Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1)
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Another purr rattled her throat as she gripped him at his base and slid her lips over him. Harrison went rigid under her and let off another soft moan. His hand tightened in her hair, but he stayed gentle enough as he guided her deeper. His dick throbbed in her mouth, and she traced his head with her tongue, then released him slowly. Harrison positioned himself closer to the edge of the bed, tugged her cover-up over her head, and then pulled the hair band from her ponytail, releasing her tresses. With a sexy smile, he drew her closer and spread his legs wider for her as his hips rolled forward.

He wanted her to go faster, she could tell, but what fun would that be? He was twitching under her, growling, breath ragged already. She could have him in a minute if she let him lead, but then it would be over, and she wanted to play for their first time. She dragged her nails down the inside of his thighs and reveled in the gooseflesh she conjured with her touch.

She took him again, deeply, careful to keep her teeth off his skin. She couldn’t stop purring if she wanted to. The head of his cock tasted salty, and she smiled. Harrison rocked against her every time she took him, and when she pushed his shirt up to expose his abs, they were flexing with his graceful movement. He was the sexiest man she’d ever seen, and he was here with her, moaning her name, flexing under her because she made him feel good.

Teasing him, she bit his inner thigh, then took him in her mouth again. Every muscle in his body was rigid now as he grunted out a helpless sound.

She could feel it. The hormone surge caused by whatever animal magnetism Harrison possessed was drawing her tiger out. She arched her back and pulled her lips off him.

“Fuck, woman, you smell so good,” Harrison rasped out.

She could smell herself too—pheromones and arousal.

Audrey offered him a feline smile as she stood and shoved the suitcase off the bed. She crawled onto the mattress and broke his rule by getting on her hands and knees and presenting her back. She swayed backward, toward him, her bathing suit soaking between her thighs.

She watched him over her shoulder as she bowed her back and lifted her ass in the air. She wanted to claw the sheets and beg him to cover her. Everything was fuzzy and warm, and her blood buzzed like she’d had too much to drink. She was drunk on Harrison. This hadn’t ever happened, but she was helpless to take it back. She was his.

She rocked back toward him again, pleading, the purr in her throat growing louder as his calloused hand gripped her waist. He’d shucked his pants and pulled his shirt off, and his eyes looked just as hazy with lust as she felt.

“Naughty little renegade, breaking my rules,” he murmured, eyes on the bottom half of her swimsuit. He plucked at the tie on one side, then the other, then pulled the strip of fabric away from her and let it drop onto the floor.

His long, thick shaft jutted out from his powerful body. She’d had to be gentle with Rhett, but she would never have that problem with Harrison. Scarred up, dominant alpha grizzly. She couldn’t hurt him.

He shoved her knees wider with his own, then gripped her waist in both hands as he rocked forward and teased her wet entrance with the head of his cock.

“Ooooh,” she moaned as she arched her spine and rocked backward, chasing him.

His lips were soft on her shoulder blade, and he whispered against her skin, “You want me in you?”

“Yes,” she pleaded, rocking back again.

He flexed his abs and slid into her, slowly until he was fully immersed inside her. His fingers dug into her waist as he let off a low growl. He blew out a shaky breath as he eased out of her, then rammed back into her again.

She rested on her elbows to give him better access and clutched at the comforter. He was huge and stretched her, but the pleasure outweighed the burn. High on endorphins, she slid her hand between her legs and touched her clit. Harrison’s hand slid over hers, pressing her own touch against herself as his teeth grazed her shoulder blade. He moved within her in a slow rhythm, but a few strokes more, and his control slipped. His body was tensing now as he rammed into her faster, and there was his gentle bite again, right against her shoulder blade. God, she loved this.

The pressure built between her legs, and now he was going so deep she could feel his balls hitting her hand. He bit down hard, but reared back just before he pierced her skin. He pulled her upward, and a dizzying moment later, she was off the bed and against the door. Rough, sexy bear. He slipped his hand into the top of her bathing suit and cupped her aching breast as he kissed her, tongue against hers in a desperate rhythm.

“Finish me,” she whispered against his lips.

Harrison snarled and lifted her off the ground, then slid into her. His kiss was rough as he rammed into her hard and fast, and with a cry of ecstasy, Audrey threw her head back against the door, blinded by how good he felt inside of her.

Orgasm exploded through her, and she gripped his hair, closing her eyes to the world. Her body gripped him in throbbing pulses as she murmured his name. He bucked into her faster and gritted out a feral snarl as he went rigid against her. His dick swelled and throbbed, matching her own release as he shot warmth into her.

His movement slowed and turned graceful again. Oh, clever bear. He knew how to draw every aftershock from her body. Gently, he lowered her to her feet and cupped her neck. There was no teasing smile now as he trapped her in his bright blue gaze. Chest heaving, he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her softly. Relaxing against him, she gripped his wrists to keep his touch there and sucked on his bottom lip.

“Let me clean you,” he whispered against her ear.

Surprised by how caring he was and at a loss for words, she nodded and kissed him one last time as he pulled out of her. Warmth trickled down her thighs. She swayed without the support of his strong arms, so she locked her legs and leaned her back against the door in an attempt to stay upright.

Before he turned away from her, he gave her a crooked, naughty smile. “You should’ve run while you had the chance, kitty.”

“Mmm,” she hummed, glowing under that nickname murmured in his deep, sexy timbre. “And why’s that?”

Harrison lifted his chin and locked his possessive gaze on her. “Because you’re mine now.”

Chapter Six


“Okay, change of plans,” Harrison said as he spiked up his hair in the mirror. “You drained me, woman, and now I’m starving.”

Audrey giggled as she shoved a beach towel into her black, sparkly tote bag. “Me, too. I heard a rumor about how much bear shifters eat.”

Harrison straightened his tight forest green T-shirt with a beer logo on the front onto his torso. “It’s true. Whatever you heard, it’s true.”

Harrison opened the door and took the tote bag from her as she passed.

Pleased as punch, she smiled her thanks. “So you do like copious amounts of salads then?”

“Ha, no. I need meat.”

“But not raw meat.”

“Do you like raw meat?”

“Ew!” she exclaimed. “No. I was lonely growing up, but I never once got the craving for a friendly tapeworm.”

Harrison snorted and opened the passenger’s side door of a jacked-up red Chevy Silverado. She angled her face at the expensive looking black-out rims and matching step-ups. “This is a nice truck.”

“You sound surprised.”

“Well, your trailer park looks like a shithole.”

He bellowed a single laugh and helped her into his pickup. “Yeah, well, that you can blame on Clinton. I’ve wanted to fix it up, and Damon gave us the funds to do it a long time ago, but Clinton is convinced if we repair anything in the trailer park, we’re fixing it up so we can bring in girls and make it more accessible for cubs. You look sexy as fuck with your hair down.” Harrison leaned over her and sipped her lips before he grinned and closed the door, then jogged around the front of his truck and got in behind the wheel.

Audrey wrapped her arms around her stomach to settle the butterflies there, but it didn’t help. Harrison was wrecking her entire system, and now she would never stop smiling.

“Why doesn’t Clinton like women?”

“That I don’t know.” Harrison rested a hand behind her headrest and checked the parking lot behind them as he backed out. “Clinton is a tough egg to crack.”

“Will he be angry that we’re…what are we?”
Please don’t say fuck buddies.

“Dating. Mating. Whatever you want to call us, I’m good with.”

“Dating is good.”
For now.
“I mean, technically we’ve been dating for a couple of months,” she teased.

“Oh, that’s right,” he played along. “To celebrate our two month anniversary, I’m going to take you to the opening week of the first and only Thai food restaurant in town.”

“Ooh, yum! Have you ever been there?”

“Never. It’ll be a first for both of us.”

“First date,” she murmured, in disbelief that she was really riding through Saratoga with Harrison.

“And your first Boarlander bang. That was your fault, by the way. I was happy to just kiss you and go sit in some boiling hot spring so I could have the excuse of getting to know you. You went all dick-sucky on me, ya little vixen.”

“Vixens are foxes. My claws are bigger.”

“That they are.” Harrison pulled to a stop at the red light and lifted the back of his shirt. Among his scars were long, healing scratches.

Her mouth flopped open as she traced one. “Did I do that?”

“Yeah, kitty.” He pulled her pink painted nails to his lips and kissed her quick as the light turned green. Hitting the gas, he said, “You can mark me up with those sexy painted claws of yours anytime.”

“Just so you know, I kind of lost my mind with you back there. I’m not like that.”

“Like what?”

“Um, so you know how I told you about my ex, Rhett?”

“Yeah, talking about him makes me want to break things, so perhaps let’s not.” Indeed, Harrison’s eyes were lightening by the moment, and the air had grown heavier in the cab of his truck. “It was crappy of him to bail on you when you were going through such a hard time. Pisses me off thinking about you going through that alone because he wasn’t man enough to stick around.”

Harrison was much more dominant than her animal, but she forced her hand on top of his tense thigh. “What I mean to say is, he’s the only other man I’ve been with. So…you know…don’t break my heart.”

Harrison twitched his attention to her, then back to the road, then to her again. He smiled slow and intertwined his fingers with hers. “Same to you.”

“Mmm hmm, except I follow you on social media, and I see all the shifter groupies you bang. They tag you in their posts.”

“What? I set that up two years ago, and I never post on it. I don’t even check it.”

“Well, every girl you sleep with seems happy to brag about it and post pictures with you.”

He gave her a disbelieving look and shook his head. “Three.”

“Three what?”

“I’ve slept with three women, and two of those were relationships. Short-lived and years ago, but they still counted as girlfriends. The last one…well, she was a mistake. I went home with a groupie. I was lonely…” He made a single clicking sound behind his teeth. “It doesn’t matter. Do you know how many pictures I take with women? Ten on any given night at Sammy’s. That’s part of the gig. The Boarlanders are still single, and Jake, the owner of the bar, takes care of us if we flirt a little and play the game. Anyone posting pictures saying I slept with them is full of shit and looking for attention.”

“Oh.” Well that was different from what she’d thought.

“Listen to my voice. You’ll be able to tell if someone is being dishonest if you really
them. They’ll sound off, false, if they are lying. Shifter lesson for the day,” he said with a wink.

Huh. She’d suspected she could kind of tell, but hadn’t been one hundred percent sure. She would have to practice lie detection. Audrey straightened the hem of her black cotton cover-up, which today, doubled as a dress that rested halfway up her thighs. “Four.” She gave him a half smile because that’s all she could muster when talking about women he’d been with. She wanted to claw every one of their faces off. “I’m number four.”

“Wrong, kitty. You aren’t a number, and I don’t ever want you sayin’ it like that again.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re different.”

The fast food Thai place was hopping, but considering the small size of the town, this very well might’ve been the event of the season. Audrey thought Harrison might be more withdrawn out in public because of his reputation with the town and his crew and all, but after parking, he stood in line with her and didn’t withhold an ounce of affection. He brushed her back and rubbed little circles between her shoulder blades. He held her hand, and twice he leaned over and kissed her on the temple.

“You’re a teddy bear,” she accused.

“Ha!” Harrison laughed as he held the glass door open and let her pass under his arm. “No one has ever accused me of that before. Distant, quiet, moody, sure.” The smile dipped from his lips as he stared thoughtfully at her. “I don’t know what it is, but you’re easy to be around. You make me…” Harrison lifted his shoulder in a shrug. “You know.”

Her cheeks were flushing with heat again, but not from embarrassment this time. “Say it,” she said, poking him in the ribs.

Harrison lifted her hand and bit her wrist gently, then shook his head and looked up at the giant menu behind the counter.

“Distant, quiet, moody,” she repeated.

“Stop. It’s just different with you. Easier. I don’t have to hide, or be gentle, and you’ve gone through something hard. So did I. It feels nice not to feel like the only one.” He cast her a quick glance and then muttered too low for any of the surrounding humans to hear, “You make me happy.”

“I knew it.” She clapped once and tried and failed to contain her gloating smile. “I

“Okay, all right, what do you want to eat?” he muttered.

“Red Curry, and I want it spicy. Like, level three spicy. And crab rolls. And soup,” she mumbled scouring the menu. “I’m hungry.”

When she looked up at Harrison, he was grinning at her like she was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Audrey bumped his shoulder and bathed in how happy she was when his warmth seeped through the sleeve of her cover-up. Her black glittery flip-flops clacked as they approached the counter, and after Harrison ordered their food, they made their way to one of the tables on the back patio. It was warm and pretty outside, and the umbrella over the table blocked the direct sunlight. Harrison sat across from her and squeezed his ankles around hers as he dug in.

“I needed today,” he said between bites. “I’ve been going so long where I didn’t have a good day, and this feels like a recharge.”

“Is it hard being an alpha?”

He inhaled deeply and took a long drink of his ice water. “It shouldn’t be this hard. I used to be good at this, but lately it feels like I let my entire crew down. I’m not hitting the numbers Damon wants, and because of that, we’re slowing down the new jobsites. Half of my crew left, and the ones I have left are at each other’s throats. And you were right when you said our trailer park looks like a shithole.”

“But you’re strong. You’ll fix your crew.”

He smiled but his eyes still stayed hollow. “I don’t care how strong you are. If you go through the suck long enough, it’ll take its toll. It’s been nice spending a day away from the drama at the park.”

Audrey gulped a spoonful of soup. “What does Missionary Impossible mean?”

Harrison dropped his head and chuckled. “Bash wrote that on the sign when I turned down his request to let women in the park for the tenth time. Missionary position? He was pissed at me and Clinton, so he spray-painted the sign out of revenge. I’m gonna make his ass climb back up there and scrub it off.”

“You should. And you should lift the ‘no girls allowed’ rule because I want to visit your park again.” She grinned brightly and shoveled another bite of soup into her maw.

“Oh yeah?” His eyes narrowed. He rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands in front of his mouth. “What else do you think I should do?”

“Call Clinton out on his shit, fix up your park however you want to, move those new shifters in, and start hitting those numbers like the badass Boss Bear you are. I mean, look at you. You’re built like a freaking freight train, are covered in scars that somehow didn’t kill you, and plus, on the internet, I saw a picture of you fighting Kong at some backwoods brawl house. I saw you go to battle with Clinton the other day. It was thirty seconds of beast mode, and then he was limp on the ground. And his bear is
. You could fix anything.”

“Get all that stuff done and dig my crew out of this massive hole, just like that.”

“Just like that. Try this. It’s amazing.” She shoved the last half of her soup toward him, and then stole a scoop of crab fried rice from his plate. He’d ordered his in kill-me spicy though, so all she tasted was fire and pain.

Harrison laughed as she gulped down half her water to extinguish the flames on her tongue. He cocked his head and squeezed her ankles with his under the table. “You’ve been through a lot, but you’re still optimistic.”

“Everyone’s been through a lot, Harrison. Life is hard, and sometimes it sucks, but you were the one who told me it was admirable that I saw a life I wanted and went after it.” She tucked a flyaway lock of hair behind her ear and softened her voice. “Go after the life

BOOK: Boarlander Boss Bear (Boarlander Bears Book 1)
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