Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty (5 page)

BOOK: Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty
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“Close your eyes, Dusty.”

Dusty’s eyes felt like they were so wide that he wouldn’t be able to close them. But he tried, slowly lowering them again. He waited, hoping, praying, and crossing his fingers and his toes.

And there it was.

Dusty groaned loudly when he felt the gentle swipe of Alexander’s tongue lick at the seam of his lips.

Hot doggies!
Alexander Sheffield, the sexiest man ever to live, was kissing him. Dusty eagerly opened his mouth when he felt Alexander’s tongue press against his lips as if asking for acceptance. He’d accept anything the man did to him.

With bells on.

Dusty’s body began to shake when Alexander’s mouth slanted over him and the man’s tongue delved inside Dusty’s mouth, exploring, conquering. Oh, purple twinkies, could that man kiss. Dusty curled his toes when he felt Alexander’s hand fist in his hair.

Dusty’s body ached from the top of his head to his toes. He felt like he was one big orgasm waiting to happen. His cock was threatening to break through the seam of his jeans and erupt if the kiss continued too much longer. No one had ever kissed Dusty like this.

When Dusty felt Alexander’s hand press against his hard cock through his jeans, that was all she wrote. Dusty cried out and arched into the air, pressing his cock more firmly against Alexander’s hand, and gave freedom to the pleasure sweeping through him.

He’d be embarrassed that he had come from just a kiss later. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy the feeling of Alexander squeezing his cock over and over again as if the man was trying to prolong Dusty’s orgasm.

As reason slowly began to return to Dusty, and the spunk in his pants turned cold, horror began to fill Dusty at what he had just done. He felt the blood drain from his face as he tried to raise his eyes to meet Alexander’s, but he just didn’t have the courage. If he hadn’t lost his job because of his clumsiness, he had certainly lost it by getting off on his new boss.

“Oh, sir,” Dusty whispered as he tried to peel himself out of Alexander’s arms. “I am so sorry. I…I…”

“Quiet, Dusty.”

Dusty clamped his lips together as Alexander directed, but he refused to look at the man. He did, however, peek up at Alexander through the fall of his hair when the man stood to his feet.

“Stand up, Dusty.”

Dusty stood. He looked down at the floor.

“Finish packing, Dusty.”

Dusty’s eyes snapped up. “You still want me, sir?”

Alexander smiled, and oh, it was the sexiest smile Dusty had ever seen. When Alexander reached out a hand and curled it around the side of Dusty’s face, Dusty leaned into it.

“Yes, Dusty. I still want you.” Dusty almost moaned when Alexander’s hand dropped away. “Now, finish packing. I will be in the living room, and I expect you to finish packing with no more injuries, understood?”

Dusty couldn’t have stopped his grin if the world were on fire. “Yes, sir.”

He watched Mr. Sheffield leave the bathroom, and Dusty wasn’t above staring at the man’s fine butt. Damn, if the guy didn’t have the nicest ass in creased slacks. It was nice and firm and oh so—

“Finish packing, Dusty,” Alexander called out from the other room.

Right, packing.

Dusty grabbed his hair and twisted the strands quickly until he wore one long braid down his back, and then he wrapped a coated rubber band at the end. He really like his long hair, but sometimes it got in the way. And from the way his day was going, he needed to keep his hair from getting in his face.

Dusty didn’t need any more accidents.

He wasn’t sure if he should be thinking of Mr. Sheffield as Alexander, but he had come from just one kiss from the guy. That should constitute him calling Mr. Sheffield by his first name.

Even if it was only in his head.

He gathered the items from the medicine cabinet and then placed them in a small box. Looking around, Dusty saw that he had everything. He picked the box up and carefully opened the bathroom door, walking out into the living room. Alexander was looking out of Dusty’s window, his hands clasped behind his back.

Dusty stopped walking and stared at those hands. He remembered where they had been just a few short minutes ago. And damn if he didn’t want to feel them again. They were lithe, long, and strong. He wanted to feel them wrapped around his cock, jerking him off as Dusty sang to the skies.

“Are you done?” Alexander turned, and his lips slightly parted. He was staring at Dusty as if he had never seen him before.

Dusty turned and looked behind him, just to make sure he hadn’t caused some sort of catastrophe as he walked from the bathroom. “Is there something wrong, sir?” Dusty asked as he spun back around.

Alexander cleared his throat, waving toward the few boxes Dusty had stacked. “No, nothing at all.” But the man’s eyes went right back to staring at Dusty in that strange sort of way. Dusty shrugged as he sat the box down.

“I’m all done.”

“Very good,” Alexander said and then nodded at Symon. The driver picked up a few boxes and began to carry them to the door.

“I can help,” Dusty said and reached for a box.

“No,” Alexander nearly shouted as one hand went up, palm out. “Just stand right there. Symon can load the car.”

“But it’s just a few boxes, sir.”

“I know,” Alexander mumbled.

Dusty wasn’t sure what to think, so he turned around until he spotted Dizzy. She was sitting by the table, licking her paw. Dusty reached down and grabbed her, tucking the tabby in his arms.

“What about Larry? Is Symon going to carry Larry down, too?”

“Where is the fish tank?” Alexander asked.

Dusty pointed over by the window. “Right there.”

Alexander crossed the room and grabbed the small bowl, holding it at arm’s length like Larry was a man-eating piranha or something. Dusty snorted with laughter. “He won’t attack you, sir.”

One of Alexander’s brows slowly rose as he glanced at Dusty. “If he belongs to you, I’m not betting on that.”

This only made Dusty laugh harder, and then the small snorkeling began. He curled his lips in, wondering if Alexander was going to make fun of his laugh like every other person on earth had done.

Alexander smiled at him, and Dusty turned into a goober. His smile was from ear to ear as he watched the sparkle in Alexander’s eyes light up. Man, the guy was just amazing. Symon walked back in but didn’t say a word as Dusty and Alexander kept right on smiling. He felt like his world was lighting up with just that one small gesture.

Symon grabbed the last of the boxes and then headed back out of the door.

“I think we can leave now,” Alexander said as he carried the bowl toward the door. It was still at arm’s length, but Dusty knew Alexander wouldn’t drop Larry. The man didn’t seem like the accident-prone type. The guy walked with an ease that Dusty only wished he possessed.

Dusty closed the door behind him, carrying Dizzy tightly in his arms as he followed behind Alexander. When they got to the second floor, Dusty spotted Mrs. Jenson climbing the steps, grocery bags in hand.

“Hold Dizzy.” Dusty shoved his tabby cat in Alexander’s free arm as he hurried to take the bags from the elderly woman. He thought for a second Alexander was going to protest holding his cat, but the man didn’t say a word as Dusty walked the bags to Mrs. Jenson’s door.

“Have you talked to anyone about putting you on the ground floor, Mrs. Jenson?” Dusty asked as he waited for the lady to fish her keys from her straw purse and unlock the door. “It would be much easier for you.”

“For the hundredth time, Dusty, no. I like where I’m at. I’ve lived in this apartment for ten years. I don’t want to move.” She patted his cheek and then pushed the door open. Dusty sighed. He hated to see her struggle when she didn’t have to. But he understood, somewhat. He placed the bags on her kitchen table and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“I’m moving away, Mrs. Jenson. Make sure you call Tommy when you need something done around the house. I won’t be here to help.”

Tommy was Mrs. Jenson’s grandson, and he helped her as much as he could. Dusty helped when Tommy couldn’t make it over.

“I will, dear. Are you moving in with that handsome young man in the hallway?” She snickered as she began to unpack her groceries.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m his personal assistant.”

Mrs. Jenson’s eyes widened, and then a smile appeared on her withered face. “Very good, Dusty. I always knew you were meant for greater things.”


Dusty turned when he heard Alexander call his name. His new boss was standing in the doorway, still holding the bowl at arm’s length, but Dizzy was crawling behind Alexander’s shoulders. “We need to get moving.”

Alexander didn’t look happy as he turned his head to scowl at Dizzy.

“Right, sir.” He patted Mrs. Jenson’s shoulder and then bid his farewell as he plucked Dizzy from Alexander’s shoulders and then winced when her claws got stuck in the man’s shirt.

“Carefully, Dusty,” Alexander said as Dusty carefully freed the cat.

“Sorry, sir.” He walked out of Mrs. Jenson’s apartment and headed for the car, thankfully getting into no accidents along the way. Maybe there was hope for him yet.


Chapter 6

Alexander breathed a sigh of relief as he walked into his condo. There had been no incident with Dusty in the car, or on the elevator going up. Now if he could settle the small man in without Dusty breaking anything, he would be a happy man.

“Here is your room,” Alexander said as he opened the spare bedroom and waved Dusty in. “Feel free to look around while I arrange for dinner.”

It was late, and Alexander needed to get his reports finished if he wanted to play with Dusty.

“Arrange for dinner, sir?” Dusty asked as he sat Dizzy down on the floor.

“Yes, I use a very fine restaurant down the street that delivers.” Alexander set the fishbowl on the dresser and walked from Dusty’s room. “Shower, and meet me in the kitchen.”

“Yes, sir.” Dusty glanced around and then headed toward the bathroom.

Alexander left the young man to his own devices and prayed that Dusty couldn’t get hurt as he showered. He went to use the house phone to call in their dinners and realized that he had forgotten to ask Dusty what he preferred to eat.

Alexander walked back into Dusty’s room and stopped short. Standing there in all his naked glory was Dusty. The long braid down his back only made Alexander want to moan. When he had seen Dusty come from his bathroom at his apartment, hair tied back, Alexander damn near came in his pants.

The deep chestnut hair was stunning, but seeing it tied back was just as sensual, if not more so. Alexander had an urge to walk over and twist the long lock of hair around his hand and give it a tug.

“Did you need something, sir?”

He needed Dusty on his knees, sucking Alexander’s cock. “What would you like to eat?” Damn, Alexander was hard-pressed not to stare at Dusty’s exposed groin. There was a light smattering of hair surrounding the cock, but not too much, as if the man kept it trimmed down. The hair around Dusty’s cock was a deep brown, matching the hair on his head. He suppressed the urge to swallow at the sight.

BOOK: Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty
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