Read Brutal Discoveries Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead

Brutal Discoveries (8 page)

BOOK: Brutal Discoveries
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“You want to stay the night?” I asked, imperceptibly softly.

“Yeah, baby,” he replied quietly.

“Okay.”  I snuggled into him deeper and fell asleep naked and tangled in Aden West. 



The next morning, I carefully untangled myself from Aden as I climbed out of bed.  I needed to shower and get ready to go to work.  The pleasant ache between my legs was a delightful reminder of what we had experienced last night, and I hoped the feeling never left me.  The hot water of the shower quickly filled the bathroom with steam and I stepped inside, letting it warm me from the outside in.  I squirted some vanilla and coconut fragranced gel onto my loofah and massaged myself with it before rinsing off and shampooing my hair.  I had just finished washing all of the conditioner out when I felt a gush of cool breeze.  I whirled around on a shriek and quickly swallowed it down when I saw Aden, naked and glorious, stepping into the shower with me.  His arms wrapped around my waist and he nuzzled my neck.

“You left me,” he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

“I wanted to let you sleep.”  I rubbed my hands over his back and down to squeeze his impeccable ass before I moved back up to his head.  I loved the roughness of his buzz cut under my palms. 

“I wanted morning sex,” he told me in between sucking the flesh on my neck.

“Mmm, we could do shower sex instead.” 

His hand went from leisurely roaming over my back, directly to my butt, where he boosted me up and pushed me back until the cool tiles met the warmth of my skin.  He pressed into me and dipped his head down to nip and suck on my nipple. 

“You ready for me?” he asked, a sexy lilt to his voice.  Before I had a chance to answer,
yes! I’m definitely ready
, his fingers found my entrance and he started gently finger fucking me.

“You sore?”

“Yes,” I lied.

“Good,” he growled as his fingers disappeared.  He lined his cock up and thrusted inside.  My head fell forward, colliding with his shoulder, and I held on as he proceeded in giving me the best shower I have had in my entire life.  Bar none.  After I had come and he had come, I washed him with my shower gel, and even though I had already cleaned myself, he insisted on doing it again for me.  It was sweet and incredibly touching. 

While I had been getting dressed, Aden had scrambled some eggs and toasted some bread for the both of us.  I fixed us a coffee each, and we ate quickly, since our shower had gone on longer than I expected.  He drove me to work and after a quick make-out session in his Camaro, he continued on to his loft so he could get ready for work. 

By the time Sammi walked through the doors, I was frosting the last batch of cupcakes.

“They look amazing,” she gushed, and I looked up briefly to smile and greet the pretty, petite redhead.  “What flavor is on today’s menu?”

“These are coconut ripple.  I’ve also set out strawberry cream, chocolate delight, and vanilla and almond,” I explained.

“Sounds great.  What’s the special?”

“Oatmeal raisin and dark chocolate jumbo cookies, or lemon lime tart.”

“Two choices.  Customers will be spoiled.”

“What needs doing?” she asked, ready to get started.  She tied on her apron as she spoke. 

“The register needs cash, and the coffee machine can be turned on.”

“On it.”  She left me be while I finished swirling on glorious mountains of thick chocolate frosting onto the fluffy coconut cupcakes.  I topped each one with chocolate coated shredded coconut before carrying the tray out to the display case.  Just before we opened the doors, Ella came in, and following her was Macy.

“Morning, girls,” I chirped.

“Morning, Scarlett,” Macy greeted, her long, brown hair swishing from side to side as she bounded behind the counter.

“Yeah,” Ella grumbled grouchily. 

“Someone’s in a fine mood this morning,” I muttered, raising my brow at her.

“I’m just tired.  Need coffee.”

“You know where the machine is,” I told her. 

By the time midday rolled around, Ella was back to her usual happy self.  That was until Will walked through the doors.  I glanced behind him and watched as Aden held the door open for two elderly ladies who were leaving after finishing their morning tea.  I smiled at the warm, polite gesture and watched the boys walk toward the counter.  Ella walked over to me and whispered, “You can serve them.”  She was back to grumpy.

“Why don’t you go into the kitchen and wipe down the counter?” I suggested.  I turned my attention to Aden and Will before asking.  “The usual, guys?”

Aden nodded.  “Yeah, baby.”  I gave him wide eyes before I snuck a glimpse at Will to see a smug, knowing grin on his face.  I guessed Aden told him about us.  After I had fixed their coffees and packaged up a box with a cupcake each for them, Aden told me he would call me on his break tonight from work.  I waved goodbye to them, and left Sammi to manage the front counter while I took a quick lunch break in my office. I also wanted to talk with Ella.

“We need a new name for Hashtag Dreamy.  I’m thinking he can take the title of Hashtag Asshole now that Hottie has redeemed himself,” Ella announced as she plopped herself down opposite me.  I nibbled my cheesy bacon roll and sipped my diet soda while she ranted.  “I mean, seriously! The guy
to be gay.  I ran into him at a bar last night and despite my best moves, he just didn’t want anything to do with me,” she huffed.

“Aden spent the night last night,” I admitted quietly, then I laughed as her eyes bugged out at me.  Of course she knew about me getting ‘adventurous’ in my office with Aden, but I hadn’t mentioned anything else about it since.

“Oh, my
  You’ve been holding out on me!” she all but squealed. 

“We got to talking, and I found out Dreamy’s name is really Will, and he’s neither gay nor in a relationship.”

“Well, what’s his problem then?” she grumbled.

I shrugged.  “Aden says we should stay out of it.  Maybe he’s just not interested in a relationship?” I suggested.

“Who says I am?  I just want a good, hard pounding.”

“Oh, Ella,” I said through my laughter, almost choking on my cheesy bacon roll.  “You’re hilarious.”

“Now, tell me all the juicy details about Hottie.”  She grinned, and I quickly filled her in on last night’s activities while I finished off my lunch.  When I finished with the shower sex escapade, Ella was fanning her face and I was pretty sure she was going to take off work early so she could go home and relieve herself.

“Damn, that man is
,” she whispered.

“I know,” I whispered back.  “Let’s get back to work.”  I tossed my wrappers in the trash can and we went back out front to prepare for the afternoon rush.


I was walking home when my cell started ringing in my pocket.  I pulled it out, smiled at the display, and lifted it to my ear.  “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, darling.  How are you?”

“I’m good.  Just walking home from work.  How are you?  How’s Dad doing?”

“We’re fine, love.  I was calling to tell you Harold Oakes stopped by earlier and mentioned to your father that his wife, Mavis, was in the city yesterday.  She stopped by your bakery and bought some cupcakes.  Harold said they’re the best he’s ever tasted,” she boasted.

“That’s great.  I’m glad they enjoyed them.”  We kept chatting as I walked up the path and unlocked my door, letting myself in and locking it behind me.  I dumped my handbag on the counter and dropped my keys beside them before pouring myself a glass of wine.

“You sound different,” Mom mentioned.

“I do?”

“Happier, or something… I can’t put my finger on it,” she mused.

“Well, I may have kind of met someone,” I eluded.

“You did?!” she shrieked.  “That’s fantastic!  What’s his name?  When are you bringing him home so  Dad and I can meet him?” She asked the questions in rapid fire succession, so I waited until she was done before I calmly responded.

“His name’s Aden, and he works at the prison that I visit twice a month as part of that program I told you about.  He’s lovely,” I told her.

“Aden.  That’s such a strong name.  I can’t wait to meet him.”

“It’s not serious at the moment, but I have a feeling it’s heading in that direction.  If it does, you guys will be the first to know,” I assured her.

“Okay, darling.”

After exchanging I love yous and goodbyes, I flipped my phone shut, and plugged it into the charger.  I pulled a microwave dinner from my freezer and ran a bath while it defrosted on the counter.  After I was dressed in a pair of snuggly pajamas, I nuked my dinner and then sat on the sofa and ate it while watching reruns of
, and listening with one ear for my phone to ring.

It was after nine and I was dozing off on the couch when I heard my phone ringing.  I startled awake and then stood, rushing toward it and unplugging it from the charger, answering it before the voicemail kicked in.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Hey, sweetheart.”  Aden’s soft, sweet voice slithered over me through the phone, cloaking me in warmth.  I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on between us, I just knew I was really enjoying it and I didn’t want to stop.  However, we
gotten adventurous in my office, and we
had sex, and he
spent the night.  I was beginning to think we should probably have a talk about what precisely we were doing.  He hadn’t mentioned anything about exclusivity, and neither had I, but the thought of him being with another woman the way he was when he was with me, tore at my heart.  I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind, resolving to ask him about it in person when we next had a private moment together.

“How’s work?”

“Not too bad. How’s your night been?  You home, or still at the bakery?”

“I’m home,” I replied and then covered my mouth as I stifled a yawn.

“You’re tired,” he stated accurately. 

“I am,” I confirmed.  “So, no phone sex, sorry,” I muttered through a laugh.

“Damn,” he whispered, feigning disappointment.

“What time do you get off?” I asked, wondering if I should offer for him to come to my place once he was off.  I remembered him mentioning something about twelve hour shifts, plus he had the hour or so commute to the prison and back again.

“I usually get home a little before two in the morning.”

“That sucks,” I muttered, realizing I wouldn’t be able to see him tonight since I have to wake around four a.m. for work.  “Are you working tomorrow?”

“Day off, baby,” he announced, and I could hear the grin in his voice.

“If you’re not too busy, maybe you could come to Sweet Treats when you wake up.  I’ll make you a coffee, and if we’re not too swamped, I can leave early and we can spend some time together,” I suggested hesitantly.

“Sounds great, Scarlett.”  My heart swelled.  “I better let you go to bed,” he said, reluctance clear in his tone.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.  Bye, Aden.”

“Later, babe.”

I hit end and connected my phone to the charger once again before I made my way to bed.  I was exhausted and my feet ached.  I really needed to invest in one of those foot spa things.  Or maybe I should treat Ella to a mani and pedi with me, when I eventually got around to typing up that ad for another employee, and then actually
someone, that was.  I closed my eyes and made a conscious decision to shut my brain off from thinking about anything work related.  It didn’t always work, but that night it did, probably because I was so tired.  I was dead asleep within minutes.



“Morning, can I get four cappuccinos, two lattes, one with a shot of hazelnut, one hot chocolate, and two chai teas to-go, please?” the businesswoman standing across from me asked.

“Sure thing.”  I quickly filled her order before placing the cups into two cardboard carry trays for her.  “Can I get you anything else?” 

“I’ll take five of your chocolate cupcakes and five of the red velvet as well.” 

Once I had her order ready, I rang it up and she paid.  “Are you able to carry this on your own?”

“I’ll be fine,” she replied, giving me a kind smile.  “Have a great day.”

“I’ll grab the door,” I rushed out as I raced to hold the door open for her.  I watched as she expertly balanced the two carry trays and the box of cupcakes as she began walking down the sidewalk.

It was just after lunch when Aden walked into Sweet Treats.  A smile tugged at my lips as he sauntered toward me, wearing a light grin of his own.  He looked fresh from a shower, his hair still damp.  He wore a white polo that skimmed his muscular frame and hugged his broad arms.  Well-worn, faded jeans encased his lower body, fitting him just right, tight in all the right spaces, and deliciously frayed where they scuff the ground at the heel of his black boots.

“Hey, there,” I said when he got close enough.

“Hey, beautiful.  Give me a kiss?” he requested in a husky tone that had me wanting to throw caution to the wind.  I glanced around the bakery and noticed no one was watching us, so I went up on my toes and pressed my lips against his.  He slid his arm around my waist and I sensed he wanted to deepen the kiss, but he didn’t act on it.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked.  My palm rested on his chest and I felt his warmth radiating through the cotton fabric of his shirt.

“Would have been better with you curled up naked beside me,” he said just soft enough for me to hear.

“Naughty boy,” I whispered back, grinning.  “I’ll fix you a coffee.  Take a seat.”

I watch as Aden walked toward a free table and then I turned and made my way to the coffee machine.

“Sammi’s got the afternoon free from classes, so she said she can work until close.  We all talked and decided you should go hang out with Aden and let us handle things here,” Ella told me as I stirred two sugars into Aden’s drink.

“I don’t know,” I said hesitantly.  I really did want to go and be with Aden for the afternoon, but it wasn’t fair for me to put all of that responsibility on the girls.

“Seriously, Scarlett.  We can handle it,” Macy injected.

“The girls are right,” Sammi agreed.  “Go and be with your luscious hunk of a man.”

“Thanks, girls,” I said with a smile, grateful they would cover for me.

“There’s a catch,” Macy announced.  “You have to introduce us to him.”  She gave me sneaky smile.

“Come on, then.  But don’t embarrass me.”  I was only half joking.

Like a group of excited puppies following their owner, the girls trailed behind me as we moved to Aden’s table.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks, baby,” he murmured as he took the coffee from my hands, his fingertips lingering on mine, sending a jolt of heat through my veins.

“Uh, so, Aden, I’d like you to meet the girls who work for me.  Ella, Sammi, and Macy.  Girls, this is Aden.”

“Nice to meet you, Aden,” Macy said.

“Hey, Aden.” Sammi gave him a bright smile with her greeting.

“Nice to finally meet you,” Ella said.

“Ladies,” Aden replied, giving them a nod and a bright white smile.  I swear I heard Sammi gasp beside me.  Aden turned his sparkling indigo depths to me and said, “You’re not going to introduce me as Hashtag Hottie?”  He frowned like he was upset, then a smirk caught his lips.  Ella, Sammi, and Macy burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but join them.

After Aden had finished his coffee, and I had logged off my computer and grabbed my handbag, we climbed into his Camaro and he drove us toward his loft.  I was excited, nervous, and antsy about seeing his living space. 

“You hungry?” Aden asked as he turned the car into a popular fast food chain.

My stomach growled, answering the question for me, and I giggled a yes.

He ordered us burgers, French fries, and Cokes, and then we continued on.  A few minutes later, we drove into an underground parking lot and Aden parked the car, turned it off, and climbed out to help me with the food.  I followed him toward an elevator and we climbed in.  I watched him as he held a card up to a panel and then we began rising upward.  When the elevator doors opened, I gasped.  His space was
.  It was one huge room that had been sectioned off into areas with furniture.  To my left was a dark brown suede couch that looked super comfortable, and a television that was easily seventy inches mounted on the wall.  The kitchen was to my right, and included a large island, sleek, polished countertops, and black appliances including a massive stainless steel fridge.  His floors were the same sleek dark wood as the countertops, which tied the entire loft in together.  Across the room, directly below a floor-to-ceiling window, was his bed.  King-sized.  Low to the ground.  Lots of pillows.  His bed was made, too, which kind of surprised me.  There was a door leading to a room near the bed, which I assumed was the bathroom, and probably a laundry combined. 

I followed Aden to the couch and we sat down to eat.  I was wrong when I said they looked super comfortable.  They were more than that.  In fact, if it were possible to sit on a cloud, I imagined it would feel just like these couches.  I didn’t know why he even had a bed, because if I lived here, I would totally sleep on the couch every night.  It was

“Mm, this is so good,” I moaned, chewing through a large bite of my burger.  I chased it down with a salty fry followed by a large sip of Coke.  I was starving.  Once we were done, I snuggled into Aden’s side on the couch and watched as he flicked through the channels,  trying to find something for us to watch.  I figured now was the perfect time to broach the subject about what exactly was happening between us.  I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. 


“Yeah, babe?”

“I, uh… I wanted to talk about something,” I started hesitantly.

“What’s up?”

I sat up and looked at him.

“This thing between us… What are we doing?” I mumbled.

He turned slightly so his body was facing me.  He placed his fingers under my chin and tilted upward so I was looking into his eyes.

“What do
think we’re doing?”

My heart stalled in my chest as I was put on the spot.  I didn’t expect him to ask me that.  “Well, I really like you, and I want to see where this goes.  I think, I mean, I
, we’re dating.  But, uh, I also hope you’re not dating anyone else,” I rambled.  I felt my cheeks go warm and I wanted the couch to swallow me up.  I should have thought about my response before I started this conversation.

“First off, I like you, too.  A whole fucking lot.  Secondly, the minute you strutted your sweet ass into my office and let me stick my tongue in your mouth, you became my woman.  Most importantly, I don’t share,” he told me, his eyes holding mine, intense and imploring. 

“Okay.  Good,” I whooshed out as I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.  “Uh, but for the record, I didn’t
strut my sweet ass into your office.
  I thought I was in trouble for bringing an inmate bakery treats,” I stated.  His lips quirked, but I kept on.  “Also, that was
ago and it would be nice if you had shared this with me then.”  His lips twitched again.  “However, I am glad we sorted that out, and I’m even more glad that you don’t share, because neither do I.”  His lips stretched out into a brilliant grin and he tugged me toward him and crushed his lips to mine.  My fingers slid up his chest to cup his jaw, trailing through the rough stubble there.  He lay back, pulling me on top of him, never breaking our kiss.  His hands trailed a path of blazing fire down my back to my ass, which he cupped in his large, strong palms.  His fingertips grazed the inside of my thigh near my cleft and I drew in a shuddered breath, wanting him where I ached the most. 

I spread my legs and straddled him, shifting against his hard length.  “We’re wearing too many clothes,” I muttered against his mouth.  Suddenly I was lifted up off him like a feather and he tossed me over his shoulder.  I let out a yelp and smacked his delicious, tight ass.  “Aden!  What are you doing?”

“Bed,” he stated simply before whacking my butt and striding toward his bed.

“I liked the couch,” I muttered and I heard him chuckle lightly.  Then I was tossed on the bed.  I instantly sunk down into the plush bedspread, and if it were possible, the bed was even
comfortable than his couch.  Aden removed his clothes quickly before tearing my jeans from my lower body while I pulled my shirt over my head.  I unclasped my bra and tossed it on the floor in the pile with our discarded clothes. He then came down on top of me, his warm, naked body surrounding me.  The hairs on his chest tickled my breasts in the most delightful way, and when I spread my legs for him to settle between them, I immediately felt the blunt head of his cock brush against my swollen clit. 

“Aden,” I whimpered.

“Patience, sweetheart,” he rasped.  He sucked my nipples until they were pebbled, sensitive nubs, but as much as I was enjoying his erotic torture, I wanted to taste him.  I bucked my hips and rolled us over until he was on his back.  I positioned myself on my knees beside his hips and gripped his shaft in my hand, stroking his warm length a few times, eliciting sexy gasps and groans to tear from his lips.

“Suck it, Scarlett,” he commanded, his voice gruff. 

“Patience, Aden,” I smarted with a smirk.  Then, I leaned forward and took him in my mouth, swirling my tongue around his head before taking him in deep, hollowing my cheeks.  His fist gripped my hair and he muttered a curse.  “Fuck yeah, baby.”  With his free hand, he began stroking my ass cheeks and then moved further down to finger fuck me.  I was panting around his cock when he gripped my hips and moved me up over his body until I was sitting on his face with his dick still in my mouth.  His tongue hit my flesh and my entire body convulsed.  His hips jerked upward as my own began moving against his face.  It wasn’t long before I was moaning and whimpering as I came over his face, encouraged by his praise and guttural groans as I still worked his cock.  After the last tremors left my body, Aden pushed my hips and I slid down over his chest and stomach until I was straddling his cock.  I lined him up and sunk down on him.  My head fell back and my breath left me as the feeling of utter fullness consumed me.

“Fuck, Scarlett,” he groaned as I began to move.  I braced my hands on his knees and moved in ways that had me whimpering incoherently.

“Aden,” I breathed.

“Touch yourself, baby.”

My fingers went to my clit and I rubbed.  I could feel our connection and it made me even hotter.

“Baby.”  I was getting close.  I rode him harder.  Faster.  Grinding.  Rocking.  Chasing that pure bliss I knew was waiting for me. 

“Come on, sweetheart.  Let go.”  He jerked his hips up once, twice, and then I was coming on a silent gasp, and I heard his guttural groan when he found his own release.  I climbed off him and flopped down on the bed beside, breathing heavily, feeling euphoric. Aden rolled onto his side and slung an arm over my waist.

“That was…” I exhale fiercely, letting my actions say what I couldn’t put into words.

Aden’s fingers skated down over my mound until he was cupping my pussy.  I gasped, still sensitive from my orgasms.

“Love the thought of my cum spilling out of your cunt,” he whispered into my ear.  Even though his words were crude, I found my womb clenching and my blood heating. 

“Oh shit!” I cried.  “We didn’t use protection.  Oh, my god,” I groaned.  Just like that, the bliss I was feeling dissipated and was replaced by my stomach sinking.

“Are you on the Pill?”

I nodded.  I was.  I had been since I was seventeen and suffering from heavy and irregular periods.  My mom had taken me to the clinic and they suggested the Pill.  It helped, and since then my periods were regular and had lightened somewhat. 

“I’m clean,” he stated.  “I was just tested last month.”

“Okay,” I breathed.  “I’ll just go clean up.”

“Bathroom’s through there,” he said, pointing to the door that I had originally surmised was the bathroom.

Unsurprisingly, the room was as stunning as the rest of the house.  A large shower, surrounded by frosted glass, was in the corner and was big enough for at least two people to fit inside comfortably.  Across from the shower was the toilet and beside that, the twin basin and large mirror.  I opened a door and found a hidden laundry, complete with washer and dryer.  After locating a washcloth, I cleaned myself up and tossed the towel into the hamper before walking back out to Aden.  He was still lying on the bed, he had his jeans on, unbuttoned and unzipped, his chest bare.  His arms rested behind his head, his eyes closed.  I crawled across the bed and leaned down to touch my lips to his.  He tasted like me.  It felt like a forbidden fantasy – something that shouldn’t taste good, but did.   I knew he wasn’t asleep when he reciprocated the kiss, and then I curled in beside him, resting my head on his chest, the steady thumping of his heart in my ear.  Pure bliss.

BOOK: Brutal Discoveries
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