Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire) (11 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire)
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“Vivienne, you look very beautiful tonight.”


            “Thank you, Sarah.  You look very pretty as well.”  I
she seemed sincere.


            “Thank you.  And Natalia, your gown is stunning.”  I summoned all of the goodness inside of me to make that compliment sound genuine. 


            She shot me a cool glare, quickly taking in my complete ensemble. 
Did she just turn up her nose at me?


            “You’re very sweet.”  And just like that, she dismissed me.  But I decided not to let her get away with it.  The men were chatting so I took the opportunity to teach her that I was not one to be ignored.


            “I had so much fun getting dressed for the evening.  I don’t know what I would have done without my glam squad today.”  My smile was as fake as it was wide.


            “Glam squad?  What a nice gesture for Joshua to arrange that for you for the day.”  Natalia seemed surprised.


            “The day?  Oh no, dear.  They have been with me, every day, all month.  It was very sweet of him to do that for me.  Especially since I am just the new associate.”  I gave her a coy smile.


            I could see her seething as her eyes narrowed at me.  Poor Vivienne had no idea how to react to us so she just stood there, silent.  I shot Natalia a glare right back but curled up the corners of my mouth. 
Yes, you witch.  Your ex-boyfriend has been treating me like a queen


            “Vivienne, do you like my new earrings?”  I sneered at Natalia as I showed off my present.


            “They are stunning.  Were they a gift?”  Vivienne seemed genuinely interested.


            I looked directly at Natalia.  “Yes, they were.”


            Her face was so red, I thought her head was going to explode.


            “Joshua!”  Her voice was shrill.  She must have realized she should not speak to him that way because she instantly turned on the sweet voice.  “I apologize for interrupting.  May I speak with you a moment in private?” 


            He looked a bit annoyed but he stepped away with her.  For some reason this didn’t bother me.  I felt pretty good about where I stood with Joshua.  I turned to talk with the rest of the group.  Jake and I were chatting about business when Conrad heard his favorite song.  He asked Vivienne to dance and Jake and I were alone.


            “I’m glad we have a minute alone Jake.  I was thinking about what you told me about Lauren, your college sweetheart, and I wanted to give you a bit of advice if you don’t mind.”


            “Of course I don’t mind.  I welcome advice from you Sarah.”


            “Thanks for that.  Now, I want you to remember what I’m about to tell you okay?”




            “Life is short.  We only have one chance, one time around.  You found the one thing that nearly everyone wants to find.  You found true love.  You had it and you let it get away.  No disrespect to Vivienne, but I want you to go get it.  You deserve that happiness.  I’ll bet you that Lauren still loves you.  I just have a feeling.  And Vivienne deserves to find it as well.  I know she loves you, but she needs someone who loves her the same way.  I’m not telling you to break up with her right now.  You need to do things in your own time, in your own way and I get that.  Just think about what I’ve said before it’s too late.”


            He looked at me and I could see a flicker of sadness in his eyes. 
I can’t wait until I don’t see that anymore. 
Just then Vivienne and Conrad came back over to us. 


            “If you would all excuse me, I am going to the ladies room.”  I made my way across the room to the bathroom and on my way there, in a tiny alcove off of the main hallway, I spotted Joshua and Natalia in what looked like an intimate embrace.  I was fuming!  I went to the ladies room and wanted to cry.  But then I admonished myself. 
Pull it together Sarah!
What did you expect? 
Joshua was a rich billionaire who could have anyone he wanted. 
Did you really think he wanted you?
 I actually
starting to think that he wanted me.  I thought his jealousy was because he wanted me all to himself.  But now, I started to think his jealousy was all about power and control.  I felt so sad and I was happy we were going home the next day.  I wanted to get away from him for a while.  I would continue to work my ass off at work because nothing was going to deter my plans.  But as far as he was concerned, I wanted nothing more to do with Joshua Hunter.


            As I exited the stall, my eyes met the cold, blue gaze of Natalia Wittendale.  She had a smirk on her face as she wiped off her smeared lipstick.


            “Joshua is so amazing, isn’t he?  We reminisced about old times and it definitely reminded him of what he is missing.”  She had a very cocky air about her.


            “And what is he missing, Natalia?”  I had no tolerance for her snarky attitude.


            “Well, me, of course.  Someone who is on his level, who understands what his world is like.  Our families travel in the same circles so he needs someone who is familiar with our lifestyle.  We are perfect together and I just needed some time alone with him to remind him of that.” 


            I wanted to knock the smug look right off of her face. 
So she’s playing the money card.
  Money doesn’t faze me, never has. 


            I held my head up high, shoulders back and looked her squarely in the eyes.  “You’ve forgotten one thing, Natalia.”


            “Oh, and what is that?”  Her snobby demeanor made her such an ugly person.


            “A man, who truly wants to be with someone, never has to be reminded of anything.”  I smiled confidently at her as she stewed with anger and I walked toward the door.  Just as I was about to open it, I stopped.


            “Oh, and one last thing Natalia.  He will
look at you the way he looks at me,” and I walked out. 


Ugh!!!  She is such a witch!!!
  I was glad that I was able to remain composed as she tried to rattle me.  I was a tough girl.  It would take a lot more than a desperate ex-girlfriend to really get to me.  I returned to our group and completely ignored Joshua as I approached everyone.  Since Conrad was waiting for Natalia, I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.  Joshua looked confused and then I saw the fire in his eyes again. 
You can’t have your cake and eat it too, buddy.
If he wanted Natalia, he could have her.  But he wasn’t going to have me too!  I wrapped my arms around Conrad and watched as Joshua’s face turned hard and cold before my eyes.  We continued to dance closely until the song was over.


            “What a nice surprise, Sarah.  Thank you for the dance.”  He held up both of my hands and pressed the backs to his lips. 


            I smiled at him and we made our way back to the group.  It was getting pretty late by this time and I was ready to leave.  I walked around until I found Samira and I said goodbye to her.  Then I went back to our group and said goodnight to everyone there before walking over to Joshua.  I very bluntly told him I was ready to go. 


            “I am perfectly fine taking a car by myself.”


            He held his composure in front of the group as he responded to me through clenched teeth.  I saw Jake give us an odd look and then he ushered everyone away from us. 


            “Nonsense.  I will escort you back to the hotel.”  Joshua grabbed my arm and I snatched it away.


            “Don’t touch me!  Feel free to stay with your girlfriend.”  I spat out the words before I realized what I had said.


            He grabbed my arm again and this time his grip was too strong.  “Let’s go.”  The curt words cut the air like a knife.


            When we were in the car he spoke again.


            “Do you mind explaining that rude display?”  I could tell Joshua was having a difficult time keeping his voice calm.


            “I could ask you the same thing!”


            “What are you talking about?”  He seemed genuinely confused.


            “I saw you and your little girlfriend making out in the corner.  How tacky Joshua, we were at a formal event for charity!”


            I could not have anticipated the explosion that was about to happen.


            “Do not ever speak to me like that!”  His voice roared throughout the Rolls Royce, but the driver was not fazed at all.  He stared straight ahead and kept driving.


            I suddenly felt that I had crossed a line and I didn’t know how to fix it.  We rode in silence the entire way back to the hotel.  I could feel Joshua’s anger and I was afraid that I had just ruined everything.






            “We’re going to my room.”  I had never heard him sound like this.  His voice was completely devoid of emotion.  My heart was literally pounding against my chest as I just dutifully followed behind him.  We entered his beautiful room and he walked directly upstairs.  I didn’t want to ask any questions so I just followed him.  As soon as we walked into his bedroom he spun me around and pushed me against the wall.  His hard body molded against my back and I felt his hands run down by body.


            “Watching you, with Conrad’s hands on you, drove me crazy tonight,” he murmured as his tongue lightly flicked my earlobe.  I could feel his hard length against my backside and I thought I would melt into the wall.  “I don’t want anyone else’s hands on your body but mine,” his lips traced the outline of my ear.   I felt him slowly unzip my dress and I remembered what I saw in the alcove.  I tried to move away from him but he was too strong.


            My hands were flat against the wall when I decided to say something. 


            “I saw you kissing Natalia tonight.  She told me that you two were getting back together.  If that’s true, why am I here?”  My voice was very small and I tried to disguise the hurt I felt, but it was obvious.  I could feel the tears coming and tried to hold them back. 
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.


            He stopped, and slowly zipped my dress up before turning me around.  I leaned against the wall, nervously picking at my fingernails, looking down at the floor. 
Do I really want to hear this?
  He put a finger under my chin and gently lifted my tear stained eyes to his.  He held my face in his hands as his eyes longingly searched mine.  He then placed a gentle kiss on my lips.


            “What you saw, sweet Sarah, was
.  She grabbed me and pulled me to her.  What you didn’t see was me pulling away from her and telling her there would never be another chance with us and she should move on.  You’re here because I want you here.” 


            He leaned down to kiss me and a light moan escaped from my lips.  He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulled my head back and ran his tongue along my collar bone up to the delicate skin behind my ear.  He pressed his hard body against mine, deliciously crushing me against the wall.  I felt his hands run down either side of my hips and he turned me around, his body molding against my back, pressing me against the wall.  He pushed my hair to the side and kissed the back of my neck.  He let out a low groan as he started moving his hips against my backside.  I felt him slowly unzip my dress, lightly planting kisses down my back.  I heard him fall to his knees behind me.


            “Step out of your dress.”  He voiced was filled with lust.


            I stepped out of my dress and stood there wearing my black lace bra, matching thong panty, garter, sheer hose and Valentino heels.  I heard Joshua’s sharp intake of breath as his hands roamed over my butt cheeks.  I felt his warm breath against my ear. 


            “You look so fucking sexy.”  His words elicited a soft moan from me.   “I like that you wore this just for me.” 


            I could feel the wetness between my thighs soaking my panties.  My core ached for him and longed to be touched.  My forehead rested against the wall as I heard him fall to his knees behind me.


            “Spread your legs.”


            I opened my legs for him and felt his lips kiss one cheek, then the other.  I felt his hands push my cheeks apart, kneading them as he leaned in to trace each cheek with his tongue.  His warm tongue slowly traced around one cheek, stopping to lick up the crease, and then licking up and around the other cheek.  I heard him groan as he buried his face between my buttocks, licking my most intimate opening.  His tongue pressed inside the tight space and I let out a small cry as feelings of pleasure caused my skin to tingle all over.  He slowly pulled away from me and walked over to his bureau.  When he returned, I heard him open the condom wrapper and heard lubricant being squirted.  I felt his bulbous tip gently press against my opening.  The lubricant allowed him to slide in easier, past the tight ring, as my rear walls closed in around his cock.  Our heavy breathing filled the air as he rotated his hips and I pressed back into him.  One strong arm snaked around my waist, while the other entwined his fingers in mine.  I felt the wetness between my legs move down my thighs.  He held me tightly against him and I squeezed his hand as sensations began to build. 


            I wanted to bring him pleasure first.  I undulated my hips, pressing back against him.  His jagged breaths told me I was doing something right, so I increased my pace.  Joshua increased his pace with me as he began to thrust into me.  I had one hand on the wall as he held me tight, increasing his thrusts.  I felt his body tense and then heard a loud grunt as he shuddered and came loudly.  His forehead rested against my back as he caught his breath.  He slowly pulled away from me.  My throbbing center was begging to be touched.  Joshua grabbed my hand and walked me over to his bed.


            “Lie down.”  I did as I was told as a blindfold covered my eyes. 
This is new.
  All of my other senses were heightened when my sight was temporarily blocked.  I was surprised at how much I liked the added suspense.  I could sense Joshua walking around the bed but I wasn’t quite sure where he was.  Suddenly, I felt the bed give a little as he joined me there.


            “Knees up.”


            I put my knees up only to feel fingers run down my thigh towards my essence.  His fingers delved and slid in between my sensitive folds as I raised my hips off the bed, begging him to touch me more.


            I heard him chuckle.  “What do you want my pet?  Do you want me to go deep like this?”  He thrust two fingers inside of me and I cried out, my body suffused with desire.  “Do you want more?”  His fingers manipulated my inner walls as I writhed around on the bed.


            “Yes, sir.  Please, sir.” 


            “Do you belong to me?”  His fingers continued their manipulation.


            “Yes, sir.”  My hips rotated against his fingers.


            “Will you allow another man to touch you intimately?”  His fingers went even deeper.


            I cried out with pleasure.  “No, sir.”  My breath was coming in short gasps.


            Suddenly I felt his tongue licking the sensitive bud between my legs.  He applied more pressure as he made long, slow movements with his tongue.  He then quickened his pace with his tongue, deftly moving his fingers in and out of me.  I let out a loud cry as I felt my orgasm rocket to the surface, my body exploding with sensation.  I lay there, basking in the sensation as my body shuddered against his fingers.


            Without saying a word, Joshua’s lips closed around one nipple while pinching the other between his thumb and forefinger.  My already sensitive body responded to his touch as I felt him climb on top of me.  I felt the tip of his cock slowly enter my tender opening.  I quickly wrapped my legs around him, gripping him with my thighs, pulling him in deeper.  My need was raw, and wanted to be satisfied.  I wound my arms around his neck and his lips came crashing down on mine with pure passion.  His tongue found my own, desperate, yearning, and needing.  He ripped off the blindfold, put his arm under my knee, pulling it up, allowing him deeper access.  I arched my body toward him as our haggard breaths permeated the still air.  He began to thrust inside me, slow and deep, at first.  His other hand slid up my body to my hardened nipple, pinching it between his fingers.  My eyes were closed as I reveled in all of the sensations.


            “Look at me.”    


            My eyes flew open and I looked into his beautiful, intense eyes.  His gorgeous face hovered above me. 
You are so very beautiful
.  My hands traveled over his perfect chest, lines of well-developed muscle proudly exhibited.  He started to quicken his thrusts.  My fingers grabbed his shoulders, using them for leverage, as I arched my hips to meet his thrusts.  Each word was accentuated by a thrust. 


            “You. Belong. To. Me.  Say it.”


            “I belong to you.”  The words barely audible as my breath came in gasps.


            “Again!  You! Belong! To! Me!”  His thrusts were faster and harder now.


            “I belong to you!”  I cried out as our hips moved together, his cock repeatedly hitting me deep inside. 


            He leaned down to my ear.  “Come for me.”  His sexy whisper was the catalyst that pushed me over the edge.  Waves of sensation washed over me as my orgasm rose to meet me for the second time.  My body shuddered uncontrollably underneath him as his eyes noted my every movement.  His pace quickened, his thrusts shorter and faster, as he hurled himself toward his release.  A loud grunt escaped his lips, as his body, hard as an iron rod, quivered as he came.  He collapsed on top of me, his breathing coming in ragged gasps, his weight a welcome comfort.  I held him close for a while, basking in the afterglow, until he rolled off of me. 


            He turned on his side, and propped himself up to look at me, gently moving my hair out of my eyes.  His eyes earnestly searched mine, some sort of emotion written all over his face. 
What are you thinking Joshua?  What do you need?
     He leaned in to give me a gentle kiss. 


            “Sarah, Sarah…”  His voice came in whispers as it trailed off.


            I lay there silent, not knowing what he wanted from me.  He entwined his fingers in mine and searched my eyes once again.  Finally, he spoke but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.


            “We should get some sleep.  We leave tomorrow.”


            “Oh no!  I haven’t packed a thing!”


            He chuckled.  “Don’t worry.  That was taken care of while we were at the charity ball.”


            I sighed with relief.  “Oh, right.  I forgot that you told me that would be taken care of.”  Somehow I mustered the courage to ask the next question. 


            “Shall I go back to my room?”  My heart was pounding as I waited for the answer. 
Oh how I wish I could feel your arms around me all night.


            “It probably would be best.  I will walk you to your door.”


            We got dressed and when we arrived at my door, he leaned down to kiss me on the cheek.  “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.  “Sleep well.  The car will pick us up at 10:00 a.m. to go to the airport.  I will see you then.”


            I walked into my room and leaned against the door as it closed.  I took a deep breath and thought about the night’s events.  My feelings for Joshua had escalated beyond anything I expected.  A feeling of sadness fell over me as reality began to settle in.  We were going home the next day and my private time with Joshua was probably over.  Feeling blue, I changed into pajamas, curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

BOOK: Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire)
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