Read Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3) Online

Authors: Evelyn Adams

Tags: #alpha billionaire romance, #military romance, #politician, #alpha billionaires and alpha heroes, #office romance

Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3)
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OW CAN YOU eat like that?” Haven grinned at Walker as he laid waste to a huge slab of ham and an enormous pile of hash browns. It didn’t even take into account the scrambled eggs he’d already finished. “I know your schedule. You don’t have enough time in your day to run off that heart attack on a plate.”

“You don’t like the way I look?” He arched an eyebrow and shot her a sexy smile that had her heart hammering in her throat.

“Shut up.”

He knew she loved his body. The fact she hadn’t gotten her hands on it for weeks did nothing to diminish that. It only added to the want. Since the Estevan scandal broke, they’d been so careful. They hadn’t touched each other in public or in private in a way that could be considered inappropriate. When he walked into a room, she felt the temperature shoot up and her body respond immediately, but that was her problem. Neither of them risked acting on it. Instead, they let the heat simmer just below the surface and took the simple pleasure of being together over breakfast in the morning.

They couldn’t even hold hands in the car anymore. Most mornings they had to content themselves with opening the hotel restaurants and stealing a fraction of an hour together before they got on the bus and headed out for the day. If they were lucky, like they’d been that morning, there was a twenty-four-hour diner within walking distance of the hotel.

“I don’t think someone who uses that much sugar in her tea has any room to talk,” he said, leaning toward her.

She propped her chin on her hand and met his gaze, taking a moment to lose herself in his dark eyes. They might not be able to touch each other, but she didn’t doubt for a second how he felt about her. He loved her and she loved him. And for a few stolen minutes, she tried to let everything she felt but couldn’t say shine through her eyes.

“What the fuck are the two of you doing?”

They flew apart as if they’d been electrocuted. The fact that they hadn’t been touching each other didn’t stop the panic and guilt from settling over her. What she felt for Walker—what they felt for each other—was more intimate than a simple affair. Not having sex didn’t exactly give them a pass. She looked up into Justin’s furious face.

“We’re having breakfast, Justin. Why don’t you join us?” said Walker, sounding well and truly pissed.

Someday maybe she’d learn the best defense was a good offense, but in the heat of the moment, she always seemed to forget.

“You’re back early.” He’d been off with Abby and Becca, working with the captains in what were likely to be the most heavily contested states. She hadn’t been expecting him to hook up with the campaign until later that afternoon.

“Yeah, just in time to catch your
Lady and the Tramp

“What are you talking about? We weren’t doing anything we couldn’t do in a room full of people.” The diner was empty but that wasn’t the point.

“Do you honestly think that anyone who saw you wouldn’t know exactly what’s going on between the two of you?”

“And what’s going on between us?” If she was going to have to torture herself by being this close to Walker and not being able to have him, then she at least wanted some credit for her restraint.

“Everything you feel shows in the way you look at him. The way you look at each other. God, it’s so fucking obvious. It’s a miracle the press hasn’t already started to speculate.” He shook his head in disgust.

“Sit down, Justin.” Walker pitched his voice low but his expression showed that he clearly intended to be obeyed.

“I don’t want to sit down. I want you to get your head out of your ass before you ruin her and fuck up your chance at the presidency. Although given that I seem to want that more than you do, I’m not sure how much I care about that part anymore.” He waved his arms the way he did when he couldn’t hold his anger in anymore. The gesture had previously been reserved for asshole drivers and cheating boyfriends.

“Sit down, Justin.” Walker’s carefully modulated tone had taken on a more determined edge.

“Why the fuck do you care so much that I sit down?”

“Because the reporter from the
is standing outside, watching us through the window, and I have no idea how much he can hear.”




o is he or isn’t he? Matt has a very good reason to keep his mouth shut—assuming he’s figured out what’s going on between Haven and Walker. He doesn’t want to be the guy to break a sex scandal especially when it would come in the shadow of Estevan’s disaster. He wants to cover a Walker presidency. But he’s also getting closer to Sandra, and we already know his protective streak is one of his best characteristics.

There’s a lot going on in KING, including perhaps a coronation of sorts, and I wouldn’t put money on how long Walker and Haven are able to keep their hands off each other. Some things are too hard to deny. I can’t wait to go on the ride to the Convention with you in KING. See you back here on election day!


More Books by Evelyn Adams

The Southerland Series

Feel Like Home (Jude and Autumn)

Loving Bailey (Bailey and Trace)

Feels Like Family (Jude and Autumn’s Wedding Novella)

Practical Arrangement (Travis and Summer)

Riding the Pause (Rachel and Ian)

A Little Bit Closer (Blake and Samantha)

Love at the Lost & Found (Taylor and Matthew)

Laws of Attraction (Andrew and Candace)

House on Fire (Jake and Genevieve)

Someone to Love (Adam and Erica

Studio 1247 Erotic Romance Series

Love Unbound

Bound to Please

Bound With Love

The Forbidden Fruit Erotic Romance Series

Love Unlocked

Love Uncovered

Love Unlocked, Uncovered and Unwrapped Box Set

For the Billionaires Pleasure

Luke & Claire




Wired Wanton and Won Box Set

Eric & Julie

Wrapped Around You



A Contemporary Romance

Book Three of the Political Royalty Series


Evelyn Adams

ISBN: 9781944801052

Copyright 2016 Evelyn Adams

All rights reserved

ll rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereinafter invented is forbidden without the written consent of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

BOOK: Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3)
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