Billionaire's Contract (The Billionaire's Contract Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Contract (The Billionaire's Contract Series)
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‘Well, how do you feel?’ he asked.


‘Anything else?’

‘I feel like I’m in your power.’

‘And how does that make you feel?’


She jumped when he touched the back of her knee. His hand slid up the back of her thigh. ‘Remember, just say ‘apples’ and I will stop.’ His hand reached the swell of her bottom and travelled over it, following her plump curves.

Kirsty felt her heart race and her breathing quicken and her crotch get wet. Her cotton panties were already soaked. Blake’s hand moved in to the denim seam that ran down the middle of her butt. He followed it down between her legs. Instinctively, Kirsty raised her hips to give him easier access. His hand slid over the mound of her pussy and she gasped.

She pressed herself back against his firm hand, feeling herself become hot as a furnace between her legs. He used his fingers to touch her through the denim and she wanted the jeans off so she could feel the strong flesh of his hand against the soft folds of her pussy. She couldn’t take her jeans off herself, though, because of the rope tying her hands. This was torture. Delicious torture.

‘Please,’ she whispered.

‘Please what?’ His voice had deepened even more than usual and she found it hard to believe he was feeling lust at touching her body; the body she hated, the body Simon had left, the body with lumps and bumps and big everything.

‘Please take my jeans off.’

His hand moved away from her denim-clad mound and stroked her inner thigh. ‘Patience’ he said softly but firmly. ‘I’m in control here.’

She squirmed, needing his hand back on her intimate place.

He laughed quietly. ‘You are such a responsive woman. Yet no man has managed to discover that about you.’ He let his hand slide slowly....ever so slowly...back to her mound. As soon as he touched her there, Kirsty gasped a single ‘Oh’ of surprise and pleasure.

He pressed against the denim, stimulating her. His other hand moved beneath her to the button and zipper. Kirsty felt herself going crazy with need. Why was he so slow and deliberate? Couldn’t he tell how much she needed to be touched properly? It was enough to send her out of her mind.

He opened the button and unzipped her. She felt him tug at the jeans and they slid over her hips, taking her panties with them. He pulled them down to her knees and grunted approvingly at the sight of her naked pussy and bottom. Kirsty felt exposed and vulnerable but she also felt so horny it didn’t matter.

‘Beautiful,’ he said, and she was sure he couldn’t be talking about her. ‘You have an incredible arse,’ he said, stroking the swell of one bare buttock. His strong hand moved across the soft flesh to Kirsty’s butt crack and traced it down to her crotch, making her shudder beneath his intimate touch.

He found her slick folds and parted them, delving into her with a finger as his thumb rolled over her clit. She groaned and pushed her hips back. He was inside her up to his knuckle, his finger stroking her inner wall, searching for her G spot.

He found it and stimulated her there with light, expert movements of his fingers. At the same time, his thumb on her clit was driving Kirsty crazy. She felt any control she had over her body disappear as he controlled her with pleasure. His other hand caressed her bottom, squeezing and stroking.

It was too much for Kirsty. Without warning, she heard a scream that she realised was her own and a luscious orgasm took her in its blissful embrace. She gripped Blake’s finger with her inner muscles, wishing for more than just his finger but happy for now that at least some part of him was inside her. Her hips bucked with each flash of sensation that made her muscles jump. He inserted a second finger and removed his thumb from her clit, knowing that it would be too much for her now that orgasm had made her super-sensitive and also knowing that his two fingers gave her more to grip with her fluttering pussy muscles. She bore down on them strongly and continued to scream and pant with the ecstatic sensations that exploded within her.

When the orgasm subsided, Blake removed his fingers and Kirsty lowered her hips to the bed, lying there panting and recovering.

She heard him unzip his jeans and she tried to turn her head to see him but she was too exhausted. He climbed onto the bed behind her and from the juddering of the mattress, she knew he was pleasuring himself over her body. No man had ever done that before and it made her feel like a sexual goddess. Could the sight of her body really turn a man on so much that he could lose control and come?

That question was answered when she heard Tyler Blake suddenly grunt and felt his hot issue streak across her plump bottom. He released his hot seed, groaning with pleasure and spilling himself onto her full cheeks. Kirsty had never felt so desired or so feminine. She whispered, ‘Yes,’ to him and lay there receiving his lustful worship of her curves.

When he was spent, Blake got off the bed and she caught sight of his cock as he pulled his jeans back up. His manhood was thick and long and still hard and she felt pleased that the sight of her had made it that way and had made Blake lose control to the point of shooting his load.

He took her wrists gently and untied them, saying, ‘Now do you understand? Now do you know how Carrie must feel when Clay ties her up?’

Chapter Five


He was in the living room waiting for her after she got out of the shower for a second time. He smiled at her and she smiled back but she wasn’t sure what had just happened or why. Had he given her pleasure like that merely so she could write a better scene in her book? If so, she felt cheap. But there was no other explanation for their bedroom encounter; there was no way Tyler Blake was attracted to her. No way on earth. A man like him and a woman like her? It was unthinkable.

He handed her wine to her. He had topped it up. ‘Aren’t you having one too?’ she asked.

‘No, I have to drive back to the hotel.’

‘Of course.’ What had she dared to let herself hope? Of course he was leaving now.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow for more input,’ he said as he shrugged on his coat.

She nodded. ‘OK.’

With a brief smile, he was gone. Out of the door. She heard his car start up and drive away.

Sitting at the desk and looking out at the churning sea, she suddenly felt cold. The fire was dying. No need to put another log onto the glowing embers. She went into the bedroom and buried herself in the covers, curling up and closing her eyes against the tears that ran freely down her cheeks.

* * *

Tyler Blake drove through the rain, letting the metronomic whirr of the windscreen wipers dull his thoughts. He felt like he needed to distance himself from what had just happened because Kirsty Moore affected him in ways he had never felt before. He prided himself for his impassionate approach to everything; it was part of why he was so successful. But the curvy Romance author enraged passions within him to the point that he couldn’t control them anymore. No woman had ever had such an effect on him. How could he feel like this when he hardly knew her?

He directed the Bentley along the winding cliff road, concentrating on driving through the rain, before descending into Carbis Bay and heading for the hotel. When he got to his room, he sat on the edge of the bed and let his mind replay the events at the cottage. Kirsty had responded perfectly. She was truly a sub, even though that side of herself had been hidden until now. Tyler almost felt privileged to have made the discovery with her. But how far was he willing to let his feelings take him? What was going to happen tomorrow when he visited her again?

* * *

Kirsty slid out of bed at seven a.m. feeling refreshed. Despite her tears last night, sleep had put everything into perspective. So something had happened with Tyler Blake which she hadn’t meant to happen. She had let it go too far. These things occurred sometimes, although never to her. Besides, she could hardly blame her billionaire boss; he had told her to simply say ‘apples’ to stop everything. She hadn’t said the safe word. In fact, she had begged him to continue.

She dressed quickly, needing to do something, to busy herself. The sun streamed through the windows and she wanted to get out of the cottage and get some fresh air. She slid her Mac into its shoulder bag and slung it over her shoulder before heading out. Yesterday’s dark clouds were gone to be replaced by clear blue skies. Kirsty breathed in the air deeply, the scent of flowers and grass combined with sea salt unfamiliar but pleasing. She walked the winding road toward the beach and the town. It was too early for anyone but dog walkers to be out and she enjoyed the quiet and the view of the golden sands below the cliffs and the calm sea.

She found a cafe in town and she bought a coffee and a Danish. Sitting at one of the outside tables, she opened up her Mac and read over the manuscript. She knew now why Blake had wanted her to rewrite the scene with Carrie and Clay; the feelings she had given Carrie in the scene were nothing like the feelings she herself had felt last night. Everything she had written yesterday seemed inadequate now. Why had she decided to set the book in France? She had only been there once in her life. Maybe she should set the story in Cornwall. Maybe instead of Carrie being a personal assistant to Clay, she could be a Romance author and he could be her publisher. Would Blake go for that? Was it too close to reality? Hell, it was her book. And it was being published under a pen name anyway so no one would ever know it was based on her own experience. She started a new document and began writing.

After a couple of hours, she decided to move to the beach. The streets had become busy with tourists and the hustle and bustle distracted her from the story in her head. She bought a beach blanket from a store festooned with inflatable dolphins and buckets and spades and she walked across to the golden curve of sand, looking for a quiet spot past the families in their fold-up chairs and the kids frolicking in the shallows. The air smelled of sandwiches and sun tan lotion until she made her way to the far side of the beach, below the imposing cliffs. She sat on the blanket in the shade of the huge rocky walls and balanced the laptop on her knees as she typed. She was glad most people didn’t bother to walk more than a few yards from the car park; she had this entire stretch of sandy beach to herself.

A couple of chapters in, she heard a deep voice. ‘Kirsty.’ Tyler Blake stood above her, dressed casually in blue jeans and a grey t-shirt which stretched tightly across his pecs and displayed his bulging arm muscles.

‘Hi,’ she said, trying to sound calmer than she felt. How the hell had he found her here?

‘I saw you from the cliffs,’ he said, as if reading her mind. ‘I was taking a walk. How’s the writing going?’ He gestured to the Mac on her knees.

‘I’ve made some changes.’

‘Oh?’ He raised a quizzical eyebrow. ‘Mind if I take a look?’

She shrugged and handed him the laptop. Sitting next to her on the blanket, he scrolled through what she had so far and the ghost of a smile played on his lips. He nodded slowly and turned to her. ‘It’s us.’

‘Yeah. If you don’t like it, I can change it back.’

‘No, it’s fine. I think Carrie and Clay work better as writer and publisher.’

‘I’ll probably change their names eventually. You’re right about Carrie being too Sex And The City.’

He nodded and looked out across the sea. In the distance, a huge ship traversed the waves. ‘So what happens next?’ he asked.

She wasn’t sure if he meant the book or real life. ‘How do you mean?’

‘Well, we have the publisher and the author in a gradually-developing relationship based on a clause in Carrie’s writing contract. They’ve experimented with BDSM but things haven’t really progressed very far yet.’

‘Do you have any editorial suggestions?’ she asked.

He hesitated for a moment then said, ‘How about a change of scenery?’

She swallowed thickly. The sexual tension in the air between them was electric. ‘What do you suggest?’

‘The beach. A secluded area of the beach.’

‘With people around?’

He nodded and moved closer to her. Before she knew what was happening, his mouth was on her and he kissed her tenderly. She returned the kiss, feeling like she was melting into his strong arms as they held her firmly. He broke the kiss and she looked into his grey eyes. ‘Carrie is very insecure about herself,’ she said.

‘I know. Clay knows. But even though Carrie doesn’t realise it yet, he thinks she is beautiful.’

‘No one has ever thought that about her before. She doesn’t even think it of herself.’

‘There’s a lot she has to learn.’ He leaned in and kissed her again, his tongue pushing past her lips slightly. When he pulled back, she was breathless.

‘Come back to the cottage with me,’ he said.

She nodded and gathered up her things. As they made their way back across the sand, Kirsty found herself hyper-aware of her surroundings. The families eating lunch on their blankets, the musky scent of Tyler Blake’s aftershave, the closeness of his body to hers. ‘Are we going to walk all the way to the cottage?’ she asked him.

‘No, we’re going to get a taxi. I can’t wait that long.’

* * *

He pushed her to the bed, his hands dragging at her t-shirt as he kissed her. Kirsty was a swirl of emotion and need. She felt his hands squeezing her breasts through her bra and her nipples grew hard in response to his touch. She moaned against his mouth and kissed him passionately.

BOOK: Billionaire's Contract (The Billionaire's Contract Series)
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