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Authors: Bonnie Vanak

Bitten by the Vampire (4 page)

BOOK: Bitten by the Vampire
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Oh, damn. Her demon retreated hastily. Mara stepped back, her knees connecting with the seat of the couch.

“Sit,” he ordered in a silky tone.

She sat.

“Stay,” he purred.

Something stroked inside her mind with a velvet finger. Heat flushed her cheeks as she felt him inside her, surrounding her.

Lucien began to play her body like a violinist plucking the strings of an instrument. Stroking. Touching. All the while he sat at the other end of the couch, remote as the Arctic.

Watching her.

Moaning, she threw her head back, sensations tingling across her skin as phantom hands slid over her body. Tugging at her nipples, thumbing them until their overly sensitive tips crested. Then it felt as though hundreds of long, elegant hands were touching her all over.

With impartial blankness, he watched with folded arms, his mouth a grim slash.

The touching was exquisite, coaxing warmth from her cold body. More hands caressed her backside, dipping between her panties and her bare ass. A finger gently slid between her buttocks, teased.

Palms cupped her hips, holding her down as the ghost hands slid between her thighs, opening them wide. Moisture wept from her core. Mara squeezed her fists, trembling and fighting the sensations as fingers delicately opened her soaked cleft, slid across it.

One long finger entered her core, the sensitive tissues shuddering at the phantom intruder. Mara clamped down, trying to keep him out, but could not. He rubbed back and forth, making her moan. Another teased her clit, circling it with lazy strokes that increased to a determined rhythm. Her eyes bulged as whimpers spilled from her mouth. She was a puppet and he the master puppeteer, pulling the strings of her body, each feather light touch bringing her higher and higher….

“Please,” she gasped. “Please.”

Lucien leaned close, his gaze fierce. “Please what, sweet?”

“Let me come,” she wailed.

A slight push, a harder stroke and she climaxed, her body shuddering. Mara sagged on the couch, spent and trembling. Her head tipped back on her neck like a broken daisy.

“I can control you, sweet. I need only enter your mind to make you sexually submissive to my will.”

The musky smell of her arousal tinged the air. She gulped down a shattered breath, trying to hide her shock.

“This is for your protection, Mara. I will not see you ripped apart by hunters.” A shadow crossed his face. “So now, will you follow my rules?”


A phantom hand cupped between her legs, began massaging.

“No more,” she wailed. “All right, I will follow your rules.”

The hand vanished. Lucien smiled with pure male satisfaction.

Two could play this game, she thought. “I have a few rules of my own. No more mind fucking.”

Mara ran a hand over his firm thigh, reached between his legs. Squeezed. Hard and thick, his erection twitched beneath her hand.

This time, he wasn't so immune to her. All the time he'd stroked her to orgasm, his own body had become aroused. Satisfied, she grinned and squeezed again.


He gasped, and drew in a ragged breath. “I agree. No more telepathic seductions.”

As she drew away, pleased with her little victory, he fell back against the couch. But the vampire gave a slow smile. “I prefer to wait for the real thing, your naked body in my arms. Much more of a challenge, and exciting.”

That's what I'm afraid of
, she thought.

Chapter 6

The next day proved torturous for Lucien as he worked with Mara.

She'd slept in his room all night. Resisting the temptation to join her in bed, he sat in the living room watching television. He needed little sleep and fed only once a month, though he could use a little nourishment. Not willing to leave Mara unprotected, he channel surfed, trying to ignore the fragrance of her scent.

Her lush body was sweet and hot, the taste of her mouth had rushed to his head and loins. Lucien had never been aroused so quickly. After two thousand years of existence, few women could stir his jaded soul. But his soul was already stained by the blood of another Darklighter. And he'd vowed he'd never let it happen again.

This is why it's better to remain alone,
he thought.
I must tame her, take her dark powers.

But in taking her darkness, was he removing the spirit that made her strong? Sitting on the couch in his suite, Lucien watched her line dominos on the tile floor, a tedious exercise to teach her patience. As she picked up the last tile with a triumphant smile, he toed one and the rest tumbled down.

Anger darkened her face. “That's not fair. Put them back. You promised I could go swimming if I set all of them up.”

“I did not promise not to knock them over. Patience, Mara.” He regarded her flushed face. “Dennis Jones is still in Miami, by the way. I saw him in an outdoor cafe when I went to the store to buy the dominos.”

Talons emerged from her fingertips. Her eyes turned blood-red, her lips a thin white line. Snarling, she launched herself across the room.

Lucien flicked a hand and Mara crashed downward. She recovered. He allowed her to tackle him, draw a thin crimson line down one cheek. Spitting, she reached out to swipe him again.

Mara paused, confusion furrowing her brow. Her gaze centered on the blood on his cheek. The demonic features vanished.

Her mouth wobbled tremulously. “I hurt you. Lucien, I hurt you and I didn't mean it. I'm sorry.”

As she spoke, his wound healed.

“Your demon took over. Rage unleashes it and you lose control.” Lucien hated the bleakness shadowing her face.

“I can't do this. Every time I get angry, I think of Jones wanting to hurt me. What if I can never learn to control this? I feel so alone.”

“You will. Stop thinking of Jones. It only feeds your demon.”

Her anguish cracked his cold rock of a heart. Gods, he knew what it felt like to be alone and isolated. If he did nothing else in his godsforsaken life, he must help her. Even though his soul rebelled at the idea of entangling his life with a dangerous Darklighter.

And his heart rebelled as well.

Yet Mara looked so woebegone and forlorn, Lucien's protective instincts surged. He took her into his arms, letting her lean against him for support. How had she survived these years alone, being the caretaker of her sisters, working hard to escape attention?

The solid beat of her heart echoed in his ears. He could feel the blood pump in her veins, her confused grief settle into calm. Feel her soft, warm body meld against his.

His fangs lengthened as his groin hardened. Lucien stroked the silkiness of her hair. He wanted her in his bed, but not his life. She could be the death of him.

“What do you do when you're angry, Lucien?”

“I count to ten backwards in Latin.”

Mara lifted her face, wrinkled her nose. Enchanted, he laughed and touched her cheek, forging a connection between them. Mara gazed at him with a hopeful look.

“If you're so intent on subduing my demon, can you at least teach my angelic half how to kick some ass?”

Another crack shattered his cold heart. Lucien smiled, melting at the adorable expression on her heart-shaped face. Damn, she was lovely, and sexy and so tempting. Mating her was dangerous because she had the power to unravel his cold restraint. Mara was getting to him.

“I usually bite their neck. I am a vampire,” he teased.

A pulse beat wildly at the side of her long, slender throat. His fangs ached as he longed put his mouth on her, mark her by taking her blood. She'd taste hot and sweet sliding down his throat.

He toyed with a strand of her silky hair, his gaze heavy-lidded as he regarded his charge. He envisioned sinking his fangs into her soft skin as she clung naked to him, screaming as they copulated in lusty, sweaty sex on his feather mattress.

Or the floor.

Or this sofa.

Those blue eyes pierced his. “Vampires are supposed to be powerful. I've heard stories about Lucien the Ancient, who can kill with a single thought. And no one can kill him.”

“No one is totally invincible.”

“You seem so strong.”

He felt a fragile bond of trust grow between them. “Not when I'm headless,” he attempted to joke. “Or facing fire. Both can kill me. Which is why I keep the dinner knives locked up and many fire extinguishers handy.”

“I'm feeling kinda hot myself. Very hot.”

Mara wrapped her arms around his waist. Startled, he realized she was pulling his shirttails out. Her palms slid up his bare back. Lucien's body tightened with pleasure as she touched him.

As he sank into the yearning in her blue eyes, he only wanted to hold the moment between them, like a glass snow globe. Mara with her angelic sweetness and her demonic passion.

I could fall in love with you.

Sweet mercy, love? Sex was one thing. Emotions, hell no, he couldn't afford those. Love was lethal.

It killed.

Panic raced up his spine.

He pulled away, steeling himself against the hurt in her eyes. First he'd teach Mara restraint and patience, and regain his lost composure. No sex until he was firmly in control of his emotions.

This Darklighter would not break him as the other had.


For the next two hours, she tested his sexual restraint. He finally went outside to get fresh air and try to cool off.

When Mara stepped onto the balcony, he bit back a groan. She sighed and gave a luxurious stretch, the move pushing her breasts upward.

His fingers itched to touch them, rub their nipples and then encase his mouth over one, enjoying her little moans as he suckled her.

His trousers seemed too binding. He adjusted himself, watching her inhale the briny air, a smile teasing the corners of her wet, red mouth.

Determined to cool down, he engaged her in an animated conversation about her studies, her hopes, her dreams of obtaining a degree in business administration. When he told her his wealth came from being a silent partner in several investment firms, her blue eyes sparkled.

“I want to be an investment advisor,” she confided, pushing back a lock of hair.

“Makes sense. Your demonic side would blend in well on Wall Street.”

Her gurgling laughter sounded full and rich and unabashed. It was the laugh of a woman unafraid of what others thought. Utterly charmed, he leaned over and kissed her.

Her lips were soft and warm beneath the pressure of his. Lucien cupped her face and drank in her mouth, losing himself in her sweetness. His tongue mated with hers as she sighed into his mouth.

She was heady as the finest wine, the richest taste of blood on his tongue. He pulled away, putting distance between them. Giving the excuse of getting drinks for them both, he saw disappointment shadow her face.

Ice clinked in the glasses as he prepared the beverages. Mara was more dangerous than the Society realized, he thought ruefully. She was a lethal weapon.


Awhile later, Lucien suggested a swim to cool off.

For himself, not her, he noted ruefully.

The hotel pool was crowded with model-thin women in thongs and tanned men in clingy bathing suits. Not a family hotel. Not a child in sight. Just adults looking at each other like starved dieters at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

And Mara, treading water at the pool's side.

The red-and-white checked bikini she wore hugged every delicious contour of her lush body. When he'd taken her to the hotel gift shop, the bikini was the only suit that fit. He'd preferred a one-piece fit for a modest, maidenly aunt. From the 18

Lucien drew in a deep breath, fighting for his hard-won control. He wanted to spread her wide and take her on the pool deck. Forget all the people splashing in the water, sunning on the lounges. He wanted to make her moan. Make her scream and writhe. Excitement surged through him as he imagined her sweet mouth, swollen and red from his possessive kisses, all over his body. Blood surged thick in his veins, flooding his cock.

He looked at Mara's dreamy expression. His smile faded as he touched her mind. A black cloud of evil, invisible to all others, misted the air around her.

Despite his express instructions, Mara was thinking about killing Jones. Slowly.

Time for another lesson.

Never test the vampire.

A shadow fell over her, shattering the daydream as if it were glass. Mara looked up, gazing at two well-shaped feet, the curve of muscled calves dusted with dark hair.

Black bathing trunks hugged his lean hips. All six-foot-four inches of yummy vampire hovered over her. Thoughts of Jones gave way to a sharp bolt of desire. Mara closed her eyes against it.

Lucien only wanted to strip away her powers, leave her defenseless and reliant on him. She hadn't depended on anyone since the day her parents died.

Droplets splashed over her as Lucien executed a perfect dive into the water. She heard several feminine sighs of appreciation as he swam to her side.

More water sailed into her face as he playfully shook his head. Inky black hair plastered to his skull. Then suddenly he pounced. Lucien ducked her under water. With one hand, he held her down.

Another game. Fine. She'd show him. Mara kicked upward. But when he showed no signs of releasing her, panic began. Bubbles expelled as she released a breath. But there was no more air. Only water.

He was drowning her? Here in the hotel pool?

Air, she must have air. Mara struggled, but his superior vampire strength kept her submerged. The darkness rose up, demanding to live. The water began to churn and boil, heating by several degrees. Still, he hung on. Mara's vision grew grayish. Her lungs screamed for air as her demon struggled to break free.

Let go
, a voice whispered.

The white light, edging away the darkness. Prodding her to stop fighting. Every instinct fought against it. The urge to surrender grew stronger. Mara relaxed and let go.

White light poured out of her body, cooling the water instantly and strengthening her body. In a burst of renewed energy, she broke free of his grip. Mara surfaced, gasping and coughing, gulping down wonderful, blessed air.

Her fingers grasped the pool's edge. When her heart stopped racing, she stared at Lucien.

Bathers had fled the pool, complaining it was too hot. Some returned now, dipping a toe into the water. Lucien looked calm and cool.

“Your demon has kept you alive all this time, Mara? I think not.”

“Bastard,” she choked out, spitting out water. “You tried to drown me.”

“If I wanted you dead, you would be dead,” he said quietly. “It was to prove a point. Your white light killed the flames in the furnace. It gave you strength to break free just now. Your angelic half is your protector, Mara. It's stronger than your demon, if you will give it a chance.”

Gulping down a shaky breath, she shook her head. He leaned against the edge, his gaze very steady. “You can control your dark side. It can serve a purpose.”

“You don't think so. All you've done is point out the badness.”

“Because you're using it for evil. Not the other, more pleasurable aspects.” He drew close enough for her to see the swirling darkness in his eyes, droplets of water glittering on his long, black lashes. Lucien touched her wet lips with a fingertip. He traced a line along the plump lower lip.

“Passion. The releasing of inhibition,” he murmured.

Mara gasped as his hand submerged, found the edge of her bikini bottom. He slid inside the tiny triangle of fabric, stroked a finger across her curls. The cleft between her legs suddenly ached. The bikini felt too tight, too restrictive.

“Here, in public?” she managed to choke out.

“You forget my powers. No one can see us. I've cast a glamour and can do whatever I wish. And what I wish is…”

Deftly, he pulled her top down. Cool air washed over her cresting nipples. Freed of restrictive cloth, they felt achingly sensitive. Lucien palmed her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples.

Fighting the pleasure, Mara whipped her head around. No shocked gasps, no avid protests. People swam by, continued sunning as if Lucien gave her nothing more than a friendly peck on the cheek.

Except two lean, wiry men sitting in lounge chairs. In jeans and baseball shirts, they stared with avid interest. Nostrils flared, they sniffed the air as if scenting her arousal. Gooseflesh sprang on her arms as she recognized them.

“Lucien, those men, they're the same werewolf hunters from the street,” she whispered. “They act as if they can see what you're doing.”

“They can.” He rubbed circles on her nipples, making the flesh between her legs grow wet and taut. “Hunters are impervious to my glamour.”

“But they can see us!”

“Yes. And the more they see, the better they'll understand that you're mine. You're under my protection, Mara, and no damn hunter will dare approach while I'm with you. Let them watch.”

His wet mouth encased one nipple. Lucien wrapped an arm around her, anchoring her to him. The sharp contrast between the cool air and his warm lips sent heat blasting through her. She fisted her hands in his damp hair, biting back a moan.

He looked up, fierce intent glittering in his gaze. “Go ahead, Mara, scream. No one will hear you but them.”

Lucien climbed out the pool and hoisted her out with one arm. He ripped the bikini bottom free, hoisted her out and laid her on the deck. Naked and vulnerable, she watched him. With a hard look of determination, he pushed her thighs open. She protested with a squeak.

BOOK: Bitten by the Vampire
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