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Authors: Running Scared

Billi Jean (15 page)

BOOK: Billi Jean
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“I warned you.” He nudged upwards with his hips, holding her hips possessively with both hands.

“Russell! Don’t men need, uh, some time to recover?”

He laughed and urged her to sit up. She did and tried not to be embarrassed at how he was eating her up with his eyes. He ran a hand over her collarbone and then down to her breasts, watching her face with a lazy, kind of flushed look as he did. She bit her lip when he cupped her breast and thumbed the nipple. It was so hot having him watch her while he touched her body.

“No idea about men, Sunshine, but with all this beauty in my hands and on my dick? No time needed. I’m yours,” he told her, running his hand down from her breast to her stomach and hips, then on to cup her thighs. He exaggerated a sigh and frowned up at her. “But you probably need time. Then I want you to ride me, baby. Good and hard, all right?”

Ride him? Oh, God, she would love that. Maybe even tie him up, too. Russell would be so much fun to tease. She’d fantasised about that, having a man all tied up to a bed so she could torture him—of course, her fantasy had always fizzled out there, because she hadn’t been quite sure what to do with the fantasy man after she had him all tied…but she had an idea Russell Ryland could show her a thing or two. He was the expert here, not her.

“Ride you?”

“I’ll walk you through it. Didn’t you say you could handle me?” He began nudging himself deeper, and they both groaned as he lengthened and swelled inside her. She could actually feel him stiffening, swelling to spread her open and lengthen to fill her impossibly full.

He seemed to see right through her, because he tugged her down by her hair again. She was going to have to do something about that, but for now it felt very sexy. Kissing her once, he licked her bottom lip before moving back to watch her.

“Tell me how a beauty like you managed to stay a virgin. I’d have wrapped this up within minutes of meeting you if I’d had my choice.”

He would have…? Oh, the beast! He’d wanted her that day on the side of the road? God, men were so ruled by their dicks! “What? You would not have. You weren’t thinking you wanted this all along, were you?” She knew she was blushing but she refused to think about it. Instead, she watched him with a frown. Not that he seemed affected by it.

“Oh, yeah. I wanted you that first day, and every day after. You’ve had me in misery for weeks. Now, talk to me here.” Instead of letting her, though, he thrust up and pulled her down with his hands on her lower back.

“Russell, you’re terrible. Who would have known you were such a big tease?”
certainly hadn’t.

Lifting a brow, he settled back, one big hand behind his head and the other on her thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles along her leg. He looked lazy, content and…happy. “A tease? Me? You with that chainsaw were the tease, not me.”

“Chainsaw? What does that have to do with”—pausing, she waved at him, his six-pack of cut muscles, his solid chest muscles and oh, God, his handsome face, still flushed from making love—“us?”

“Huh, well, first of all”—he gave her a long, hot look—“you simply breathing is a tease. Unless I have you right here. But buying something that might cut your foot off? Hell, no.”

He was such a man. She leant forward and brushed her lips over his. “Poor Major, you’re not so good with independent, free-thinking women, are you?”

His only response was to wrap his arm around her waist and grunt. That grunt was so going to make her life difficult. It was so sexy. She wanted to tease that sound out of him in amazing ways.

“Sure you want another go, baby?” His voice had lowered to pure sexy huskiness.

She shivered. Her body flooded his hard-on, with wetness she was not going to be embarrassed by.

“Mmm, I think I can handle you, Russell, but you swear too much. And we’re making love, not the other,” she told him, firmly resting her chest to his and beginning to kiss his jaw.

He laughed. So long he practically slipped out of her. If he hadn’t been so big he would have. As it was it shook his cock inside her, hitting the inner walls of her vagina and feeling absolutely incredible.

“Russell!” She grabbed his shoulders.

With only a little warning, he tickled her, mocking a fierce expression that had her laughing at his growls as much as his wicked hands. Squealing, she rolled over, breaking their contact to nearly fall off the bed. With a deep laugh, Russell hauled her up against his solid chest. “Ouch.”

“That didn’t hurt,” he murmured.


He chuckled but slid down to his back, appearing more than satisfied to have her sigh and snuggle her head on his arm, one of her thighs tucked over his. Suddenly his big body tensed, and he sat up. Whoa. Should a man’s stomach muscles look that hot? His had rippled when he sat up. And, yep, Russell had a sexy snake of hair from his flat navel to his penis. Whew, that was sexy.

“Wait one minute…” Pressing her back, he looked down at her and groaned. “You’re blonde?”

She giggled at his shocked look. The man was too much. Gathering the sheet, she rolled off the bed and stood. They’d made a mess on the bed—the sheets were tangled, the comforter had completely fallen off the bed. He looked like a rumpled, sexy Roman solider, complete with a few love bites and a puzzled look on his handsome face.

“Yep, I dye my hair.” He looked as though he thought she was insane. “Men take a dark-haired girl more seriously.” She pouted when he threw himself, spread-eagled, back on the bed and laughed.

“It’s good you weren’t blonde, Sunshine. I was struggling as it was.” He raised his head enough to frown at her. “What are you doing? Get back here.”

She peeked back out from the bathroom and waved him down. “I’m going to clean up.”

He got up, completely nude, his semi-hard penis swaying as he walked, tight six-pack and firm chest muscles so glorious, she got lost looking at him. She shut the door, though, when he got too close. There was no way she could deal with all of that muscled man, naked and totally unashamed of his arousal, standing up and talking to her.

He knocked.

She grinned. Boy, was he impatient.

“Let me in.”

“Or you’ll blow the house in?”

He grumbled something, then tested the door. “Susan, come on, baby, let me in.” He didn’t sound too happy at having to ask again.

“I’m taking a quick shower.”

“I want in, too.”

“You do?” She opened the door, peeking up at him, nibbling her lip at his serious expression.

Russell exhaled like she was insane and rubbed a hand over his hair. He looked so adorably unsure that she smiled. He was simply so big and confident. It was reassuring to know she seemed able to throw him. He finally dropped his hand.

“Hell—I mean, yes. I want to scrub your back.”

sounded a bit dishonest. Her eyes drifted down his hard body and he laughed.

“All right, maybe more, but not now.” Tugging her hand, he had her in his arms again before she could do more than open her mouth. “I can wait, baby.” He pulled her to his chest, hugging her close against all his hotness. He was like a big, hot furnace. A smooth, big hot furnace. “You’re so beautiful. Come on, let me clean you off.”

“That would be way too embarrassing, Russell,” she whispered, kissing his chest when he rubbed a hand up and down her back.

“Shit, baby, no way is that embarrassing. I want to.”


“Why, what?”

She tipped her head up to watch his puzzled face. “Why would you want to…”

“Clean you up?”

She refused to acknowledge how easily he made her face heat up.

“Well, because I want to.”

And that explained so much about Russell, and most military men she’d known. Her dad had been like that. She’d ask why, and he’d say because he wanted to. End of story. Only it
the end of the story. She wasn’t a little girl. And she wasn’t going to let Mr Big Bad SEAL run her life with silly little comments like that.

“Not good enough, Russell.”

He half snorted a laugh. “Hell, because I made love to you, and want to see for myself that you’re not hurt, and I want to clean off our loving.”

Well, then. She was tempted—oh, so tempted—to tell him that was much better or that he was a good boy, but the look on his stubborn face said she might be in danger of biting off more than she could chew if she did. “All right.”

She got the impression he barely held in a growl. His face darkened and his thick, long erection jerked, making it impossible to keep her eyes off it. He reached down and grabbed hold of the base and ran his hand down the length and oh, God, that was sexy.

“Maybe we should go back to bed. You might be cleaning up only to need to all over again, real soon,” he said.

That should not be sexy
, she thought, watching his grey eyes darken and a grin slip over his handsome face.

“Russell, you are so bad.”

“Baby, you have no idea.”


Chapter Eight




Lacey shifted next to him, and Russell felt like his chest was too small for his heart. He was in deep shit. The tiny little firecracker was going to have him tied in knots. Literally.

She nestled against him. All that silky, beautiful skin touching his and inflaming him right back to a killer hard-on. He’d cleaned her off. Wiped his semen and her nectar from her slim thighs and pretty little blonde curls, and wanted to howl at how right that had felt.

He’d never come in a woman without a condom before. Never seen evidence of his body mixed with another’s. It was mind-blowing. He was reeling, here, and not from the best sex he’d ever had, but from the whole tiny package named Susan. She was blowing him away. She accepted him—them—as something natural. She was a little shy, but not hesitant in the least. She was warm—she was as hot as hell and as sweet as heaven. It was a heady experience having all that focused on him. Completely on him, and only on him.

“Talk to me, here, baby.”

“Mmm, men don’t like to talk, do they?”

He gave her an exaggerated sigh, enjoying playing with her this way. She’d been jumpy when he’d warmed a washcloth and cleaned her. Her nervous chatter had filled the bathroom. Her face had been a rosy pink, and she’d alternated from frowning fiercely at him to nibbling her lip over his over-eager erection.

“Ah, now, men I have no idea about.” He shrugged one shoulder and caressed her bare arm, “But sure, I want to talk.”

He’d tucked them back in bed and turned her so she faced him, brushing her hair off her face, and leaned on an elbow to look down at her.

“Tell me how you got this,” he asked as gently as he could, tracing the sunburst pattern of her scar. She tensed at first, then seemed to consider him. Sky blue eyes held his for a long while before he said, “Baby, I’ve seen worse. Tell me. And your leg. How did you hurt it?” Trailing a hand down her flat stomach to her thigh, he found the slightly raised lines, still recent enough to be pink.

“Are you always so nosy?” She reached up and traced one of his scars. “You tell me and I’ll tell you…”

“Witch. I asked first. Now, come on. Don’t be shy.”

She laughed. “I don’t think I’ve been that shy…”

“And did I tell you how happy that made me?” He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply before letting her go. He loved that she wasn’t being shy. She was lying on the bed, naked and beautiful, not the least bit hesitant about letting him look his fill. And he did. God, what man wouldn’t? She had the most beautiful breasts, so pretty and plump on her small frame, it was a wonder they didn’t look too big. But they weren’t. They were perfect. So was the rest of her. She tugged his hair and he looked up to see her blushing. Well, maybe his drooling over her tiny belly button and blonde curls made her a bit uncomfortable.

“You’re staring.”

“Damn right. You’re like a banquet and I’ve been starving, here. Cut me some slack.”

“Slack?” She frowned suddenly and sat up.

Her breasts bounced right in front of his nose before he jerked his eyes up to her face.
Holy hell.

“When are your buddies coming over for the alarm?”

The alarm. He’d left a message, but… “I haven’t heard back from them.”

“And how much did you say that cost, this alarm system?”

Ah, tricky. She was a smart woman. “A few hundred, maybe a bit…” He trailed off when she smacked his shoulder with one of her tiny hands. Blinking at her, he couldn’t quite take in that she was angry and had just hit him. She hadn’t hurt him, but still.

“That’s not the truth, Russell. Don’t lie to me because you want me to have this and think to protect me. For your information, I am not stupid.
I’m loaded. So I can buy the system, which costs around five thousand, not a

Goddamn, that turned him on. That furious little frown had his heart rate hitting the danger zone. He tossed her back on the bed and covered her with his body, kissing her before she could say another word. She tried to laugh, but he dragged her butt up and pressed every inch of his erection against her silky stomach. He scooped her up by the waist and rolled onto his back, breaking the kiss with a long, slow suck on her bottom lip.

“Ah, you’re hot as hell when you’re so smart. Yeah, it costs a bit more, but I want to get it for you. Now settle down. And no hitting, Sunshine. No hitting, because you—”

She stopped him with a kiss, a long, lingering kiss that had him wanting much, much more. She wiggled her body against his until she was straddling him, his cock trapped between their stomachs, her hands in his hair and her thighs open over his hips. Hot. God, the woman was hot.

Slowly, very slowly she pulled back but sucked his bottom lip, much the way he had hers, but she pulled it with a little teasing glint in her blue eyes until she let it go with a soft sucking sound. “Let’s make love again instead of arguing, Russell.”

“Fuck, you can’t—” he began, but she cut him off with her soft pink lips.

“You swear too much,” she murmured against his mouth.

Her blue eyes flashed in a warning he didn’t miss while she robbed him of brain cells by rubbing her wet folds along his erection. He was tempted to give her pert little ass a good swat again. Instead, he lifted his head to reach her throat. Her pulse beat against his lips. Something elemental swelled in his chest, something possessive. She was his, this woman, this life. His. Goddamn, that was a scary thought.

BOOK: Billi Jean
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