Read Branndon Jr. Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Branndon Jr. (6 page)

BOOK: Branndon Jr.
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still hurt, too?” asked Brody.

when I laugh.”

not such a bad thing.”

threw his arms around Brody and hugged him. “You know, it’s great having
another brother.”

it’s great to have not only one, but two at the very same time. Oh, and you do
know you’re going to need a date for the wedding, right?”

he knew that. He hated going solo … Susanne, no, Susanne would be the last
woman who’d want to go with him.


Chapter Six


had dropped both Branndon and April back at the house. Big Branndon as he was
now fondly known, and his wife Betty, were visiting, so she took the
opportunity to let them babysit while she drove to the neighboring town of
Grantsville. Why there? She knew that Betty’s niece, Katy, ran the town’s sex
toy shop.

had Susanne thought she’d need something other than a man to take care of her
sexual needs, but she’d never lived under the same roof as Branndon before.
After last night’s stupid mistake and getting herself all worked up in the
process, she knew if she didn’t buy a vibrator and soon, she might end up being
taken away in a straightjacket.

parked her car and exited just as snow started to swirl around. She looked up
in the sky. It was full of the white stuff and she hoped she’d get home before
the snow picked up intensity. Katy’s store was on the corner of Main Street,
and really couldn’t be missed with its rather risqué lettering on the door,
Yes we’re open so
cum in.

glanced around the street hoping no one she knew saw her venturing in there.
The sound of a woman having an orgasm echoed throughout the store as she
stepped inside and she realized Katy had probably installed it rather than a
plain-sounding bell. Susanne was already looking forward to meeting her.

Can I help you find anything in particular?” asked a dark-haired, young woman
stepping out from one of the back rooms.

you Katy?”


Susanne. I’m the live-in nurse who’s taking care of your aunt’s step-son.”

yes. I heard Betty’s husband had hired someone.” Katy stepped out from behind
the counter. “It’s great to meet you.”


what can I help you find?” asked Katy.

Susanne couldn’t bring herself to say it.

okay, Susanne. Women get tongue tied all the time when they first walk in

need a vibrator.” There, it was out there in the universe so it was official.
Susanne Barclay needed a sex toy to get her groove on.

come to the rest place because I carry a wide range of them. If you want to
take a look they’re grouped together in one display.”

felt herself coloring up the instant she saw them. Some looking like lipstick
cases while the others resembled actual dicks.

take it you’ve never used one before,” Katy said, opening up the display case.


you,” she said. “So is the sudden need anything to do with Branndon? I know as
a married woman, I shouldn’t be saying it, but he’s got the sort of personality
that gets a woman’s attention.”

Shit, she was speechless.

okay, I’ve been there, too. My husband, Cash, was the most difficult guy to get
into bed the first time and then after that, well, goodbye vibrator.”

swallowed. She knew she was getting redder in the face by the second. “Do you
have one that wouldn’t make any noise at all?”

really, but this one here is about the quietest of the bunch.”

pointed to it and it reminded Susanne of a pink banana and the thought of using
it suddenly depressed her.

I was you, I’d go with this one,” she said, pulling down a huge-looking, purple
one from the top of the display. “It has a special attachment you use on your clit
for double the pleasure so it’s a favorite with my customers. And if you put it
under the bedcovers no one should hear it.”


yeah, lots of my customer say it’s a discreet and thrilling vibrator.”

take it,” said Susanne.

said Katy, taking one of the boxes from the shelf. “Anything else you need
while you’re here. Maybe some condoms just in case?”

and Branndon would not be having sex, so that was the last thing she needed. “I
think that should take care of everything.”

followed Katy to the register where she saw a photo of a cute baby in a frame
hanging on the wall behind it.

baby?” asked Susanne.

Gracie Anne Doyle.”

so pretty.”

you have a little girl, too, right?”

nodded. “April, who I can’t believe just started kindergarten. Seems like only
yesterday she was Gracie’s size.”

sometimes wish Gracie would stay this age forever.”

wrapped the vibrator in thankfully discreet brown paper, and put Susanne’s
credit card through the scanner.

in town to do some shopping?” asked Katy.

I have to get back because your aunt and Branndon Sr. are babysitting both
April and Branndon Jr.”

laughed and slid Susanne’s credit card back to her. “Next time you’re coming to
town let me know and we’ll go grab some coffee.”

like that.”

you enjoy the you-know-what,” said Katy, winking.

hoped so, too.


reason that Branndon had stayed single for so long was that the opposite sex
were strange creatures that he could never fully understand. Just when he
thought he’d cleared up all misunderstandings with them, they started acting
weird again. Ever since Susanne had come back from her errand-running trip to
Grantsville, well, that’s what she’d called it, she’d been acting like a crazy
person. Jumpy, too, like she was hiding something. Maybe she had a boyfriend in
Grantsville. Not that it was any of his business and so much the better because
he’d know she was off limits to him.

looked up from the magazine he’d been reading. When she’d returned from taking
April to the school bus, she’d insisted that he sit and rest in the living
room. She’d turned the TV on, pumped up the volume to an almost intolerable
level and gone straight to her bedroom and closed the door. Susanne was up to
something and he was curious enough to what to find out what.

TV and its volume level was clue number one. Was she talking to someone in
there? Talking about him maybe? Nah, he was getting paranoid now.

reached for the remote control and turned down the volume. Nothing but silence,
but then he thought he detected some sort of humming noise. Getting more
curious, he stood and made his way into the hallway and down to Susanne’s room.
The humming sound was getting louder the closer he got. It was definitely
coming from her room. He stood outside, putting his ear flat against the wood,
hoping she didn’t choose that moment to open it and he’d fall inside the room
and look like a complete dick.

listened carefully. The humming was constant. What a minute, it couldn’t be
could it?

was using a vibrator?

almost turned around and left, thinking everyone deserved their privacy when
they were in the middle of some self-pleasuring, but then he heard Susanne
groaning. Shit, that sounded so sexy, so come and get me.

was obvious she was reaching her climax and he wanted to burst into the room,
take that damn vibrator away from her and put his cock inside her and finish
the job. He turned harder each second he stood outside her room listening to
her groans. Suddenly she cried out, producing almost a squeak. It was sexy,
cute, and it made him laugh.

what if she heard him and knew he was outside her door?

fuck. He turned to exit swiftly, forgetting the hallway had one of the nosiest
floorboards in his house. He’d foolishly trodden on it.

she was going to know he’d been snooping outside.


Chapter Seven


the bliss the vibrator had brought her, and being lost in the moment, Susanne
had heard
that laugh.
The sort that
could only be made by Branndon. She’d heard it so many times before at school
that she’d recognize it anywhere. And not even a deaf person could have missed
the squeaking floorboard outside the door.

been standing there all the time she’d been using the vibrator. He’d no doubt
even heard her come. She’d always been vocal when she reached her orgasm. Now she’d
be more embarrassed when she faced him. She turned over, thinking that the
vibrator would have taken care of her needs. It had in one way, but it wasn’t
like having a man to hold her after. Someone to spoon and cuddle with, post
sex. She now wanted Branndon more than ever. Would he be all warm and cuddly
after sex? Guess she’d never know.

have to drag her ass out of the room and face him, knowing what he knew,
knowing what’s he’d heard.
Please don’t
let him have that grin on his face. That’s all I ask.

much for the blankets masking the sound. Well, she had turned the thing up to
full speed half way through her rendezvous with it. It was at that point she’d
thought of nothing else but Branndon. She lay there visualizing his face and
his body. Naked and moving over her as they made mad, passionate love.

stood, closing off any more vivid thoughts of the man she’d been hired to look

Go out there and
face the music.

walked into the hallway and then stopped. She knew she would color up the
second she saw him. She whistled as she walked toward the kitchen. She didn’t
see him anywhere. Maybe he’d gone out to the stables. Susanne headed to the
sink and began to rinse the dishes. She didn’t hear him creep up behind her
until she felt his arms snake around her and then his mouth on the side of her

you’re looking for some pleasure, I’m pretty good at dishing that out.”

never heard him speak in a whisper like this before. Sexy with a dash of sheer
kindness thrown in. She smelled his aftershave and the thought of him bringing
her pleasure made her wet and her pussy pull.

don’t want to embarrass you. That’s not my intent, Susanne. I’ve outgrown that,
but I’m not going to pretend I didn’t hear what you were doing in the bedroom.”

hot breath tickled her earlobe.

slowly turned around and looked Branndon straight in the eye. He hadn’t shaved
today and he looked rugged with a layer of stubble and those knock-a-girl-off-her-feet
blue eyes of his.

placed her hands either side of his face, remembering they still might be a tad
damp from the washing up, but hoping he didn’t mind.

been worked up sexually since I came to live here with you. I know it’s wrong,
you’re my patient and…”

hadn’t let her finish, hadn’t let her explain because his lips were on hers
shutting her up. Today there was no lingering scent of another woman on him. It
was all Branndon in his full male glory. Unlike the other evening, today she
opened her mouth to him, letting him slip his tongue over her bottom lip and
tickle the inside of her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, thinking
how many times she’d fantasied about this very scenario when they’d been young,
doubting it would ever come true. It now had. Or maybe she was dreaming. Didn’t
feel like a dream. Her pussy and breasts had never felt like this in any dream.
They ached and pulled, and this kiss felt very real.

erection nudged against her belly as his hand slipped down the back of her
sweatpants and rested on her butt. He pulled her in closer so she was almost
riding his hard-on. She rubbed against it, exciting her clit in the process. He
let his hand roam over her ass cheek. It was big and strong, and she creamed
thinking about having him inside her. She didn’t know why but she glanced up at
the clock. Oh no, her baby girl.

pulled away, hoping he wasn’t in the least bit offended.

I have to go pick up April.”

stepped away. “Sure, but I think we need to continue what we started here.”

kissed him. “I think we do and let’s find a way.”

picked up her keys and headed out of the door, pulling on her coat in the


watched Susanne get in her car and drive away. They’d have to find a way today,
in the next couple of hours in fact, because he hadn’t had sex in a long time,
and Susanne was all he could think about.

would be home and they could hardly retreat to a bedroom and fuck while there
was a child around.

Branndon picked
up the phone and dialed his brother’s number. It rang and rang and he thought
it would go to his voicemail but finally he answered.

Branndon. How you doing?”

so good.”

come? I thought you were on the mend.”

am, but I need to have sex and to cut a story real short, do you think you
could come over and take April out into the stables, maybe ride a horse with
her or something?”

as in Susanne’s kid?”

that April.”

can’t Susanne? What a minute, it’s Susanne you want to fuck, right?”

you do it?”

not that great with kids.”

a hell of a lot better than I am and I’ve been doing okay with April. She’s a
neat kid once you get to know her.”

better make it worth my while.”

pack of your favorite beer and a meal at the Wagon Wheel, how’s that?”

getting close to me saying yes.”

I’ll babysit your kids … when you have them.”

going to do this, but just this once. Next time you want to make out with a
child’s mother call in a professional babysitter.”

are the best little brother a guy could have.”


Susanne had picked up April from the bus and driven back to Branndon’s place,
she thought of every excuse in the book not to have sex with him. But once she
saw him, found out that he’d arranged for his brother to take April riding and
then they’d groom the horses together, she realized it was now or never.

had been her dream, her young girl’s fantasy to make love to Branndon Mckinney.
How many girls could say they’d actually lived out the scenario that had played
out in their mind?

shut his bedroom door and pulled her in close. Soon their mouths married up and
his tongue was sliding over her lower lip. He’d already taken off his shirt and
his muscular chest pushed against her breasts, making them ache for his touch.

you have condoms?” she asked. “Because I can’t have sex without them.” She
hoped it didn’t spoil the moment, but she didn’t want either of them getting
themselves worked up into a frenzy and only to find out they had no protection.

never without them,” he whispered.

ran her hands over his chest, outlining each one of his well-defined muscles
with her fingers. She went lower, putting her hands on his crotch, loving the
feel of his erection straining against them and his jeans. She was about to
unbuckle his belt when he stopped her. Had she done something wrong?

let’s get you undressed first.”

No one had ever called her that name before. She liked it. Liked it even more
because it had come from Branndon’s mouth.

raised her arms as he lifted up her sweater and simply tossed it on the floor
before turning his attention to the clasp on the back of her bra. He released
it and soon he was peeling it from her breasts.

hit them, exciting them, but not has much as Branndon’s fingers running across
their nipples. She drew in her breath as he rubbed them between his finger and

remembered when she’d never thought she’d have volumpious breasts like the
others girls in the locker rooms at school. The other girls had told her hers
looked like nothing more than bad mosquito bites. Then she’d turned
twenty-five, had finished nursing school, and suddenly she was curvy. Late
bloomer, her aunt had said.

leaned over and kissed the top of each of her breasts. She closed her eyes,
still wondering if she was dreaming. She opened them to see him looking
straight at her before he ran his hands down her belly, stopping at the
waistband of her pants so he could pop open the button. He continued to look
her in the eye as he pulled down the zipper and separated the two sides of the
material apart.

got down on his knees and pulled the pants down her legs, before lifting his
hands up and running them over the front of her lace panties. At least she’d
had the good sense to wear her prettiest pair today. He stood and kissed her
before pulling away and saying, “I’d love to take this slow, but I’m in a hurry
to get inside you.”

hearing that, listening to the huskiness of his voice as he spoke those words,
made her wet and hot, and she almost begged him to get her panties off her

put his hands behind her back, grabbed the waistband on them and gently pulled
them over her butt, down her thighs, and then slowly to her ankles. She kicked
them and her pants away, freeing her legs, wanting to spread them so he could
lavish her with all sorts of erotic touches.

was almost as if he could read her mind because the next thing she knew, his
fingers were gliding through her curls, finding her clit in record time. He
caressed it, teasing it in a such a way that it throbbed and ached, and not
even the little attachment on that vibrator had been this good.

kissed her as he continued to work on it, making her move her feet and fidget,
knowing she wanted to come, but at the same time, wanting this moment to last
for eternity.

finally gave in and groaned against his lips, soon feeling his finger circling
her entrance and then he slid it inside her.

I need to be in here so bad,” he whispered against the nape of her neck. She
couldn’t wait much longer either and this time he didn’t protest or stop her
when she slid open his belt buckle and pulled down his flies. He wiggled out of
his jeans as his cock strained against his boxers. With one fluid movement,
both of them were off his body and they stood naked facing one another.

thing he did next, took her by surprise. He lifted her up. She wanted to stop
him because he still wasn’t supposed to lift anything heavier than twenty
pounds, but he had her on the bed ASAP. He reached over for a foil package and in
no time, he’d torn it open and had sheathed himself. Branndon gently parted her
legs and got in between them.

this has all been so fast but next time, I’m going to lavish more loving on

time, this time … he was inside her, moving slowly at first and then picking up

high school, how many nights had she lay in her bed, dreaming and imagining him
doing this, feeling sick to her stomach of the thought of him having sex with
some other girl, maybe one who’d been mean to Susanne.

mustn’t think about that now. Just that she was the lucky girl this time
around. Branndon Mckinney was making love to her.

closed her eyes, hearing his breath draw in and match the pace of his thrusts.
She brought her legs up, crossed her ankles and placed them on his butt. His
dick slipped deeper, hitting another part of her pussy walls that made her
groan. So much better than the damn vibrator. She flexed her toes and let her
pussy relax, knowing she was minutes away from an orgasm. Susanne held his
arms, finding her release and calling out his name when she came.

breathing became labored as he put his mouth close to her ear. He pounded inside
her until he found his release.

best thing was he stayed inside her.

have the cutest little voice that squeaks when you come,” he said before
kissing her on the nose.


one ever mentioned it before?”

shook her head. “Maybe no one’s made me come like this before,” she said.

BOOK: Branndon Jr.
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