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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

Breaking Free (8 page)

BOOK: Breaking Free
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Devlin spoke directly to Fallon, “I hear you’ve met DeMarco.”

Fallon stiffened, her features slipped into a mask of utter hatred. “I have.”

Brody’s concern darkened his expression. He pulled Fallon closer. “You all right, Sugar?”

“Yeah.” Fallon nodded, barely

ven Devlin knew it was a lie. He heard about the curse DeMarco put on her. With a mage’s help, she had thrown off the dark spell. The curse was supposed to tear her apart until she gave in and followed DeMarco wherever he went. Somehow, she reversed it, and deflected it to him. Devlin suspected part of the liche decay was rolled into the backfired curse.

Devlin cleared his throat, but his voice was quiet.
“Our parents were the ones who helped cast the initial rituals for DeMarco to begin his transformation to becoming a liche. They never completed the rituals, leaving him in a half-state.”

“She wouldn’t,” Fallon whispered. “
Mom would have told me. She never said a word about the Dales.”

“She hoped you would never have to know
. She knew you would go after DeMarco and he can’t be easily killed. Dad left to protect you, me, and Mom. He believed we were safer split up than together.”

Fallon shook her head. “After everything she told me, why would she let him walk away? Why?”

“DeMarco needed the two of them to finish the ritual. Now that they’re gone, he needs us. Together they were a bigger target. Dad believed it was safer apart. Smaller targets and power diffused.”

snorted. “And how did you wind up in the Dales hands?”

“Shut up, Preston. You aren’t helping,” Fallon snapped.

Jamie glared daggers at the mage. Devlin almost felt bad for the guy. Whatever they had was over, but there was still something there. He didn’t like it either.

Attempting to break the tension, Devlin continued his explanation, “Dad took me to the UK. We were constantly moving, roaming, never staying anywhere for long. We were mostly okay until around twenty
years ago.” Devlin pushed his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. “He was going through one of his depressions after finding out Mom had passed. He was drinking, probably wasted, and got caught. I went to find him, but I’m no fighter. They easily took me too.”

“Wait, just fucking wait. My father was alive?”

He nodded, not sure he wanted to tell her all of it. She was the sort to risk everything and he wasn’t even sure if Dad was still alive, or worth saving at this point. The last time he saw him, Dad was in bad shape. His wounds weren’t healing regardless of what Devlin attempted, and the infection was bad. He was pretty sure his father was blocking the healing spells, hoping for freedom in death.

“He wouldn’t come back, Fallon. He wanted you safe. Other than
dreamwalking, his skills were more like yours.”

Fallon let out a short laugh. “Then why did she keep me? She could hardly stand what I do. Hell, how did she put up with him if that was the case? And why the fuck did she make him out to be a fairy tale? They would have been stronger together.”

“No. They were a bigger target together. DeMarco needed them precisely because their skill sets were nearly opposite. They could bridge gaps in magic other pairings couldn’t. Together they could do damn near anything. That’s why he needed the two of them specifically, and why you have been their target since they found you twenty years ago.”

Fallon barked a bitter laugh. “They’ve tried, but they haven’t found a way to contain me, and they won’t
.” She flinched at her own words. “But you can’t do what I can.”

She turned to Jamie. “You were right to bring him.”

Focused and all business, Fallon met his gaze. “Do you have any tattoos?”

“No, none.
The Dales have a theory about your wards though. They want to try skinning them from someone, see if the wards leave as well. I’m not opposed to a tattoo, but I don’t want to be their guinea pig if they find it.”

“Shit, so something
hidden.” A smirk lifted one corner of her lips. “Can you handle the needle? They won’t be able to see it.”

He nodded, though he didn’t believe it would do much good in the end. If they got their hands on him, they would find other means to break him into doing whatever they wanted. Fallon too. He’d seen the strongest break under DeMarco’s thumb. And with the life growing in Fallon’s womb, a mate, and her friends, he had a feeling it wouldn’t take much.

“I take it you’re on Jamie’s side.”

“On what topic?” Fallon asked with a raised brow.

He gave Jamie an apologetic look. “I don’t want to bring the Dales here. If I disappear, then they’ll follow me and leave you all alone. It’s safest for everyone.”

Fallon laughed out loud. “Uh, no. You really think she’s going
to let her mate go? And why the hell would you be so willing to walk away now? Right after you got here?”

He took a stuttered breath.
“I don’t want to, truly I don’t. It’s all I know. I’ve seen what they do, and I don’t want that for my mate, or for my sister. Not for anyone.” The lump in his throat prevented him from explaining further.

“I’ve taken DeMarco down before. I can do it again,” Fallon
insisted stubbornly.

“I don’t think you understand. He’s nearly full liche now
, and he’s desperate to finish the rituals. He can’t be killed. Not by you alone.”

took a heavy breath and pushed it out. “Fallon has the backing of the Silver Council and there are ways to take down a liche, even a full liche.” He gave Fallon a hard stare, then turned to Jamie. Pain flashing through his features before disappearing. “I’ll go to the archives for some research. Expect me back later today.” His eyes skated to Devlin. “And you, I have more questions, but I’ll ask them later, when I get you away from Jamie.”

“If you harm him, Preston,
I will carve you to pieces with my claws,” Jamie threatened.

A shiver travelled down
Devlin’s spine. It shouldn’t be such a turn on she was once again coming to his defense. He never had been a fighter and hadn’t thought he could appreciate one, but Jamie was everything he craved and more.




Once Fallon started the tattoo, Preston pulled Jamie into the hall
. He looked at her, shook his head, and then dragged her all the way outside. “How did you meet him?” he demanded.

Jamie glared back and jerked her arm away.
“My dream. He found me in my dreams. I need to find a way to make him stay. He stands a better chance with all of us than on his own.”

! Yeah.” Preston sighed. “You have a point.” He pushed his fingers through his dark hair. “His magic is all healing, has wards as strong as Fallon’s, and he has next to no offensive magic. That explains why he got stuck with the Dales, and is now their favorite tool.”

She huffed out her frustration and paced away. When she turned back
, her tone was full of bitterness, “You finally figured out Devlin didn’t choose to be a part of the Dales? That he’s not the fighter Fallon is? That his instinct is to heal, and they forced him to watch as they tortured people to get him to do what they wanted? Then, if there was anything left to save, they let him. Think about that for a damned minute before you get all pissy about where he spent the last twenty years. He was in his own personal hell.”

was still fuming, she couldn’t quite stop. There was likely steam coming out of her ears, and she didn’t give a flying fuck, because she needed Preston’s help and she would find a way to force him if it came down to it. He needed to get over his arrogance, and petty jealousy.

scrubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He finally nodded. “I’m an ass. You can’t blame me though. Devlin is infamous for protecting the Dales’ slaves with his wards. What the hell else was I supposed to think? I don’t want you in their hands. You don’t know what they’ll do to you.”

trust me, I know. I was right there with Fallon after Malachi…” She took a deep breath and released it slowly. She didn’t want to think about any of it. What they did to Jess was bad, but what that piece of shit Shadowstalker did to Fallon was worse. “Look, I get it. This means I’m in danger. So is everyone here. But you know what? Devlin is mine. That’s not changing. You know I protect my own.”

He nodded,
he was the one who showed up to investigate Stephen’s death after she called Leon in a panic. She hadn’t known many wolves at the time. Leon was a werejaguar, and the first person she thought to call. He brought Preston and that was the first time she met him. She nearly bit his head off, literally, when he started questioning Jess, who saved her life. Preston had understood and even kept their involvement in Stephen’s death a secret. He was well aware of what she was willing to do for those she cared about.

Preston touched her face. “All right. I trust you, and if you trust him, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I’ll go see what I can find.”

“Thank you,” she told him.

His head dipped in a nod before he turned to walk
toward the street. She could feel the pain, and her heart ached for him. Once again, she hoped like hell he found his one and only soon. He was ready and deserved happiness.


* * * *


“I’ll leave you two alone,” Brody offered sweetly.

Devlin gave her an uneasy smile
before turning to Brody. “Thank you, for giving me a chance.”

“Anytime,” Brody answered.

Fallon knew there was more to Devlin’s story, but she had a feeling he wasn’t ready to spill all the details. Still, he might tell her more if they were the only two in the room.

smiled up at Brody. “Can you keep Jamie busy? I should really talk to my brother.”

“You got it, S
ugar.” He turned to Devlin. “Pleasure to meet you.” Then Brody stepped into the hall and shut the door.

Fallon watched
, and as soon as the door shut, she put up wards to lock the sound in.

“So, twenty years with the Dales?”
she asked, her voice tight. She was nervous as hell for some reason. This was her brother, and she believed him. There were a million questions on the tip of her tongue, but she started simple.

He nodded.

“How did you survive?”

Closing his eyes, he
settled back in the seat. “They would torture Dad until I cooperated. When he was too weak, or messed up, they would use someone else. They wouldn’t let me heal them until I completed whatever task they had.” He rubbed at his chest.

From her experiences with the Dales, she could guess at the horrors he witnessed.
She wanted to scream at the unfairness of having a brother who went through hell, when she didn’t even know he existed. Not that she could do anything about it now.

She offered what words she could.
“I can’t imagine everything you went through. I won’t let them have you again.”

He made a broken sound.
“I know what Malachi made the mages do to you.” Devlin looked away. “They didn’t have to take things that far for me. Breaking me was easy. I don’t have your strength.”

She snorted. “Very few do. You did what you had to. If you want to talk, I’ll listen, but I won’t force it out of you. I get it. I wish I
had known because I would have come for you. Even before I knew we were related, I would have done anything for my friend.”

You couldn’t have gotten to me in Harewood. Their UK headquarters is a well-protected fortress. It’s not like the new or temporary sites they set up when trying to take over an area. They’ve been there for over a century.”

“You managed to get out,” she answered, a smile quirking her lips. “You may not be a fighter, but you found a way.”

He laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “Took me twenty years. It wasn’t easy. I crafted special warding.”

“What do you ward?” she asked softly.

“Jewelry.” He pointed to the chain across his neck. “They can no longer track me. Not even the Shadowstalkers who drank from me.”

“Nice,” Fallon grinned.
“That, I’m sure, comes in handy. I never thought about trying to block a blood-tie, but I don’t let vamps drink from me.”

“Wasn’t really a choice,” Devlin mumbled.

Changing the subject, her brow arched. “Can you work a blade?”

“Somewhat. Rarely have one in my hands anymore.”

“You could learn though?”

He nodded.

She set the tattoo gun aside and pulled one of her short mana-blades. Golden light shone from the intricate etching in the beautiful blade. His eyes went wide as he stared.

“If I gave you a design, I would need you to trace over it, and imbue it with some of your own wards. They work wonders.”

“A mana-blade?” Awe filled his expression.

“I could hide the ink the same way.
Once the piece is done, I’ll cast a special ward to keep all of it invisible to them, and you could still draw the blade.”

“Yes, please. I want to do more to protect Jamie. Especially
since I’m staying. I would go if I thought she would let me, but she’s mostly convinced me staying is better. There are only two things I want though. Both you and Jamie safe.”

Good—about staying. If you go off on your own, we won’t know you’re taken. If you stay, we can protect you, and you can protect us. Besides, I really want to get to know my brother.”

You do?”

“Hell yeah. I always wished
I had a brother. That you were him. You kept me sane when I was young. You made Mom’s fear of me more bearable.”

“She didn’t fear you. She worried you would fall into the Dales
’ hands and become a Blood Druid.”

Well, her fears were unfounded. You didn’t. I don’t sense that corruption on you. Besides, I had a good mentor, like me, who never became a Blood Druid either.”

“Gabriel? Is he still around?” Devlin asked, his eyes wide.

Her head dipped in a nod, and then she frowned. “He knew Dad. Did he know Dad was still alive?”

Devlin shrugged. “No clue. I know
Dad made it look like he died to keep you from finding out. Even at two, it was obvious you were the type to fight for what you believed and never give up.”

on half-laughed, shaking her head. “I’m going to have to ask Gabriel. He had to know something.” Her stomach dropped out at the thought. If he had kept something this big from her, then how much of what he’d told her was a lie?


* * * *


Brody followed Jamie and Preston’s scent. He stepped outside and found Jamie leaning against the wall, watching Preston walk away.

“You all right, Jamie?” he asked softly.

She nodded, but there was a sadness in her pale blue eyes. “It’s hard knowing I can’t do anything to help him. I can’t wait until Preston finds his woman. I’m so tired of watching him mope.”

Brody chuckled. “
Give him time, he’ll figure it out. Now, how are you doing with your new mate?”

Oh, dandy. Devlin seems to want to find any excuse to leave. I get it, but damn it, I don’t want him to go.”

I don’t think he’s leaving. He clearly doesn’t want to, but he believes you may be safer. But do you honestly believe Fallon is going to let her brother vanish? Do you really think she’d let him walk out of Edenton? She knows he’s safer here, with all of us, than out there alone.”

“I hope you
’re right.”

As for Preston, I promise he just needs time. I’ve had a lot of time to think and sort out the difference between love and true love. You know I was married once, right?”

“Yeah. Jess told me the story. I’m sure it was hard.”

“It was. Scary thing is, I would be a hell of a lot more wrecked if I lost Fallon. I loved Sarah, a part of me always will. But knowing what I know now, she wasn’t
the one
. Don’t get me wrong. I loved her with all my heart, but it wasn’t the same. She didn’t fill in the gaps and make me whole the same way. And then, when I became a wolf, she started to resent what I was. She was always picking a fight, no matter how much I tried to show her I was the same man. Sarah loved me, but a part of her hated the monster.”

“Which is ridiculous. You are nowhere near being a monster.”

He nodded sadly. “I know that.”

Jamie frowned. “You think Fallon and Devlin are going to be awhile?” Jamie asked, a curious glint in her eye.

Brody nodded.

“Good, let’s walk. I could use a
n iced tea, and I assume you won’t mind keeping me company. Maybe you can distract me by filling in the rest of the story.”

“Sounds good to me.” He nodded
toward the road and she started walking. They made their way to A Good Book.

smiled as they walked in. “Morning. What would you like, Jamie?”

She grinned, scratching her chin as she thought it through. “Let’s go with a passion tea.”

Nodding, Liz started the drink.

Brody and Jamie took seats at the bar. She gave him a
gentle look. “Well, go on. What do you mean it isn’t the same? I heard you mourned for four years, until Fallon
into your life. Sounds like what you felt was real.”

He grinned.
Brody literally crashed into Fallon’s motorcycle. She flipped his whole world upside down and pulled him out of his funk.

Jamie knew all about that, so he delved further back, into his past.
“I fell for Sarah the moment I met her. We moved fast, and it was real, but it wasn’t all-encompassing.” He frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. “It wasn’t the same as it is with Fallon. I know the mate thing moved our relationship along faster and harder with her, but I honestly believe I would have felt it without being a werewolf. We fit together in a way that makes sense.”

Jamie nodded.
“But things were good with Sarah? At least until your attack?”

“Like I said, they were great until I became a wolf,
but it wasn’t like I chose the life. What confuses me to this day is that she was a soldier, protecting her country when she died, but I was the bad guy for stepping in to save a man from being beaten to death. Sometimes I wonder if she would rather I had died than become a wolf.”

“Don’t say that. You were married. I’m sure she must have loved you.
You are the sweetest guy I know, and have so many awesome qualities, she’d be a fool not to have loved you.”

“I know she did, but I wasn’t meant for her.
Before Fallon showed up, I was worried I’d feel guilty about moving on, but I never did. It’s weird, especially after having such a hard time letting Sarah go.”

“But then Fallon walked in, and pulled you out of the past?” Jamie grinned. From the very first time she saw Brody,
which had been on Fallon’s arm, she knew they were made for each other. The bond was strong, their love stronger.

BOOK: Breaking Free
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