Blake, Abby - Mikayla's Family [A Bride for Eight Brothers 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (2 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Mikayla's Family [A Bride for Eight Brothers 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“Is that why I’ve been getting lots of snuggling but no actual sex?” She smiled at the feigned horror of his expression. Ty pulled her into his embrace and started to nibble on her earlobe.

“We might be able to fix that,” he said in a whisper that promised heavenly delights. “Just spit on the stick.” She laughed at their encouragement but still wasn’t sure she wanted to spit on anything. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“Well you don’t have to spit. You can lick it if you prefer.”

“Eeeew,” she said, the single sound carrying all her distaste for that idea. “Fine, I’ll spit on it, but if it turns out that you’ve got a bet going to see who can get me to spit first, I am
going to borrow Lachlan’s bullwhip.”

Ryan and Ty just laughed, probably because they knew she’d never do it and even if she wanted to, that Lachlan would not hand over his prized possession so lightly. And besides, she was quite fond of that whip and wouldn’t risk damaging it.

She worked up some moisture in her mouth and let a little dribble from her lips onto the plastic stick. She immediately rubbed her lips suddenly very aware of the saliva in her mouth. Why the hell did she have to notice that now?

“So what’s supposed to happen?”

Both Ryan and Ty were staring at the stick like it was some type of magical orb that would show the future, and she tried not to laugh at two grown men watching a piece of plastic. After a few moments, they both grinned and turned to her. She could feel her panties grow wet just from the lascivious looks they gave her.

“Well, Mrs. Davidson, according to semi-solid medical science you are in for a very long afternoon.”

She laughed as Ty lifted her in his arms and headed toward the bedrooms. But he went straight past his and Ryan’s rooms and continued on to the suite of rooms that Matt and Bryce shared. Ryan opened the door and followed her and Ty. Matt and Bryce both waited inside, and judging by the erections growing before her eyes, she assumed they’d been expecting her.

“Now, Mrs. Davidson, since we all want to get you pregnant and none of us want to know who fathers which child, we felt it necessary for everyone to be involved.”

“What?” she squeaked, just a little bit alarmed. The one and only time that she’d had sex with all eight husbands in a single day had been a wonderful experience, but, oh wow had she paid for it. Everything had been swollen and tender, and she’d walked like a bowlegged cowboy for three days. As wonderful as the sex had been that day, she sure wasn’t looking for a repeat any time soon.

Bryce stepped toward her. He’d always been able to read her emotions easily. He’d once explained that being able to sense the moods of the people around him had saved his life more than once when working undercover. The way he read her so accurately, she had no doubt that was the truth.

“I don’t know all that much about a woman’s cycle, but there’s at least a three-day window of opportunity every month.” He looked to Matt for confirmation.

Matt nodded and added, “Generally a three-to-six-day time frame during ovulation.”

Bryce raised an eyebrow at her then smiled mischievously. “How about we tell the others to disappear, and Matt and I will show you how much we love you. These clowns,” he said, pointing over his shoulder at Ryan and Ty, “can come back tomorrow.”

She giggled at the put-out expression on Ryan’s face.

“I don’t think they’d like that,” she said in a conspiratorial whisper loud enough so that everyone could hear.

“How about we all promise to be gentle?” Ty said with a rather serious look on his face.

“Not too gentle,” she said quickly. Hell, being treated like she was fragile was far more irritating than walking a little funny for a few days.

Bryce smiled, pulled her close for a hug, and then captured her lips with his own. He kissed her gently, sweetly, softly until she growled and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Bryce laughed quietly, and she wiggled in delight when Matt’s hands slid in between them and started to undo the buttons of her dress. She could’ve lifted this one over her head, but it seemed far more important to not break the incredible kiss.

No matter how often Bryce kissed her, she just wanted to melt at his feet every single time. The man sure knew what he was doing. The dress slid off her shoulders and then calloused hands cupped her breasts trapping the taut nipples between fingers. Matt caressed the peaks gently, the soft touch playing havoc with her thought processes.

Smoothly, he slid one hand lower, toying with the elastic of her panties before pushing his hand inside and rubbing his fingers over the top of her mound. He teased her for a moment before sliding a finger through her folds and finding her clit. She moaned around Bryce’s tongue as Matt massaged the rapidly swelling bundle of nerves. Her legs began to wobble, and she felt both her men move closer, trapping her between them.

Mikayla smiled at their teamwork. Even though Matt and Bryce had been estranged for years, it had taken barely no time at all for them to fall back into the same type of close relationship as Ryan and Ty. Clearly, being a twin was not something easily forgotten.

Matt’s thick finger slid lower, found her pussy, and pushed inside. She moaned at the teasing invasion and tried to lower herself onto his hand. Matt laughed as he nipped at the back of her neck and removed his hand completely. “All in good time,” he said in a voice that promised unlimited pleasure.

He pushed her panties to the ground, and then Bryce lifted her out of them. He walked the few steps to his bed and gently lowered her to a sitting position on the edge. She glanced over to see Ryan and Ty watching, their clothes gone, their cocks in their hands.

Matt eased her backward onto the mattress, her legs dangling over the edge, her pussy opened and exposed. Bryce and Matt sat on either side, each grabbing a thigh and opening her wider. Ryan looked ready to explode even before he stepped closer.

He lowered to his knees, pressed his hands against the inside of her thighs and his tongue against her pussy, and then gently lapped at the swollen folds. Mikayla could feel her internal muscles throbbing, her labia tingling, her clit pulsing as he pushed her excitement higher. She tried to writhe against the bed, but Matt and Bryce held her trapped, her knees pressed toward her chest, her ass and pussy exposed. She moaned as Ryan pressed his tongue deep inside her slit, licking and laving the sensitive flesh. She felt a hand open the lips that hid her clit, and then Ryan latched onto it, sucking it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue, winding her arousal tighter. She groaned as thick fingers pushed into her vagina, curling to hit her G-spot and heightening her need. Mikayla panted as her orgasm slid closer, her ass beginning to squeeze and release as desire wound through her.

Matt and Bryce each captured a nipple in their mouths. Ryan sucked hard on her clit, pushing a finger into her ass at the same time. Her legs shook, her breasts ached, her toes curled, and then her climax washed through her, the shaking in her muscles defying even Matt and Bryce’s strong grip.

Wave after wave of pleasure slid over her. She tried to reach for Ryan’s hair, to push him away, but strong hands pushed hers down and the incredible, intense sensations continued.

Finally, she lay there gasping for air, every muscle relaxed and pliant. Ryan slid his cock into her channel. He fucked her slowly, like he had all the time in the world, in and out, his movements controlled, casual, his smile relaxed, but then her internal muscles clenched and his expression changed. No longer able to hold back, he pushed harder, deeper, stronger. He came with a groan but quickly pulled away. Ty took his place.

Ty grinned as he slid into her pussy, his hands caressing her thighs and ass as he pumped into her with long, deep, steady strokes. Mikayla smiled as he leaned over her to press a soft kiss to her mouth. But she gasped as he quickened the pace, her own orgasm rising to the surface, making her legs quiver once more, but he pulled away, leaving her empty. She writhed against Matt and Bryce’s hold, but they gentled her with long soothing strokes. Finally, Ty slid back into her grasping channel. Her vaginal muscles contracted around him, and his eyes closed as his strokes became faster and his breath caught. His gentle loving morphed into hungry need and, groaning, he held still as his cum pulsed deep into her pussy.

She wriggled, trying to get Ty to press against her clit just a little harder, but he smiled and moved away. Ryan and Ty managed to swap places with Bryce and Matt without letting her move an inch, and then Matt was pushing his thick cock into her. Her vagina muscles gripped him, her need to come rising again.

He loved her slowly, pulling away whenever she got close to orgasm. He smiled at her frustrated growl. She loved that he needed to be in charge. She loved that he liked to tease her until she was cross-eyed with desire, but oh, how she hated it while it was happening.

He grinned at her as if he knew her exact thoughts and then sped up just a little. Again and again he pounded into her, only to slow the pace any time she came close to orgasm. She moaned as he came and pulled out quickly, still not letting her reach climax. Bryce took his place, leaning over her to kiss her briefly as he slid his cock into her body.

Yet he did the same as the others—stopping whenever she neared orgasm, smiling at her increasingly irritated growls, slowly driving her insane. He pushed into her pussy again and again, lifting her need higher, throbbing inside her when he came. She moaned at the unfairness. None of her husbands seemed inclined to let her climax, and she opened her mouth to complain—loudly—but the words jammed in her throat when Bryce looked at the time and said to the others, “Half hour?”

They all nodded their agreement, and Mikayla suddenly felt like she wasn’t in on the rest of the plan. Considering that Ryan and Ty still held her in place, it was probably a safe bet.

“Half hour?” she asked Bryce. She made sure to fill her question with enough demand that he didn’t even think about not answering.

“We…um…did some research, and it turns out that this is the most effective position for getting you pregnant. If you stay like that for about a half hour, the chances of conception are increased.” She hadn’t known that, but it did seem to make sense.

“And not letting me orgasm?” she asked, still feeling annoyed at their denial.

“That, sweetheart, is to ensure your compliance.”

“What?” she yelped. She was pretty sure Ryan wasn’t joking.

“Stay in this position for half an hour, and then Matt and Bryce promise to give you as many orgasms as you want,” Ty said with a huge smile on his face.

“Really?” she asked excitedly. It was probably silly to be so thrilled by the promise, but even as they were discussing it so calmly, her orgasm still called her.

“Really,” Bryce said, taking Ty’s place at her side. “We will give you as many orgasms as you can stand, Mrs. Davidson, but no more penetration,” he warned. “Brock, Lachlan, Peter, and John will tear us apart if you’re too sore for them tomorrow night.”

They all stayed with her for the half hour, kissing, caressing, whispering promises, keeping her on the knife’s edge of arousal. She sighed in relief when the half hour finally ended.

Still holding her immobile, Ryan played with her clit and Ty pressed a finger into her ass. The gentle assault combined with her desperate need tipped her into orgasm almost immediately.

Heat pulsed through her, every muscle quivering as her long denied release went on and on and on. Panting hard she moaned as liquid warmth swelled through her veins, every inch of her tingling with release. Finally they let her move her legs, and she rolled into Ryan’s embrace, feeling completely relaxed. He kissed her forehead and hugged her close for a moment before rolling her into Bryce’s arms and lifting himself off the mattress.

“Good night, sweetheart,” he said, sounding serious once more. “We’ll see you at breakfast.”

Chapter Two

“Stop what you’re doing,” John said as he came into the living area where Mikayla, Ryan, and Ty were watching television the next evening. She smiled at him, already aware of what he probably wanted, but happy to tease him just a little.

“Is there something I can help you with, John?”

His eyes darkened at her husky tone, but he smiled in return.

“As a matter of fact there is.” He moved to stand in front of her and held his hand out to help her up. She tilted to one side, pretending to be engrossed in the movie.

“Can it wait?” she asked, still trying to look distracted. “Maybe I could give you a blow job while I watch the end of this movie.”

John growled softly and lifted her off the sofa. He held her up until she wrapped her legs around his waist and then kissed her so fiercely she was certain someone had sucked all of the oxygen from the air.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Mikayla's Family [A Bride for Eight Brothers 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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