Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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Chapter 11

Blondie, heard a knock on her door, looking through the peephole she saw Al; she opened the door for him right away.

“Hey Lil Mary, how was your
night, “AL asked with a huge grin.

Blondie blushed when she answe
red him, “It was great Uncle Al. Jake is a great guy, we had such a wonderful time at dinner. Well before James decided to make a scene.”

“Yeah, I heard about that. I was more interested in the fact tha
t he actually stayed the night. Saw him when he was leaving and gave him a fatherly warning. I checked into him also, he is a squared away Marine.”

“You didn’t have to do that, Jake and I are on the same page, we ar
e seeing where this is going.”

“That sounds
like a good idea, just remember that James is very bitter person right now. You called him out in public, even though he deserves it. Angry people tend to be dangerous Mary and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“James can go suck an egg.
I am not worried about any threats he has coming my way. I can take care of myself. You and dad taught me well and I will have protection with me when I am alone. I didn’t get my concealed carry for nothing.”

“Smart girl, I love you and just remember Jake
has my stamp of approval, I have things to do, but I will see ya in the morning for breakfast.”

Al, left leaving Blondie to wonder what was actually going on.

James is pissed; ok she did kind of call him out. Uncle Al actually got Jake checked out. Why would Al do that? What does he know? Jake, made her feel safe but what is he hiding from her?

Blondie shook her
head; she will trust Jake and watch her back against James. She had a perfect date last night; nothing was going to spoil her current happiness.


Jake had just got off the phone with his uncle and informed him about the property and the price, he was glad that his uncle was on board. Jake had stopped by the property and taken a look at the house before he called his uncle.

There was a lot of work that needed to b
e completed on the house though. It needed to be handicapped accessible and some of the hall ways needed to be expanded. It also needed upgrades throughout the whole house. The grounds needed some work also, and the dock to the canal needed to be repaired. Jake wanted to provide a comfortable and relaxing retreat for disabled veterans.

The next step
was to get a contractor and architect to insure that things are exactly how Jake invisions for Warriors Hope Resort. Jake knew that it would take about six months at the earliest to get it up and running but it was a challenge he was willing to take.

Sitting back in his desk chair, Jake was feeling pretty damn good when his phone rang, looking down he saw it was Ham and answered it.

“Hey brother, how’s it going?”

“I th
ink I should be asking you that. Have a good date with Ms. Blondie?”

“It was great, thanks for asking and before you start, no I am not sharing the details.”

“Damn. I really wanted to hear how bad you sucked in bed, so I could have a chance at her.”

“Shut up, Ham. Y
ou just have to find your own girl.”

“Anyway, I was calling to let you know I talked with command
and to my doctor at the hospital. My doctor won’t clear me till therapy is done; I will be getting honorable medical discharge. I will be EASing within the next few months.”

“That is great news.
You still willing to help me with the resort, it has a name now. It’s gonna be called, Warriors Hope and I put a bid on the property. If all goes well it should be owned by the company at the end of the week.”

You know it brother. I have to pull my weight somehow. I am excited to be a part of Warrior’s Hope. Well, I was just checking in. Talk to you soon.”

“Later, Ham.”

Jake hung up the phone; leaning back in his chair he exhaled. Things were going pretty damn good. Hopefully they continued to run smoothly.

Well, I think I could go for a swim,” Jake stated as he pushed himself back from his desk.

Going to his room he changed in to swim trunks and took the elevator down to
the pool. Swimming calmed Jake, it helped him get his thoughts together. Jake’s arms cut through the water, as he neared the pool edge he dived flipping under the water he turned, his legs pushing off the wall. He continued doing laps till he lost count of how many laps he actually did. As he exited the pool and grabbed a towel there was one thing that still bothered him. James, he is the unknown, Al had warned him that James might try something. Time would tell.

was in the process of making dinner, when Jake called. Just like he promised.

“Hello Baby
doll how was your day?”

“It was pretty good,
the best morning I’ve had in a while.”

“I am glad that I had a hand in making it mem
orable. So what you doing?”

“Cooking dinner and talking with you.”

“Making anything good?”

“Not really.
Just making some dirty rice. Nothing fancy. I leave that to Al.”

Jake laughed at that,
“Well good thing I know how to cook. Just might have to make dinner for you one of these nights.”

“Might have t
o take you up on that handsome. You really don’t want to eat my cooking. In all honesty I just pretty much heat up ready to eat meals.”

I will definitely be cooking you dinner. I just wanted to give you a call and let you know I was thinking of you. I will let you go so you can eat, I will see you tomorrow. If you need anything don’t hesitate to call.”

Until the tomorrow then, Night Jake”

“Night Baby doll, sweet dreams.”

Blondie, hung up the phone, she laughed to herself…
When has anyone besides Al offered to cook for her? Jake was truly one of a kind.

After eating her dinner Blondie went to her bathroom and started to fill the tub, pouring in some lilac bubbles. “Wine, that is what I need”, she said to herself.
She walked back into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of red wine. Wine in hand she went back to the bathroom and got into her bath. Blondie stayed in the tub till the water turned cold and her wine was gone, getting out she put on some pajamas and went to bed.

The sound of a phone ringing woke Blondie from her dream, grabbing for the phone she answered it.


“Ms. Roberts
, this is Cityland Security. The silent alarm on your business has gone off. Police have been dispatched to investigate. Our records show you live next door, I suggest you wait till the police get there before you head over.”

“Thank you for letting me know, I
will be there shortly.”

Blondie got out of bed, throwing on her house robe
and stepping into her slippers she ran down the stairs to Al’s apartment. She banged on the door, “Uncle Al, open up I need you.”

Al opened the door, “Lil Mary what’s going on
it is two in the morning. Is everything ok?”

“The security company jus
t called, the silent alarm at Teufel Hundens went off. Police are on their way. I need you to come over with me to check it out.”

“Ok, honey settle down. I will go with you
no need to get so upset. Something might have just tripped it.”

Al and Blondie went next door to T
eufel Hundens; the police were already present when they got there. As they walked across the parking lot, Blondie could see that the front window was smashed.

As they got closer the police stopped them, telling them it was a crime scene.

“I am the owner Mary-Alice Roberts and this is Al Sanderson he is the second contact should I not be available. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Well, Ms. Roberts it looks like, someone tossed a brink through you
r window. We will be sending the brick to the crime lab.”

“Why would someone do that?
Teufel Hundens is a well-respected business.”

“I have to ask have you had any arg
uments or confrontations lately, where someone might target you.”

“I did just get dumped by
my ex and he was banned from Teufel Hundens for unpaid tabs. We did have words Sunday night at Casper’s Landings.”

“What is your ex-boyfriends name if I may ask?”

“His name is James Cocker.”

“Do you know of anyone one who would w
ant to cause you harm?”

No, I don’t.”

“Do you have security

Yes they cover the inside, the back door, and the parking lot. I can get you video if you would like.”

That will be wonderful. You won’t be able to repair your window until later. Do you have anything to board it up?”

Blondie turned and asked
Al, “Do we have anything to board up the windows?”

“I think I got s
ome plywood in the storage shed. Don’t worry about it Lil Mary, I will take care of it.”

“Well, Officer we can board these wind
ows up till later. Is there anything else you need?”

I think that will be about it Ms. Roberts. Don’t forget to drop off that video later today. Here is a copy of your report. Just make sure you bring that with you. I will let you know if we find anything out.”

Al retrieved some plywood from the
storage shed and with Blondie’s help he nailed them in place until the glass could be replaced.

“Do you want to close Teu
fel Hundens, until the window gets fixed?” Al asked with a serious expression. “Whatever you choose, I will support you Lil Mary.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, I think closing till the windows are fixed is a good idea. Hopefully
we can get them replaced fast. Who do you think did that Uncle Al? I mean, yeah James is an asshole but I don’t see him doing something like this.”

“I don’t know honey.
Let’s go home. Do you want me to come up and have coffee with you or are you going to be fine?

“I’ll be fine Uncle Al.
I will have some tea and go back to bed. See ya at breakfast.”

Blondie and Al walked back to their house, separating when they got to Al’s floor. Blondie really hopes it was just some kid trying to be a badass and not someone with actual evil intent.

Unlocking her front door she went to make some sleepy time tea and hopefully get back to sleep. As she finished her tea she saw that her answering machine was blinking. Hitting play, she waited where it would normally list the phone number it said caller unknown, then the following message played.

“The bric
k was just a warning. Keep running your mouth bitch and that has-been along with you will pay for it.”

Blondie didn’t
recognize the voice, but she had a pretty good idea who it came from. She would inform the police when she went to drop off the surveillance video. Climbing into bed she was determined to go back to sleep, she wasn’t going to lose her sleep over some dumbass who thought they could scare her.

Jake woke,
he was feeling pretty good. He didn’t have any nightmares and actually got a full ten hours of sleep. He was looking forward to working with Blondie.

Jake made some coffee and sat down at his desk, he already decided he was going to work with t
he company’s contractor and architect; he would be meeting up with them later this week. As he went through his messages there was one from Blondie saying that Teufel Hundens was going to be closed for a few days for repairs and for him to call her back.

Dialing her number Jake waited till Blondie picked up.

“Hey Handsome, I didn’t expect you to get back to me so fast.”

“I just got up, what’s going on Baby doll?”

“Well, someone thought that Teufel Hundens would look nice with the front windows broke out. Police say they don’t know who did it yet, but I think I have an idea. I have to drop the surveillance video off and I also got a threating message on my phone so I have to let them know about that.”

“Do you need
any help, or me to come with you. I am free now that I don’t have to work tonight.”

l is taking care of the window, insurance will pay for it but it will be a couple days. I guess they need to order special sized window as they are going to replace the whole thing not just the glass. I would love for you to come with me to the police station though as I am pretty sure the message on my phone was directed towards you also.”

“What do you mean it was directed towards me

“I don’t know Jake, but I think that James is the one behind it but I can’t prove it yet.”

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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