Bound to be Tamed: Emergence, Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tamed: Emergence, Book 2
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Dane pinched her tits one last time and then leaned back to finish preparing food.

“Good job, Steph. Hold that position while Dane feeds you.”

Feeds me?
She moaned low in her throat at the thought. Her arms shook and she squeezed one wrist with the opposite hand to keep steady.

Aiden whispered, “It would be so much more sensual if we blindfolded you. The tastes—”

She twisted his way and shot him a glare, narrowing her eyes. “No. You said I could have hard limits. That’s one.”

“Okay.” He soothed her with a finger caressing down her cheek. “We’ll grant you that concession, but one of these days we want to know why you’re so opposed to covering your eyes. There must be a story behind it.”

She bit her lip, hoping she didn’t have to go into detail about that right now. She was so aroused and any mention of her childhood fear would obliterate her state of lust. She rather liked being aroused and prayed for once it would pay off this evening. It was high time someone fucked her. Perhaps if she was the model submissive this evening, they would feel obliged to reward her for good behavior.

“Open your mouth, baby.” Her gaze shifted to Dane as he spoke in the deep, rough timbre she knew was reserved for when he was aroused.

Good. She released the grip on her lower lip from her teeth and parted her lips to receive the first bite. Chicken Parmesan. The best she’d ever had. Tender breast meat covered in crispy breading and smothered with red sauce and mozzarella. He must have kept the parts separate in order for it to taste so fresh.

Next he ripped off a bite of the garlic roll he held, the butter dripping down his fingers and making her lick her lips and open her mouth prematurely.

Dane smiled at her as he proceeded at his own pace. “Hungry?” He didn’t wait for a response. “You’ll eat what I offer when I offer it. Don’t get greedy or I’ll stop.” He reached for her mouth and set the perfect bite of bread on her tongue. It nearly melted on contact. She tried to keep from moaning around the bite and waited patiently for the pasta he twirled around the fork.

Finally he lifted the utensil again. Even the noodles tasted divine. Every individual spice and texture assaulted her senses. It was so erotic to be fed.

The next flavor to round out the perfect balance was a sip of the wine he’d poured. He offered it to her, tipping the glass just the right amount to allow her a drink. Before setting it down, he took a long draw of the delicious wine himself. “Mmm, that’s good.”

She watched as he savored the flavors on his tongue, swirling the beverage around in his mouth before swallowing. It was so fucking sexy the way he drank wine. As his Adam’s apple bobbed with the action of his throat, she wanted to know all the subtle nuances of the Cab herself. She vowed to ask him to teach her more about wine one day.

She concentrated hard on Dane’s actions with the fork in his right hand, failing to pay attention to Aiden’s presence so close to her back. Suddenly he smoothed his hands down her shoulders and reached around to cup her heavy breasts with both hands. He held them, weighing them, for several moments, and then he began to stroke his thumbs over the tips.

She arched into his touch, trying hard not to break from the position he’d demanded of her, but unable to keep from reacting to his maddening fingers.

Dane continued to feed her, his pace between bites unpredictable, while Aiden dragged her closer and closer to the edge of sanity. The assault on so many senses all at once was distracting.

When she’d had all she could eat, she sighed.

“Enough, little sub?” Dane asked.

Ah, so he did care to ensure she ate what she wanted. “Yes, Sir. I’m full.”

He packed each carton up, stacked them back in the bag and turned to set the leftovers in the refrigerator.

The meal had been fantastic. Dane offered her a glass of water and she readily drank of the cool contents as he held the cup to her mouth. He even wiped her lips clean with a napkin.

As though she hadn’t just consumed the most delicious meal ever served by the sexiest men alive in a fashion that had her pussy begging for release, Aiden led her by the hand into the master bath. He handed her a toothbrush. “This will be your sink.” He pointed to the one on the left. “I stocked the drawer with stuff you might need.” He opened it and she glanced in.

Sure enough, women things filled the space. Bless him.

She stared at him as she prepared the toothbrush. He bustled around the room, brushing his own teeth and washing his face and hands. How could he seem so cool and unaffected by the last hour?

After she brushed and used the restroom, Dane led her to the bed. He turned her around and took her chin. “You had some infractions today that need correction. You know we’re going to use orgasm denial most evenings until you learn to obey orders. There aren’t really enough hours in the night to make up for the nap taken during your reading time, so we’re going to let it go with one hour of punishment. Besides, you did so well with everything else we asked of you today. For your first day, I’d say you did splendidly.”

“Yes, Sir.” She’d known this was coming. Nevertheless, she’d hoped after the meal they’d just shared, they’d go lenient on her, maybe even finish off the need gnawing a hole in her lower abdomen.

He patted the bed. She’d been down this path last week, both Thursday and Friday. She knew the drill, or at least parts of it. There was always something new up their sleeves.

Aiden took her arm to assist her onto the high mattress. The comforter had already been removed.

“Lie in the center in fifth position. Grasp the rungs behind you.” Aiden adjusted the pillow under her head and helped guide her fingers to the headboard. “Legs wider, Steph.”

She bent her knees and let them fall open. After an entire day of nudity, she was more relaxed with herself. Perhaps there was a reason for this madness after all. They’d said they wanted her comfortable with her naked self.

A Velcro rip had her flinching. She squeezed her eyes shut as Dane attached one end of the spreader bar she dreaded to her thigh, just above the knee. When he tapped her other knee, she realized they weren’t wide enough.

The bar was so…revealing. It allowed her no modesty.

An itch made her reach for her nose.

Aiden caught her gaze with a stern look when she opened her eyes. Shit.

Dane reached across her without saying a word and handed something to Dane.

Oh great. Now I can’t keep my damn hands where they’re supposed to be and I get to be restrained.

More Velcro around her wrists and she was secured to the top of the bed.

Dane’s voice was calm. “We know restraints are hard for you, but I’m going to assume the hard line is really in public and you aren’t as upset in our bed in our home.” He ran a finger through her slit. “That’s what I thought.”

She didn’t respond.

Aiden tapped her hip. “Lift for me.”

She braced herself with her ankles and lifted barely an inch. It was enough. Aiden slid something under her, a thin piece of leather. He proceeded to buckle it around her waist. A belt?

“Remember the thong you wore last week to work?” Dane reached between her ass cheeks while he spoke and pulled another piece of leather between her crack. Had it been attached to the belt thing?

“Yes, Sir.” How could she forget the thong? It had been more like a medieval torture device designed to keep her on the edge of her literal chair all day.

Dane pulled a matching strip of leather across her belly from the front of the belt. “This is basically the same thing, but adjustable. It can serve several purposes.” He reached behind him and came back with another object, holding it up for her to see. “Tonight it’s going to secure this vibrator inside you.”

Of course it is.
She wasn’t surprised.

Dane spread a lubricant over the long, thick shaft and then ran the strip of leather between her butt cheeks through a slit in the end of the dildo. Without saying a word, he grazed the tip of the vibrator through her wide-open pussy and pressed the device home.

Stephanie came unglued, lifting her ass off the bed and moaning. She shook her head. “No. No, I can’t. I—”

Aiden brushed her hair from her face. “You can. Concentrate.”

The part of the dildo sticking out and not currently pressing against her cervix was wide and she quickly learned why.

Dane buckled the other strip of leather to the one now wedged in her ass and cinched the device tight.

Stephanie bucked. Her head wouldn’t stop swaying back and forth against the pillow.

This was worse than anything she’d done last week. Much worse. The flat portion of the vibrator rested firmly against her clit. There was no give. The appliance was snug and secure.

She panted, trying to breathe around the invasion.

It wouldn’t have been so bad if she’d thought they were going to let her come, but she knew that wasn’t the case.

And she was proven correct in the next breath as Aiden flicked her nipple to get her attention. “The vibrator will run for one hour on a set cycle. You won’t come. Do you understand?”

She did, but she raised her eyebrows anyway. The task seemed beyond her grasp. Especially after all the teasing she’d endured during dinner.

“Brace yourself.” Dane held up a remote and pushed a button in the line of her vision.

A low rumble made her grip the rubber with her pussy. It wasn’t so bad. Not strong. The entire thing pulsed, sending waves toward her clit and even her ass.

Aiden held up another remote. What now? “We’re going to watch TV. You’re going to think about whether or not it would be wise to nap without permission tomorrow.”

Aiden turned toward the far wall, flipped on the television and propped himself against a stack of pillows on one side of her.

Good. Maybe she could distract herself with the sounds of the show and keep from coming.

Her eyes shot wide when she heard moaning and realized it wasn’t coming from herself or either man. The TV. They were going to watch porn while she endured this torture?

Yes, and to make matters monumentally worse, both men stripped and Dane climbed over Stephanie to lower himself over Aiden.

She tilted her face to watch the live show on one side of her, bracing her heels against the change when the vibrator upped the speed a notch. It was still a low hum, but enough to keep her aware.

Dane kissed the man next to her with all the passion she felt for both of them. She grew jealous as they made out, panting and licking and nibbling around each other’s face and neck as though she weren’t in the room.

When Aiden spread his legs, she knew they were going to fuck. She’d watched them fuck before. Always the voyeur, never the voyee. Was that even a word?

A little of that loving would go a long way toward calming her racing heartbeat.

Aiden moaned and lifted his ass while Dane rolled a condom on his stiff erection. He glanced at her. “I’d blindfold you so you don’t have to watch, but…”

She shook her head. That would be worse.

He stared at her hard as he finished rolling on the condom.

Stephanie licked her lips. It was hard to concentrate on his words. Her pussy gripping the dildo with more force than she could have before one hour of practicing this afternoon. She bit her lip again, hard, trying to keep from coming. How many minutes had it been? Five?

When Dane slid into Aiden, she widened her eyes. The guys were so fucking sexy, so fluid. Their show was much better than the acting on the television screen. Her men were far better looking and they had an element missing from the porn—they clearly loved each other.

As Dane sped up his pace, Aiden reached between them and wrapped his hand around his own rigid cock. Each time Dane bucked forward, Aiden’s hand slid toward the tip.

Mesmerized, Stephanie didn’t blink. The pulsing inside her clit amped up again and she stiffened her entire body against the assault.

When Dane went completely still, including the muscles in his face, she knew he was on the edge. He paused several heartbeats and then his face relaxed as his orgasm tore through him. It was so intimate. Inches away from her, two men fucked as though she weren’t there. Parts of their arms and legs even brushed her skin, especially her splayed thigh lying to their side.

When Aiden came right behind Dane, his come pulsing onto his stomach, Stephanie lost it. She didn’t have a second’s notice. The orgasm that washed through her body was swift and forceful. She gasped for air as her pussy gripped the vibrator and squeezed it rhythmically.

There was no way to stop the force of her orgasm. And when it was over, she was left panting for air, relieved, but not fully satisfied. She needed those two glorious cocks inside her—now.

She batted her eyes open to find both men looking down at her. They smiled.

Aiden wiped her hair from her face. “Did you like that?”

Her face grew hot.
Oh shit. They will torture me to no end for coming without permission.

Instead, neither man said a word about her indiscretion.

Dane released the buckle between her legs and pulled the vibrator out with a small pop. He stroked his fingers through her entrance. “So wet, baby. Did that feel good?”

BOOK: Bound to be Tamed: Emergence, Book 2
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