Boys in Season (Boys In... Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Boys in Season (Boys In... Book 2)
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“Angry?” Seb’s laugh was a little shaky. “I’ve wanted
since you first turned those icy baby blues on me when I lurched in late for another of our get-togethers, and told me I was a waste of everyone’s time.”

“I never said that. It doesn’t sound like my phrasing at all.”

Seb grinned at him. “You’re too literal. Maybe I paraphrased. You know how serious you look when you frown like that?” He leaned forward as if to kiss Jamie between the brows, but dropped his head down to Jamie’s mouth instead.

Jamie kissed back. Daringly, he ran a hand down Seb’s back and over his arse, his fingertips brushing at the crease of Seb’s jeans, just underneath his left buttock.

Seb jerked against him, and sucked in a ragged breath. “Any more of that, man, and I’ll roll over and play ‘dead’ like the best kind of pet.”

“You like that?”
A lucky guess
, Jamie thought with delight, and squeezed again. Seb felt good under his grasp and tasty on his lips. When and how had he deserved
Christmas present?

Seb’s laugh was breathless, his arms wrapped around Jamie’s body by now. “Yeah, I like it. I like all of it.”

Jamie looked into Seb’s dark pupils and felt like he stepped into quicksand. “So what’s happening here?”

“We forgot to fight?” Seb muttered.

Jamie shrugged. “More than that. We worked together. We talked. We discovered things we didn’t know before—”

“No, that’s a lie, we knew them already,” Seb interrupted, with some of his earlier belligerence. “We just didn’t admit them.”

“Must be the Christmas seasonal spirit.” Jamie had felt unusual ever since the evening started, ever since he arrived at Harry’s and Seb wasn’t there, filling him with a strange and angry disappointment. Then the ridiculous Secret Santa gifts, and the argument, and the cranberry, and Seb’s hot, hungry eyes… He drew another breath, his mouth ghosting in the air in front of Seb’s, reaching for another touch.

Luckily, Seb was an obedient “pet” for things like that, because he returned the favour very eagerly, with a greedy, open-mouthed, full-of-tongue kiss. Jamie held on to him as long as he thought was decent after what was, after all, only one of their first intimacies. Then he held on some more for the delight and the hell of it.

“So tell me.” Jamie pulled back and gazed at Seb, fascinated by the glistening saliva on Seb’s lips. “Are they icy now?”

“Your eyes?” Seb made the pretence of considering it. Jamie pressed even closer, so his hip rubbed against Seb’s and his knee nudged between Seb’s thighs. Seb seemed to respond well to Jamie’s boldness, and—Jamie couldn’t help noticing—so did Seb’s blatant erection. Seb tightened his fingers on the material of Jamie’s sleeve and moaned very softly. “I’d say they’re at just the right temperature.”

Jamie tilted his head, licked his lips, and nudged his jaw against Seb’s cheek. “Any chance of you remembering what we were arguing about in the first place?”

Seb shook his head, looking a little dazed. “How the hell am I meant to remember anything, even my own name? When you let loose like this…”

Jamie brushed his lips lightly over Seb’s ear and the other man shuddered.

“Just wanted you to notice me,” Seb whispered. “Even the fighting did that. It’s something rather than nothing.”

Jamie licked over the faint remaining smear of cranberry chutney on Seb’s nose, his tongue slick and swift, lapping at Seb’s hot skin. His breath was shortening and he could hear himself panting. “You stupid man. I always notice you. And
is something instead. Something you deserve.” He nipped mischievously at Seb’s earlobe.

Seb’s laugh was astonished and breathless. He slid a hand around Jamie’s waist and pulled him sharply in against him. He twisted his head and captured more kisses. Jamie could taste the chutney in their mouths, and feel the damp heat of Seb’s palms on him. The kitchen was warm from the oven and full of the delicious aromas of cooking, everything teasing his nostrils. He could feel the flaring desire between them, weakening his knees like he was a teenager all over again.

“Good technique, you said I had. Creative in the kitchen, too.” He pushed his leg between Seb’s thighs, forcing them apart. Seb growled in the back of his throat again and nipped at Jamie’s lower lip. Jamie kissed him back, harder, his mouth fierce, his tongue flickering against Seb’s, taking the kiss, forcing it, demanding it.

Seemed Seb loved to be challenged; Jamie felt the swelling in Seb’s groin, reacting to the rough play. Jamie wanted more—
more—but how did Seb feel? “This is mad,” he gasped. “Right? We were arguing. We were cooking. Now we’re…”

“Not,” Seb said. He kissed Jamie once more, then leaned back. “Look, I understand, and we don’t have to…” Jamie let his teeth graze against Seb’s lips and Seb groaned. “Jamie, wait, if you want to think this through…”

Jamie tugged at the hem of Seb’s shirt, pulling it out from the belt of his jeans, and Jamie’s fingers slid underneath, cool on Seb’s bare skin.

“Hell, forget I said anything,” Seb growled.

Jamie laughed, breathlessly. He felt drunk on the excitement. “What was that about you never listen to my advice?”

Seb laughed, hoarsely. He started to speak again, but then Jamie slid to his knees on the kitchen floor in front of him, and from the gasp Seb made, he seemed to have lost the power of speech entirely.




The chutney bubbled gently on the hob, and a few stray sprigs of parsley crinkled up on the abandoned chopping board. With Jamie on his knees in front of him, Seb couldn’t care less about it all. Jamie unzipped Seb’s jeans and tugged them open by the flaps. Seb’s cock was swollen and aching, and he could feel it already dampening the front of his boxers. He wished he’d worn newer underwear; wished the light wasn’t so bright and unforgiving in this damned kitchen; wished he were an inch or two longer…

Jamie sighed, very softly and very happily. Then he leaned forward and mouthed teasingly over Seb’s cock, dampening the strained fabric.

Seb groaned. His eyes half closed and the muscles of his belly tightened. “Jamie?”

Jamie lifted his gaze up to Seb. His pupils were very dilated by now, and he anchored himself with a firm hand on Seb’s thigh. “Hmm?”

“That thing… the passion in me… you wanting that.” When Jamie nodded, his chin jolted Seb’s balls inside his boxers. Seb nearly yelped aloud. He couldn’t believe how sensitive he was, how aroused. “You don’t need to worry, you know?” Jamie slid his fingers inside the waist of Seb’s boxers and tugged down one side. Seb felt his control slipping away, his blood dancing some happy, hysterical path all the way from his extremities to his quivering cock. “Jamie, you’re just fucking fine, just as you are.”

“Hush,” Jamie murmured, his breath tickling the hairs on Seb’s leg. “It’s okay. I know.”

“I’m not usually the restrained one, you see?” Seb licked at his painfully dry lips. He was babbling, he knew it. “But this is very… you are very… fucking fine.” What was he, a parrot? “What about the others? This is Harry’s kitchen, for God’s sake.”

Jamie’s tongue slipped out and licked at the soft skin in the crease between Seb’s thigh and groin. Seb’s whole body came out in goose bumps. Jamie’s voice was muffled but sounded amused. “The last thing Harry did was put that Christmas Hits album on a loop. He didn’t expect to be back down for some time. But do you want me to stop? I didn’t mean to rush.”

Seb didn’t bother answering such nonsense. When Jamie tugged down the other side of his boxers and released Seb’s cock, Seb only managed a gasp. Then he reached a hand down to Jamie’s head, running his palm over the blond hair, teasing Jamie’s head nearer.

Maybe they
rushing, Seb thought. But though Jamie was quiet and calm—usually—didn’t mean he wasn’t as into it as much as Seb, did it? A pulse of excitement ran through him, his arousal bobbing heavy and painful against his belly. He shifted, and the swollen shaft nudged at Jamie’s nose.


Oh God
, Jamie had changed his mind, was embarrassed, was angry. Seb had fucked it up somehow, he knew it, he knew it—

“Seb.” Jamie’s voice was still muffled, his face now pressed against Seb’s groin. “I may not be… you know. Any good. It’s a while since I dated anyone. Since I did this.”

Seb laughed with relief. “Don’t be stupid. You haven’t made a step wrong so far.” His dick jerked impatiently against Jamie’s bottom lip. “Never felt so good.”

“Yes, sure—”

“No,” Seb growled. “I mean it.” And he tightened his fingers in Jamie’s hair.

Jamie gave a gasp but he didn’t seem hesitant at all. Instead, he leaned forward and took a good, slow mouthful of Seb’s cock, letting it slide along his tongue, taking it carefully in past his teeth. He folded his hand around its base to guide them both, untangling the small, curled hairs that got caught up.

The kitchen air was rich from the slowly roasting meat, the piquant dressing on the salad leaves and the sweetly sour chutney, but all Seb could smell was the musk of Jamie’s skin, and all he could taste was the warm, salty, saliva of his own anticipation. Seb started to thrust in and out of Jamie’s mouth, and Jamie’s other hand slipped down to his own lap, trying to relieve his own excitement.

“Stop that,” Seb hissed. Jamie glanced up, wide eyes staring from under his tousled hair. His face looked fevered, a drop of sweat at his temple. “Later,” Seb said hoarsely, his eyes flickering down to where Jamie stroked himself. “That’s on

Jamie started to laugh, and the vibration shuddered through Seb’s groin. “Fuck,” Seb whispered. Oh God, no, what kind of joke was
? He hadn’t come so fast since—must be—couldn’t think clearly—needed to—

Jamie swallowed, his mouth tightening on Seb’s cock.

Seb groaned and clutched Jamie’s head close as he came, hard and fast, his hips slamming back against the counter as he tried not to ram into Jamie’s face, his hands curling into fists and the thrill rippling through his body like crashing waves from a stormy, deep-hued ocean. Since when had he been so poetic? Since Jamie sucked him off, that was when.

Jamie gave a small gurgling sound.

“Shit.” Seb pulled himself out of Jamie’s mouth, flushed with panic. “I didn’t mean to come so fast, not without checking you were okay with it. Are you okay?” His hand was still resting on the top of Jamie’s head, but Jamie’s eyes were downcast. “Look, I’ve always been careful, right? In the past. Well, in the important things. I wouldn’t risk anything with
.” Jamie didn’t move. “Jamie, shit, man, tell me you’re okay.”

Jamie got slowly to his feet. He was holding himself rigid, breathing shallowly. He took his hands away from Seb’s hips and settled them on his own. “I’m fine,” he said, his voice rather rough. “Except for one thing.”

Oh fuck, oh
. “Look, Jamie—”

Jamie reached out and grabbed Seb’s arm. The sudden move startled a cry from Seb, immediately followed by a hoarse groan as Jamie pushed Seb’s hand palm-first on to Jamie’s groin.

“I need you,” Jamie said. It sounded as if he were gritting his teeth. “I need you very badly, and very soon.”

Seb thought his smile would split the edges of his mouth. He reached for the hem of his shirt and peeled it up over his head. Jamie hurriedly did the same. “Madness, you were right,” Seb muttered, though his grin never wavered. “Nude skin in a kitchen, and the threat of imminent discovery. What’s got into us?”

“This.” Jamie slid a hand behind Seb’s waist. Seb’s jeans were still unfastened, which made it easy for Jamie to run his middle finger down between Seb’s buttocks again, this time slick with sweat.

Seb’s body arched with pleasure and his eyes rolled. “Point taken. Blame Christmas. Blame Santa, secret or otherwise. Blame—”

“It’s all our own fault,” Jamie said, sharply. “And thank God for that!”

Seb laughed. He tightened his arms around the pair of them and turned them bodily, away from the cooking area. They stumbled, limbs locked together and mouths still searching, still consuming.

“You’re pushing your luck, you know,” Seb growled.

“I’m sorry?”

Seb pushed him against the opposite counter. “My book says the dish should be closely monitored during cooking time to ensure the filling doesn’t spill out.”

“I’m a bloody sight more interested in what’s spilling out of
.” Jamie made a growling noise so like the one Seb had made before, Seb had to laugh again. They shifted as one, reaching for another kiss, pushing a stool over and sending a cluster of utensils bouncing on to the floor. Jamie glanced at the oven. “Are you going to—?”

“Let it burn, for all I care,” Seb moaned. They twisted past the end of the counter, tipping both the cookbooks off the edge. Jamie flung out an arm, looking for purchase, and knocked over the salt and pepper mill. The contents spilled on to the floor, black peppercorns glittering among white crystals, the edge of the spillage crunching under their feet. Seb slipped and dragged a small jug of milk off the counter top. Neither of them stopped to mop any of it up. Seb groaned into Jamie’s mouth, astounded by the strength of his own need, laughing and kissing Jamie in equal measure.

BOOK: Boys in Season (Boys In... Book 2)
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