Read Broken Pieces (Riverdale #2) Online

Authors: Janine Infante Bosco

Broken Pieces (Riverdale #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Broken Pieces (Riverdale #2)
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Luke took a cautious step further towards her. Very softly, he spoke, trying to soothe her as if she was a small child. “Cara, you have to let him go now.”

She shook her head robustly, she didn’t want to. She knew she had too, though. She couldn’t hold onto him forever. This would be the last time she held him in her arms. She didn’t know how to pull away, facing that hard truth, that she’d never feel him against her again.

The door opened and Dr. Capernick stepped inside. Beside him was an orderly, who would take Jake downstairs. Luke looked at the pair of men that stood off to the side, waiting for him to deal with Cara. He took a deep breath, and channeled his brother’s spirit, begging for the strength he would need to take care of his precious Cara.

In one fluid motion Luke stepped to the bed, and pushed down the side railing

He slipped one arm firmly around Cara’s waist, and started to pry her hands off Jake with his other hand. She smacked at his hands and tried to break free of the hold he had on her waist.

“No, Luke! Get off of me!!” She begged, fighting him with everything she had left in her. He slid his other arm around her, and Jake’s body fell down onto the bed. She clenched her fists and beat Luke’s chest and shoulders. “Get off of me!! Jake…” She wailed as Luke started for the door. Dr. Capernick and his orderly held their heads, as Luke carried Cara out of Jake’s hospital room.

She didn’t know when her body gave up the fight, but as Luke carried her down the hospital corridor, she stopped pounding her fists against him. Instead, her arms snaked around his neck and she buried her face in his neck, crying quietly in Luke’s strong arms.



* * * * * *

Nick walked Sam up the walkway to her apartment. Her tears had dried, but she felt numb, like a light inside her had gone out. When she reached her door, she dug into her purse for her keys.

“I’m going to go get your suitcase out of the truck. I’ll be right back.” Nick said softly, reminding her of the whirlwind of a weekend. How had they gone from spending a beautiful day on the boardwalk, thinking Jake would be okay, to this? It was funny how life worked. She found the key and fitted it into the lock, turning it slightly. When she pushed the door open and stepped inside reaching for the light switch. She dropped her purse onto the couch, and kicked off her sandals as Nick walked through the front door, her suitcase in his hand.

She turned around and watched as he placed it down beside the door. He lifted his head, his eyes finding hers as he shoved his hands into his front pockets. They looked at one another for a moment, both of them clearly unsure what to say to the other. Sam knew that Nick was aching too, feeling the same lose she was. They both had lost a man they called a brother. He was just able to mask his grief better, or at least be strong enough to take care of her while she grieved her brother.

“Do you need anything?” Nick asked, breaking the silence between them.

Sam assessed him. He stood with his back straight as a rod. His shoulders were so broad they nearly took up the frame of her doorway. His eyes narrowed as he watched her tongue sneak out and run along her bottom lip. “Nick?”

“Yeah?” He said hoarsely, lifting his eyes from her lips back to her baby blues.

“Don’t go.” She whispered, before she held her breath and waited for his response.

Nick pulled his hands out of his pockets and as if he was contemplating her request, he ran his knuckles along the line of his jaw. She watched him anxiously and she was abruptly aware that at the moment all she wanted was for Nick to erase everything from her mind. She didn’t want to think, she just wanted to feel something other than anguish she had been feeling since they left the hospital. He turned around and she felt her heart plummet, how many times would this man disappoint her? How many times would she allow him to? Nick splayed his palm over the door, and pushed it closed.

She watched him curiously as he turned the bottom lock. When his hands found the deadbolt at the top of the door, he stilled and looked over his shoulder.

“Are you sure?” He asked roughly. By the tone of his voice Sam knew he was just as desperate as she to make the pain disappear. She closed the distance between them, coming up behind him. She reached around his body and placed her hand over his. She guided his hand over the deadbolt sliding it so it locked. Her eyes drifted from the lock to his eyes, watching them darken. He twisted his body around and grabbed her face in his hands. She swallowed, dropping her hands to her sides, surrendering to his hold. His eyes searched her eyes, for what she had no idea. She just hoped whatever he was looking for he found quickly. She needed to feel him. She needed to consume him. He drew a ragged breath before his mouth crashed hard on top of hers.

Her fingers gripped his T-shirt in desperation as his hand glided through her hair, pushing against the back of her head, holding her mouth against his. His tongue parted her lips, and was cool against hers. He tasted faintly of spearmint, that’s all she was able to make out, before his tongue went to work assaulting her senses. She tilted her head to the side, offering him a better angle to taste all she had to offer. Her tongue meshed with his, caressing and stroking each other. She moaned as his teeth grazed her lower lip. Slowly, and deliberately tantalizing, he let his tongue stroke her sore lip.

She moaned and wrapped one arm around his neck, pulling him further down towards her so she could capture his tongue back inside her mouth. He bent his knees, leveling them both and let her take control of the kiss. His mouth responded to the pace she set. His hands traveled down her elegant back to the hem of her tank top. His hands crept underneath the thin fabric, traveling up her smooth skin, sending shivers up her spine. When his fingertips expertly unclasped her bra in one swift motion.

When Sam pulled back from their kiss, it was only because she was lacking oxygen. She dragged in a deep breath, trying to get her ragged breathing under control, when she felt his thick erection strain against her hip. She raised her gaze into
his eyes, watching him intently as he swayed against her, letting her feel just how much he wanted her. She closed her eyes slightly and ran her hand down his chest slowly. When her eyes fluttered open, they found his again and she wrapped her hand around the bulge that strained against his shorts. He was huge and hard and he was hers, for tonight. She couldn’t wait to get his pants off.  She needed to taste him, to have him pump his hard length in and out of her.

She took a retreating step backward and watched as he warily gazed at her. Her eyes didn’t leave his as she slowly brought her shirt over her head. Nick let out a shaky breath, watching her slowly reveal herself to him, the moment, provoking
past memories of the girl he left behind. 

Nick walked into his hotel room, he was soaking wet. He and the guys had just gone for a late swim. He ran the towel ruggedly over his head, drying his hair when the lamp next to the bed turned on.

“Jesus Christ!” startled he jumped, his eyes focusing on Sam. “Sam? What’re you doing here?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”  She sat on the edge of the bed and was staring at his chest.   A slight smile formed on her lips before she looked up at his face.

He took a deep breath and walked over to his suitcase, and started looking for a shirt.

“You didn’t answer me, what’re you doing here?” he asked as he heard her footsteps against the carpet. He knew she was coming up behind him. Where the hell was his shirt, he asked himself. “Ah ha! There it is.” He said aloud, grabbing the shirt from underneath a pile of clothes. When she placed her hand on his bare shoulder, he turned abruptly. Their eyes met, hers full of mischief and want, shit he was fucked.

“Sam, go back to your room.” He said roughly.

“I don’t want to, Nick.” She grabbed the shirt from his hand. He closed his eyes and counted down from ten before opening them again. She had thrown his shirt on the floor.

“You need to.” He said.

“Why?” She tilted her head, reaching out she, rested her palm flat against his chest. Then she took a step closer. “Can I ask you something?” She looked up at him, the mischief gone from her eyes. Sincerity shining through, he was a goner. He nodded, his restraint slipping away from him. “Do you ever wonder what if?” Her hand ran down the ridges of his abdomen. “Because I do. I think what if all the time. Like, what if you and I stopped playing games?” She said softly. Her voice was lethal to him. His hands grabbed her hips and pulled her lower half against his. She gasped. He waited a moment, then he bent his knees so they were eye level now.

“Sam, you’re killing me.”

“I don’t mean to.” She whispered. “I just don’t want to go on, wondering.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe it will mean nothing to us. At least we can say we tried.”

“We both know that’s not what will happen.” He said gruffly.

“Prove it.” She said, and those were the last word either of them spoke.

Nick cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips against hers. Whatever little restraint he had left, stayed in place, allowing him to be gentle as he slowly kissed her. At that moment he had felt like those lips were what every man pictured when they yearned to be kissed by a woman. They were soft and plump and grabbed onto his perfectly. She grabbed the ends of his hair, plastering her body against his. Goodbye restraint, you tried to hold on. He licked her lips seeking admittance, and when her lips parted he slid home. She tasted so sweet, he never would get his fill.

He blinked several times as if he would blink away the memories that flooded him. The past didn’t matter, not now. Now he had the woman he’d been dreaming of in front him, looking at him as if he was her saving grace and hell if he wouldn’t admit that she was his. She let her bra straps slide down her arms, baring her perky breasts to him. He inhaled sharply as his eyes soaked her in. Her breasts were fuller than he remembered as the pink buds of her nipples called out to him.  He must’ve been ogling her for longer than he realized because she was shifting nervously from foot to foot waiting for him to make a move.

He closed the distance between them. He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His eyes met hers as his hands cupped her milky white mounds of flesh. His thumbs tweaked her nipples. The sensations running through her made her grab his forearms, hoping not to fall to mush at his feet.

“I could play with your tits all day.” He murmured, squeezing them as they cascaded out of his hands. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before releasing her breasts. In one quick move he hoisted her into the air, his hands firmly planted on her denim covered ass cheeks.

She threw her head back in utter pleasure when his dick teased her core. She was wet just thinking of his cock sliding against the folds of her pussy already throbbing with need for him.

He sauntered into her bedroom, carrying her as if she was as light as a feather. She placed a trail of firm kisses down his neck.  Her teeth scraped his skin, before her tongue toured his Adam’s apple. He hoisted her onto her dresser, and stepped between her legs. And at the moment, with her legs spread, her back against the mirror, she felt completely sexy. He pulled out of her arms and stared at her, when she went to reach for him again he shook his head. He splayed one hand against the glass, above her head. With his free hand he pushed her hair over her shoulder, exposing her neck. His mouth found the spot right behind her ear, kissing it softly. She arched against the mirror, her breasts begging for attention.

He took one of her pink buds into his mouth, sucking on it hard nipping slightly with his teeth. Sam gripped the edge of the dresser, holding on for dear life as his mouth worked on tightening her nipples into perfect points. When he was finished lavishing one breast his mouth found the
other one and began to love it just as he did its partner. His hands traveled down her sides, stopping at the waistband of her shorts.  He undid the button of her jean shorts with ease before he dragged the zipper completely down.  He slipped his hand inside the opening of her shorts, beneath the scrap of
lace covering the part of her Nick yearned for most. He let out a deep sigh that was full of contentment as two of his fingers pushed her moist folds aside to caress her center. She was so wet for him, he could hardly stand it.

       It wasn’t fair Sam thought, realizing Nick hadn’t lost one stitch of clothing.
No, it
wasn’t fair at all. Her eyes rolled behind her eyelids as he stroked her pussy.  She had to find the will power to push him away so she could remedy the clothes situation.  Then she would replace his fingers, herself. She committed herself to the plan and pushed against his chest. His eyes met hers, guardedly as he wondered to himself if she was having second thoughts.

          “Lose the shirt Nick, you’re overdressed.” She
pointed out, and leaned her back against the mirror, preparing herself to enjoy the view he was about to give her.

       He bit the inside of his cheek, and with one
hand, he managed to remove his T-shirt. Sam gawked at him hungrily. His chest was a work of art, not to mention his shoulders and his arms. She couldn’t forget his chiseled arms. She lifted her eyes reluctantly, and smiled at him as she spread her lips and crooked her fingers towards him.

BOOK: Broken Pieces (Riverdale #2)
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