink nipples. “Landon?” she half sighed, half question in fear.

“Nothing you don’t want, sweets,” he whispered against the pebbled nipple of one breast. Blowing gently, he gave it a light kiss, refraining from what he wanted to do— devour her.

Laying his head on her chest, he enjoyed the feeling of her body cradling his, of the way she melted under him. Her soft curves to his sharp angles.

“Go out with me,” he murmured into her chest, enjoying the sound of her heart beating.

“What?” she asked breathlessly.

Sitting up so he could see her eyes, he told her, “Have dinner with me tonight.”

She watched him for what felt like forever. Searching his eyes, his face, settling on his lips. “Yes,” she whispered with a shy smile gracing her succulent lips.

He couldn’t stop staring. He needed one more taste before he left her until dinner.

Swooping down, he took them on a slow, sensual ride. Letting her get used to his flavor, his touch. Licking her bottom lip, he relished in the way she sought out more from him, meeting his tongue with her own.

“Cinnamon,” he whispered against her. His new favorite taste.

After Landon had left with the promise of returning for dinner, Cecilia didn’t know whether to stay and wait or run. He was moving too fast for her. She wasn’t used to male attention, let alone from such a gorgeous man.

It was new to her. Her body was feeling things she wasn’t sure how to process. What confused her most was that he’d seen her naked yet hadn’t run from the scars.

She’d tried dating a boy once in high school but as soon as he saw that her scars extended further onto her body, he’d been repulsed and pushed her away.

That was when the humiliating name
Mark me crazy
had started. Because of that one time she had felt the need to be a normal girl, and she’d cried after being rejected.

Since then, she’d had no interest in anything other than getting through school and earning a degree in child welfare management so she could help other kids suffering from trauma.

When she was younger, she didn’t have anyone to talk to other than her parents. They, of course, thought she was perfect and couldn’t understand her insecurities. Given the fact she was three when the accident happened and she didn’t even remember that time of her life, maybe her parents were right and her fears weren’t warranted. But when she had people making fun of her for something that was out of her control, it was hard to brush it off.

Even adults would gawk at her. The scar on her cheek was, of course, one of the worst ones she had. It left her up at night obsessing over it. Of how to get rid of it. But it was an unrealistic dream because it was a part of what made her who she was.

Overall, she accepted that part of herself— the scars and imperfections were all she knew. She’d seen the pictures of herself before the accident but it didn’t look like her. The scar pulled at her mouth so it was tight and always looked so angry. Makeup made it worse so she didn’t bother trying to cover it up anymore. And she’d have to wear her hair halfway across her face in order to cover it, so she usually ended up looking down so her hair hid her face like a curtain.

Now, she had the full attention of a very influential man. A man who was constantly in the spotlight and scrutinized. What would people think if they found out he was dating such a freak? She couldn’t handle that type of brutality. It would make her life worse when he left her high and dry because how could she possibly think to keep his attention?

Before he even knocked on her door, Landon knew something was wrong and she was going to try and skip out on him, but he wouldn’t let her. She was going to be his come hell or high water.

Knocking lightly, he waited for her to answer. Shocked when a woman a few years older than Cecilia answered dressed in nothing but some skimpy robe that showed more than it covered.

“Oh, Hello, handsome,” she purred. He had to hold back the gag.

“Where’s Cecilia?” he demanded, looking behind her trying to find his woman.

“What do you want
Mark me crazy
for?” That was the second time that day someone had called her that. It was beginning to piss him off.

“Her name is Cecilia,” he growled. “Now where is she?” He refused to acknowledge her question because frankly it was none of her business.

“I can show you a good time, handsome.” She tried to run her fingers down the tie of his suit but he grabbed her wrist before she even made contact. Shooting her a dirty look he called out, “Cecilia!”

Huffing, she walked away muttering something he didn’t quite catch. Leaving the door open, he took that as an invitation to come in.

Walking into the small apartment, he went in search of his goddess. Finding her behind the second closed door, he was shocked to see the state of her room. A single mattress on the floor with just a tiny table and cheap lamp beside it and no door on the closet that had very few clothes hanging in it.

The part that had him letting out a frustrated growl was she was lying in the middle of the bed with a threadbare blanket to cover her. Not nearly enough to ward off any chill she might get.

Kneeling behind her, he grabbed her shoulder lightly, unsurprised to find her sleeping. He crawled in behind her laying light kisses along her cheek and neck whispering for her to wake up. “Landon?” she finally asked huskily.

“I’m here, sweets.” He kissed her neck breathing in her freshly showered skin.

“I can’t do this.”

Shock reverberated through him quickly followed by anger. “Why the hell not?”

“Because it will hurt too much.”

Now he was confused. “What will?”

“When you leave. It will hurt too much. I can’t stand to be abandoned again.”

Reaching under her chin with his hand, he brought her head around so she could see the seriousness in his eyes as he told her, “You’re mine, Cecilia. No one, and I mean no fucking one is taking you from me. You included.”

“You can’t keep me,” she told him.

“I can and I will.”



Waking up to light kisses and sexily whispered words had Cecilia thinking she was still dreaming until Landon started making claims about owning her. Secretly thrilled that he wanted her so badly he was ready to claim her, she figured she should put up a bit of a fight.

He was moving awfully fast, more than she was even ready for. But she was also ready to be loved for who she was and Landon seemed to want her in spite of her flaws.

This can’t possibly be real
. But it was.

“C’mon sweets, let’s go out,” he demanded softly.

The command in his voice had her thighs quivering in need, her heart racing to do as he pleaded. As he grabbed her hand to help her up, he pulled her to him. Landing against his chest, she looked into his intense gaze before his mouth descended on hers

One hand tangled in her hair, the other had a firm grip on her ass pulling her as close to him as she could get. The hard ridge against her soft stomach only served to have her squirming to feel him naked against her.

His lips were soft yet unyielding on hers. They took her to a place she’d never been before with the way he seemed to know when to push for more or when to slow down. A tug on her hair had her neck arching and a pleasure-filled gasp leaving her lips.

Taking advantage, he swept his tongue in her mouth to tangle with her own. Lost in his musky flavor, she hadn’t realized how tight her grip on his shirt was until he went to pick her up and she pulled it from his waistband.

They were both so lost in passion that he slammed her against the wall harder than he’d intended. “Fuck, sorry, sweets,” he told her nibbling on her neck, leaving small love bites along the way. Grinding his hard cock into her panty-covered core, she felt her juices leak from within wetting the thin piece of fabric between them.

Growling in her ear, he tore at the shirt she was wearing so buttons went flying in every direction. “Fucking gorgeous, but I need more.”

Passion-filled eyes held her gaze as he sucked one hard nipple into his mouth. With one hand back in her hair, he tugged hard so she was forced to arch her back, bringing her breasts closer to his greedy mouth.

“Gonna own you, sweets,” he mumbled just as he bit down on the tip of her nipple and pulled.

“Oh god, Landon!” she screamed as a small orgasm began to roll through her body. The flush that overcame her sent tingles along every sensitive nerve she had. She could feel her pussy pulsing to be filled; her heart beat so erratically she feared it would jump right out of her chest.

BOOK: bullied (Possessed #0.5)
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