Read BLue Moon Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

BLue Moon (10 page)

BOOK: BLue Moon
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“Please.” The word escaped her. She didn’t want to say it, hated that she was ready to beg him to enter her, take away the pain, the pressure, the urgent need that throbbed ruthlessly throughout her.

“Please what?” His breath smelled of her rich cream. He looked up at her with so much more than just lust, just passion. She could see so much more.

It was on the tip of her tongue to beg him to fuck her. She took several deep breaths before speaking. “Please ask me,” she finally said, more than proud of herself for holding on to a small glint of sanity throughout his torture session.

Ralph slammed his cock deep inside her at that moment. His thick, large shaft spread her, filled her, penetrated so far inside her she thought she would split in two.

“God. Oh. Ralph.” She screamed as he fucked her. His cock pulling out and thrusting deep inside of her faster than she was prepared for.

She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t hold on, couldn’t think. It was all she could do to see. His chest muscles bulged and contracted above her, his body wound tight while he beat her pussy with his cock harder and with more intensity than she thought she could handle.

Her human form barely had the strength to let go of the bedspread. She reached upward, grabbing his shoulders, feeling his hot moist skin against her hands. Digging into his flesh with her fingers, she held on, wishing somehow she could take the upper hand.

His cock stroked her inner pussy walls, appeasing the fire that burned there while making her burn hotter at the same time. The pressure he’d appeased with his tongue now grew again with more intensity than it had before.

But she wouldn’t go over the edge without him. “That’s it, wolf man.” She forced herself to talk, to at least sound like she held some semblance of control over the situation. “Fuck me. Take care of that itch you created.”

His eyes rose to hers, his look either disbelieving of her brazen words, or willing to take on her challenge. She wasn’t sure which.

He rose above her, straightening while her hands slipped down his body, feeling the quivering of muscles under his smooth flesh.

His lovemaking slowed only for a moment, long enough for her to move her legs so her heels rested next to his neck. Then he plowed into her again.

The angle had changed. The spot he hit deep inside her different. Her tender pussy grasped his cock, soaking it, easing his path with her thick rich cream.

“Yes. Oh yes.” She exploded when he hit that one spot that had craved his touch.

The dam of pressure broke, volcanic heat exploding inside her while wave after wave of liquid heat rushed through her.

“That’s it, baby.” Ralph choked out the words.

His cock swelled inside her, engorged and ready to explode. She held her hands out, wanting to hold him but not able to bring him down to her. His concentrated expression looked wild as he closed his eyes, his head dropping back, veins bulging from his neck. His release into her burned and soothed all at the same time. The convulsions of his cock made her come again, her body quivering as he filled her with his cum.

“Holy shit.” He dropped down, moving to the side just in time before he collapsed with his full weight on top of her. “I’m not as young as I used to be. Damn woman.”

He chuckled, pulling her next to him. She cuddled up willingly, stretching along the length of his body.

“You seem pretty damned good to me.” And she knew he knew that, but decided he’d earned his ego being stroked a bit.

Ralph pulled her in closer until she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat until she fell asleep.


Chapter Twelve


It was Halloween. Sandy had always loved this holiday. And waking up snuggled into Ralph’s warm body started the day off perfectly.

She showered and then started coffee and stood staring out her front living-room window when Ralph’s scent drifted in from behind her. His rich intoxicating all-male smell had her pussy throbbing instantly. Her nipples hardened as if calling out to him on their own, begging for his attention. Every inch of her was like an exposed nerve ending, ultra-sensitive to his mere presence.

“What are you doing today?” His greeting didn’t surprise her. His protective nature would always demand to be informed.

“I’m going to help the school take the cubs downtown for trick-or-treating.” She looked down at her fingernails, examining them while her stomach twisted in knots of anticipation. “And I want to talk to my daughter.”

He stood right behind her. If she leaned back barely an inch his powerful body would be there, comforting, a security blanket. But she wanted more from him than just his security.

She turned around and examined his calm expression. So relaxed, he appeared not to have a care in the world. She knew that made him a good investigator. But she wasn’t one of his cases to be solved.

“I asked you for something last night,” she began, her mouth suddenly too dry. She licked her lips, taking in a deep breath. “And you didn’t give it to me.”

His expression didn’t change. She thought she saw something dark pass through his eyes, something intent, but then it disappeared.

“I want you to be my mate.” His words came quickly, and she supposed that was as close as a proposal for mating that she would ever get out of him.

She sighed, looking down. More than anything she wanted to run her fingers over the bulging muscles that were outlined through his shirt. She could wrap her arms around him, cuddle into him, allow his warmth to soak through her.

But she had to be strong around him. If she leaned on him he would make all of the decisions for them. He needed to see that she would think for herself.

“I’ll think about it.” Her heart raced in her chest while she waited for his reaction.

He turned from her, heading toward the door. “I’ll call you later.” And then he was gone.

Ethan dropped off her purse and coat to her shortly after Ralph left. She was grateful the two werewolves didn’t cross paths at her house.

“How is Beth doing?” she asked, knowing he understood the question.

“Give her time,” was all he said.

She nodded and he left shortly after that.

The day was full of holiday activities, which helped Sandy keep her thoughts off Ralph. By dark, he hadn’t called. She hadn’t heard from her daughter either. Large snowflakes had just started to fall when she decided to drive over to Beth’s house.

Ethan and Ralph stood just inside the doorway when she walked up, a swarm of cubs around her all dressed up for trick-or-treating.

“Trick or treat,” they yelled out in unison, and she barely managed to sneak around them while the two large werewolves made a show of dumping candy into their sacks.

She strolled through the house undisturbed until she found her daughter upstairs, sitting at the computer.

“You never did like Halloween.” She smiled at her daughter who sat cross-legged in oversized sweats and large fuzzy slippers.

Beth turned, searching her mom’s face for a moment before smiling. “I remember you used to bribe me with anything you could think of to get me to put on a costume and go door to door with you.”

Sandy grinned, remembering how stubborn her cub had been. Some things never changed. Beth turned back to her computer, pointing to it.

“I was reading through some e-mail. This came in from one of my old college buddies.” She laughed and Sandy rested her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, deciding to enjoy this moment even if they weren’t discussing what bothered her daughter.

And Beth was bothered. Worry and frustration swam in the air around her. Like Ralph, she liked to control situations. But Sandy wouldn’t be manipulated by either one of them. It would take time, but they would both come to accept that.

“It’s a list of what not to do on Halloween.” Beth leaned back, her expression showing she was getting ready to make some point. “Don’t howl at the moon unless you want to pick up a werewolf,” she read. She looked up at Sandy. “You know there is a blue moon tonight. You plan on doing any howling?”

Sandy looked into her daughter’s probing eyes. “That, my dear, is none of your business.”

Beth stood up quickly, immediately pacing. “It is too my business. You’re my mother. And I have a right…”

“Stop right there.” Sandy held up her hand, and Beth stopped in mid-stride, her hands going to her hips. “Yes. I am your mother. But I’ve raised you. You’ve moved on, made a wonderful life for yourself. I have a right to do the same.”

“So you want Ralph Hipp then? Are you sure about this? He’s so…so…” Beth gestured with her hands, while she frowned.

“So demanding? Control-oriented? Bullheaded?” Sandy couldn’t keep from smiling, thoughts of Ralph trying to manipulate her just like her daughter did grew suddenly very clear. “He’s a lot like someone else I love.”

Beth sucked in her lower lip, reminding Sandy of how she looked when she was a little girl, frustrated with something.

“Do you love him?” she whispered.

“Maybe.” She thought she might, and maybe she always had. But it was something she would explore and not be rushed, by either of them.

“Then I guess you should go to him.” Beth sat back down at her computer, giving her mother one of those dismissive waves she was so good at.

Sandy would give Beth time to digest that much knowledge. She didn’t expect her to immediately congratulate her on her newfound happiness. Leaving the room, she wandered back down to the kitchen. The TV was on in the living room, deep male voices speaking quietly as the two werewolves discussed something.

She went to the back door, staring out at patches of clear black sky in between the heavy gray clouds. A blue moon, the second full moon in the month. Just like her. The cycle completed and coming around for another chance.

Stepping outside, she crossed her arms over her chest while her nipples puckered against the cold. It wasn’t late but the dark night, and white coat of soft snow on the ground would probably end trick-or-treating before long.

There were two people inside that she cared dearly for. She watched while the full moon, the blue moon, slowly appeared from behind a cloud. A second later its bright ness allowed her human eyes to see the surrounding yard more clearly. And that was how it would be with Ralph and Beth. Time would allow them to see clearer, to understand that what she asked of them was what would make her happy.

Turning, she decided that was all she could do for the night.

“You two have a good evening,” she told the two werewolves when she walked into the living room. “Ethan, let Beth know I went home for the night.”

Ralph stood. “We are going on a run here in a bit.”

She knew he expected her to go along. She smiled. “Have fun. Give me a call tomorrow.”

An eyebrow shot up, his look penetrating and shrewd while he seemed to search her thoughts, learn what she was about. She turned and left her pack leader’s house before her knees began shaking.

A noise woke her later that evening. Glancing at her clock it was the middle of the night. Her heart lurched inside her when she spotted the figure standing in her doorway.

Ralph’s massive frame, broad chest, thick torso and long legs, filled the doorway to her bedroom. He smelled earthy, telling her he’d probably just returned from a run.

“You told me to call you tomorrow. It’s tomorrow.” He moved toward her, approaching slowly.

She couldn’t decide whether it had been a good idea to go to bed without her nightgown on or not. He would have just ripped it off of her if she had worn it, and she liked her nightgown. Nonetheless, she gripped her blankets, using them as a shield against him.

“What are you doing here?” Her brain was still foggy from sleep.

“You know I’m not going to leave you alone.” He began unbuttoning his shirt, his gaze never leaving her.

And she knew she didn’t want him to leave her alone. Her heart pounded in her chest, the same beat making her pussy throb. He undressed in front of her, that incredibly sexy body slowly appearing while he shed his clothes.

“Yes. I know,” she whispered, admitting the truth.

He crawled onto the bed, hovering over her, like the predator stalking his prey. His body glistened from the strong ray of moonlight streaming through her bedroom window. Solid muscle, bulging, taut, he moved like he was still in his beast form.

She looked down at the long length of his cock—hard, solid. Her mouth watered. Tingles rushed over her skin, an exciting sense of anticipation making her feel almost giddy.

“And I think you want me here.” His voice was low, not a whisper, more like a growl, matching the slinking movement of his body.

Hot cream soaked her pussy, the scent rising through the air, answering his question before she spoke. “Yes,” she whispered.

His mouth covered hers, hot and moist, feasting on her. She rose up to him, letting go of the blanket, reaching for him. Her hands brushed over his body, his muscles quivering under her touch. Reaching down, she encircled his thick shaft with her fingers, feeling it pulsate against her palms.

Ralph groaned into her mouth, feeding her while he took from her all she would offer. He empowered her, made her drunk off of his strength. Sitting up, she pushed into him, forcing him to his knees.

BOOK: BLue Moon
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