Read Broken Justice (Justice Brothers) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Justice Brothers Book 1

Broken Justice (Justice Brothers) (6 page)

BOOK: Broken Justice (Justice Brothers)
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As he made for the door, he turned around and looked at her one more time. “Get some sleep. You look beat. We’ll talk when I get back.” With that, he swept out the door and climbed in his truck without looking back. He really did need to check out the fifty-acre farm he’d arranged to tour. Buying property in the mountains was a new whim he’d been tossing around for months. Unfortunately for him though, he really was starting to feel like warmed over shit as his temperature climbed.

“What fucking ever,” he mumbled out loud as the truck backed from the parking space. Mind over matter. No way was some annoying bug going to take him down. And with that, he hit the highway and started driving.

Lacey peeked cautiously through the curtains as her rescuer drove his truck out of the parking lot, and headed north toward the main highway that would lead him out of town. An abundance of caution kept her rooted in that spot scanning the area around the motel for several long minutes before she finally stepped back from the window, heaving a deep sigh.

She didn’t know what to make of him. Beyond thankful that he appeared in time to thwart a bag snatching that had gotten out of hand, he had also sort of frightened her with a dark knight quality that stole her breath.

Besides the obvious fact that he was big, solid, and muscular, he had an intimidating presence that drew in rather than repelled her interest. Vivid green eyes with abundant dark eyelashes on a handsome face covered in several days’ stubble, he was definitely a looker. The man had a double dose of bad boy sex appeal going on as well. The shaggy black hair in need of a trim only added to his attraction.

Looking around the motel room she noted that except for the pile of clothes on the floor in the bathroom, he was as neat as a pin. The somber, dark-haired man who just left was nothing like any who had passed through her life before. Her neglectful father had been an indifferent slob, and the uncle who had nearly destroyed her life had been nothing short of a slovenly pig.

Thinking about her two worthless relatives was a reminder of how rough the last couple of years had been. Technically speaking, she became a runaway when she fled south Florida at seventeen. In the five years since then, she’d been living hand-to-mouth, performing odd jobs, doing seasonal labor, and surviving by sheer luck and gritty determination. When she could, there were short-term motel rooms like this one, but mostly she’d been surviving in campgrounds, the occasional overnights in church run missions, and a youth hostel in the city.

Relying on her gut for instinct, something that had served her well all these years, she decided to see where this chance encounter would lead. Trust was not something Lacey had much success with but the way his presence seeped into her veins with a surprising warmth and ease fueled her leap of faith. He didn’t look like a
but he said that was his name and she couldn’t deny there something special about him.

Her arm ached and she was feeling drained by the tumultuous hours that had just passed. Stretching her limbs, Lacey tried to pull herself together, forcing some of the day’s tension to recede. If her rescuer would be gone for hours, she was going to take advantage of the opportunity to crash in safety and comfort. It seemed weird to sleep in a strange man’s bed so she plucked a pillow from under the coverlet and instead settled down on the lumpy sofa.

She was exhausted from the earlier turmoil, but even so, she didn’t immediately drop off to sleep. Instead, she saw in her mind’s eye the vision of a tall man with shaggy black hair and unusual green eyes under dark brows that made him look fierce and dangerous. His mouth re-formed time and time again in her thoughts as she struggled to find sleep. Her savior had a full bottom lip and sensuous heart shaped top lip that made her think of things she had no business contemplating. Things like how it would feel to be kissed by those lips. Words like
filled her brain while warmth spread slowly through her nervous system.

At twenty-two years of age, she felt aged beyond mere dates on a calendar. Even so, she’d never been kissed. Never felt the warmth of a lover’s embrace. Never wanted to either, at least not up until this second, a realization that rocked her world.

How could she sleep when her thoughts were full of the devastatingly handsome hero who oozed masculinity and raw desire?
He’d been uncommonly kind to her yet something else lurked just below the surface. Something dark and serious. He had eyes that saw too much, as if he could click into her private thoughts at will. Maybe he had his demons too, just like she did, and maybe just like her he was emotionally damaged and trying to make sense of what life had put on his plate. Whatever. He was as much a mystery to her as she was to him and with that last thought Lacey drifted off.

She must have slept like the dead because it was well after nightfall when she roused. Being in an unfamiliar setting had her jumping straight up and off the sofa before she remembered where she was. Darting quickly to the curtain-covered window she peeked outside noting that Cameron’s truck had not yet reappeared. True to his word, he had been gone for hours and a quick glance at the clock on the bedside table told her he’d likely be returning soon.

Spying the granola bar he’d left on the table, Lacey inhaled the delightful treat as she replaced the pillow on his bed and out of habit, checked her old backpack to make sure her meager belongings were okay.

There was only so much walking in circles Lacey could do so she turned on the TV, clicking through the channels to find the local weather report. With summer a fading memory and autumn in full swing, it wouldn’t be too long before the weather would turn cold. Which reminded her that it was probably time to head south to a warmer climate where she’d be better able to survive through the winter.

She would avoid going anywhere near Florida of course, a place she’d come to hate with a passion as unbidden memories of her former life there flashed in her mind. Maybe she should buy a bus ticket to Georgia or Texas. She had saved enough doing summer work to do just that. Her goal was to find a job and a cheap room in a new town where she could build a life.

That thought was barely spent when she heard the low rumbling sound of a big vehicle outside the motel room. Standing up, she wiped the crumbs of the granola bar from her lips and made for the door to check and see if it was her mysterious rescuer returning.

He said they’d talk when he returned, something that Lacey wasn’t good at. She’d always found quiet safer than being a motor mouth. Sliding the security chain free, she cracked the motel room door before moving herself to the other side of the room as she waited for him to appear once again.

A wayward thought danced in her mind. She’d been yearning for a friend, someone she could try her hand at trusting.
Had that person magically appeared in her life in the form of the silent, brooding enigma who had shown her unusual kindness on what was one of the worst days of her life?
As she waited for whatever happened next, the old maxim – Be Careful What You Wish For – washed through her mind.

Relieved to have made it back to the motel in one piece, Cameron sat in the cab of his truck for several minutes while he struggled to pull himself together. The property tour had gone reasonably well but as the day wore on, he had gotten sicker and sicker. A climbing fever and an uneasy rumbling in his gut made the last hour and a half as he navigated the mountain roads sheer torture. Twice he’d had to pull over when his stomach turned on him. Puking out his guts along the side of the road hadn’t exactly been a party. He wasn’t so sure when he got out of the truck that his legs would carry him to the room.

Lacey and her ponytail had been front and center in his thoughts all day. He hoped she’d still be there when he got back because Cam was pretty sure if she wasn’t, he’d be tracking her down in a heartbeat. Something about the woman-child got to him in a way that he didn’t want to examine too closely. He’d been entranced by her baby blue eyes and seduced by the sound of her voice almost from the first second. She was an unexpected breath of fresh air in his stagnant, walled-off emotional life. He tried convincing himself that admitting his life was less-than-satisfactory had to be because of the fever.

Trembling fingers that didn’t seem to want to do his bidding fumbled with the keys in the ignition before he pushed open the truck’s door with his foot and tried swinging himself free of the cab. A long string of pithy swear words lit up his mind but stayed unspoken since he sincerely doubted he had the strength to do anything other than groan. The terse “
that did find its way from his weakened vocal cords was all he could manage when he leaned against the side of the truck and waited for the world to stop spinning.

Staggering to the door of his motel room, Cam was surprised to find it unlocked and slightly ajar. Relief surged through him knowing that the Ponytail was on the other side of the door. When his stomach made an unfortunate series of spasms and lurches, he picked up speed, rushing through the open door and charging toward the bathroom before he embarrassed himself by vomiting all over the motel room floor.

Even sick as a dog he made note of the blonde haired, freckle-faced girl he’d left earlier in the day watching him in silence as he made it to the bathroom. Slamming the door shut a mere second before it was too late, he surrendered to a violent case of the pukes that left him shaking and weakened under the blinding glare of the way-too-bright bathroom lights.

Lacey was right there when he came out of the bathroom, helping him stumble to the bed. He collapsed as powerful body-shaking chills swept through him. After that, everything became a blur. Somehow he managed to yank his t-shirt over his head and shuck off his jeans. The last thing he remembered before passing out was the concerned expression on a freckled face that reminded him, for once, he was not completely alone.

Holy cow
, Lacey thought.
He’s a mess
. She’d been stunned when her dark angel lumbered into the room, just barely making it to the toilet before throwing up. By the time he crashed down on the bed, his body was shaking uncontrollably with chills as he fell into the sleep of sickness.
Well, looks like one good turn deserves another,
she mused because clearly, her rescuer was more than just a tad under the weather. Judging by his pallor and the way he was shaking, a serious case of the flu was having its way with him.

Switching into angel of mercy mode, she put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature. He was burning up. She marveled at his ability to drive in this condition, much less find his way back to the motel in one piece. She needed to get him comfortable and under a pile of blankets before that fever got completely out of control.

Trying to be clinical, Lacey took in the sight of his half-naked form. After shedding his clothes, Cameron was left in just a simple pair of snug cotton boxer briefs that did little to cover his masculine attributes.
And, dear God, did he ever have attributes.

Sprawled across the bed, she was captivated by the width of his shoulders and the unusual tattoo circling his bicep. His deeply tanned torso, contoured with the distinctive shape of some seriously hard-muscled abs, was covered by a smattering of dark hair that fed in a diminishing line into his boxers. Powerful thighs and long legs flickered across her glance before her eyes fixed on the clear outline of his sex in the soft cotton molded to his body.

BOOK: Broken Justice (Justice Brothers)
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