Read Broken Online

Authors: Erica Stevens

Broken (4 page)

BOOK: Broken
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"I would probably be in the lead." He didn't say it with bravado; in fact his upper lip curled in displeasure.

"Do you mind if I ask why you would be in the lead?"

The horse he had ridden into the clearing lifted its head to watch them before returning to munch on the grass beneath its hooves. Atticus fell into step beside her as she lowered her skirts and began to walk through the woods. He'd just been asking if it was ok for him to join her and yet as they walked side by side it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

His head turned and tilted to the side as he studied her. "Are you unaware of the order of the aristocrats then?"

Genny laughed and went to push back a low hanging branch but his hand shot out before her and he shoved it out of the way before she could. The speed with which he had moved startled her and she took an odd little half step back that almost caused her to trip over her hem. His hand wrapped around her elbow to steady her. Even through the layers of cloth covering her, she could feel the heat of his palm as if it were actually his skin against hers.

"I know that the aristocrats are the oldest and purest bloodlines amongst us but I've never really paid attention to the lines," she said in a tone that was far more breathy than it had been moments before.

This man did the strangest things to her. She'd spent her entire life dealing with the fallout from one of Marie's disastrous relationships after another and taking care of Camille. She'd never had the time, or the inclination to notice men, and they'd barely stayed in one place long enough for her to get to know anyone. The few men she'd had the chance to speak with on more than one occasion had never shown much interest in her. She was the sister of Camille and they rarely looked at her twice, but she had to admit that she hadn't looked at many of them more than once either. She couldn't take her eyes away from him though.

"I can understand that." He continued to hold the branch aside for her as she stepped down a small incline. "I think I know far
much about them."

She stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Are the lines as old as some say?"

The branch slid back into place as he released it and moved to join her. She was tall for a female, at least a head taller than most, including Camille, but he made her feel small as he still had a good six or seven inches on her. Though he didn't seem to be aware of it, his hand rested upon her elbow again and he kept hold of it as they continued through the forest.

"I suppose some are even older than what you've heard."

"Truly?" She was unable to keep the awe from her voice. It must be an amazing thing to know how far ones line went, how old and pure their blood was. She had no idea of her history on her father's side. Marie was seventy-two, her grandmother was one hundred and fifty if she was still alive, and Marie's father would be one hundred, or so she had said once. Genny had never met either of her grandparents and Marie hadn't seen them since she was twenty years old. According to Marie, neither of them had known much about their own heritage as the vampires with lesser bloodlines rarely kept track of them. There really wasn't much of a reason to, and even if there had been a reason, many didn't know at least one of their parents, sometimes even both of them.

He smiled at her as he held back another branch aside for her. "Many of them go back thousands of years."

"Amazing," she murmured. "May I ask how far yours goes back?"

"To the beginning." Again his voice and tone didn't sound as if he was bragging, in fact he looked as if he had tasted something sour as he spoke the words.

Genny stopped walking as his words sank in. "To

He straightened his blue tunic and nodded briskly. "Yes. On my mother's side I am able to track my lineage back to the first vampire."

Genny didn't know much about the lines but she knew enough to understand what that meant. "You're of the last pure vampire line. The last of Lucifer's line?"

"If you believe that Lucifer is the one to have created us then yes, I am the
of the pure vampire line. At least until I have offspring."

She forced her mouth closed. "You don't believe it was Lucifer that created us?"

"I do actually. The legend of my mother's line is that after Lucifer created the first vampire, he created a woman vampire to keep him company and inflict more punishment upon the human race. My line is said to originate from that couple."

"And the aristocratic line originates from where?" she inquired.

"The aristocrats can trace their lines back to the first few humans that survived the change. Those turned humans then mated with each other, creating another pure vampire but one not as powerful as the original line."

"And us village vampires are from the lowly mating of a human and a vampire that produced a vampire offspring." This part was at least something she knew well.

He took hold of her arm and resumed their steady pace through the woods. "Of course it could all just be rumors started by my mother's line so that they could become a form of royalty amongst our kind. However, there is a reason why the vampires of my line are the most powerful amongst us and this legend would explain it."

Genny grappled to try and process everything he'd just told her as he stepped onto a boulder and helped her climb it. "So are they looking to you to be the next king?"

"I'm only just now being brought in on the meetings held amongst the nobles. They may consider me the prince of the bloodlines but I'm not ready to be a king. They all know it. I suppose one day they will look to me to fill the space."

"Most would sound more enthusiastic about that," she said as she lifted the heavy cloth of her tunic again to climb onto another boulder.

"I'm not most."

She lifted her head to find those clover eyes fixed on her. Something within his gaze seemed to be urging her to understand but she wasn't sure what it was that she was supposed to understand. That he was different from anyone she had ever known before was obvious, that he was different from the rest of their kind was something that she was just beginning to understand, but still she sensed it was more than that.

"You don't want it," she whispered with dawning comprehension.

"I don't want it," he confirmed.

"What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know."

He shook his head and went to turn away but he changed his mind and spun back to her. Genny froze when he took hold of the edges of her hood. He searched her face as he waited for her to tell him to stop, but she remained unmoving while he slid the hood away from her face. Mist still hung heavily in the air but the heaviest of the rain had stopped. She bit into her bottom lip as his fingers brushed over her cheeks and toward her hair.

Tugging her braid forward, he draped it over her shoulder. She was fascinated by his movements, entranced by the almost captivated look upon his face. No one had ever looked at her like all they wanted in the world was to kiss her, but that appeared to be exactly what he wanted to do as his eyes focused on her mouth. She was in over her head with him but she was going to have to become a stronger swimmer as she found herself lost to him. His fingers caused a shiver to go through her when they brushed over her lips and his eyes came back to hers.

As before, he seemed to be asking her permission but she wasn't sure it was even hers to give anymore. Her body seemed completely out of her control right now. It was the strangest sensation but not at all unpleasant. His eyes filled her vision as he bent over her and his lips pressed against hers. The earth dropped out from under her, she was tempted to grab him and pull him closer but just as tempted to push him away as confusion and need warred within her.

The kiss only lasted seconds but when he pulled his lips away from hers she could still feel the warmth of him against her, still feel the strange sensations he aroused within her. His eyes were latched onto hers as his mouth hovered just inches away from hers. She had to put some distance between them if she was going to have any chance of gathering her scattered thoughts. Taking a step away, she recalled too late that they were standing on a boulder.

Her foot slipped away into nothingness, her arms whirled in an attempt to keep her balance. Atticus leapt forward, grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her forward. She'd just been trying to get some distance from him but now she found herself brought up firmly against him. She couldn't help but marvel at how broad and solid his chest was as her forearms were pinned against it.

His hands slid briefly down her arms and over the wool of her mantle before slipping away. "Careful Genevieve, don't want you to get injured."

"Genny," she whispered when all other words failed her. "Please call me Genny."

A sexy smile curved his full lips. A twinkle in his eyes called for her to kiss him all over again, but that could prove even more treacherous than falling off this boulder. He was a nobleman, but even more than that, he was
nobleman. Even if he wasn't related to the last king, he was
prince amongst their people. Becoming entangled with him would only get her tossed aside one day; much like Marie had repeatedly been over the years. And the one thing she had always vowed to never do, was become was anything like Marie.


Atticus kept hold of her hand as she stepped off of the rock. She lifted the mud-coated hem of her mantle, holding it above the ground as they walked through a muddier patch of the forest. Her scent had been quite alluring but it was nowhere near as enticing as the feel of her skin against his. Without meaning to, he slid his thumb over the back of her supple hand. He realized he could become lost to her as his gaze moved to her full mouth.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye; a smile curved her mouth before she looked away again. He forced his attention away from her before he walked into a tree. "How old are you Genny?"

"I am twenty-two, what of you?"

"I just turned twenty-five. Is your family from France?" he inquired.

"My mother is; why do you ask?"

"Genevieve and Camille are French names."

She laughed as she dropped her skirts back down. "I never really thought about it, but I suppose they are. My mother came here before I was born, her name is Marie."

"And your father?"

"I never met my father."

"I see." He knew it wasn't unusual for vampires outside of the aristocracy not to know their entire family. Even inside the aristocracy it wasn't unusual for siblings to have different mothers or fathers. Most couples were originally joined for breeding purposes only, once they had accomplished their goal they often went their separate ways after. "Did she meet your father in England?"

"She did. From what she tells me he was a wealthy vampire that she only knew for about a month. She didn't know she was pregnant until after they had separated. Camille's father was also from England, or at least I'm pretty sure he was. There were so many men back then it was hard to keep them straight…" Her voice trailed off as she shook her head.

"And now?" he asked.

"Now she has been with Felix for the past six months."

"And Felix is?"

He didn't miss the flicker of scorn in her eyes before she covered it up. "Felix is the newest man to support her."

"And what of you and your sister?"

"We're almost to the town," she said abruptly.

He'd been so focused on her that he hadn't realized where they were heading until she spoke. The potent scent of livestock and manure filled his nostrils, in the distance he detected the jingling of a cowbell and the loud pitch of voices. Beneath it all though he could smell the enticing scent of blood and hear the sound of numerous heartbeats.

"A human village," he murmured.

"It is."

"Do you have to feed?"

She shook her head and held her fingers up before him; she wiggled them as she smiled at him. "
support my sister and I."

He glanced between her hand and the village just beyond the trees. "Do you come here to steal often?"

"As often as I can. If you don't want to come…"

"No, I'm coming." He kept hold of her hand as he pushed back another branch and held it aside for her to pass. They stepped onto the muddy dirt road about a half a mile away from the town. If anything, he could use some blood right now, being around her was arousing his hunger even more than what he was used to, but as he passed their first human he realized it wasn't their blood that he craved but

It was an unsettling realization, one that he'd never experienced before, but as he looked at the blue vein running just under the pale skin on the side of her neck, his fangs pricked and saliva filled his mouth. As a vampire this wasn't something he was supposed to experience, but in that moment he would have chosen her vein over any humans. Vampires didn't share blood with each other. He most certainly had
done it, but he still would have given anything for just a taste of her.

Unable to resist, he moved closer to her. She glanced questioningly up at him as his fingers slid over her cheek to wrap around her neck. With a gentle tug, he pulled her toward him and kissed her again. A small sound escaped her but she didn't fight against him. Her palm flattened against the place where his heart would have beat if he were human. He'd never once thought about the lack of a heartbeat within his chest but the instant his lips touched hers again, he had the sensation of his heart doing a brief kick against his ribs. He'd kissed many women over the course of his life but never once had he come close to experiencing the feeling of coming alive like he did when his mouth connected with hers.

Needing more of her, he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. Grasping hold of her chin with his thumb and forefinger, he nudged it open so that he could taste her. Her fingers jerked on his chest as his tongue slid past her teeth and into her mouth. She tasted sweeter than the blueberries he'd once picked and eaten out of curiosity as a child. His tongue stroked leisurely over hers as he relished in the delicious sensations that she aroused in him.

He'd never get enough of her. The thought hit him from out of nowhere but once it took hold he couldn't shake it free. It became as forceful as a tiger gripping hold of its prey. A low growl escaped him. He pressed her even closer and his fingers slid up to bury themselves in the hair at the base of her skull. Her fingers curled into his shirt, her tongue slid out to brush hesitatingly over his. His heart seemed to give that same strange beat again as electricity sizzled over his skin and the hair on his arms stood on end.

An outraged gasp sounded from nearby. It barely pierced his passion-induced haze as Genny opened her mouth even further to his invasion, allowing him to take further possession. Another gasp, followed by a shooing sound broke through to Genny though and she reluctantly pulled away from him. She tilted her head back to look up at him, her swollen lips curled into a smile.

She turned away from him and he followed her gaze to a group of human women standing nearby. The look on the women's faces clearly stated that they thought he and Genny were the lowest form of life. Atticus's hand tightened in Genny's hair as he instinctively took a step closer to her.
one was ever going to look at her in such a way if he had anything to say about it.

The women's eyes widened, they all took a step back before turning and hurrying away from them. Genny's bent head rested briefly against his chest before she looked up at him again. "The human race is amusing but they are extremely prudish about such silly things," she said.

"Hmm," he muttered but he was still fighting the urge to rip out the throat of every one of those judgmental women for looking at her like that.

"Come on," she said and stepped away from him.

She ignored the offended and gaping looks from everyone they passed for the next hundred feet but he glowered at all of them. Genny chuckled when the humans turned away from him hastily. The roads became increasingly cluttered as they drew closer to the crowded market area of the town. Chickens, dogs and sheep moved as freely through the throng as the people did. Men and women loudly shouted to the passersby as they hawked whatever wares they were selling. The rancid and feral smell of body odor and animals was overwhelming. The disheveled humans, who had dirt and manure streaking their skin and clothes, made his skin crawl as they jostled against him. Standing here now, he was acutely reminded of the reasons why he stayed away from the human villages, as the smells and sounds assaulted his acute senses.

The narrow street finally gave way to reveal a large clearing. More wooden carts were set up within the clearing but they were set up in a much more accessible circle. People moved more freely through here, the sounds were a little dimmer and he was able to walk without being forced against the unwashed masses. He could only imagine what diseases they might be spreading throughout these confined areas and he was extremely glad that he wasn't able to catch them.

The clanging of swords rang in his ears. His attention was drawn toward where two men were sparring in an arena set up at the edge of the clearing. Shouts of encouragement and groans of disappointment filled the air as the men battled in the increasing heat of the day. The clouds had parted; the sun now beat down upon them and dried the mud caking the roads. Being so close to humans and all the overwhelming scents was making him increasingly edgy. He jerked his arm back from a man that brushed against him and smiled to reveal a mouth that was missing most of its teeth. If humans weren't necessary for their survival, he never would have come into contact with them. As it was, he preferred his food clean, pretty, and willing in more ways than one. None of these people fit that description, the only one that did wasn't human.

His gaze drifted down to Genny as she continued to stroll through the crowd with relative ease. She was used to being here, this was how she survived in her world; this was who she was. The class distinctions between them were exceptionally broad but he found he didn't care about any of that as he watched her move. She deserved better than this.



"What?" he asked as he took an abrupt sidestep in order to avoid a steaming pile of manure.

Her eyes were sparkling when she tilted her head to look up at him. "I told you before call me Genny, I much prefer it."

Looking into her eyes, he realized he didn't care how many piles of manure he stepped in if she continued to smile at him like that. "Genny then."

He grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her toward him when a large man came barreling through the crowd and nearly collided with her. A rumble of warning made its way up his chest but the man didn't pay them any attention as he pushed people out of his way. "Humans," Atticus snickered as the man stopped before the bread cart and demanded two loaves.

"They are amusing to watch," she murmured and began to make her way through the crowd again. "They are very set in their ways and have such strange customs."

He laughed and went to take hold of her arm when another man brushed past her but faster than a human could blink, so fast that even
almost missed it, she slipped the money purse from the belt at the man's waist and slid it into the pocket of her mantle. She smiled at him and waved her fingers when she caught his incredulous look.

"They are also easy to take money from," she whispered.

Atticus stared at her as he tried to understand who and what she was. He couldn't imagine having to steal for money, wealth and privilege had always been a part of his life, but then that wealth had been pillaged from others centuries before he'd ever been born. Watching her now, he realized just how much of the world he'd never paid any attention to, never even thought about before.

"Do you do this often?"

"Whenever it's necessary," she said as she folded her hands into the sleeves of her mantle.

"Does no one take care of you?"

Her head shot up, her eyes narrowed upon him and she thrust her chin definitely out. There was fire in her raven eyes as she glared at him. "I don't need
one to take care of me."

He took hold of her arm and stopped walking. "How long have you been doing this for?"

"Since I was old enough to have to."

He brushed back a strand of her black hair as it blew across her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Your mother…"

"Don't," she whispered. "I've had it better than a lot of our kind living in the villages. My mother's not loving, she's not caring, but then most of us aren't, are we?"

"No, most of us aren't," he agreed as he trailed a finger down her velvety cheek. Most vampires were not caring creatures but as his fingers brushed over her bottom lip he realized that this was the most tender he'd ever been with someone else.

"But we have the capacity to be, if we so choose." Her lip began to tremble beneath his finger as her eyes searched his gaze.

"Do we?" he couldn't help but ask. He pulled his hand away and took hold of hers.

"I care for and love my sister." A wistful smile played across her lips before she took a step away from him.

"True," he agreed.

"Come." She tugged on his hand, pulling him further into the center of the circle of stalls. He followed her through the crowd toward a stall with bolts of cloth set out on top of it.

"Genny," the dowdy looking woman with gray hair standing behind the cart greeted. "So good to see you."

"You also Matilda," she replied as she pulled out one of the purses she had just stolen from inside her pocket and placed it on top of the cart. Matilda's chubby fingers were surprisingly nimble as she grabbed the purse and slipped it into her pocket. She glanced at Atticus questioningly before turning her attention back to Genny. "I will see you soon."

"Thank you," Matilda said. "Tell Camille I said hello and I hope to see her soon also."

"I will, maybe she'll come with me next time."

"That would be lovely," Matilda said and turned her attention to another woman that had approached the cart and was admiring the colorful array of cloth.

Genny turned away from Matilda and began to make her way through the crowd again. "What was that about?" he inquired.

"When I was eight, and in the Easton village, I used to go to the nearby human town to find money. Matilda caught me stealing from there." He dimly recalled that the Easton village had been a vampire village about forty miles from here. Vampires often rotated out of the villages scattered throughout the country, or even into other countries after five to eight years in order to avoid drawing unwelcome human attention to themselves. "I was much younger and slower then. Instead of turning me in, Matilda taught me how to be speedier and more subtle about it before I lost a hand for my crimes. How embarrassing would that have been?" She gave a little laugh. "It was humiliating enough that Matilda, a human, had caught me to begin with."

BOOK: Broken
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