Read Borderland Beauty Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story, #Scotland, #Scottish Borders, #Borders, #Lowlanders

Borderland Beauty (13 page)

BOOK: Borderland Beauty
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The door creaked open behind her and she turned abruptly. A pale-faced young woman entered. She was likely no older than herself and she kept her hands clutched tightly together. Dominic ushered her in and met Lucy’s gaze with an anguished expression.

Lucy noted the tremble of the woman’s chin but she kept her head held high and her expression neutral. She could hardly comprehend the woman’s strength. Would she be as composed if she were to say goodbye to the man she loved? Her gaze landed on Dominic and for a brief moment, it was he who was lying on his deathbed. Her heart twisted. Why would she imagine such a thing? It was not as if it would ever occur and she did not love Dominic as Beth obviously loved Thomas.

Putting a tentative hand on her arm, Lucy gave her what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Do you wish me stay?”

Thomas’ wife shook her head slowly. “Nay,” she whispered. “Thank you, milady. Will the priest be along?”

“Aye, he should be here in but a moment.”

She nodded vaguely and came carefully to her husband’s side. The look they shared prompted her throat to close over and Lucy turned quickly away from them.

Dominic curled an arm over her shoulder and escorted her silently out, closing the door carefully. “Thank you for watching over him, Lucy.”

“I am glad I could help. Were it not for you and your men’s bravery, I would likely be in the hands of the reivers as would many others.”

“Were it not for me, Thomas would not have been hurt.”

“You could not have prevented this, Dominic. Thomas was doing his duty.”

He pinched at his nose. “I should have been more alert. I should have realised that the noble women would have been too tempting a prize for the reivers to resist.”

“You could not have known—”

The priest came hurrying up the stairs and gave a quick dip of his head in greeting, before pushing past them and into the room.

Lucy linked her arm through Dominic’s and coaxed him down the stairs. “Come. There is little you can do now.”

She thought he would protest as a scowl crossed his face but he allowed her to lead him down the stone steps. They paused as they stepped into the frosty courtyard.

“Will you—”

“Are you—” Lucy shifted and waited for him to continue.

“I need to see to the defences. Will you be well?”

He was concerned for
? “Aye, of course.” She peeked up at the guest tower. “What will happen to Thomas’ wife?”

Dominic’s brows furrowed and his eyes darkened. “I will look after Beth, I am not heartless.”

“Nay, I did not—”

“If you will excuse me, I must attend to my duties. I will send Winnie to see to you, I do not wish you to be alone after your ordeal,” he told her curtly.

“Pray I am well, I need no attention. You would do well to rest, you have faced much today.”

His mouth twisted into a bitter grin. “Not as much as some and alas, rest is a luxury I can ill afford. I shall bid you good night, for I shall likely not see you until morn.”

“Come to me,” she blurted out as he turned from her. Her cheeks filled with heat as he froze and arched a brow. “I mean, should you wish for company. Pray come to me.”

Staring at her, his blue eyes flicked over her and her skin tingled. With a sharp nod, he left her, striding into the slowly darkening night.

Sweet Mary, how wrong she had been about him. Lucy prayed he would come to her this night.



Chapter Eight

The night became clear and cold and Lucy hugged her arms around herself as she peered through the window of her chambers. Dominic had not appeared at suppertime and still he had not come to her. She was not surprised, but it did not stop the sorrow churning in her gut. More than anything, she wanted to offer him comfort, to understand the man underneath the confident swagger.

But she had misjudged him and constantly rejected him. No wonder he did not wish to spend time with her. Lord, what if she had pushed him too far away? She should have been grateful that a man like Dominic wanted any part of her life, whether he was acting through duty or not. No other man had ever paid such attention to her.

A faint flicker of light caught her interest and she narrowed her eyes as she peered through the murky glass. The windows of the solar were still dark but someone was in the Great Hall. Most of the keep was abed, having retired long ago. Was it him?

Hastening down the twisting stairs, her heart hammered as she came to a stop in front of the daunting hall. Drawing in a breath, Lucy stepped gingerly up the steps, lifting her skirts as her soft shoes made tiny slapping noises against the snow-dusted stone. One wooden door remained firmly shut, but the other released a thin sliver of light as it sat ajar.

Pressing herself up against the door, she peered in through the gap. The golden glow of the fire lit the room, but no candles were alight. She pulled the door open a fraction only to halt as her eyes settled on a silhouetted figure in front of the hearth.

Dominic sat on the rug, one knee raised with an arm across it. He kept his head bowed, his shoulders hunched over and his thick hair partially shielded his face. A leather bound book sat limply in one hand.

Lucy drew in a breath. Gone was the confident stance, the bold smile. She was an intruder, viewing that which she should not.  She willed her feet to move, but she could not. Her heart ached for him.

With a sudden movement, he came to his feet and Lucy jumped back as he flung the book across the room with a roar. Her heart hammered as she watched the desolation play out through his features. His eyes snapped to the door and she drew in a sharp breath, frozen.

Dominic took a step forward and she released a small squeal as she turned to flee.


Stiffening, she paused.


She faced him slowly. He stood in the same spot, making no effort to approach her, his hand extended cautiously. This one movement, and the pleading look in his eyes, sent her weak at the knees. He was asking for her. He needed her.

She could not deny him.

Pressing through the gap in the door, she closed it carefully behind her, staring for a moment at the carved wood. Once she looked at him, there would be no going back.

The sound of her footsteps echoed in her ears as she stepped towards him. Taking his hand, she gasped as a burst of energy surged through her arm and she struggled to breathe. The weariness in his gaze, however, quickly erased the feeling and all it left was sorrow -- sorrow for a man that bore so many burdens. How could she wipe away such sadness, as powerless as she was?

Leading him back to the heat of the fire, she urged him to sit. He did as she bid, his strong body offering little resistance, and she came to the floor beside him. They sat for a few moments, her hand in his, gazing at the dancing flames.

Hesitantly, Lucy shifted around so that she could kneel behind him. She curled her hands over his slumped shoulders and flattened her body against his back. His breath hissed from between his teeth and she laid her cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt.

Lucy remained there, listening to the steady thud of his heart, her body moving up and down with his every breath. For once, there were no words necessary.

Dominic’s muscles bunched under her palms as he reached for one of her hands. Tugging her hand, he coaxed her in front of him. Lucy shuffled around on her knees until she sat directly in front of him. His blue eyes softened as he studied her and her heart constricted.

A callused finger came underneath her chin and he leaned forward, his eyes penetrating hers.  Lips parting, she waited as he bore down upon her, her gaze flicking from his eyes to his lips and back up again.

Warm breaths passed between them and Lucy drew in the scent of him -- wood smoke and soap. His lips skimmed carefully over hers, the sensation so sharp that it instantly set her body alight, and then they were fully on hers, pressing, seeking. His hand came up around her neck, his fingers buried beneath her thick hair.

Lucy sat motionless, the heat of his lips burning through her senses, kindling an ache deep in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes were open, wide and wary, as he teased at her lips. She had always known, somehow, they would reach this point and her pulse thrummed with anticipation and fear. Dare she give herself to this man? Dare she trust him?

Drawing back, Dominic offered her a sad smile of understanding before flicking a thumb over her bottom lip. He let his hand drop but he didn’t draw it away from her, instead allowing it to rest on the silk of her skirt.

She stared at his hand, then back up, meeting his intense gaze once more. A thunder of longing bolted through her and she flung herself forward as a tiny cry left her lips, wrapping her arms around his neck and fastening her lips to his.

Dominic gave a surprised growl and enveloped her in his arms, the strength of them sending a flutter to her toes. He bundled her into him, gripping at her back and buttocks as she opened her mouth to his. His tongue met hers and they crashed together in a deep, delirious kiss. Lucy’s head swam as she ploughed her fingers through his hair.

They tumbled back, Lucy landing on Dominic as he fell with a thud against the rug. She was about to murmur her apologies when he claimed her mouth again, digging his fingers into her back. Moaning, she settled her thighs either side of him, his hard sex now aligned with her juncture. A faint trill of fear skipped down her spine as her breasts pushed up against him and he bucked beneath her, but it quickly turned into a torturous throb that coursed underneath her skin. Kissing him back with urgency, she threaded her fingers back into his hair as he whispered her name between kisses.

With one swift movement, Dominic rolled over, pinning her beneath him. He retreated briefly to stare at her before muttering a curse and burying his head against her neck. He kissed and bit furiously at her skin, his movements wild and so at odds with the calmly confident Dominic she knew.

His solid weight pressed her into the rug and she whimpered and arched against him, the texture of his shirt under her hands frustrating her. She needed to feel him.

Bunching the fabric in her hands, she wrenched it up, digging her nails into his bare skin. He hissed and tore it over his head before settling back between her legs and twisting his fingers into the laces at the side of her gown.

“I need…” he grated out between kisses. “I need to see you.”

Lucy nodded frantically and she plucked desperately at one side of her kirtle as she kicked off her slippers, and he wrenched apart the other. Her gown loosened and together they worked to haul it over her head. As she flung it to one side, his fingers came upon her thighs, working her chemise up and over her breasts. Her cheeks heated as he hastily removed it and took her in.

“Christ, Luce…”

The heat in her face rapidly gave way to a flush of desire. Dominic gulped and stared, extinguishing every doubt Lucy had ever had about herself. Dominic wanted her. He needed her. He thought her beautiful. This eloquent, charming man had done more with one look than he ever could have done with a thousand words.

Visibly shaking himself out of his stupor, he thrust down his chausses and prowled slowly over her, forcing her back. Blinking, Lucy drank in the sight of him, of his sleek muscles and tanned skin, highlighted by the ochre light of the fire. The man oozed masculinity. Her mouth dried as her gaze dropped to his manhood.

Dominic paused for a moment as he hovered above her, doubt filling his gaze.

Lucy’s heart jolted. Had he changed his mind? “What is it?” she whispered tremulously.

“Are you sure about this? Lass, I don’t think…I…that is, I won’t be able to control myself. I won’t be able to stop.”

“I don’t want you to st—”

He swooped down on her, cutting her off with an impatient kiss.

Head swirling, she eagerly swept her hands over his shoulders and back, luxuriating in the heat of his skin. She thrust her breasts upwards and Dominic quickly curved his arm beneath her, crushing her to him. He smoothed hot, damp kisses across her collarbone and down between her breasts before taking an aching nipple into his mouth. Lucy whimpered, scrabbling her nails across his back. Lord, if she had known lovemaking could be this good she would have given into him sooner.

One hand squeezed briefly at her buttocks before coming between them and sweeping over her damp heat. His fingers worked against her folds and Dominic groaned as Lucy bit into his shoulder. Pleasure burgeoned through her sex and she writhed against his hand. She strained for something, some kind of unknown release, but he removed his hand before she could find out what it was.

And then he was upon her once more, placing fevered kisses across her face as he coaxed her legs around his lean hips. His smooth tip nudged against her and she held her breath, a flutter of nervousness eating through her haze of desire.

Pausing, Dominic caressed her cheek with one hand and the look he gave her rapidly dissipated any doubts. He was as lost as she was.

Pushing up her hips, she urged him forward and with a muttered curse, he lunged, drawing a strangled gasp from her as he joined them. Sweat beaded on his brow as his arms tensed beneath her palms while he wrestled for control. Lucy stared up at him, open-mouthed. How was it that
was having this kind of effect on him?

The tightness eased and she shifted her hips against him experimentally. Shuddering as a wave of gratification rolled through her, she whispered his name. Dominic moved carefully forward, his gaze locked onto hers, a look of bewilderment stamped on his face.

Grasping his shoulders, Lucy urged him further and he dove down for a powerful kiss as he buried himself in her. She responded with the same ferocity, tasting him impatiently and his restraint snapped with a growl. He drove himself into her until she was mindless with lust. Throwing her head back, she clenched her eyes shut as he kissed at her neck, his heavy breaths resounding in her ear.

When she felt she could take no more, he forced his hands under her hips, bringing him in so deep that the world exploded. Crying and whimpering, she clung to him as her body quivered with pleasure.

BOOK: Borderland Beauty
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