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Authors: Melissa Pearl

Bulletproof (9 page)

BOOK: Bulletproof
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I was right. I couldn’t let her go. Everything about Morgan drew me in. Like a moth to a flame, I was done.

I watched her from the corner of my eye as she spoke to Lisa, my conversation with Isabella from only an hour before skirting through my head.


“You’re smiling again.”

I ran my fingers over my lips, my mouth making a big O as I tried to eradicate my constant grin. It was damn hard. Morgan had been on set all morning, and every time I got a glimpse of her smoky hotness...damn, it was getting hard to control myself, especially since I hadn’t seen her in nearly a week.

We’d been secretly dating for just over a month. We hadn’t openly said we should keep it hidden on set, but we both did it. Maybe it was a sixth sense or something, but when we saw each other, we acted as if everything was normal. At least I thought that was what we were doing.

The whole secrecy gig, combined with the long hours at work and the fact Travis had Morgan driving from one side of LA to the other running meaningless errands, made it really hard to see her. We snatched moments when we could, but I needed to make an effort to snatch moments that mattered. Travis had poor Morgan working like a dog. I’d been leaving most nights before her, and so far our relationship consisted of more late-night phone calls than anything else.

Part of me wanted to be waiting on her doorstep when she got home from work, but I didn’t want to freak her dad out, and I definitely didn’t want anyone spotting me, or my car, near her place. I knew she said she could handle the media, but did she really know what she was talking about?

In saying that, brushing her arm as I passed her in the hallway was no longer cutting it. I needed to take things to the next level. There was no point denying it; I wanted Morgan Pritchett...all of her.

My lips grew with a grin as I pictured various scenarios, my mind ticking over with ways I could make it happen.

“There you go again.” Isabella shook her head, reaching past me to snatch a sandwich off the tray. I threw her a dry look and headed to the round table in the back corner of the lunchroom.

The petite dancer followed me, her impish grin making it impossible to be mad at her.

“So.” She sat down, resting her chin on her palm, and winked at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Who is she?”

I dropped my gaze, picking at the top of my crusty bread roll. “Like I’m gonna tell you.”

“Oh, whatever, I know it’s Morgan.”

My eyes popped up. “She told you?”

“No.” Isabella chuckled. “It’s just so obvious. The way your face lights up when she walks into a room. The way she takes in that slow breath when she sees you and then kind of nips at her lower lip. It’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist when you two share the same space.”

I winced, rubbing at my forehead. “I thought we’d been doing a good job at hiding it.”

“To be honest, I think everyone else is too busy to really notice, but I love the idea of you guys together.” She squeezed my forearm. “So, when are we going on a double with Dean?”

“Bells, come on. It’s still new. We don’t want anyone to know.”


I shrugged. “I guess I just want to protect her from the limelight. I don’t want anyone screwing this up. She’s important, you know.”

“Wow.” Isabella lightly bit down on her thumbnail. “You got it bad, dude. Like way worse than Abigail. I mean, she enchanted you, but this...” She wagged her index finger at me. “This is different.”

“Maybe it is,” I mumbled, a thrill racing through me.

“Well, I think you should claim it. You want her. She wants you. Just do it.”

My eyes popped up, heat rushing across my face as my crotch did a happy dance at the words “do it.” What was I, sixteen now? I shifted in my seat.

“There are already too many secrets in this world and most of them are bad. I don’t see why you should have to hide something like this.” Isabella grinned. “I know work hours are long and your one day off is usually filled with family commitments. What’s so wrong about making her part of those? At least you’d be together.” She tucked a thick curl behind her ear and shrugged. “This is all just my opinion, of course, but Morgan’s a strong chick. She can handle whatever you throw at her; I’m confident of that.”


I knew she could, so why was I playing coy? I wanted to jump across the sound stage right then and glide my arm across her lower back as she talked work with Lisa. On the days I finished filming before her and left for the night, I wanted to kiss her goodbye on the way. I wanted to whisper in her ear that I’d wait for her outside and we could drive to my place together. Why the hell was I stalling on this?

Morgan nodded at Lisa again and turned for the door. I took my chance, pushing off the wall and following my girl into the corridor. The phone in her pocket buzzed and she paused to extract it. With a grin, I stepped up behind her, snatching her arm and opening the door to our right.

I flicked it shut with my foot, spinning her in my arms and planting my lips on hers before she could protest. She let out a soft moan, dropping the phone on the counter behind her before opening her mouth to me. Her tongue was warm and sweet. I ran my hands down her smooth curves, lightly squeezing her butt and pushing myself against her. She responded with a nudge of her hips, and I wanted to lift her onto the countertop and take her right there.

I pulled back before I could, knowing I’d regret my first time with this gorgeous woman being a quickie in a storage room. Although the idea was kind of thrilling.

“Well, hello to you.” Morgan panted, reaching for my lips again.

I gave her a light peck and rested my forehead against hers, squeezing her hips.

“I couldn’t stand it. I had to taste you before the end of the day.”

She grinned. “Thank you for your impatience. I, for one, really appreciate it.”

We chuckled together, our breaths mingling. I wanted to swoop in and kiss her again, the dancing light in her eyes tearing at my resolve.

“I gotta have you,” I whispered.

She brushed her teeth over her bottom lip, pulling in an electric breath that told me she was in.

“I know we’re busy and work is making it impossible to see each other, and as much as I love talking to you on the phone, I want more, baby. I’ve missed you this week.” I glided my hands up her back. “I need you. I need your skin. I need your touch. I need your lips.” I dove for hers again, cupping the back of her head and pouring all my pent-up passion into the kiss. I wanted her to know I wasn’t kidding. This had to happen...and soon, even if it meant the world finding out.

Her arms wrapped around my waist, her fingers lightly dragging up my back.

“So come over tonight,” she murmured against my lips.

I swallowed. For some stupid reason, I still felt nervous about the idea of anyone seeing us together. It was the weirdest sensation, and I couldn’t figure out why the hell I was hesitating. Isabella was right; I should be claiming this girl.

I opened my mouth to invite her to my place when the door handle jiggled. We jumped apart, Morgan pulling her shirt straight and flicking the loose wave of hair off her face. She reached for her phone, clearing her throat as the door flew open.

Travis McKinnon jerked to a stop when he saw us.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” He pointed at Morgan.

“I was just helping Mr. Jaxon find...”

“That’s not your job! I texted you five minutes ago. Why haven’t you responded yet?”

“Sorry, I just got distracted helping—” She pointed at me.

“You don’t get distracted on my watch.” He stepped toward her, getting in her face.

I resisted the urge to push him away, my muscles straining as I stood my ground. I hated the way he spoke to her.

“You do what I say, when I say it. You respond to my texts immediately...not when the hell you’re ready, but when
ready! And I was ready five fucking minutes ago!”

Morgan flinched as some flyaway spittle landed on her cheek. Her finger was shaking as she nipped it off her face, but her voice remained calm. “What is it you need me to do?”

“Read your damn text messages!” He flicked his hand at her, indicating she head for the door.

With a small nod, she slunk past him, lifting her phone and clearing the text as she exited the room.

My fingers curled into a fist as he turned to face me, shaking his head with an eye roll as if I should somehow sympathize with his plight.

Grinding my teeth together, I forced a tight-lipped smile. “Do you have to talk to her that way? She was just helping me out.”

Travis froze, his easy grin disappearing. His beady eyes narrowed a touch further as he studied me.

I felt like a kid in the principal’s office, beads of sweat breaking out on the back of my neck as I stood tall against his glare.

Straightening my shoulders, I lifted my chin to the door. “She works so hard for you. She’s probably the best gofer I’ve ever seen on a set. She uses her initiative, she goes the extra mile, she’s intelligent. Everyone thinks she’s great.” I crossed my arms, still unnerved by his unflinching expression. “I just don’t understand why you have to treat her so bad all the time. You don’t talk to Lisa like that.”

“I used to.” He crossed his arms, his eyes sparking. “Sean, are you questioning my methods?”

Rubbing a hand over my head, I rested my hand on my hip, hoping the stance looked casual. “I mean no disrespect, but yeah, I guess I am.”

“I wouldn’t.” His voice was sharp and metallic.

“Excuse me?”

His face exploded with a broad smile as he chuckled and shook his finger at me. “You know the best thing about being showrunner, Sean?”

I shook my head, an edge of warning creeping up my spine.

“This is
show, and I can do whatever I want with it. In fact, just the other day, I was chatting to a fellow producer and we were talking about what makes good television. You know what we both decided?” He spread his hands in the air, as if selling me the world’s best idea. “Drama. Shocking, unexpected drama. People say they hate it, but in truth, the audience lives for those surprises. Take for example
. Can you imagine the reaction we’d get if, say, Harley disappeared off the show?”

I swallowed, my stomach twisting into a tight knot.

“Maybe he’s contacted by a European dance troupe and leaves to follow that dream. Or maybe he dies in a car accident.”

The cheeriness of his voice was like acid in my ears. I held my head high, keeping my expression bland in spite of the scowl I wanted to throw at him.

“Wow, Sasha’s story would take on a whole new twist, don’t you think? The impact of his death would be huge for her storyline. Now let’s think about the impact Harley’s departure would have on
story, Sean.”

There was that damn finger again. I wanted to grab it and snap it right off his hand.

“I’m the son of one of the richest men in Hollywood. I have connections
. You, on the other hand, are a B-grade actor, desperately trying to make your mark in the entertainment business, and so far the only thing people really remember you for is a shocking incident with Abigail Tripoli. Yikes. Wouldn’t want that to rear its ugly head again, would we?”

My lips pressed into a tight line, anger pulsing from my gaze.

The emotion ricocheted right off his triumphant smirk.

“Now, now. Let’s not get our panties in a twist. I’m just giving you a friendly reminder of how our little eco-system here at Polychrome Studios works. You want a future in this business, you do as I say and you don’t question me. Are we clear on that, Mr. Jaxon?”

I swallowed, my jaw working to the side.

“Unless of course, there’s something going on between you and my gofer. Now, that would be unfortunate. You see, I know for a fact it would definitely make her life much harder, if you catch my drift.”

The stone in my throat dropped into my gullet, pressing down on me. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to give a casual shrug and shake my head.

BOOK: Bulletproof
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