Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance)
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Was he going to try and change her mind? Emily could swear she saw that gleam of intent in his eyes, as if he knew he had enough power of persuasion to have her flat on her back before she even realized it. Much as that vision excited her, to have an aggressive Chace grab her in his arms, toss her on the bed, and ravish her while she moaned in final capitulation, Emily shook it off and stood firm.

Yes, she might be going through a dry spell and one reckless night of abandon would possibly be just what she needed. Maybe if it was some stranger guaranteeing a fly-by night of passion, Emily wouldn’t think twice. It was about time she had one of those. But it had taken getting to feel the sweet enchantment of Chace’s touch and kisses to remind her there was a piece of her still raw from the pain of the past.

“Something tells me that’s not the only reason,” Chace said thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing.

The last thing Emily wanted was Chace guessing the truth – how their past still left her emotionally scarred. So she gave what she hoped was a convincing smile. “It’s just the case of bad timing. I’ve only just recently been through a breakup. It was, to say the least, messy. As much as it was good seeing you again, I just know it would be advisable to not try to complicate things. It’s not like either of us are really looking for anything.”

“And if I was? What would you say if I told you I wanted to see you again? This doesn’t have to end here, like this.”

Emily huffed. “I’m sure you’d like another opportunity to try again,” she said while glancing meaningfully at the massive bed. Inviting as it looked and as much as she still felt a sizzle at the juncture of her thighs, she couldn’t give into it.

Emily would have turned away, but felt Chace’s hand around her wrist. She looked up defiantly. “I’d like to leave, right now. You coming into my life out of nowhere is the last thing I need. It may have been good in the past, but we both know how it ended. Let’s just keep things that way and not start something we’d both regret.”

Their eyes held for a few seconds before Chace released his hold. Emily couldn’t read anything from his face and felt a perverse disappointment when he calmly said, “I’ll get you home now.”


Chapter 3

That was a week ago and Emily could still remember every detail from that night.

She sighed heavily and decided she needed to focus. There was no doubt Chace had forgotten all about her already. After he’d dropped her home with a “goodnight,” she’d had a feeling she wouldn’t be seeing him again.

Which was just as well. She’d meant it about him being the last thing she needed.

Back then it had all been different. She’d made Chace her world – and he’d sent it crumbling to dust. He’d given her a taste of heaven only to snatch it away leaving only emptiness.

If she was truly honest, Emily knew Chace wasn’t completely to blame. So many other things had factored in, but the truth was when it came down to it, Chace had ended up hurting her. More than anyone ever had.

“Hey, Emily – you okay? We’ll be starting soon,” said one of her fellow dancers, snapping Emily out of her reverie.

“Oh. Thanks, Pat. I’ll be right there.”

Emily sighed and turned to face the mirror of the dressing room, causing her eyes to focus on her reflection. She was dressed in the costume for the fitness video. She’d got the job last week and thought it would be fun to try it and so far she loved the experience.

She and five other girls had a pole-dance routine which was to be shot today. Being on the full-figured side, Emily took pride in the fact that she stayed flexible and fit. Most of the other girls had the slender dancer physique, but the director of this video had wanted variety, hence snapping Emily up for a part.

It was certainly far more exciting than Emily’s normal job working as a waitress. It was at an upscale restaurant and the pay was good, but she liked that she could also take up unpredictable work on the side. Emily could do almost anything as long as it didn’t clash with her principles.

Much as she had a sense of adventure, there were some lines she wouldn’t cross. Something had come up a few days ago – a friend had offered to fix Emily up with an escort job. The money had been more than promising till Emily realized it wasn’t just companionship the client would be expecting. Emily might like the idea of more money, but she wasn’t a call girl.

Not that she was looking down her nose at anyone who chose such a pastime. Emily would be the last to judge. Then her mind went back to not so long ago when her closest pal, Ciara, had to get into a baby contract. It had been Emily who’d introduced Ciara to that website that set her on it in the first place. It was true Ciara hadn’t had much of a choice, but Emily had felt guilty for a long time after that. The good thing, though, that it had ended great for Ciara – she’d married her dream love.

Emily doubted such a fairytale ending was in the cards for
. Whatever she was doing wrong, she’d decided to let none of that get her down. She wasn’t going to be sitting down waiting for something that wasn’t going to happen. Sure she wanted a home and kids, but romance? She wasn’t sure that had to come with the package.

A fleeting image of a chiseled, tanned face with compelling gray eyes suddenly came to mind.

Emily closed her eyes and recalled how his dark brown hair had felt silky beneath her fingers as she clutched the locks while they’d kissed.
Chace’s kiss
. Emily had been so sure it would mean nothing, but even now her knees quivered slightly and a knot formed in the base of her stomach just thinking about it.

There was no doubt he still turned her on – even more powerfully than ever before. But Emily knew she was right in resisting him.

Emily’s cell rang hours later as she headed home from the dance studio. She smiled when she saw it was Ciara. “No, I haven’t forgotten about the benefit dinner. Of course I’ll make it. Um…I think coming with a date is going to be somewhat problematic.”

She shook her head at Ciara’s reply. “Absolutely no need to hook me up, girl,” Emily said firmly, but with a good-natured tone. She knew Ciara meant well, always trying to fix Emily up with her husband Zane’s friends. Much as Emily liked the idea of netting someone hot, charming, and
like Zane, she hadn’t wanted Ciara to feel responsible for her. Ciara had enough on her plate after recently delivering her second child, an adorable boy named Jason Zander Maddox.

Emily sighed. Time to get home…to her lonely little apartment. No use daydreaming about how perfect her best friend’s life seemed compared to Emily’s uneventful one. She could fill her hours with exciting pastimes, but the truth was, there was a
missing. Not like she was getting any younger, either.

She wondered if maybe she’d been too hasty brushing Chace off all those nights ago. It had felt good being in his arms. Why hadn’t she let things reach its logical conclusion? Why had she become too afraid? If she hadn’t, at least she’d have had something worth remembering.

Too late
. Emily had pushed Chace away and he’d followed her wishes, backing off completely. Was that why she had this strange feeling of loss lingering in her heart?


Chapter 4

“You look stunning, Em.”

Ciara’s words had Emily smiling as she came to stand beside her friend. Around them, dignitaries circulated while a pleasant hum hovered over the elegantly decorated ballroom.

Both women could almost pass for sisters, though Emily was lighter skinned and had a mass of curls while Ciara’s hairdo was a tamer, wavy look. They had similar curvy figures and both wore dresses that swept the floor. It was almost as if they’d planned it, but it wasn’t the case. Perhaps they subconsciously shared style tastes. Whatever the case, they drew admiring eyes from those around them.

“Thanks,” said the beaming Emily to Ciara who handed her a glass of wine. “Love your look as well. Only you could pull off wearing white so beautifully.”

Ciara chuckled. “You are as daringly eye-catching as ever in red. Just who are you thinking of tempting away tonight?”

Emily shrugged, burying her nose in her flute as she tried to hide a smile. “Who knows? I won’t say no to some spontaneity if I happened to meet someone…interesting. You’re sure my whole get-up isn’t too over the top?”

“Of course not. It’s perfect,” Ciara said quickly. “Most of the young men in the room can’t take their eyes off you.”

“I agree,” said a deep, resonant voice behind them. Both women turned with smiles to face Zane. He was as handsome as ever, dressed in a white tuxedo. His dashing blond hair was severely styled, yet softened by his warm blue eyes and charming grin.

He slipped a hand around his wife’s waist, kissing her cheek. He then turned to Emily with warmth in his smile. “Will I have to play protector tonight, I wonder? I have a feeling I’ll be doing a lot of fighting off unwanted admirers on your behalf.”

Both women were laughing, and then Emily said, “There’ll be no need for that. A big girl like me can always take care of herself.”

Zane gave a humorous nod, before turning to see Ciara’s pout. “No compliments for me, kind sir?”

“You’re always beautiful in my eyes, as you very well know. Even if you showed up in a paper bag, I’d still find you perfectly gorgeous,” he said with a wink.

Ciara gasped and turned to the chuckling Emily saying, “Now you see why I just had to marry this guy.”

They were chuckling when Zane’s PA, the bespectacled dorky-looking, yet handsome and likeable Peter Simpson, appeared. He spoke quietly to Zane to the side, and moments later Zane apologetically excused himself from the ladies.

Emily gave a dramatic sigh once they were on their own. “Is it my imagination or does that fine husband of yours get hotter by the minute? Ugh, if I get any more jealous, it would be insane.”

Ciara smiled and gave Emily’s arm a squeeze. “If I thought all you cared about was looks, I’d have found a way to set you up with any of Zane’s gorgeous friends or associates. But I know you’re interested in a man who’s got a lot more to offer.”

Emily made a playful face. It all boiled down to the fact she’d possibly always compare any man she met with Zane. Zane treated Ciara like fine china. His affection and respect for her almost made Emily want to weep sometimes. Holy Christ, where could she ever find a man who would look at her the way Zane always looked at Ciara, just as if she was the most precious treasure in the world?

And, of course, Ciara had
them babies
, thought Emily with an inner smile. Two beautiful, adorable angels that were a perfect combination of Zane and Ciara’s looks. You couldn’t look at them without exclaiming how delightfully cute they were. Emily was glad she didn’t really have a jealous bone in her body – but she did feel a stroke of envy. Who wouldn’t? Ciara was living the life most women only dream of. It did have its ups and downs. There was always the chance of scandal or enemies trying to get the better of you. You didn’t reach so high at the top without those hungry to take you down. Oh sure, it had to really be a burden being married to a billionaire.

Said no one ever
, thought the cheeky Emily as she let out a grin.

“Now what’s put that on your face?” teased Ciara, noting Emily’s humor.

“Mmm, for a second I was wondering what would happen if we traded places. If I was the one who got into the baby contract and then stole the heart of the mysterious billionaire,” Emily said.

Emily knew Ciara could tell she was just kidding around. Still Ciara looked sober as she linked her arm through Emily’s. “You know I’m really glad you moved here, don’t you?”

Emily shrugged casually. “Had to be close to my god-kids, you know. What would those little darlings do without me?”

Ciara threw her head back and laughed. It was true Emily had been made godmother to Eve and Jason. Emily hadn’t thought twice about moving to LA. Too bad that in the ten months she’d been there, she’d already had one failed relationship under her belt.

Emily tried not to think about that. Tonight she’d focus on being a support to Ciara, who still had a few nerves hosting such big events as these even with Zane around. Emily liked the feeling of being useful and knew she’d always be there for Ciara, be it for the odd babysitting or just to have someone to count on.

Emily was busy grabbing another glass of the fantastic wine –
damn they served the best stuff in here
, she thought – when she felt Ciara freeze beside her.

“Emily…is that who I think it is?”

Emily looked up at Ciara and followed the line of Ciara’s vision, only to look as shell-shocked as her best friend at what her eyes beheld.

Emily’s jaw dropped as the last man she expected was walking into the room.

It was Chace. He looked impossibly more handsome than the last time she’d seen him. Like an incarnate Adonis in his requisite black tie and tux which fit him impeccably. His dark hair looked almost inky in the decorative light of the ballroom. Every female eye in the room seemed drawn to him, but he looked oblivious to their admiring glances.

“Oh my God,” Emily breathed. “Why does he keep showing up everywhere I go?”

Ciara turned to Emily in shock. “What do you mean? This isn’t the first time?”

Cheeks going warm, Emily shook her head and gave Ciara a guilty look. “I was going to tell you – later. I ran into him at a nightclub a week ago. It was nothing.” Emily shook her head dismissively.

But it
been nothing.

Emily still hadn’t forgotten a single detail. Being inches from Chace’s big, silk-covered bed and having his kisses set her brain cells on fire before she’d let herself return to earth.

Both women were viewing him with shock, especially as in that moment Zane walked up to him with Peter. The three men shook hands with a familiarity that had Emily and Ciara sharing looks of amazement.

Tonight was already starting to look like it wouldn’t pass as routinely as either woman had expected.

BOOK: Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance)
4.99Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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