Read Broken (Broken #1) Online

Authors: A. E. Murphy

Tags: #love, #sorrow, #secrets and lies, #pregnancy and childbirth, #hate and fear

Broken (Broken #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Broken (Broken #1)
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He bends my legs and flattens
his tongue against me, swiping it up and down slowly and
torturously. I’m a mess of feeling and emotion. My hands have
pulled on the sheets so much it’s come off the top corners of the

Then his finger enters me, I
freeze. It hurts a little but not too much, he’s gentle and only
probing a tiny fraction. He’s never penetrated me before so the
feeling is entirely foreign and I’m not sure that I like it.

Something builds deep down.
I’ve had orgasms before but I have a feeling this is going to be so
much bigger than the rest. My embarrassment soon leaves the
building as my hands grip his head and my hips bucks desperately
against his face. It’s his finger inside, giving me something to
clench around that is making this experience so much better than
the rest.

I explode with a loud cry. I
barely register the fact he slides up my body and poises himself at
my entrance.

As my orgasm continues he
slowly pushes inside. I wince with the pain mingling with the
pulsing pleasure.

Gwenny?” he asks, his eyes on mine.

I nod slightly. I’m ready.

This is
going to hurt baby but I’ll make it better I promise,” he explains
and there’s a tearing sensation deep inside as he thrusts his hips
forward. It knocks the wind out of me and brings tears to my eyes.
I cry out and try to move away but he sinks in deeper and holds me
in place with his hips and his chest. “You feel so good Gwenny.” He
slides out, causing me even more pain and then pushes back

Stop,” I sob
and shove at his shoulders but he doesn’t budge. “It

I know, I’m
sorry, I won’t move, I just had to get it in as far as possible,”
he kisses my tears away, one of his thumbs stroking my side
soothingly. “I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

The initial pain fades but
there’s still a deep and dull ache that won’t seem to shift.

I’ll go
slowly but I’ll make it quick,” he promises and kisses my mouth
languidly. “Then we can go again in a couple of hours and I swear
it won’t feel like this.”

I look into his amazing brown
eyes full of love and concern and nod slowly. I want to stop, I
also don’t. It hurts but it also feels good to be connected to

He moves slowly, in and out,
never going too deep for fear of hurting me. Watching his face as
my body pleasures him makes me tingle all over. It’s an amazing
sight. One I’ll cherish forever.

You feel so
good,” he whispers and kisses my neck. “Honestly babe. I’ve never
felt anything so good.” His head comes up, his lips slightly
smiling. “I love you.”

I love you
too.” I hold his shoulders as he picks up the pace. The dull ache
still there but not as intense. I know I’m not going to finish, he
knows it too and it’s why he gave me the orgasm before and will
probably give me another one after.

His hips slide slowly back and
forth, his long, thick and hard member moving in and out. My
channel clenches him when he tries to leave and clenches tighter
when he’s in. My body doesn’t want him to move away from me.

I was made for him.

The looks of wonder as his
pleasure builds, the smiles when I moan, the scrunching of the eyes
and shudders when he feels particularly sensitive. All of these I
burn onto my brain. All of them I’ll never forget and all of them I
want to see again.

When he orgasms, he thrusts in
deep; a little too deep but I don’t care. I wrap my legs around the
back of his thighs and hold him as tightly to me as possible. His
member thickens and grows inside of me, it heats and throbs. I feel
it all. I hear his moans and groans before finally releasing my
name with his pleasure on a choked cry.

Collapsing on top of me I feel
him softening inside. It’s not uncomfortable but it is definitely

Are you
okay?” I ask and trail my fingers up his back.

Give me a
second, I need to find my way back from heaven,” he pants, his
chest heaving against mine as he tries to catch his

I laugh and cringe as he slips
out with more fluid than should be possible, leaving me feeling
empty and hollow but blissfully happy.

Ewww,” I
remark and feel his body begin to shake. “Don’t laugh at me, that’s
kind of gross.”

He only laughs harder, “I’ll
clean you up. Stay there.”

Kay,” I
respond and keep perfectly still, not liking the feel of the gooey
wetness between my thighs.

When he finally cleans me up
the smile on his face is huge. He even holds up the damp cloth to
show me my red blood mixed with the other bodily fluids. “Stop
giving me that face. It’s beautiful.”

I think we
have different opinions on beauty,” I state and roll out of bed,
glaring at the pink stain in the centre. “Damn it. These are
Egyptian cotton.”

Oops, I
never thought about that,” he apologizes and strips the sheet off
the bed. “Sit. I’ll deal with this.”

And deal with it he does.

Finally we curl up in bed and
I’m exhausted. It doesn’t stop him from bringing me to orgasm once
more though. He would’ve done it twice but I was too sated and sore
to go again.

My head rests on his chest, his
arms hold me tightly and after a few sweetly whispered words and
gentle caresses, we finally fall asleep. Best night of my life.




The weeks fly by and our
relationship only gets stronger. I begin my advanced culinary and
baking and even make two new friends, Sasha who’s a stunning blonde
with startling blue eyes and Tommy who’s extremely handsome with
mousy brown hair and brown eyes.

At first when I told Caleb
about him he got jealous.

I remember just striking up
conversation on how Tommy had taken myself and Sasha for coffee. He

No… he freaked.

What do you
mean he took you for coffee?” He frowns, looking impossibly

I slide onto his lap and roll
my eyes, “It’s just coffee, he’s a nice guy, you’ll like him.”

No I won’t,”
he pouts but his smile is slowly returning.


Because he
gets your attention when I don’t.”

I giggle and slap his arm.


Stop it,” I
laugh and slam my lips onto his. “Quickie before class?”

No,” he’s
pouting again.

Since when
don’t you want a quickie?”

Since you
started dating another man.”

I laugh again, my entire body
shaking, “Then you better mark me where he can see and cover me in
your scent. Just in case.”

His grin is wicked and
alluring, I want to lick it. “Hell yeah.” I’m up over his shoulder
before I have a chance to blink. He slaps my arse and carries me up
the stairs. “By the time I’m done you aren’t even going to remember
his name.”


Good girl,”
he smiles whilst pushing inside after moving my pants to the side.
“That’s better.”


A year goes by, I’m officially
twenty and Caleb has thrown me a party. I feel bad because he looks
a bit peaky but insists he’s okay. He’s been suffering with
migraines a lot recently but his mood seems to pick up when he’s
ill, rather than get worse. Which is weird.

I’ve never known a person be so
happy about being ill. Maybe it’s because of the way I slave over

Over here!”
Sasha screeches from the stage. We’ve hired out a bar for my
birthday bash and I’m happy to see all of my friends have come.
“You look absolutely gorgeous.”

I look down at my tight gold
over the shoulder dress and nod my agreement, “I know right?”

hear Tommy shout from somewhere near the bar.

I dance with my girl and wave
at Caleb who is stood by Tommy. He winks at me, throws his head
back and cringes as the fluid burns his throat. Tommy laughs and
slaps him on the back, I can’t hear what they’re saying but I can
see them talking about something that is probably a secret. Hm.
What’s that all about?

Oh my god,
Stacey just fell on her face,” Sasha starts pointing and laughing
along with the rest of our group. That’s kind of funny.

You’re such
a bitch,” Stacey jests and elbows Sasha in the ribs. “I’m getting
another round.”

Can you
handle it?” I giggle, which earns me a glare from our

We climb down from the stage
and head to the bar, as soon as I make it to Caleb’s side, Caleb
walks away and Tommy wraps his arm around my neck.

What’s up
with Caleb?” I ask, trying to crane my neck to see him but Tommy’s
arm is too tight. “You can let go now.”

Nope.” Tommy
says and sways a little. Sigh.

Sasha hands me a pink cocktail,
I sip it sparingly, not wanting to get too drunk. It’s my birthday,
I want kinky birthday sex.

Where is Caleb?

Okay, so…
ha, I almost fell,” Oh god, what’s he doing on the stage? “So,
well… It’s her birthday… Gwen’s I mean.” He scratches his head,
Tommy actually releases me so I’m assuming I’m allowed to watch
this. “And for her birthday I got her a gift.” He looks me straight
in the eyes. “Come here Gwenny.”

I shake my head and take a step
back. There’s no way in hell I’m going up there.

Seconds later Tommy has my arm
and forces me towards the stage. Oh god.

My palms are sweating. What’s
he doing? “Are you crazy?” I hiss as Caleb tugs me up to his

For you,” he
responds into the microphone and a collective ‘aww’ can be

I’m in hell. “Stop it.”

She hates
being the centre of attention,” Caleb tells everyone like this
trait is adorable. I’m mortified. “So I’ll do this as quickly as

No sex on
the stage,” Tommy shouts making everyone laugh and me blush

Shut up,”
Caleb responds and looks at me. He turns me to face him and grips
my hands in his. “Marry me.”

Are you
fucking kidding me?” Sasha shrieks and my eyes go to her. “All of
the planning, all of the preparation and that’s how you’re going to
ask her? You’re hopeless.”

Ask me what?

Caleb’s eyes go wide and the
room goes silent. Did I miss something?

Fuck,” he
says and takes a step back. “Seriously?”

I blink in astonishment, “What?
Do I have something on my face?”

I ask you to
marry me and that’s all you have to say?”


I mean, what? He wants me to
marry him? “You want me to marry you?” I cry and take my own step
back. “But…”

You didn’t
hear me? How could you not hear me? I was standing right

I was too
busy thinking you wanted to have sex on the stage,” I mumble so
only he hears me. He laughs and pulls me into his arms.

So, will

I chew on my lip and nod
slightly, “Only if you let me off this stage.”

He smiles, it’s wide and
brilliant and his eyes glitter with happiness. “She said yes.”

There’s a roar of sound as
everyone screams together. Caleb lifts me and kisses me deeply. I
return it before pushing him away, blood bubbling in my cheeks.

Where’s the
ring?” Tommy shouts.

hell!” Caleb curses and sways a bit. “I have it, one second.” He
pulls a small box from his pocket and falls to one knee before me.
Oh dear god.

Will you
marry me?” He asks again. Why is he asking again?

I’ve already
said yes,” I laugh and watch as he places the ring on my slender
finger. It’s beautiful, gold with a single diamond. We can’t afford
much but if we were able to afford the most expensive of rings,
they wouldn’t even rival the beauty of this one. “I love

And I love

Ugh, cliché,
I hope you know you ruined this night for me,” Sasha pouts, slaps
Caleb upside the head and stomps away leaving us laughing in each
other’s arms.

I did mess
it up a bit,” Caleb admits, his body swaying again. “Dance with me

Kay,” I
agree. We don’t dance, however we do kiss… a lot.

I’m engaged.

Oh my god. I’m engaged!

I’m marrying the man of my

Three shots later I stand on a
wobbly chair and announce this to the entire room.

Caleb gives me two more shots
and an hour later I’m announcing it around his dick… in the privacy
of our bedroom.


I pace back and forth, my teeth
nibbling on my fingers. This isn’t happening. This can’t

I’m scheduled, I’m on time and
everything I own has a place. Caleb always says my body doesn’t
know how to be late for anything. He’s not wrong.

I’m back,”
Caleb charges through the door, panting like a dog.

I don’t hesitate to snatch the
plastic carrier bag from his hand and race him up the stairs,
shedding the bag on the way and the box. When I make it to the
toilet, all I hold is the stick.

seriously going to stand there and watch?” I quirk a brow at

BOOK: Broken (Broken #1)
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