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Authors: Kimmie Easley

Body Lock (5 page)

BOOK: Body Lock
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It didn’t take long to figure out what he meant. Ford produced what appeared to be an armful of safety equipment.

“I should never have let you in the ring without some gear. I found these in the back. If Boss knew what happened yesterday, he would have my ass.”

I fumbled through the mesh bag. Thankfully, the individual pieces seemed self-explanatory.

“All padded up?”

“Yeah, I think so.” I ignored the confused expression on his face. “Is that it?”

“Not yet,” he replied while ripping open a plastic wrapper with his teeth. “Here’s your mouthpiece. Today you’ll just slip it in, but you’ll need to mold it before your next session. Of course that depends on whether you come back or not.” He wagged his eyebrows.

“Someone’s in a playful mood,” I teased.

“Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with that.”

We headed towards the ring and I caught my reflection in the mirrored wall. Well, it sure as hell couldn’t be me putting him in a good mood. I was about as attractive as a CPR dummy, or one of those men who dress in pads and big heads for self-defense classes.

So much for the booty popping shorts. And the mouth guard, good Lord. I might as well throw in the towel.

“We’re going to do exactly what we did yesterday. Only this time we’re gonna throw in some kicks.”

“Got it.” My blood pumped through my body. The rush was addicting. I pumped my fists together, not expecting the pop from the pads to be so loud.

Ford remained still, giving me a curious stare.


He rounded his eyes. “Mouthpiece?”

“Fine.” I wedged the awkward piece of plastic between my top and bottom teeth. It slid back and forth, probably from not being molded.

I felt like a bumbling idiot.

Now it was Ford’s turn to pop his fists. He jumped into the familiar stance and cradled his fists to the sides of his face.

I did the same.

To my relief we made it through the next hour without any injuries.

“That was good. I think you still have a lot of fundamentals to work on, but the grit is there, which is over half the battle.”

“Thanks. I didn’t know you gave out compliments so willy nilly.”

Ford planted himself in front of me. “I don’t do
willy nilly. And for the record,” he stepped in making my porcelain cheeks blush pink. “I only give out compliments when they’ve been earned.”

His words made heat flood to my inner thighs. This man was doing something to me that I couldn’t explain. I hadn’t thought about Scott all morning. There wasn’t room in my head for both of them. And Ford was a big presence. My thoughts had become consumed with him.

He stood in front of me, gazing down into my green eyes. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what he saw when looking at me. He had a way of making me feel completely exposed.

“Can I make you dinner?” My hand flew to my mouth. I don’t cook
ask strange men out.

I watched his exotic eyes flicker.

“Um, yeah. That would be great.”

I bounced on my toes and had already started making a mental list of things that needed to be done. “How about tonight?”

What the hell

Ford rubbed his hands across his stubble. “Sure. I have some errands to run, but can be done by 7:00. Does that work?”


“Awesome. So I’ll see you tonight then. Oh wait, where am I going?”

I grinned. “Yeah, I guess that would help. It’s the Berkshire building on Congress. Apartment 408.”

He nodded. “I know it. I’ve gotta run, but can’t wait. See ya’ tonight.”

“No problem. See you then.”

I stumbled out of the building, dumbfounded. After a few deep breaths, I kicked my ass in gear and rushed home to beg Megan for help. Maybe she was right. I’m clearly a head case in need of a shrink.

“You’re joking, right?” Megan’s eyes danced with amusement. She was enjoying my humiliation way too much.

“No, I’m serious. And you have to help me.” My hands were flying in the air and Megan couldn’t control her laughter.

“You actually offered to make him dinner?”

I nodded.

“But you don’t cook.”

“Now you see my dilemma,” I squealed.

“And you just met this guy yesterday, correct?”

I lowered my head and nodded again.

“What the hell were you thinking, Dakota?”

My ears turned red and I toyed with my curls. I couldn’t look at Megan. I shuffled my feet. “Are you going to help me or not?”

She was quiet for a second. I knew what she was doing. She was using her innate sleuthing skills. “Oh. My. God.”

My head shot up. “No. Don’t look at me like that.”

“You’re trying to get laid.”

I twisted my face and backed away. “You’re insane. And tacky.”

“Am I?” Her long straight hair fell to one side as she tilted her head and observed me. “No, I think I’m right on the money. This man has gotten under your skin and now you’re wanting him under your clothes.”

“Seriously, Megan. Quit making fun of me and tell me you’ll cook dinner.”

She snickered. She lived to dig at me. “Who’s making fun? I think it’s great. And yes, of course I’ll cook dinner. Tell me a little about him so I can figure out what to make. You can’t feed your date cookie dough.”

“Do you have to call him that?”

Megan rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Are you going to shave? Put on a little make-up? Tweeze? Are you going to clean your room, change your sheets? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s a date.”

“Whatever. Okay, well, he’s an MMA fighter and his name’s Ford. That’s all I really know. He’s built like a hundred-year-old oak tree, solid and tall. Short, dark hair and the most intense blue eyes I’ve ever seen.”

Megan leaned against the kitchen counter with a devilish grin.

“Not a word,” I warned.

She shook her head and held her smile, but to her credit, moved on.

“I could make something manly. He’s obviously a southern boy. How about chicken fried steak?”

I clapped my hands, “Yes! And your mashed potatoes and rolls. Maybe a salad or something.”

Megan pulled a piece of paper from the junk drawer and started a grocery list. “I guess it’s a good think today’s a holiday. This is going to take hours. We better get busy.”

I spent the afternoon cleaning the apartment while Megan ran to the store to do the grocery shopping. I took a long, hot shower that involved a lot of exfoliating, followed by shaving, tweezing, plucking, and polishing.

Then I found myself changing my sheets.

Damn her

Were my true intentions to get Ford into bed?

Did it even matter?

My insides quaked. I fell backwards onto the bed, and for the first time since asking Ford out, I thought about Scott. Megan’s words rang in my ears. Would he really want me to be happy? Even if it involved another man?

A light knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

“Dakota, how’s it going?”

I opened the door and Megan’s mouth fell open.

“What?” I asked, looking down at my outfit. “Is something wrong?”

She shook her head. “No, not at all. You looked stunning.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Really? It’s not too much?”

“It’s perfect. You’re going to knock his socks off and maybe his pants too!” Megan giggled, proud of her clever comment.

I glanced down at my snug blouse, black with lace trim around a plunging neckline. It revealed my pale cleavage, not spilling over the top, but just enough to be enticing. I paired it with a black skirt that hugged my curves and settled about two inches above my knees. I used a pair of strappy, black sandals to set off the outfit. I swooped my hair up off my neck. I applied minimal make-up, not too much since we were staying in. I finished off the ensemble with a pair of simple, silver hoop earrings.

“You’ll also be happy to hear that supper is done and I even cleaned the kitchen. Consider it a pre-sex present.”

“Shut up.” My emotions boiled to the surface and I reached out, pulling her into a hug. She was my best friend and she had been by my side almost my entire life, through good and bad. Tonight was a major turning point for me. I couldn’t put it into words. A shift was taking place. A wave of peace washed over me. That is until I heard a heavy rap on the front door.

My eyes grew to the size of saucers. “What time is it?” I whispered.

Megan checked her watch. “6:50.”

My hands flew to my lips. “Oh my God. What am I going to do? I’m not ready.” I mouthed the words.

Megan gripped my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. “You got this.”

I inhaled and nodded. “I got this,” I repeated.

We both walked to the door with Megan trailing behind. My hand trembled as I turned the doorknob. The sight of Ford standing at my door, his massive stature filling the frame, made my breath hitch. He looked good enough to eat in his worn out jeans and a blue button down that pulled tight across his broad chest. The color of the shirt made his eyes dance.

The serious expression on his face wasn’t exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but my imaginary fears were quickly put to rest when his eyes fixated on me and his lips curved. Even the black scruff across his strong jaw couldn’t hide the Texas size dimples.

My tummy tightened. Blood rushed thought my veins.


I heard Megan from behind me. “Oh, sorry. Come on in. Ford, this is my roommate, Megan.” I turned to my friend, who was trying to control her surprise, and made eyes. “Megan, this is Ford.”

“Hey, nice to meet you,” he said, extending his hand.

It was humorous to see Megan at a loss for words since it rarely happened. After regaining her composure, she responded with, “Megan.”

After a quick handshake, I turned back to my date. “I’d show you around, but this is about it. Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Ford sat on the couch and Megan positioned herself directly across from him in a chair.

“Um, Megan, can I talk to you for a minute? Ford, we’ll be right back. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Sure, I’ll take a beer if ya’ got it.”

I smiled, feeling like a horny teenager. Once we were alone in the kitchen. I grasped Megan’s bronzed shoulders. “What the hell are you doing?”

She doubled over in a fit of giggles.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh honey, calm down. I’m just giving you a hard time. I’m leaving. Dinner’s on the table. Eat soon before it becomes a nasty pile of gooey carbs.”

I breathed a loud sigh of relief.

“Girl, you’re going to have to chill out. And just in case I forget to say it later, holy shit. That man is fine. I’d be making that dessert if I were you.” Megan winked and made a kissy noise with her lips.

I dropped my head into my hands. My heart raced. “This is not happening right now.”

“Okay, okay. I’m going. Try to enjoy yourself.”

I moved towards the living room.

“Um, Dakota, are you forgetting something?”

I turned to find Megan standing in front of the refrigerator holding a bottle of Shiner.

“Dammit,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Ford, it was a pleasure, but I have to run.”

He stood. “I hope you’re not leaving on my account.”

“No, not at all. I’ve had plans for weeks.” Megan glanced in my direction. She raised a perfectly manicured brow, probably to let me know I looked like a psycho, grinning and nodding.

“Take good care of my girl here,” Megan continued. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Megan shot me a knowing gaze, turning my insides to jelly.

She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with a man, a man other than Scott.

“She’s nice. Y’all must be close.”

“Yeah, we’ve known each other forever. We balance each other out well.”

He nodded and took a swig of the beer that I handed to him. I couldn’t be certain, but I thought I saw his hand shaking. The thought of him being nervous made me feel a little better. We would have to figure this night out together.

“Were you able to get your errands all taken care of?”

I watched as he folded one long leg across his lap. “Yeah, didn’t take too long. How about you, have a good afternoon?”

“I did actually.” I didn’t know what to say next. I wished I had asked Megan for some conversation starters.

I fidgeted with the hem of my blouse. Suddenly, I was second guessing every decision I had made over the last twenty-four hours. Might as well get this show on the road. The sooner we get started, the sooner we’re done.

“Well, I hope you brought your appetite.” I started towards the dining table and Ford followed.


To help ease the awkwardness of sitting at the dining table with another man, I took a long sip of white wine.

“Let’s dig in,” I said with a little too much enthusiasm before lifting the lid on the fancy warming dish.

In a million years, I will never forget the grotesque looked on Ford’s face. He squinted his eyes and crinkled his nose, pressing himself backwards into his chair as if he couldn’t get away fast enough.

“Is something wrong?”

“Damn, I don’t know why I didn’t say anything.” He angled his chair to face me better. “I’m really sorry. I’m a vegetarian.”

I searched his face for a hint of humor. Instead, his eyes were dark and serious. No dimples.

My gaze darted from him to the dishes on the table. Chicken fried steak. Potatoes with meat gravy. A feta salad with crumbled bacon on top. I leaned forward, trying to hold myself up. All of the air left my lungs. I could tell by his reaction that he wasn’t joking, and he was one hundred percent disgusted.

“Well, I guess the brisket pie I was making for dessert is out.” I cupped my hand over my mouth. Ford eyed me for a brief moment before he busted out in laughter.

“Shit, this is a disaster.” I was still observing the table. I had nothing to feed this big, macho man of muscles, who just happened to be a vegetarian. At any other moment, I would have found this admirable, sexy even. But right now, I was too busy being absolutely horrified.

Ford took my hands in his. “Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s totally my fault. I should have told you earlier. I just feel bad. You cooked this beautiful meal for nothing.”

BOOK: Body Lock
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