Read Biker Babe in Black Online

Authors: Debra Kayn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Biker Babe in Black (10 page)

BOOK: Biker Babe in Black
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He didn’t speak and neither did she, but their bodies sang to each other. He made her feel beautiful, desirable, and worshipped, and she gasped as his hands caressed her breasts. She arched off the bed as he dragged his thumbs over her swollen nipples.

When his hand moved lower again, Margie closed her eyes, and when he finally touched the entrance to her core, she shivered and buried her face in his neck. The musky scent of him had her whimpering for more.

Balancing on his arms, Remy positioned himself over her. Her hips bucked at the way he teased her with his cock. She wanted him inside her…now.

She raised her hips higher, but he pulled back, only to touch her again at her most sensitive bud. She rolled her head back and forth on the bed, her arms stretched out, hands clenching the bedspread.
God, Remy, I need…

She wrapped her legs around his hips, and with one heave, lifted herself off the bed and impaled herself on him. She bit off the scream that escaped and pressed her back onto the mattress to escape the burn when he broke through her hymen.

Remy’s hips stilled the moment Margarine retreated from him. Her nails dug into his upper arms, and he stared at her in horror. Letting go of his arms, she placed her hands on each side of his face and smiled. She’d waited for this moment for so long.

Remy laid his forehead down on Margarine’s. Moisture filmed his face, and the way his hips quivered in their fight to remain still warmed her heart. To know he controlled himself for her comfort meant everything.

The pain of losing her virginity lessened, and warmth washed over her most intimate spot. She realized he filled her up; the size of him fit perfectly inside her body.

She shifted her hips and tested the waters. Her nipples hardened into peaks and sent delicious sparks down into her lower parts. Her body regained the high level of arousal Remy’s hand had given her earlier.

Remy moved against her, and picked up speed, pleasing them both. She was so lost in the moment he’d created. Her muscles bunched as she strained for that ultimate pleasure.

“Please,” she whispered.

She dragged her hand down his back in an urge to guide him faster. He dipped his head and fastened his mouth over the tip of her breast. She moaned as an explosion of heat erupted inside of her. For a sweet moment, she lost track of time.

Remy gave an earthy grunt and his shoulders shook. As he plunged into her again, he shuddered above her. She caressed the slope of his jaw. Nothing, nowhere, matched the beauty of them together.



Chapter Eleven




Remy slid off her. The temperature dropped, and Margarine shivered. She pulled the edge of the comforter over her body and smiled, surprised her muscles lay relaxed and tired. Tonight was so unbelievably magical she swore she flew through the sky.

She curled up next to Remy and laid her head on his chest. His heart hammered, and he tried to catch his breath. She smiled again and closed her eyes, confident she’d pleased him.

“That was the most beautiful thing I have ever done.” Margie lifted her head to gaze down on him. “Was it good for you too?”

“Can I ask my second question from earlier?” he murmured against her hair.

“I think now you can ask me anything.” She giggled.

Remy rolled on his side to face Margie. He lifted his hand, pushed her hair back from her face, and tucked the hair behind her ear. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

Margarine laughed. “My family was…” She paused and started over. “My family is very protective of me.”

“Yet, here you are living with someone who was basically a stranger until you moved in here. You are so full of life, and you obviously know about sex, the way you’ve wanted me to jump into bed with you all week. You’ve got to understand that I’m trying to make sense of everything.” He rubbed his forehead.

Margie knew she needed to share every part of her with him if she wanted him to understand. A certain entitlement came with taking her virginity. She didn’t expect anything, but she longed to share her life with him. To discover each other.

Remy might kick her out after hearing about her family. If that happened, she’d take whatever happened, go on, and enjoy the time she’d spent with him.

She took a deep breath. “Remy, I grew up in a motorcycle gang.”

His head jerked back, and a look of disbelief flashed across his face. He whistled and took a second glance at her to learn if she spoke the truth. He whistled again and dragged his hand through his hair. He sat up in bed. “Like the Hells Angels? The Gypsy Jokers?”

She didn’t blame him. Most people didn’t take the news well lying naked and vulnerable in bed—at least she didn’t think they did.

“Well, sort of. Have you ever heard of Chromes and Wheels?”

Remy shot out of the bed. “Oh, Jesus Christ!”

She winced.
Yeah, he’s heard of them.

“Son of a bitch,” he muttered, pacing along the floor.

“It’s really no big deal.”

“I’ve slept with the gang princess…they’re going to kill me….” He turned back to Margie. “Do they know you’re living with me?”

“Calm down. We’re talking about my family. You really shouldn’t be worried.”

He resumed his pacing in front of the bed, his hands planted on his hips.

Margie knew the news shocked outsiders. She fought the giggles; it was hard to show sympathy to a naked man who’d just finished having sex with her a moment before. Sometimes he did the most adorable things.

“I let Reefer know the address and phone number here, but I didn’t mention your name.” She cocked her head and wondered what he thought. “I’m sure by now he’s let my parents and a few others know where I am.”

“A few others?” His mouth hung open.

“No one’s came to your house yet, so there’s no need to worry. It really is okay. I’m a big girl. I’ve ventured out on my own, and they know it.”

She gathered the blanket around her naked body and got up from the bed to take a shower. Remy needed to work out their relationship for himself. He’d either come to terms with it or kick her out.

“Hang on. How many others are we talking about?” He grabbed her blanket to stop her from leaving the room.

She gazed down at the hands holding her captive and raised her eyebrow. He really didn’t think he was going to hold her here to spar with him, did he?

“Reefer probably told Mom and Dad, Crowbar, Bulldog, Hijack, and Temple. Maybe Crank, Knuckles, and the twins.” Margie observed the way Remy paused in his mad march in front of her. “Although by now, all of them have probably passed on the message to the whole family, so around fifty, maybe sixty people know.”

He stared at her with his mouth open.

She smiled wide, and a small part of her enjoyed his discomfort.

Remy’s hands fell away from Margie, and she didn’t wait around to witness what he did next. With her head held high, she walked to the bathroom, proud as the Queen of England. She snatched her Hello Kitty PJs from the floor, strolled into the bathroom, and shut the door.

She’d expected more of him. A man who controlled his companies and himself the way he did…well, she’d think a motorcycle gang wouldn’t stop him from happiness. Maybe she was wrong. He appeared pretty freaked out.

She got out of the shower to find Remy already dressed. She glanced at the clock and wondered why he’d put on his pants at one o’clock in the morning.

“This isn’t a good sign, is it?” She rubbed the towel against her wet hair.

“Everything is okay. I just have some work to do. I’ll be in the next room over, so if you need anything…” He shrugged and stepped away.

“Can’t it wait until morning?”

Remy kept his distance. Not a touch of his hand or a pat on the cheek. Zilch.

“Unfortunately, no. Go ahead and crawl back into my bed. Get some sleep.” He kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the room.

The door shut and clicked. She heaved a sigh. Nothing she did tonight would change his mind. Tired, she crawled into Remy’s bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

The bed smelled like sex—and Remy. Without any worries, Margie closed her eyes. She had faith that Remy would figure out that what they shared would win out over their many differences.

He’s a smart man. He’ll make the right decision.



Chapter Twelve




Bright and early the next morning, Remy woke her up with breakfast in bed and a smile on his face.

“Good morning.” She dared a peek at him and wondered if he reverted back to being her employer or lover.

“It is a good morning.” He strolled across the room, opened the drapes, and let the morning sun flood the bedroom.

He strolled over to the bed, lay down, and plucked a strawberry off the tray laden with fruit. She raised an eyebrow and kept her mouth clamped shut.

He laughed. “If you want to know, just ask.”

“What has got into you? Last night you were freaking out, and this morning you’re walking around here like Mr. Rogers out visiting the neighborhood.” She picked up her own strawberry and popped it into her mouth. Instantly, juice overflowed her lips and began running down her chin.

Remy leaned over and licked the trail of strawberry nectar. She giggled and kissed him.

“Everything is going to be okay with us. No matter what, you’re old enough to make your own decisions, right?” He yawned. “I spent all night pouring over the Internet, reading up on everything about your family.”

“We’re on the Internet? Really? Huh. Who knew?” She grabbed an orange slice off the tray.

“Yeah, towns love you, don’t they?” Remy grinned.

“Uh, maybe you shouldn’t read up on the family. I doubt if everything they print is even remotely like the truth.” She wrinkled her nose.
More than likely, everything they printed screamed the ugly truth.

“I’m not going to worry about it. You’re here, I’m falling helplessly in love with you each day, and there really isn’t anything your family can do to discourage me from having a relationship with you.”

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him again. “Exactly. Who cares if they put a warrant out to kill you? We can run from them the rest of our lives, right?”
Oh, Remy. My family will accept you, once I tell them how much you love me.

“Exact—” He frowned. “Would they really?”

She set the tray on the end of the bed and tackled Remy. She slipped her hands under his shirt and snuggled up to him. “I’m playing with you, silly. Once my family gets to know you, they’ll fall in love with you too. I’m glad things worked out. I was afraid my being a virgin would scare you away.”

“About that…how did someone like you, who is so affectionate and free-spirited, remain a virgin for so long?” He ran his hands down her hair.

“I’m surprised you can’t guess. My parents only had one kid—me. The guys in the family took me under their wing and looked out for me. No one dared ask me out or look at me twice.” She laughed. “I caused them a load of grief over it growing up.”

“What about the guys in the gang…? Didn’t they date you?” He twirled a lock of her hair around his fingers.

“Oh, sure. I think they all tried. Every time one of them kissed me, though, we’d both end up laughing and spitting. I guess that’s what happens when you live with someone your whole life and try to change things. Now they’re my brothers, and I cherish each one of them for what they bring to my life.”

“I know this sounds cliché, but I’m glad I was your first.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Me too.” She purred. “When can we do it again?”

“Tonight. Right now, I have to go to work, but you better believe that later I will have you again.” He hooked his finger under her chin and tilted her head. He kissed her, ran his tongue along her lips. “And again…and again.”

Remy stood and tucked in his dress shirt. She kneeled on the bed and enjoyed how he turned on his professional side when needed.

He walked over to the mirror above the dresser and ran his fingers through his hair. “You know, I’ve been thinking. How about we have a party here Saturday night?”

“What is the party for, and what do I have to do?”
Oh, God, not with the same people from last night’s party, please.

She flung off the covers and got out of bed. With only her PJ bottoms on, she stood topless and scanned the room for the shirt Remy removed from her last night. Unable to find the rest of her clothes, she walked over to her room to get dressed.

Glancing over her shoulder in the hallway, she wiggled her ass, knowing his gaze followed her. Disappointed he needed to go to work, she wished he could stay and spend the day making love.

“I just want to invite my parents, Turner and his wife Abigail, AND a few people who I think you’d really like to meet.” Remy sat on Margie’s bed as she shimmied out her PJ bottoms and pulled on her jeans.

“I want you to get to know them, and for them to know you.”

“Will they like me for who I am?” She chewed the inside of her lip.

“They’ll love you.”



Chapter Thirteen




The week flew by in a bustle of excitement. Remy worked every day and took care of hiring the caterers and having the house professionally cleaned. He sent Margarine off to a day spa to have her hair and nails done; she also shopped for an outfit to wear. For the first time, she experienced the luxury of money. Remy spoiled her, and she enjoyed every minute of it.

True to herself, she promised not to forget about her deep desire to earn enough money to buy her own house. In her head, she believed Remy and her goals remained two separate things—each attainable.

She’d originally balked at the idea of a spa and Remy’s idea to hire help with the house. She wanted to keep her job, but Remy insisted she take a week off. In addition, it gave her more time to seduce Remy and spend more time with him. She talked him into not paying her for the week off, though.




“Here, babe, have a glass of champagne.” He handed over the flute of bubbly. “I don’t know why you’re nervous. My family doesn’t bite. Besides, they’ll love you as much as I do.”

BOOK: Biker Babe in Black
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