Read Bound Together Online

Authors: Marie Coulson

Bound Together (3 page)

BOOK: Bound Together
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She sauntered in and
placed her purse on the empty bed across the room. As she turned
around, the beaming smile on her face indicated that she had
finally realized that there was actually someone else in the room.
Her eyes lit up. “You must be L. Jennings. I’m Amy Brookes! Oh this
is wonderful. I’ve never had a sister or even a best friend and now
I have a roommate! I just know were going to be BFF’s. I’m so


She was crazy. Jumping up
and down on the spot and giggling with delight. I regarded her with
and arched brow. Two more people entered the room, but they were
guys. Both appeared to be around my age and were very well built. I
assumed that they were also students at the college. They carried
two large Louis Vuitton suitcases. Of course she would have a
matching set.


“Thanks guys, just put
them on the bed there.” She smiled at them and they waved as they
left. I was dumbstruck. This girl was waltzing straight into this
room with her designer luggage, manic and energetic persona and two
random guys in tow. What planet was she from? This was going to be
difficult. I could tell.


Amy began unpacking while I
sat on my bed reading the latest issue of Cosmo. I glanced up every
now and then to watch her. Everything she took from her suitcase
was greeted with enthusiasm and awe. She was
. The next thing to emerge
was a pair of red and white pom-poms. I was clearly right about the
pom-pom waving cheerleader bit.


Amy caught me looking and
shook them at me. I smiled, but in my mind I was imaging that she
was probably one of
girls in high school. She walked over and sat
next to me on the bed. Tilting her head to one side she appeared to
be studying me. “So, L.Jennings, where are you from?”


I glanced up from my
magazine. She was staring at me with that goofy grin on her face


“Pasadena. And it’s


She seemed to contemplate
this for a while. Why? I have no idea. We sat in awkward silence
for several seconds before I realized what she was waiting

“So where are you from Amy? You from around



Her eyes danced as she told me all about her
life in Beverly Hills.


Amy’s dad was a judge and
her stepmom an interior designer for the rich and famous. Her mom
had died while giving birth to her. She’d chosen California State
after her father told her that it had an impeccable record and
reputation in the field of human science. He wanted her to be a
doctor but Amy had always wanted to be a fashion designer. They
compromised and she agreed to take some human science classes while
he agreed that she should take some art classes.
was paying for it
after all.


After listening to Amy
talk about her life at home, I began to think about my mom and dad.
I missed dad already. Mom knew that today was moving day and she’d
sent a text that morning, telling me that she’d call later after
work. But I wasn’t going to hold my breath.


Amy let out a long sigh,
bringing me out of my day dream. “I’m starving and I could use some
caffeine. There’s a cute little coffee shop just off campus. They
make a latte that’s been brewed in heaven! Wanna get


I shrugged and swung my
feet off the bed, placing them into my black pumps. I nodded and
she beamed at me then darted, grabbing her purse before we headed
out the door.


What did I have to lose?


* * *



Amy was right, the coffee
shop was cute. It was a small place with large windows and dim
lighting, which gave it a warm glow. There were several sets of
tables and chairs around the edges of the room and in the center
were two couches and a coffee table. The walls were magnolia with
bold colorful paintings of coffee cups hanging on them. They were
retro and I loved them. The whole place had a cozy and intimate
feel to it. The atmosphere was relaxed and casual with an air of
camaraderie. The aromatic scents of roasted coffee beans and
vanilla filled the air and I was suddenly hankering for something
sweet and creamy. This place was a far cry from those large stores
that are part of a global chain.


Amy put her hands on my
shoulders and steered me to the counter. She ordered two caramel
lattes and refused to let me pay. We sat at a corner table next to
one of the large windows and I gazed out the window at all the
people going about their day. I liked people watching and I could
have spent hours doing it. I guess that’s why most of my classes
mainly consisted of human behavior and psychology. But I got the
feeling Amy would keep me engaged in conversation rather than let
me sit in peace watching the world go by.


“So Layla did you get a
scholarship to come here? Or are you paying your way through
school? Or your parents?” She sat back and blew at the coffee in
her cup.


A little foam dripped down
the side and she quickly scooped it up with her finger before
snorting a laugh and licking it off. This girl was something else.
“Actually my parents are paying but I guess I should really get a
job to help out. I mean books and food don’t come cheap.” I sat
back and stared out the window. I really was going to have to get
out there soon and find some work.


Amy jolted forward, nearly
spilling her coffee. She bounced up and down animatedly on her
chair. “Oh Layla how lucky! They have a position here! I was
passing through the other day with daddy. We were looking at the
campus and we stopped for coffee. Anyway, while we were here I
overheard one of the waitresses talking about needing to hire
someone to work a few hours a week. You should totally apply! It’s
right near the campus and you’ll never have to drink bad coffee

She was grinning and
looking at me as if I was her new favorite doll. At that moment, I
kind of felt like her new project.


I winced a little and
shrugged, creasing my eyebrows together. “I don’t know. Maybe. I
don’t even have my class schedule worked out yet.”


Amy rolled her eyes at me
and tutted. “Oh Layla. It wouldn’t hurt to ask. I’m sure they could
work your hours around classes. Plus, once you’re in you can pretty
much make your own hours. You said you needed a job. Well here’s
your chance. Stop rolling your eyes at me, get off your ass and get
up there.”


She pointed at the counter
and glared at me. I bit the corner of my lip and begrudgingly stood
up, grabbing my coffee as I headed over to the counter.


An older woman was at the
register looking at receipts. She seemed a little upset and every
now and then she would shake her head while studying the small
pieces of paper in her hand. It was now or never.


I approached the counter
and she peered over her glasses at me. “Hi, can I get you another?”
She pointed at my cup and I shook my head with a small


“Um no thanks. I’m good
here. I was actually wondering if you had any open positions. I’m a
student over at Cali State and I was looking for some part time


She angled her head to one
side and looked me up and down, almost inspecting me. “Well I do
have a few shifts available. Have you ever worked in a shop


I shook my head, biting on
my lip again. “But I’m a really hard worker, I learn fast and I’m
always willing to cover shifts. I’m dedicated, focused and I swear
you wouldn’t regret it.”


She sighed and rubbed her
forehead with her hand. “Well, considering you’re the only
applicant I’ve had who isn’t covered in tattoos, piercings or black
nail polish; I don’t have many other options. Ok, we’ll give you a
trial and see how you do. It’s simple enough to learn. Can you
start tomorrow for training? Say 9 a.m.?” I nodded and grinned at
her. “I’ll be here. 9 a.m. sharp. Thank you so much…” I leaned in
to read her name badge. “Lorraine. Really. Thank you.”


She sighed again, shaking
her head as she rummaged under the counter for something. She
handed me some forms to fill out for tax and emergency contacts. I
filled them out on the spot and gave them back to her. She studied
them and gave me a sympathetic smile “One of your parents an Eric
Clapton fan?
That’s a great song
.” She said the last few words in a
bit of a singsong and I knew exactly what she was talking about.
Dad loved that song. He used to sing it to me when I was little. He
said I used to giggle and laugh so much, it just made him want to
sing it more. I’d heard the song many times but people rarely
connected my name to it. I mean, not many people my age knew about


Mel had always known. But
she had grown up with me. Dad had played it in the house so often
that Mel would fall about laughing and playing air guitar. I missed
her. I would have to call her later as promised. I couldn’t wait to
tell her about Amy.


I finished making arrangements for the next
day with Lorraine and went back to the table. Amy had been watching
me the whole time. I sat back down and she raised her eyebrows at
me. “So?”

I gave her a brief smile
and shrugged as I sat down. “I start training tomorrow at 9

She let out a small squeak
and grinned. “See Layla Jennings. You’re at college now. It’s time
to take chances, maybe some risks too. Who knows, it could open up
a whole new world for you. And now you have me, I’ll be making sure
you take lots of both!”


Something told me that she
was dead serious. But what could I say? She was right. I took a
chance and now after only being here for a few hours I had a job.
I’d been off campus, had coffee with my new roommate and got a job.
Things were already looking up. I rested back on my chair and
grinned inwardly as I listened to Amy talk about all the parties
and socials we were going to this year. I kind of had to admit that
this year could actually turn out to be a lot of fun.



An Apron and an


The sun was warm and it
heated my skin to the perfect temperature. I could feel the breeze
tickling and cooling the nape of my neck as it caressed my exposed
flesh. I was laying on a red and white checkered cotton blanket, in
the most beautiful meadow that I had ever seen. I lay there for a
while, just thinking about how I had gotten there. I could see the
outline of a man in the distance. Tall and broad, he was striding
over fast. I could just make out his handsome face; the dark
penetrating eyes, slight stubble from his morning shave and thick
brown hair. He was delicious. My heart was pounding as he came
closer to me and my breathing was becoming harsher and quicker.
Leaning over me he slowly moved his hand up my thigh, his
fingertips caressing my skin as they slid upwards. Leaning into my
face, his lips almost touching mine, he let out a soft sigh and
breathed my name…“Layla!”


That wasn’t what I
expected…“Layla wake up! You’re late for work!”



My eyes flew open and
straight to the clock. 9: 15 a.m. I
late. I’d only been working at
Lorraine’s coffee shop for a week and I definitely did not want a
reputation for being late. I jumped out of bed and ran for the
bathroom. I showered, pulled on my clothes as fast as I could and
pulled my damp hair back into a tight ponytail. I quickly put on
some mascara and lip gloss. There was no time for the full works
this morning. Looking in the mirror I winced at my reflection. Not
great but it would do.


I rushed back out to find
Amy holding the door open with one hand and a granola bar in the
other. “You’re an angel.”

I thanked her as I grabbed
the granola bar, which would have to serve as my breakfast, and ran
out the door.


“What would you do without
me?” she yelled after me. “Go hungry!” I shouted over my shoulder
before running as fast as my feet could carry me to


This was not good. I could
see the shop and it was clearly busy. Breakfast and lunch times
were the most hectic for us. I was sure I was in trouble. I crossed
the street and hurriedly walked the few yards to the shop.
Searching my bag for my apron, I leaned back against the door and
gave it a hard push with my behind so that it opened while I
continued to look for my apron.




I snapped my head up,
turned around and gasped in horror. Holding his coffee in one hand
and his now dripping nose with the other stood a tall, highly
irritated man.


“Oh my god. I am so sorry.
Here let me help you.” I grabbed some napkins off the nearby table
and began trying to stop the man’s nose from bleeding.

He waved me off and
pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “No, no. My
mistake. How was I to know that someone would be ass walking their
way into the shop? I mean, who watches the direction they’re going
these days?” His voice was oozing with sarcasm. I was a little
pissed at his attitude. It wasn’t like I had done it on

BOOK: Bound Together
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