Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (3 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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She knew she was being set up but felt immensely grateful. Sitting on any stool, padded or not, at the computer for hours on end was not very appealing when her ass was still sore.

She leaned up and dropped a soft kiss on Ryan’s lips. “Thank you,” she whispered. He dragged her to him, kissed her so thoroughly she felt weak in the knees, and then sent her on her way. She was still wobbly when she reached Bryce and Matt’s quarters.

But she found their quarters empty. So she stood in the middle of the room for a full minute wondering what the hell to do now. Surely they’d known she was coming. Ryan had made his
as if he knew Bryce and Matt were waiting for her.

She turned to leave the room and practically ran into her missing husbands.

“There you are,” Matt said, sounding relaxed. “How does your ass feel?”

She was ready to lie and say it was fine, but memories of the reason for yesterday’s spanking had her answering honestly. “Still sore, but not as bad as I was expecting.” And that was the truth. She’d expected to wake a whole lot sorer today, but whatever cream Lachlan had soothed over her reddened skin before they’d gone to sleep had worked really well.

“Bend over,” Bryce said in a tone that was neither negotiable nor lascivious. She did as she was told and sighed as the cooler air touched her skin when he lifted the material of her sundress. Mikayla tried not to giggle as they inspected her sore bottom. Head down, ass up, and neither of her men seemed inclined to fuck her.

“The cream worked well,” Matt said as he soothed a hand over the slightly sore flesh. “I’ll put some more on now and then some before bed tonight, and you should be fine by tomorrow.”

“As long as you remember why you ended up with a sore ass in the first place,” Bryce added.

“Trust me,” Mikayla said on a self-deprecating laugh. “That is one lesson I will not forget in a hurry.”

“Good,” Matt said as he retrieved a tube of cream and smoothed it over her bottom and thighs. She could already feel the lotion working. It must’ve had some sort of numbing agent included because by the time they let her stand, she couldn’t feel any pain at all.

“Now,” Bryce said as he rearranged her clothes and she was decent once more, “we have a surprise for you.”

She grinned happily. As a kid in foster care, she’d learned a long time ago to hate surprises, but life with her husbands was proving that some surprises were worth having. She let them lead her out of the main area of the research station and into a room that seemed to be an enclosed annex of sorts. But it was the small pool of water that drew her attention.

They were sort of outside, but not. It was steamy and humid in the tiny, ventilated room, but definitely not as hot as outside. Bryce and Matt both stripped off and then turned to help her out of her clothes. Mikayla’s light sundress had quickly dampened from the wet heat and clung to her skin uncomfortably. She raised her arms gratefully so that her men could lift it over her head.

Gloriously naked, Bryce dipped his head and captured her lips with his own. It started out a gentle caress but quickly morphed into heated passion. Matt pressed up against her back, peppering soft kisses against her neck, his hands roaming over her hips, his cock gently brushing against her ass.

Matt broke the kiss, turned her around and caressed her neck and shoulders as his brother claimed her in a devastating lip-lock of his own. Her knees wobbled as the three of them finally lowered into the warm water.

Though small in size, the rock pool was surprisingly deep in the middle, and Mikayla found herself clinging to Matt’s neck as he stood in the deepest part. She wrapped her legs around him and could feel his erection nestled against her pussy. “Is that for me?” she asked with a broad smile.

“Always,” Matt replied as Bryce pressed up to her back, and she felt his cock brush against her anus. Matt kissed her softly, leisurely running his tongue over her lips, seeking entrance to her mouth. She opened for him, sucking hard against him, feeling more relaxed than she had in weeks.

“I love you,” she whispered when they finally broke apart.

“I love you, too,” Matt said seriously, “and if you ever forget it again we are all going to take turns spanking your beautiful ass.” Her butt cheeks clenched at his threat, accidentally caressing Bryce’s cock.

He groaned softly and bit her earlobe before whispering, “That wasn’t supposed to turn you on.”

She giggled at his teasing. She knew they meant what they said, but since she had no intention of forgetting how much her men loved her, there was little chance of all eight of them spanking her on the same day.

Both of her men groaned when she shuddered and her ass and pussy pulsed with excitement. “Wench,” Bryce teased as he took her from Matt’s embrace. Matt turned to the shallower side of the pool, lifted himself onto the edge and held his arms open for Mikayla. With Bryce’s help, she quickly crawled over Matt’s big body and tried to lower her throbbing pussy onto his erect cock.

But he held her still, trapping her against him so that his delicious erection was pressed against her belly. She growled in frustration until she felt something cold touch her anus. Despite how many times the three of them had done this, Bryce had never taken her ass, and the thrill of finally joining with him in that way wound through her lower body. She wriggled in anticipation as he massaged the lubricant into her back passage. He stopped when she gasped at the incredible sensation, but Matt was quick to reassure his brother.

Mikayla could feel her pussy beginning to throb as her excitement ramped higher. Without thought, she began to squirm against Matt, trying to get closer, trying to ease the arousal she was feeling. Bryce removed his fingers and a moment later replaced them with the head of his cock. Matt held her down, pressing her hard against him, refusing to let her move.

Bryce grasped her hips, pulling her closer as his cock eased into her back passage. She moaned with relief when he pumped harder, pushing deeper, thrusting into her heat as she whimpered and kissed his brother.

Matt’s hands roamed over her back and neck, his fingers finally threading through her hair as he mastered her with his kiss. Carefully, Bryce thrust into her ass, pulled back slowly, and then rammed into her again. Over and over he claimed her dark hole, his cock stretching her, filling her, his movements rubbing her engorged clit against Matt’s hard cock. She started to shake all over, her breathing labored, her excitement nearly overwhelming. She moaned as Bryce fucked her over and over and over.

Her arousal spiraled higher, her need more acute, more desperate. She wriggled, pressing hard against him, gasping, groaning, aching for release. As her climax started, Matt lifted her slightly, slammed his cock into her pussy, and started fucking her like a wild man. No longer able to control his movements, Bryce pounded into her again and again until she was screaming in ecstasy. Her orgasm burned through her like a brush fire, scorching her heart and soul as her men branded her with their love.

* * * *

Bryce could barely breathe. Mikayla’s back passage squeezed his cock rhythmically as she came apart in their arms. His own orgasm tore through him, emptying his seed deep into her ass, his mind as exhausted as his body.

He held still a moment, his cock wedged deep in his wife’s glorious ass, but then his leg cramped, and he quickly withdrew. Unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough.

She turned immediately, pinning him with her gaze, her expression showing that she knew exactly what he was doing. It didn’t help that thanks to their connection through Mikayla, Matt had also felt Bryce’s sudden withdrawal.

“When are you going to get that fixed?” Matt asked quietly.

Mikayla raised an eyebrow, daring him to deny the pain he’d just felt. Refuting it was probably no less wrong than what Mikayla had done by refusing to use her safe word, but he couldn’t quite convince himself to travel back to Earth to get his leg fixed properly. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see Matt bleeding and Mikayla facing an assassin’s gun. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t been shot or that Matt had survived his injuries. When Bryce closed his eyes it was what he saw. He never wanted to see his family in danger again. He especially didn’t want them in danger because of him.

“Soon,” Bryce managed to mumble. In some ways, he was endangering them by not getting his leg fixed—his main duty was security after all—but every time he finally managed to talk himself into it, something happened, and he found an excuse not to.

“What about this planet?” Mikayla asked. “There’s a fairly well established colony. Maybe their medical facilities are capable of fixing your leg.”

Damn. He hadn’t even thought of that. At least while they were on contract, getting his leg fixed was something he’d do in the future. But if they had adequate medical facilities here, it was probably more convenient and definitely safer for him than traveling back to Earth. But it didn’t stop Bryce searching for an excuse to avoid the surgery altogether.

Unfortunately, with his brain still mush from post-coital bliss, he wasn’t thinking fast enough, and Mikayla somehow managed to extract a promise from him that he would make immediate inquiries.


* * * *

Mikayla silently fumed as she faced down her husbands. She hadn’t left the station since they’d landed on this planet, and now they were trying to deny her the chance to travel with Bryce to his doctor’s appointment.

“Why not?” Mikayla asked, barely managing to voice the question without pouting. How the hell she’d managed to hold her tongue for so long was simply beyond her. She barely recognized the woman she’d been before Brock and Lachlan had literally spanked her back to her old self.

“Because we don’t know this planet very well,” Bryce said, sounding perfectly reasonable.

“Bullshit,” she said, trying to smile through her anger. “You’ve all traveled into town on more than one occasion. That’s plenty of time to determine if the planet is safe for me to wander through a few market stalls with four damn bodyguards.”

Ryan and Ty smirked at the bodyguard crack but wisely stayed out of her argument with Bryce. “Honey,” Matt said. It was obvious simply from his cajoling tone that he would take his twin’s side in this argument. “We just want to be certain you’re adequately protected, and the best way to do that is for you to stay here.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” she said, turning her wrath on Matt. “Do you have any idea how fucking isolated I feel here? Do you?” Matt gave her that hurt look that she would’ve fallen for a couple of years ago, but she was wise to his tactics now. “Don’t!” She held her hand up to silence whatever platitude he was going to throw at her this time. “I’m coming with you, and that’s all there is to it. If you think I’m not safe, then do something to make sure I am. But I will not spend one more minute being coddled by men who say they love me but won’t let me make decisions for myself.”

She heard Ty try to hide his laughter with a cough, and she rounded on him, ready to pick up with him where she’d left off with Matt. But Ty held his hands up in surrender.

“Don’t blame me, darlin’. Matt’s the caveman who always needs to be in control.”

Too true.

“Fine,” Matt said, sounding completely and thoroughly exasperated. “You can come with us to the market and to the hospital with Bryce, but I will drag you back here at the first sign of trouble.” He stood in front of her, hands on his hips, ready to argue some more. But Mikayla wasn’t crazy. She knew when to compromise.

“Of course,” she said with what she hoped was a nonthreatening, not-too-innocent smile. Matt gave her an assessing look but turned to Bryce to make arrangements.

Within the hour, they were in the flying pod headed into town. According to the descriptions her husbands had given her, it wasn’t exactly a thriving metropolis. It did contain many small tourist retreats and family-run businesses, and from what she understood, the local hospital was quite well provisioned. Mikayla really hoped they could help Bryce.

She knew exactly why he hesitated to get his leg fixed. She’d been lying in his arms more than once when he’d had the nightmare, reliving the day when Matt had been shot by an assassin who’d mistaken him for Bryce. Mikayla hadn’t been hurt, but it was as if Bryce’s worst fears played out in his dreams. Each time he’d had the nightmare, she’d soothed him with quiet words and gentle touches until he’d either fallen back to sleep or grabbed her and made love to her like he couldn’t quite believe she was still with him.

Today he seemed to be in a little more pain than usual, and she wondered if his muscles were tensing up from stress. It was obvious he
didn’t want to spend any more time in hospital.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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