Read Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella, #Brie

Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5) (8 page)

BOOK: Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5)
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The woman’s chilling scream was muffled by a gag. Brie dared to glance up momentarily and saw that the woman’s eyes had rolled back in her head. Brie looked back down at Rytsar’s heels, disturbed yet turned on by the scene.

The man did not slow down, mercilessly thrusting as the sub continued her muffled cries. It shouldn’t have been sexy, but Brie felt wetness between her legs. The girl’s willingness coupled with the man’s ruthless desire was strangely arousing to watch.

Brie could appreciate that when a sadist and a masochist got together, it was a fierce but sexually alluring dance.

She noticed Rytsar move away from the group of men and she obediently followed, still affected by the impassioned cries of the woman behind her. Rytsar led her to another section of the building, where a scene involving a stockade was in progress.

The sub was locked into the wooden device, but not in the normal kneeling position. She was facing upward in a pose much more difficult to hold. Brie instantly recognized the beauty of it for the Dom, because it left the sub’s pussy exposed for punishment.

“Higher and wider,” the burly Russian barked. Brie was surprised to hear English and had to fight off the urge to look up. She wondered if he was doing it for her benefit, as Rytsar’s guest.

She watched as the girl repositioned herself and lifted her pussy higher, her leg muscles straining with the effort. A flogger snapped across her mound, and the girl flinched. The strokes came faster and harder, reddening her pussy and thighs.

The sub’s legs began to quiver as she forced herself to stay in place to take the wicked lashing. When her hips dropped just a fraction, he stopped and commanded her to reposition before he started up again.

If the sub’s pussy hadn’t been so wet, Brie would have considered his play too ruthless. However, she could not deny that the girl was not only taking her Master’s punishment but enjoying it, based on the lustful expression on her face.

Rytsar had stated that he was confident he would be able to train her to enjoy the pain. Brie shuddered as the flogger fell again, desperately hoping he was right.

There was a knock on the wooden door. After a short exchange, a new man wearing a superior smile entered, followed by his cowering sub. She removed his coat first and then hung up her thin shawl next to it, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. He led her to the center of the room on a leash and jerked roughly on her chain. She obediently fell to her knees.

He barked a command in Russian.

Those near her moved to allow the girl room as she listlessly knelt and leaned forward until her ass was in the air with her cheek touching the stone floor. She grabbed her buttocks and pulled them apart to display herself to the men.

Rytsar’s full attention was focused on the Master, not the girl. He stepped back and put his hand on Brie’s shoulder. “Stay.”

As Rytsar approached the new visitor, he asked warmly, speaking in English, “What do we have here?”

The man grinned. “I have a slave in need of a Master. Notice how tight it is.” He pointed to the girl’s sex. “Sewed it myself. Makes for a more satisfying claiming.”

Rytsar stared at the girl’s pussy as if he were genuinely interested. Brie squirmed, not caring for his interest in the girl. It was painfully obvious the sub was very young. However, it wasn’t just her age that was disturbing. There was no expression of pride or joy on her face. The girl only conveyed resignation—and fear.

“Is she willingly compliant?” Rytsar asked.

The man stated proudly so everyone could hear, “Oh, it obeys flawlessly. Would even die for me if I asked.” As proof, he stepped on the girl’s face, pressing his thick-treaded boot into her cheek.

The girl didn’t move or make a sound, but when he pulled away she said, “Thank you, Master. Your pleasure is my pleasure.”

Rytsar snorted, unimpressed. “Is she only motivated by fear?”

“This one has grown to love me over the past several weeks,” the man declared, pulling on the leash. The girl stared up at him, her eyes communicating dread with a hint of longing.

Rytsar laughed amiably. “Survival instinct isn’t love, idiot.”

The man shrugged. “Who cares why it submits, as long as it obeys every command impeccably?”

Brie gasped when the man kicked his submissive hard in the ribs. The girl only grunted, returning to her position. “Thank you, Master. Your pleasure is my pleasure.”

The man smiled at Rytsar. “See? The perfect submissive.”

Rytsar walked around the girl, studying her carefully. “How long did it take to break her?”

“Wasn’t much of a fighter. Not long.”

Rytsar nodded as if he liked the answer. “So how much are you asking?”

The man’s triumphant smile sickened Brie as he explained to Rytsar, “I had to travel a distance to attain it, and then there was the training…”

“How much?” Rytsar repeated.

“For you?” The man grinned confidently as he leaned forward and whispered in Rytsar’s ear.

Rytsar immediately snapped his fingers, and one of his bodyguards came up, handing over a wallet stuffed with bills.

The girl’s Master held out his hand, a condescending smirk on his face as he anticipated what looked to be a healthy payment.

“Before I conclude our transaction, tell me how you acquired the girl. I want to know her history.”

“Simply an exchange student from Kazan.”

“And her given name?”

“What does it matter?” the man scoffed.

“I’ll pay you extra for the information.”

The man pulled out a small notebook and flipped through the pages. “Stephanie.”

The girl twitched but remained silent at his feet.

Rytsar looked down at her with a grave expression, then asked the man, “Do you feel any remorse for what you do?”

“What?” He looked at Rytsar as if he were joking. “I only provide what my comrades want.” He looked at the women chained to equipment around him and huffed. “It is no different. I do not see victims in the world, only opportunities. If it’s stupid enough to fall into my trap, it deserves its fate.”

Rytsar’s voice was deceptively pleasant. “I agree, comrade. If you are foolish enough to walk into a trap, you deserve no mercy.”

The man laughed, slapping Rytsar on the back. “

Rytsar handed the money back to his guard, looking down at the girl again. “I never play with a broken puppet. I find them disgusting, but the man who commands one is beneath contempt.”

The man snorted angrily. “What do I care what you think? I have thousands who would pay good money.”

“And each one is as vile as you.”

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,” the man snarled. “I refuse to waste any more time with you.” He called out to the others, “Who wants to bargain? You won’t be disappointed by its service.” He repeated himself in Russian when no one responded.

“A man without a soul endangers us all,” Rytsar stated coldly. Without warning, he hit the man with a sharp upper cut to the jaw, snapping his neck around severely. He crumpled to the floor like a ragdoll and did not move.

“No mercy,” Rytsar spat as he walked away.

He snapped his fingers, bloody from the impact, and two of his guards grabbed the man’s arms and started dragging the lifeless body towards the entrance.

The tension in the room began to rise and angry murmurings began as the shock of what had just happened began to sink in. Rytsar faced them, his eyes flashing as he shouted something in Russian to the crowd.

He turned to Brie, watching with satisfaction as his guards carted the man’s prostrate body away. “I refuse to condone human trafficking by standing idly by.” He glanced at the cowering girl, still spreading herself out for the men.

“Kneel,” he commanded as he walked up to her. The girl hesitantly got up from her display position and knelt at his feet, visibly shaking. He placed his hand on top of her head. “I am your protector. You are safe now.”

She let out a tiny gasp as tears fell down her cheeks, but she dared not look up at him.

No one moved or spoke as the minutes passed, the gravity of the situation hanging over them like a dark cloud. When the two guards returned, the severity of their faces confirmed that the man was dead. Brie noticed that Titov held the man’s notebook in his hand. She shivered, unsettled that Rytsar wielded that kind of power.

It made him far more dangerous.

He told Titov, “Look through the book. If you can’t find what you need, call our contact in Kazan to find out who she is. I want her family contacted and their flight arranged. Also, ready my surgeon. Those stiches are to be removed when you reach Moscow.” He looked the men in the eye, instructing them, “Both of you go. Don’t leave this one unattended—not for a second. They are fragile at this point.”

“Understood,” Titov answered gravely, picking up the whimpering girl from the ground and cradling her in his arms. Rytsar escorted them out, touching the young girl’s forehead before they left and whispering something to her. The girl turned back to stare at him as she was carried out the door, a look of blind adoration.

Rytsar called Brie to him. Her heart raced as she approached the Dom, her eyes riveted to the ground. He grasped the back of her neck with the same bloodied hand that had just killed a man, sending spine-tingling chills through her.

“We are done here,” he announced grimly.

The Dominants gathered around Rytsar and pounded their chests three times in unison. He nodded solemnly to them. Brie took it to mean what had happened would remain between them.

Once outside, Rytsar took a deep breath as he gazed up at the stars. Brie wondered what he was thinking, but was too shaken to speak. The remaining guard helped Brie with her coat and asked Rytsar, “Should I call for another vehicle?”

“No, we will walk,” Rytsar replied, starting forward.

Brie knew the cabin was a fair distance away, and the night air below freezing, but she did not offer any complaints as she attempted to match his stride. His guard followed them at a distance.

Walking silently on the dark country roads of Russia with Rytsar beside her was surreal. Brie had just witnessed a side of the Dom she’d never seen—never known existed—and although she felt completely safe beside him, there was now an element of danger that frightened her.

When she finally found courage, she asked, “Do you think the girl will be okay?”

Rytsar acted as if he hadn’t heard her. The crisp sound of their footsteps breaking through the icy snow filled the night air.

Eventually, however, he did speak. “It is a long, treacherous road. Some do not survive.”

“Why not?”

He spat on the ground, growling harshly under his breath. “They take their own lives,
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His tone stopped any further conversation. Brie had never seen Rytsar’s dark and brooding side, and found it impenetrable. They walked the remainder of the trip in silence. She wondered about his past and how he knew of such things.

To keep from irritating him with questions, Brie concentrated on the moon-bathed countryside, finding solace in the serene landscape. But when the warm light from the cabin cut through the trees, she squealed and started walking faster.

“Come, Rytsar,” she encouraged, breaking into a run. She jogged the last hundred yards, arriving at the cabin coughing out the frigid night air burning her lungs.

“That was foolish,” Rytsar scolded as he walked up to her, helping Brie out of her coat and boots once they were inside. “Bathe to warm yourself,” he ordered, smacking her hard on the ass as penance for her rashness.

She was grateful to see a glimmer of her old friend when she looked back at him. She escaped into the bathroom and spent a long time soaking in the tub as she tried to come to terms with what had happened. A man had been killed and a young girl rescued right in front of her very eyes…

After she toweled off and redressed, she went to find Rytsar, but stopped abruptly in the hallway.

He was seated in the main room, hunched over a single pillar candle as he lit it. His low voice drifted through the hallway as he whispered something in Russian and then stared at the flame, lost in thought.

Brie understood it was a private ritual and chose not to disturb him. Instead she tip-toed to the bedroom and took refuge under the heavy blankets, still unsettled by the evening’s events. Falling asleep proved impossible for her, but partway through the night Rytsar joined her.

He pulled Brie to him with his strong, muscular arms and held her tightly against him. His thoughts remained a million miles away, so Brie concentrated on slowing her breathing to help him relax. It took a while, but eventually his breath synced in time with hers and soon after he was snoring quietly in her ear.

It brought tears to Brie’s eyes when she heard it.

Whatever dark secrets Rytsar held, she would keep them safe. It was what Sir would want, and what her heart desired.

This Will Hurt

BOOK: Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5)
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