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Authors: Kim Harrison

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Black Magic Sanction (71 page)

BOOK: Black Magic Sanction
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He was entirely dark now, a shadow on a moving wisp of wind, eager to be away.

My heart was heavy. I didn't want to believe him. I wanted to be like everyone else. I'd worked
to be like everyone else. I'd gotten the coven to rescind my shunning, even if it was only temporary until the official meeting in June. My name was cleared. I'd failed Brooke, but I'd found Pierce and the chance for what might pass as a normal relationship for me. I even had the joy of knowing that Jenks was going to survive. I had my life back. But someday it was all going to end and I wouldn't be able to rebuild my walls of pretend. I should play while I could. And tonight... I felt good.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered myself and swung up into the saddle. The horse under me shifted until I pulled the reins in, demanding obedience. I started this morning crawling out of a hole in the ground, and now I was riding with elves.

"Race you to that tree over there," I said, and with a wild yell, I thumped my heels into my horse... and we were gone.

BOOK: Black Magic Sanction
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