Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (8 page)

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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“Oh Nellie, they are calling you up,” Heather gushes.

Nellie bites her lip and stands from my lap. I feel the loss of her in my arms immediately. I watch her shake her hands out and head for the stage. I reach for my beer and take a pull.

“Oh my God,” Bean squeals, she looks in my direction and smiles from ear to ear. “I can’t believe she picked this song to sing to you,” she says.

“What song is it?” I ask curiously.

“Just listen closely,” Heather smiles slyly.








Chapter Eleven


I am so nervous. The alcohol has worn off. Once I picked the song I wanted to sing I decided I wanted to be as sober as possible for this. I’m glad so many people went ahead of me.

I wanted to pick something that would mean something since Wyatt asked me to sing for him. I sigh nervously before stepping up to the mic and closing my eyes. The piano starts to play the opening of the song and I reach out for that connection I have with the man that has so quickly stolen my heart.

I know the moment I can feel him. I tune out everything else and start to sing the words to Adele’s,
All I ask.
I chose this song because this night has been a dream to me and if what we have ends tonight then I want to forever remember this night.

I open my eyes as I get into the first verse and lock eyes with him immediately. In that moment, I only see him. There is no one else in the room. As I get into the chorus, I feel myself let go. I see him sit up and lean forward with his mouth open in awe.

I pour so much emotion into the song letting him feel how I have really felt for him all this time. I start the second verse and I know I have lost myself to the music. I know I am hitting every note and doing it with so much feeling. I lift my hand towards him as I put my everything into it, mind body, and soul.

Even from this distance, I can see him swallow hard. His eyes are blazing as he looks back at me; singing to him about, for tonight, needing to be more than just a friend and him making love to me. I place my other hand on my stomach and belt out the end of the song like my life depends on it.

When the song ends the room is silent for a moment as everyone sits in awe, and then applause, whistles, and cheers roar through the room. I get ready to sing the second song I had requested, but Wyatt has moved so quickly to the stage I barely saw him move as I took a bow.

I step to the edge of the stage as he meets it and he grabs my waist with his large hands and plucks me from the stage. I yelp as I wrap my legs and arms around him. He cups the back of my neck and devours my mouth.

More cheers and whistles start, but it barely registers as background noise as Wyatt makes his way for the exit without breaking our kiss. He only breaks our kiss to carry me down to the first level once we reach the stairs and then his lips are back on mine as he carries me right through the crowd and out the door as if I weigh nothing.

“You’re un-fucking-believable,” he growls against my lips.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I breathe back. “But what happened to me singing two songs?”

“Oh you are going to sing, Baby,” he promises huskily.

I hear the chirp of his truck as he unlocks it and opens the door to place me inside. He rounds the truck and jumps in quickly starting the car and peeling out of the lot like a mad man. I don’t have to ask where we are going. I already know and I have no protests against it.

I sit in silence as the gravity of what is about to happen sinks in. Wyatt must feel my nervous energy because he reaches for my hand lacing his fingers with mine and brings my hand up to his lips. He kisses the back of my hand then places our locked hands on his thigh.

My leg starts to bounce as I think of my inexperience and how Barry repeatedly told me how lousy a lay I am. He was my first and I hadn’t slept with him until after a year of dating. One of the reasons he started to be really cruel to me is because after hearing how terrible he felt I was so many times, I stopped wanting to have sex.

He accused me of cheating a few times when I stopped wanting to have sex with him. It’s been at least six months since that last time I did. I am so lost in my thoughts of my insecurities that I don’t even realize when Wyatt parks in front of his house.

He cuts the engine and turns to me. He reaches for my face and turns it to him. Pressing his forehead to mine he strokes my cheek. I close my eyes soaking in his scent and the strength always coming off of him.

“Baby, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to tonight. You can just stay the night and we can cuddle. I just want you in my arms,” Wyatt says gently. I can hear the concern in his voice.

I take a deep breath and shake my head. “I want to …it’s not that I don’t want you. I just… I don’t want to disappoint you. I have only ever been with Barry and,” I shrug my shoulders. “He was disappointed.”

I hate how small my voice is as I tell him this. I hate the way Barry used to make me feel and I hate that I let him. I am startled when I hear Wyatt growl from deep within his chest.

“I know you won’t disappoint me. That pussy had no idea what to do with you and instead of manning up to not being enough for you, he tried to put that shit on you,” Wyatt growls as he lifts my chin to look into my eyes. “I’m going to show you what a real man feels like, Nellie and I have no doubt that when I’m inside you, it will be nothing short of heaven.”

I squeeze my thighs and eyes shut at his words. “I want that,” I nod my head. “I want you. I’m here now to be with you.”

Wyatt covers my mouth with his. This kiss is tender, yet promising. When he pulls away, he looks in my eyes with a longing that is soul deep and speaks to something in me beyond a carnal need to be with him. I should be afraid because I know agreeing to tonight means agreeing to so much more.

I know that now as I read his eyes. They are saying what the two of us have yet to say. He places a kiss on my forehead before getting out of the truck and coming around to open the door for me. We make our way into his home, and I am impressed by the spacious house.

It is gorgeous, I sometimes forget how well off the boys have become from working for their father. Don’t get me wrong, even I make good money at Black and Lock. It’s just that the Blacks are so down to earth and they don’t really flaunt their wealth.

I think Braxton has the most expensive car of all of the brothers. He drives a Bentley coupe, which his brothers give him shit about all the time. Not that the others don’t have expensive cars. It’s just with the job; they all tend to live more inconspicuous lives.

As I look around at the open floor plan and all of the glass windows that offer an amazing view, Wyatt moves behind me and wraps his arms around me. I am overcome with the feeling of being cared for and being safe. I don’t recall ever really feeling this way with Barry. I had needed someone when I met him.

My mom was still sick and Barry had been there to listen and charmed me into thinking he cared. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I hooked up with him, especially now that I know what being truly cared for feels like.

“Make yourself at home. I just need a few minutes and I’ll be back for you,” Wyatt says as he kisses my shoulder and then disappears to my left up a hallway.

This place is amazing. It screams modern but has subtle bachelor pad accents. Like the huge TV and gaming consoles in the living area and the dark leather sofa. However, the accent chairs and other décor, such as the black and white prints of Wyatt and his brothers as well as others of his parents, are telltale signs that a woman put her touch on the place.

From the love and care of it all, I figure his mom is the one who had a hand in it. Their mom is great.
Black is a feisty little Irish woman. I think Braxton and Toby inherited her sense of humor. She can be blunt and to the point and will say exactly what is on her mind.

I know he said to make myself at home, but I don’t want to just walk around his home so I stay put trying not to let my nerves take over me. I play with my fingers in front of me thinking of all the ways this can go terribly wrong. For one, what if Wyatt totally sees through me faking an orgasm.

I have never had one that I hadn’t given myself. Barry never noticed because he was too busy chasing his own, which mind you never took long. The showers he insisted I have before sex took longer than the actual act.

I am so lost in thought that I don’t hear Wyatt return. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Where are you?” he murmurs against my skin as he nuzzles my neck.

I turn in his arms to face him. He has changed into a pair of sleep pants and is barefoot and shirtless. I place my hand on his chest and start to trace the tattoo that covers his collar bone. The same one I wanted to lick and touch that night we spent hanging out in my apartment. On the right, in script, is the word, Brothers. On the left side, in the same script is Black.

I look up at him and wrinkle my brows. “Did they invert the text by accident or something? Shouldn’t it read Black Brothers,” I ask.

Wyatt snorts. “Yeah we were going to do it that way, but Ranger, my boy that did the tattoos, who is black mind you, had a ball pointing out all the reasons why we shouldn’t. After thinking about it, we all decided that we are all brothers first, our blood defines our bond not our last name.

“I know it sounds corny, but to seven knuckleheads it was cool at the time,” Wyatt shrugs.

“You all have the same tat,” I ask.

“We all have the same version just in different locations. Noah and Johnathan picked their collarbone like I did. Felix has his on the side of his ribs. Toby’s wraps his right bicep. Braxton’s is on his shoulder blades. Ryan’s is on his forearms,” he answers.

“Wow, it must be cool to have siblings,” I say thinking aloud really.

“At times,” he says with a smile. “Nellie, I don’t think you or I want to talk about my brothers right now.”

“No, I guess not,” I laugh nervously. “Do you want me to shower first?”



I swear I see red. It is not the question, but the way she asks it. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know it comes from more of the bullshit her ex put her through. I have to count backward from ten to rein in my temper. That asshole took her shyness for a weakness.

I swear on everything I am that I am going to fix that shit. I know there is a sexy as fuck confident woman inside her. I see glimpses of her when Nellie is most comfortable, when she is not putting up a guard. I saw it a few times tonight in that bar. That’s exactly what I saw when she stood on that stage to sing that song. When she totally let go, she owned that stage and that song, shit she owned me.

“I haven’t gotten you dirty yet, Baby,” is my simple answer once I calm down. I grab her and lift her into my arms.

I plan to erase all the stupid shit that fucker ever put in her head. When I’m done, I will have unlocked the woman hiding within. Nellie wraps her legs around me. I cup the back of her head, grabbing a hand full of her thick hair and bringing her face to mine.

Kissing her is like a drug. I devour her sweet mouth as I walk us to my bedroom. I want to cherish my woman. I groan into her mouth when she sucks on my lower lip. I pull my lip free, moving to lick from the base of her throat to her chin.

I make another trip this time just letting my piercing glide over her skin letting her get used to the sensation. I plan to introduce her to all the dirty tricks and pleasures this piercing and my tongue have planned for her.

Once in my bedroom, I climb onto the bed and place her on her back in the center. I watch her look around the room at the candles I have lit. I was able to find the song she sang in the bar and downloaded it quickly so it is now floating through the room. Her big brown eyes grow warm as she looks back at me.

“You did this for me,” she whispers up to me.

“I told you I would,” I say and let my words sink in as I move to pull her shoes off her feet and toss them to the floor.

I pull her tiny feet to my chest, lifting the left one up to my mouth to place kisses to each of her toes. Nellie giggles and shyly pulls her foot back from me. I lift the other foot to my lips giving it the same treatment. I plan to take my time with her.

I graze my hands up her calves to her thighs, bending to kiss her mound over her pants. I take my time nuzzling her through her pants as I hook my fingers in their waistband. I feel her squirm away from me as I cover her mound in an open mouth kiss. I can already smell her scent and it is making my mouth water.

I lift my head to look her in the eyes as I peel her pants down her legs. I narrow my eyes as I see her looking back at me, biting down on her lip. She looks so hot and I know she doesn’t even know how crazy she makes me.

I toss her pants over my shoulder when I have them off and I sit on my heels just looking at her. I’ll decide which part of her I want to unwrap next in a moment, right now I just want to look at her. Her eyes drop down to the massive tent in my pants.

She’ll get to meet my beast in a moment; I need to taste her first. I lean in for another taste of her lips as I lift her back from the bed. I loosen the ties at the back of her corset as my lips travel from hers to her neck and then down to her collar bone.

Her small gasps and sighs are music to my ears. When her small hands grip my back, I lose focus and nearly rip the corset the rest of the way from her body. Her perfect perky breasts bounce free and I groan at the sight. She has to be a nice full C cup if not a D. Enough to fill my hands, but not spill over.

Her coffee colored skin is glowing in the candle light. The little lace pink panties she still has on only add to her sweet innocence, as she lies before me waiting for me to take her. I love her dark nipples, it’s like they are calling for my attention. I don’t disappoint them.

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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