Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2)
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“Regardless of your opinion,
Rhonda, I am asking that you treat Miss Bennett and I as you would any D/s couple. You are not allowed to speak to her directly without my permission.”

“Fine,” she snapped. “But I demand your submissive leave the faculty lounge.”

“Fair enough,” Sir responded. Before commanding Brie to leave, he addressed Master Coen. “I did have a question for you.”

“Certainly,” Master Coen replied, moving across the room to join him.

“Would you be able to fashion an iron brand for me?”

“Not a problem. What is it you want?”

“The letter ‘T’, exactly an inch in height and half an inch wide.’”

Brie gasped.
A brand?

“That should be easy enough. How soon do you need it?”

Sir’s voice was pleasant when he answered. “There’s no rush.”

“Good, then I’ll start work on it after we get the new recruits settled in.”

“That should be fine.” Sir turned to Brie and said, “Téa, Ms. Clark is correct. Submissives normally stay in another room at the end of the hall to your left. I will collect you after our work here is concluded.”

She stole a glance at him when she answered, hoping to gain some insight
into the exchange he’d just had with Master Coen. “Yes, Master.”

The mischievous twinkle in his eyes let her know he had plans for that brand—and they most definitely included her. A chill coursed down her spine. Did he mean it as a warning or an honor?

Brie bowed to Sir before quietly leaving the room. She let out a huge sigh once the door was closed. She was concerned about Marquis’ absence, but it was the brand that had all of her attention. She had not forgotten the day Master Coen had convinced her he was going to brand her with the school logo. She shuddered, feeling quite certain that Sir was not into ‘mind fucks’ the way Master Coen was.

No, Sir had already warned her that everything he did had purpose. She didn’t believe for one second it was meant as a joke. There was a lesson there she was expected to learn. She shook off her trepidation as she pushed open the door to the new room.

To her surprise, Boa was sitting on a couch. He nodded at her. “Ah, it’s Brie. The sub who captured the headmaster. You have quite the reputation around the Center these days.”

“Good or bad?” she asked, sitting down on a lounge chair opposite him. The smell of food caused her to sneak a quick glance at the table laden with gourmet fare. It reminded her of her training nights. She was curious why so much food had been laid out when there were only two of them.

“It all depends on who you ask. Subs who were hoping to snag the headmaster themselves are quite pissed at you, but the rest of us are rather impressed. You’ve done the impossible.” He clapped his hands lightly in mock appreciation.

“You should know
that I was never so terrified in my life.”

“Ah, but for good reason. You dared to offer yourself in the face of certain failure.”

Brie didn’t care to relive that moment and was relieved when her stomach growled loudly. “Do you mind if I get myself something to eat?”

“Not at all.”

She got up and tried to be lady-like as she filled her plate with smaller portions than her hunger demanded. It was weird to be in the same room with Boa. They’d done a scene together—a very hot scene—and here they were, just talking like casual acquaintances.

Brie dropped her napkin and bent down to pick it up, completely forgetting her lack of panties.

“Damn…” Boa replied.

She quickly stood up and grabbed another napkin. She walked back to the seat feeling the heat of her blush when she noticed his large cock straining against the tight confines of his jeans.

“My Mistress will not be pleased if I have a hard-on when she comes to retrieve me.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled, taking a huge forkful of salad and looking towards the door.

“You can bet my Mistress is chuckling to herself right now, fully expecting to catch me with a stiffy so she can punish her randy sub. But I won’t let that happen.” He readjusted himself, pushing down on his massive cock as if it were a mischievous animal. “Tell me about your childhood,” he blurted. “Make it something sad.”

“Oh, um… sad
, you say?” Brie’s childhood had been fairly easy: good parents, stable family life, and excellent care because she was an only child. Although her parents had never had extra money, all of her needs were met. There was nothing notable about her childhood other than that horrible experience at school. “Well, I suppose I could tell you something I’ve shared with my trainers at the Center. When I was twelve, my family moved to a predominantly black neighborhood. I didn’t have any siblings, so I pretty much had to fend for myself.

“Most of the families were struggling to make ends meet, just like us. Looking back on it, I guess I became the token punching bag to release their frustrations on. The ring leader was Darius. I don’t know why he had it out for me, but just seeing my face upset him. He’d have his friends wait until I was off school grounds before they pounced. I told my teachers, but they just shrugged it off saying it wasn’t their problem because it wasn’t on school property.”

Brie growled under her breath. “He never played fair. There were always three or more. He’d hold me down while the girls kicked me in the gut.” She closed her eyes, lost in the feelings of helplessness it conjured up. “I didn’t tell my parents. My dad finally had a job and there was no way I was going to ruin it for him.” Brie opened her eyes, smiling sadly. “Darius was smart. The attacks always happened off school grounds and they never hit me in the face. I was able to hide the bruises.”

Boa looked down at his crotch. “It’s helping, please continue.”

Brie rolled her eyes, amazed that her life story was being used as an erection detractor. “Everything changed the day he used the needle…” Her breath came faster as she relived that day again. “He had me on the ground, pushing my face into the dirt and telling me to eat it. I refused. He spat in my face and ordered the others to hold me down. He looked around wildly until he spied a used needle lying by the fence. When I saw him going for it, I started to kick and scream. He picked it up and ordered them to turn me over onto my stomach. I was screaming bloody murder by the time he got close to me, so Darius ripped off my shoe and stuffed one of my socks in my mouth. ‘If you won’t eat the dirt then you must pay the price,’ he declared before he started stabbing me in the ass with the needle.”

Brie closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down before she continued. “The others suddenly got quiet and let me go—like they knew a line had been crossed. I guess I must have totally freaked out because I remember screaming hysterically and then the next thing I knew, I was standing in the principal’s office.”

She snorted in disgust. “You know what’s funny? At first, I wasn’t taken seriously. I was forced to pull down my panties in front of both the principal and vice principal to show them my wounds before they believed me. My parents were called and I was rushed to the emergency room for tests.”

Boa was now leaning forward, engrossed in her tale.

“I was too young to be worried about AIDS or all the other countless things the needle could have carried. No, you know what I was terrified of?”

He shook his head.

“My parents.” She smiled sadly. “It went down just as I feared. My dad quit his job. Mom and I lived in a shelter for over half a year while my dad searched for another one. He eventually found work in Nebraska and that’s where I stayed until I moved out here.”

Boa’s cock was completely flaccid by the time she finished—her work complete.

He tilted his head charmingly and surprised her by saying, “Everyone carries scars, Brie. I never forget that, especially when someone is being an ass towards me.”

Brie nodded, both Ms. Clark and Mary instantly coming to mind. “I think it’s only fair that you share your story, Boa.”

He looked down at her untouched plate. “I think you should eat first.”

While Brie was finishing up, Boa’s Mistress walked in. Her eyes went straight to his groin and a sly smile formed on her lips. “Good boy.”

He stood up and bowed to her. “What is your pleasure, Mistress?”

“We’re leaving.” When he walked up to her, the Domme caressed his flaccid cock
, making it flaccid no more. “Come, pet. I think playtime is in order.”

They left the room without acknowledging Brie. She smiled to herself, taking a bite of a ripe peach. Brie wiped the juices that rolled down her chin. It made her think of Boa
pleasing his Mistress. There was no doubt he was in for a treat, having passed his Mistress’s test.


Lea and the Subs


Brie sat alone in the room for a long time. She wondered what Sir was discussing with the trainers. Were they picking the new headmaster? She sighed, a fear nagging her; would there come a time when he resented the path his life
had taken the day she knelt at his feet?

She was grateful for the distraction when she heard a group of girls chattering in the hallway. They stopped at the door just before it swung wide open. All the chattering stopped the moment they saw Brie.

She smiled self-consciously, feeling embarrassed, until a familiar voice rang out. “Oh my gosh! What are
doing here?”

Lea broke through the small crowd and rushed at her. She grabbed onto Brie and they jumped around in circles like schoolgirls. Brie couldn’t stop smiling. It seemed like ages since she’d seen Lea, although it had only been a few days.

“You’re supposed to be pleasing your Master, girl. You have no business being here!”

“Sir was called in and he asked me to join him.”

One of the other girls huffed and the group moved as one to the table laden with food. Lea remained with Brie, bursting with numerous questions. “I wonder if Sir has special plans for you afterwards.” She poked Brie in the ribs.

Brie swatted her away. “As a matter of fact, he does.”

“Oh God, how is it, Brie? Having a Master… Sir, no less. I can’t even imagine!”

Suddenly the entire room became silent. Apparently everybody wanted to know. “Sir is…”
But she didn’t want to share her experiences with everyone else so she finished by saying, “I’m seriously in love with him, Lea.”

Her best friend squealed and hugged her again. “Every sub here wishes they were you, you know. Having the headmaster all to yourself… heck, I feel honored just to know you.” Lea got on her knees and went to kiss Brie’s feet.

Brie backed away, laughing. “Stop!”

An older
-looking sub interrupted their silliness. “I’ll be surprised if it lasts. Sir Davis was simply flattered by your youthful rashness.”

Lea picked herself up from the floor and chided the woman. “Don’t be like that, Rachael. Brie is one of the finest people I know, period. She and Sir are perfect for each other.” Lea
turned to Brie and smiled. “I knew it on that first day when he touched you. I felt the electricity between you, even then.”

Brie quickly changed the subject, not wanting her love life open for discussion. “So
, girl, what the heck are
doing here? I imagined you would take some time off before the new session started.”

“Heck no!
They are running us subbies through the paces. The Center has to make sure the Dominant training is top-notch. I’ve already had practice sessions with Baron and Tono.”

Brie caught her breath when Lea mentioned
Tono’s name. She wanted to ask Lea how he’d seemed, but did not feel comfortable asking in front of the other subs. “Did they put you through the wringer?” she joked lightly.

“Oh, yeah.
Baron teased me mercilessly with the swing. Had to beat me with a flogger to get my pussy to obey.” Lea grinned and whispered, “I kinda cheated.”

Brie laughed, imagining it in her head. “Did he complain what a difficult student you were?”

“No. But Master Night, the head trainer for the Dominant class, took me aside afterwards. He was less than amused.”

One of the other subs broke in. “Lea is always pushing the boundaries.”

Brie nodded, wrapping her arm around her high-spirited friend. “It’s one of the things I love most about her.”

Lea knew Brie well enough to know the question she could not ask. “As far as Tono,” she began. Brie tried to hide her interest by picking up and chewing on a stray carrot. “He showed me his style of Kinbaku yesterday. I must say, he is a gentle teacher.”

Brie looked into her eyes. “Yes, that is true.”

“I found him a bit preoccupied,” Lea continued, “but overall the experience was quite enjoyable.”

A curly-haired blonde sub spoke up. “God, when he tells you to breathe with him I just want to die!”

Brie quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear about their experiences with Tono. “So Lea, got any plans this weekend?”

Her face brightened up. “Why? Do you think we can get together? I would love that!”

“Yeah, I can show you my new crib. Maybe you can help me unpack my stuff.”

BOOK: Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2)
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