Read Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) Online

Authors: Cordelia Baxter

Tags: #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #plus size romance, #alpha male romance, #bbw sex, #billionaire romance, #contemporary romance

Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
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Chapter Five

ook, I'm sorry Sandra. Sometimes it doesn't work
out." I closed my eyes in frustration, cursing Jake Powers under my
breath. I had been stuck on the phone for 30 minutes with Sandra trying to
break it to her that Jake wasn't interested in a relationship.

"But I thought we had so much chemistry. I mean, he was
so tender and loving...I just don't understand. What did he say again?"

"He said you were a wonderful person, but he just
didn't think it would work out."

"I still don't understand. Why would he sleep with me
if he wasn't interested?" She sniffed on the other end, and I could
mentally picture her dabbing her eyes, wiping the tears away.

I tried very hard not to say "I told you so." It
wasn't the right time to lecture her about sleeping with guys on the first
date. Especially guys like Jake Powers, who probably had more notches on his
belt than Casanova.

"That's just how some guys are," I told her.
"I'm sure you'll meet someone down the line who will treat you like you
deserve, and you'll be glad things never worked out with Jake."

"But Chloe..."

"I'm sorry Sandra. I'm getting another call I have to
take. Try to feel better. Treat yourself to a nice massage and facial. We’ll
contact you soon once we have another client who is compatible."

I was desperate to end the conversation. I'd spent far too
much time trying to console her. Damn Jake Powers. I bet he never realizes the
kind of hurt and desperation he leaves in his wake. He probably has his
personal assistant handle the break ups. I wondered if he sends them off with a
nice little gift, so their tears don't fall too long—or maybe to prevent them
from spilling the beans to the tabloids. Come to think of it, I'd never heard
of one instance where an ex spoke badly of him.

"We should just make it a rule that you can't have sex
on the first date," Allison said, cutting into my thoughts.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I was distracted."

"I said, we should just make it a mandatory rule that
you can't have sex on the first date. We should include that clause in the

"Yeah right," I said. "How would we ever
enforce that? They’re consenting adults. No one put a gun to their heads."

"Hey, you're the one who said we weren't an escort
service," she shot back. "I'm just saying it would probably save a
lot of heartache and confusion if we made it a rule. Plus, you would cut down
on those types of calls you just had to deal with."

" might have a point, Allison," I
replied. It wasn't a half bad idea after all. If I could save myself from those
types of soul sucking conversations in the future, maybe I should make it a
rule. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around."

"You mean besides the fact that you couldn't function
without me?" Allison replied, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Hey," I shot back, grabbing a stuffed bunny from
my desk and throwing it at her, "I function just fine without you. I'm a
grown woman, you know!"

"Sure boss," she laughed.

"I'm sorry; I hope I'm not interrupting." I
swiveled my chair to the sound of that familiar deep voice. Jake stood there
dressed to the nines in a tailor fitted navy blue suit with his tie loosened
around his neck. He looked like he'd just come home after a long day at the
office. He wore an amused expression on his face as he took in the scene before

"Oh no, you're not interrupting anything," Allison
said. "I was just getting ready to head home." She got up off the
couch and picked up some files from my desk. "I'll just sort through these
tomorrow," she smiled, and raised her eyebrows at me before heading
towards the door. Jake stood aside for her to pass.

"I'm going to need you to come in early tomorrow,"
I said to her back. I knew she was doing this on purpose, leaving me alone with
Jake. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and my face flush, as he stood there
witnessing our little interaction.

"Please come in and have a seat," I said once
Allison had let herself out.

Jake walked into my small cramped office and sat himself
down on the seat opposite my desk. His movements were smooth and graceful. He
looked out of place in my office, his long lean legs stretched out before him.
It felt as if he took up the whole office with his presence.

"I'm surprised to see you. What brings you here?"
I asked, curiosity finally getting the better of me.

"I've just come from my date with Trista.”

"Oh?" I looked at the clock on my wall. It was
only 8pm.

"It is rather early to end a date," he replied, as
if reading my thoughts. "But I knew immediately she was not the one for

"Did you at least let her finish dinner?" I joked.
I wasn’t sure how to react. On the one hand it was a bit insulting and hurt my
pride that he could dismiss one of my girls so quickly, especially after it had
taken me so long to find someone who I thought was compatible. On the other
hand, a part of me was pleased.

"I'm not sure if she finished dinner or not," he

"What do you mean, you're not sure? Didn't you leave at
the same time as her?"

"No I didn't. I told her I did not think anything would
come of our date. I had other things to do, but she was free to stay and finish
her meal," he replied.

"Wait, so you just left her there?" I couldn’t
keep the indignation from my voice.


I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. The gall of this man
to just leave his date, the woman I set him up with; it was the outside of

"I can't believe you," I shouted. "What kind
of person does that?!"

Jake seemed mildly surprised by my outburst. He stared at
me, not saying a word, until I could feel my initial anger waning into a mild,
simmering annoyance.

"Well?" I asked. "Don't you have anything to
say for yourself?"

"I don't understand you. First you tell me not to lead
these women on, and to let them know my true feelings, and then you get upset
when I do just that. What is it you want me to do?" he asked, perplexed.


"Yes?" I could hear the amusement in his voice. He
was toying with me.

"You know very well what you should have done. There
are better, kinder ways to let someone down, and walking out on them during a
date is not one of them. Especially when they've done nothing to you," I
replied. "If you were more of a gentleman, you wouldn't need me to tell
you that."

A look of annoyance briefly flashed across his face before
being replaced by the cold mask I had become accustomed to. His eyes bore into
mine, as if willing me to his way of thinking before he spoke.

"I am a very busy man, Ms. Harper. I don't have time to
waste on fruitless pursuits."

"And what was wrong with Trista? She's a perfectly
lovely person. A lot of guys would be lucky to have her," I said, defensively.

"Oh she's perfectly fine and perfectly boring," he
replied. "I don't want someone who will agree with every little thing I
say. She was pretty, I'll give you that, but since I promised you I would not
sleep with her, there was no reason left for me to stay."

"You're such a pig," I said outraged. "Is
that all you care about? Sex?"

"Try to pay attention, Chloe," he said. "I
just told you I didn't sleep with her because of our agreement. I'm a very busy
man; I don't like to waste my time."

“Yes, you've already said that, like 50 times," I cut
in petulantly.

"I don't think you understand; my time is very
valuable. If something isn't working, I cut it out of my life. That's how I
became successful, and I’m not going to change how I act. Do you understand?"
He acted as if he were talking to a child.

"Yes sir," I said sarcastically. "Anything
else I can help you with?"

"I want to know who else you've set me up with,” he
said seriously. "If they're anything like the other two, you need to go
back to the drawing board. I'm not interested in boring bimbos and

"Bimbos?! None of the women I've set you up with have
been bimbos!" I said, offended.

"Perhaps not bimbos, but they’re definitely not up to
my standards. I'm beginning to wonder how you've done as well as you have as a
matchmaker. Either your past clients aren't picky or you're running some kind
of scam."

"You're a real piece of work, you know. You seduce
these girls and use them, then toss them when you're done with them. And when
you can't sleep with them, you treat them worse than the dirt under your shoes.
Now you come into my office and insult my work? Who are you to judge me? I'm
very good at what I do, thank you very much. You can just ask any one of my
past clients how I've helped them."

"And why is it that someone who's supposedly so great
at matchmaking have such a hard time finding a match for themselves?"

"I...that's none of your business," I said

"You can look surprised and hurt, but it's a legitimate
question. I've done my research on you too. Thirty-three years old, still
single, no real long term relationships, just an off-again on-again fling with
an old college boyfriend. Currently off," he recited.

"I let my record speak for itself," I responded,
trying to keep my voice light. The truth was he was getting dangerously close
to a sore spot for me.

"You bill yourself as some type of matchmaking guru,
and yet you can't even get it together yourself. How can I trust that you can
help me find someone for me, with your own track record?"

"I don't go into your office and tell you how to do
your job!" I lashed back, no longer able to keep a reign on my anger.
"My personal life is none of your business. It does not affect how I do my

"Actually it is my business," he continued
unrelenting. "How is it that someone as attractive and intelligent as you
can still be single?"

My eyes flashed as I looked at him, my skin hot and flushed
with anger. He knew all the right buttons to push to set me off from 0 to 60 in
record time. My temper was getting the better of me, and I knew I had to check
myself before I did something I regretted. He looked like he enjoyed riling me
up, which just made me angrier. I made a conscious effort to calm myself, not
wanting to play into his hands.

I closed my eyes and took several deep calming breaths, my
mind conjuring images of dropping a giant anvil on his head.

"I think you should leave," I finally said.

When I opened my eyes again, Jake was standing face to face
with me. I didn't even hear him move closer. I had to take a step back, as a
gasp escaped my lips.

He wasn't disconcerted by my reaction. In fact, it seemed to
spur him on even more.

"You're very beautiful when you're mad," he said
to my surprise.

I looked at him like he had grown two heads. One second he
was giving me a rundown on how incompetent I was at my job, and the next he was
complimenting me. My head was in a whirl. I took another step back, trying to
keep the distance between us so I could think. Jake stepped closer with every
step I took back.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I said. My back was
against the wall. There was nowhere left for me to go. Jake walked closer
towards me like a lion stalking his prey. His eyes never left mine. My anger
from a moment ago was quickly dissipating to another feeling entirely. The
sensation quickly travelled from my pounding heart, downward and settled in my

"Mr. Powers...uh...Jake, I think you should
leave," I said weakly. I lifted my arms in front of me to hold him off,
and swallowed, my throat feeling suddenly dry.

"I like it when you call me Mr. Powers," he said.
He stopped inches in front of me. I could feel the heat emanating from his
body, but he didn't touch me. He didn’t have to. His eyes raked over me, and I
felt as if each look were a caress. My skin flushed at the thoughts that ran
through my mind at his look.

I closed my eyes, willing him to either kiss me or step
back. I didn't know which I wanted more at that moment. I knew it was wrong to
want him, but it was impossible for me not to feel attracted to him. He was
unlike any guy I'd ever met before. The fact that he could want me too sent a
thrill throughout my body. He's probably never been with anyone over a size 6,
I thought to myself. The thought brought a smile to my lips.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. I felt
his warm breath brush over my lips. He still hadn't touched me, but this felt
way more intimate.

"None of your business," I said, opening my eyes.

A look of amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes before
I felt his lips on mine.

The kiss was like lighting a match to a burning inferno. I
was surprised by how powerfully I reacted to it. Desire and lust completely
consumed me and I knew I wanted more. I pulled Jake roughly by the lapel of his
jacket and thrust my tongue in his mouth. He seemed momentarily taken aback but
quickly matched my intensity thrust for thrust. Our tongues battled in an age
old dance, tasting and teasing each other, working ourselves up into a frenzy.

Jake roughly pulled my shirt apart scattering buttons all
across my office floor. I dropped my arms down and worked the shirt off my
shoulders while he nibbled along my jaw and down to my collar bone. Once I had
gotten my shirt off, Jake drew his head back and looked me up and down,
appreciation clear on his face.

I didn’t give him much time to look, before reaching out for
his waist and undoing his belt and trouser button. The weight of the buckle
dragged his pants down to his ankles and I saw the outline of his erection
pressing against his boxers. I grew excited with anticipation knowing what was
coming next.

“Take your shirt off,” I commanded. I felt a thrill I’d
never felt with any guy before. It was strange ordering him around, but it also
felt exciting, as if I were doing something naughty, which technically I was.
Jake quirked an amused eyebrow at me, unused to being ordered around; he
complied with my demands all the same.

BOOK: Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
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