Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison) (20 page)

BOOK: Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison)
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Once I turned around, I found my mother bleeding
all over my bed.

“I wasn’t alone,” she said, wiping her blood on my
pillows. “I had a brat who sucked me dry. If you had a kid like you, death
would be a sweet relief.”

“I’m planning to ignore you tonight, so feel free
to torment someone who gives a shit, okay?”

Hissing, my mother climbed off of the bed and
howled her way into the dark closet where I knew she was thinking up new
ziggers to drive me nuts.

Changing into my pajamas, I cowered under the
covers as I heard my mother moaning in the closet. Every time I peeked out from
under my heavy green comforter, I saw her looking back at me from the darkness
with her blood red eyes. Finally I stopped hiding and just stared at her.

Was she really my mother or simply a lie the town
told? Would my mother be so happy to see me die? I knew my memories of her were
tainted by the age I was when I lost her and my wish to think only good
thoughts about someone I missed so much. Yet I did remember my mother and she
hadn’t wanted to die that night. She had done what she thought she had to and I
knew she hoped I would live a longer life than she enjoyed.

My real mom loved me, but I didn’t think the creature
in the closet felt anything more than hate. Like all of the demons, she wanted
me to die so the darkness would quiet in Lily Falls. To the demon in the
closet, I wasn’t Blue, but merely a sacrifice to be made.

Instead of feeling relief at how my real mother wasn’t
haunting me day and night, I cried at this thought. Seeing this demon was the
closest to family time I had enjoyed in years and I wanted my mom to miss me. I
wanted her to be waiting for me when I died. If this creature was what my
mother became after her death, she wouldn’t help me stay warm. She would hide
from me like her mother hid from her. Once I died, I would be alone and my new
existence would revolve around tormenting Penny into acting as the next sacrifice
when the time came.

Weeping under the covers, I didn’t pay attention
to the rapping at the window. Only when my mother hissed at the noises did I
realize they were real. I threw off the covers and crept to the window with a
flashlight in my hand. As I opened the window, I held the flashlight tightly,
ready to hit the figure in the darkness.

“Does that mean you’re no longer obsessed with
me?” Flynn asked and I switched on the flashlight.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered, before
realizing whispering was unnecessary. “Get in before you freeze.”

Flynn easily jumped up and through the window,
barely needing my orange beanbag chair to break his fall. Rolling up to his
feet, he grinned as he shut the window.

“So why are you here?” I asked, switching on a
light while turning off the flashlight.

Flynn’s smile faded. “Is this your way of saying
you and your friend are something more?”

Inappropriate as it was, I still laughed. “I can’t
believe the guy who is too sexy for Lily Falls is jealous over me. Just classic.”

“Don’t tease,” he said, flopping onto my bed. “You
went on a date with another guy and didn’t call me when you got home.”

Joining him on the bed, I immediately jumped up
and shut my closet door, hoping my mother would leave us alone. Returning to
the bed, I ran my fingers through Flynn’s windblown hair.

“I didn’t know you wanted me to call you and it
wasn’t a date.”

“Did you dress up?”

“It was an opera. I couldn’t go in jeans and a

“Did you kiss him?”

“Are you really jealous?”

“Should I be?”

The look on his face made me laugh again. “You’re
not jealous a lot, are you? I only ask because your expression looks more
cranky than truly jealous.”

“No, in fact, I’m not the jealous type at all, but
I’ve never been in love before. Oh and don’t bother telling me I’m not in love.
It’s not your place to say how I feel after I spent the evening worrying about

“Worrying about me what?”

Flynn’s green eyes flashed with an emotion that
was most definitely jealousy.

“Have you ever cheated on a girl?” I asked,
leaning on my tender side and resting my head on my hand.

Flynn imitated me, getting comfortable by kicking
off his shoes. “I’ve never been in a relationship where screwing someone else
would be considered cheating.”

“Are you sure you want to be in that kind of
relationship with me?”

“Did you screw him?”

Taking his hand, I placed it on my breast then
winked at him. Flynn yanked his hand free.

“Don’t distract me. At least not until I have my
answer then distract away,” he said, giving me a wink back.

Laughing, I lay back on the bed and sighed. “I
have feelings for Tyson. I won’t pretend I don’t, but I didn’t do anything with
him. Well nothing much.”

Flynn growled, sending me into hysterics. “Details,

“We talked about you,” I said, changing the
subject, “and he thinks I should let myself get serious with you. He thinks you
and me meeting is a sign and I should embrace it.”

“This guy wants to nail you, right?”

Lifting my head, I frowned at him. “Tyson loves

“But not like I love you and don’t say it’s
because I don’t love you because you can’t possibly know how much you tear me
up inside.”

“We just met. I don’t really know anything about
you besides how beautiful and charming and intelligent and sexy you are.”

“So you actually know a lot about me then. Not
much else to learn really.”

Staring at the ceiling beams, I smiled at his
cockiness. “I’m sorry you were jealous. I told you about the dinner and opera
so you would know I was honest with you.”

“I like your honesty,” he said, scooting closer
and sliding his hand under my pajama top. “I like everything about you, even
the stuff I don’t like. You’re fascinating and you’re mine, but you keep
running away. I wish you wouldn’t do that. Don’t you see how I’m too lazy to
chase you anymore?”

Rolling to my side so I could look at him, I
smiled. “Being chased is fun.”

Wiggling an eyebrow, he grinned. “Oh, don’t I know
it, but my feelings for you aren’t a game and I can’t bear to lose.”

Studying his face, I nodded. “I didn’t do anything
with Tyson.”

“Did you kiss him?”

“Yes, but it was more like a goodbye kiss because
I’m with you.”

“Did he kiss you?”

“Just my cheek.”

“I kissed your cheek in the beginning. Now I kiss
other parts too.”

Sharing his grin, I sighed. “Would spending the
night with me help with your jealousy?”

I popped a button on my pajama top before
realizing what I was wearing. Sitting up, I hurried to the dresser where I
stripped off the cashmere pajamas and folded them carefully into the bottom
drawer. A hint of guilt struck me when I thought of Tyson.

When I turned around, I found Flynn watching me
with a frown. “I wasn’t going to drool on your pajamas. Well not enough for you
to have noticed.”

“They were a gift and I don’t want them getting
messed up from all of the sexy stuff we’re going to do.”

“Oh, were you interested in having sex tonight?”
he asked innocently as I stood naked before him.

“It had crossed my mind.”

“This house is very creepy,” he said, glancing
around. “Like horror movie creepy.”

“It’s been remodeled.”

Flynn frowned, even though a slight smirk clung to
his lips as he watched me wander around the room naked.

“This house has a dark aura,” Flynn continued, his
gaze hot on me. “Maybe it’s from your infamous Gretchen or maybe something bad
happened here, but it’s creepy.”

Arranging the books on my desk, I looked over my shoulder
at him and slowly smiled. “Did you want to leave?”

Pulling off his jacket, he threw it where his
shoes lay on the floor. “I’m planning to count your freckles, even if it takes
all night and my research becomes very labor intensive.”

Yawning with my arms high in the air, I watched
him. “I’m tired. Maybe we’ll just cuddle.”

“You,” he growled.

Swaying my hips back and forth, I joined him on
the bed and pulled at his white tee. “You.”

“I need you to want me,” he said very serious now.
“Really want me. Not because I’m beautiful or new to town or because other
girls want me. I need you to need me like I need you.”

Kneeling next to him, I thought about what Tyson
said. I did hold back with Flynn because I thought it would be easier to die if
I never got too close to anyone. It wasn’t easier though and maybe I didn’t
need to die.

“I’m going to try,” I whispered, cuddling next to
him. “I haven’t really tried to be close to you because…well my terminal tumor,
I guess. I’m going to try now because you are special and I want to need you
like you need me.”

Flynn smiled tenderly and the horny boy smirks were
gone. “I really do need you,” he said, wrapping me into his arms. “I can’t get
you out of my head and I don’t want to. You feel good in there, making me need
things I’ve never needed before.”

Sitting up, Flynn let me pull off his tee then he
hugged me to him. His breath felt good on my chilling skin and I tightened my
hold on his warm body. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the closet door inch
open and my mother’s bloody fingers appear.

“Let’s turn down the lights,” I whispered,
reaching over to switch the level on the lamp to the lowest.

Focusing on Flynn, I ignored the demons. There was
only my beautiful boy, me, and the promise of tomorrow. Maybe even the promise
of many tomorrows.

Chapter Eleven

Waking next to Flynn was an exercise in patience.
I wanted him to wake up that very second so he could distract me from the
ugliness happening in the room. Instead of waking him, I hid under the covers
and remembered his silly story about a mermaid.

Flynn eventually woke up like he was a cat after a
lazy midday nap. Stretching leisurely, he must have kept at it for nearly three
minutes before finally opening his eyes and smiling at me.

“My pretty Blue.”

“You do look like an angel,” I said, smiling back
at him.

“And you are the finest electric blanket on the
market. Never one better.”

Sliding against him, I made very clear what I
wanted before we showered and readied for school. No more unhurried motions,
Flynn wrapped me into his arms and staked his claim once again. He even said
something to that effect, sending me into hysterics.

Once we showered, he redressed in the clothes from
the night before. Fortunately they were clean from the late shower he took before
rushing over to make sure I hadn’t been stolen away from him by Lacey’s well
hung brother. Again he had me giggling like a crazy person.

After such a wonderful evening and then a sexy
morning with Flynn, I felt like a new person. Even with the demons throwing imaginary
horrors at me, I left the house wearing a big smile and holding the hand of my
hot boyfriend.

Arriving at school, Flynn leaned over in the car and
kissed me softly. For an unknown reason, this gentle peck on the lips held such
passion my heart began pounding wildly in my chest. When Flynn pulled away, I
grabbed his jacket and held him still.

“I need you,” I said, unable to catch my breath.

Having expected a cocky grin from Flynn, I was
surprised by the warmth in his eyes.

“If you let me in, Blue, I’ll never leave you.”

“You can’t promise that. We’re in high school.”

Sighing full of annoyance, Flynn tugged himself
out of my grip.

“You look at the world and see a bunch of rules to
be followed. You look at us and see all of the warnings every bitter woman ever
told you. Why can’t you just see the magic of what we have? How can you overlook
how I might have missed you the first day and then I’d have lived my whole life
without knowing the happiness I was missing? Your life would have been over and
we wouldn’t have shared last weekend or last night or this…”

Flynn leaned over and kissed me again. I expected
heat like an angry claiming kiss. Instead his lips barely touched mine, but the
hint of passion accomplished more than seemed possible. When Flynn sat back in
his seat, I felt a little part of what I always held at bay beginning to break

“I really do need you,” I said, my eyes wet and my
heart waiting to be crush. “I’m afraid of the power you have over me.”

Flynn took my hand and gave me a lopsided smile,
showing off his dimple. “Then we’re even because my heart is just sitting in
the open, bleeding out from every little slight from you. While it sounds
horrible to be so vulnerable, I can’t get enough. Maybe if you allow yourself
to give me your heart, you’ll love how addictive and liberating such trust can

BOOK: Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison)
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