Read Big Girls Do It Pregnant Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Big Girls Do It Pregnant (2 page)

BOOK: Big Girls Do It Pregnant
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He glanced again, and his gaze lingered longer on my mostly exposed breasts. “Antsy, huh? Are you cold? Should I close the window?”

I gave him a confused look. “No, I’m fine. Why would you think I’m cold?”

He licked his lips, his gaze flickering to my breasts and then back to the road. He shifted in his seat and adjusted himself again, then gestured with a finger at my nipples. “You just look like you could cut glass there.”

I waited till he glanced back at me, then tugged the shirt down to reveal one breast with a hardened, erect nipple, which I tweaked with two fingers. “They are hard, aren’t they?”

Jeff groaned and leaned forward in his seat, clutching the steering wheel with both hands. “God, Anna. Put that shit away. You’re teasing me, here, babe.”

He leaned back again and tugged the waistband of his shorts away from his body. When he let the fabric lay against his skin once more, I saw the telltale bulge.

“Who says I’m teasing?” I asked, pulling the other side down so both breasts were bare now.

It was past midnight at this point, and the city around us was still bustling, cars passing on either side of us, street lights shedding orange glow, stoplights cycling, horns honking, steam billowing from manhole covers.

Jeff’s eyes narrowed. “Anna, it’s been three fucking months. Don’t start something you can’t finish.” He glanced to either side of us, seeing cars pull parallel to us. “And put your tits away, babe. Those are mine, not for public consumption.”

I laughed and tucked myself back into my bra, but left the shirt tugged down to give him a good view. “No one’s consuming anything, but fine, if that’s how you want it. And that’s my point, Jeff: I’m starting something I
to finish. So get us to the hotel already.”

I pulled my feet back in the car, shut the window, and leaned toward Jeff, twisting in my seat to partially face him. I settled my hand on his thigh, and he covered my hand with his, following my touch as I let my hand drift up his thigh and under the hem of his shorts.

“I’m driving as fast I can.” He glanced at me as I snaked my hand into the leg of his boxers to touch bare skin, finding his shaft. “Where are you going with this, Anna?”

I shifted in my seat for better leverage. “I don’t know. I just want to touch you.” I gave him a long, slow stroke and smiled as he sighed, sliding down in his seat.

“God, Anna. You’re making it hard to drive.” He let his head flop back against the headrest.

“Want me to stop?” I clamped my fist around the tip of him, then rubbed the top of the head, smearing the sticky pre-come around him.

“Hell, no. But I also don’t want to have to change in the car before checking in. And there’s no way I’m letting you go down on me in the car in the middle of New York City.”

I slowed my stroking of him, but didn’t let go. The more I touched him like this, the more I wanted him. It felt like my libido was coming back all at once, and with a vengeance. Suddenly I found myself almost not caring if anyone saw. I was about to climb over the console and straddle him while he drove. Of course, my baby bump might get in the way, and he wouldn’t be able to drive. I just held on to him, gripped him, touched him. He took corners too fast, stopped too abruptly. I grinned at his impatience, because I felt it, too. My heart pounded in my chest as I imagined his arms around me, his body hard against mine. It had been forever, for-fucking-
. An actual eternity, it seemed. Suddenly, it felt like a lifetime had passed since I last felt him sweat into my skin, felt his breath on my neck hot and fast as he panted my name.

I slid my thighs together and tried to get closer to him, but the stupid console and my baby bump were in the way, and all I could do was touch him, feel him thick in my hands, and hope the hotel was close. Jeff glanced at the GPS in the dashboard, made a few turns, and then slowed to enter a parking garage.

“Fucking finally,” he muttered, stopping and rolling his window down to take the ticket.

I had to withdraw my hand then as he searched for a parking space. He found one, jammed the truck into Park, and nearly jumped out to grab our bags from the trunk. I was slower to get out, but not by much. I smirked at Jeff as he set my suitcase down to adjust himself, his bulge clearly defined in his shorts.

“See what you do to me?” he asked, grinning.

I let my smirk fade into a sultry smile. “That’s the whole idea, isn’t it?” I sidled up to him, pressed my body against his, and leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

His lips met mine, tasting of Coke and faintly of Doritos. He moaned softly into my mouth as I slid my tongue between his lips, then louder as I slipped my hand between us to rub him through his shorts. My belly was a hard lump between us, not in the way yet, but I realized within a few weeks, it would be. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

A car passed by us, circling downward to a parking spot, honking as they slowed to watch us make out. Jeff pulled away, chuckling, and pushed me toward the elevator. Once we were on and the door were closed, Jeff dropped the handles to our rolling suitcases and pinned me in the corner, taking my wrists in his hands and pinioning them above my head. I tilted my head back and bared my throat to the hot, wet kisses he planted there, moving down to the hollow at the base of my throat, and farther, to the valley of my breasts.

I gasped, sighing his name, needing more than breath to feel his hands on me, his mouth on me. I felt his hardness against my thigh as he kissed my cleavage, and I reached down to grasp it in my fingers. More, I needed more. I dug my hand under his shorts to clutch him bare in my hands, relishing the hot hardness of him. I was frantic suddenly, trying to push his shorts down and my loose cotton skirt up.

And then he pulled away, leaving me limp and gasping and stunned in the corner of the elevator.

“I’m not going to fuck you in the corner of a dirty elevator, Anna,” he growled, scrubbing his hand over his close-cropped scalp. “You have no idea how bad I want you right now, babe, but not like this.”

I wanted to cry. A tear of absurd rejection slipped down my face. I brushed it away, irritated with myself. I was being stupid, and I knew it. Jeff was right, so right, but the sudden inrushing of my sex drive was erasing my reason.

“Anna, I—”

I shook my head, cutting him off. “No, Jeff. You’re right, and I know it. I’m having one of those stupid hormonal reactions I can’t exactly help.” I laughed at myself through a sniffle, then tipped forward into Jeff’s embrace. “Just take me to the hotel and fuck me until I can’t walk.”

Jeff’s fingers tightened in my shoulders. “That I can do.”

The elevator doors opened then, letting on a man, his wife, and three children, all chattering loudly in Arabic. Jeff and I traded glances, laughing. If Jeff hadn’t stopped things when he did, this family would have gotten an eyeful.

Fifteen minutes later, we were checked in to our hotel and riding another elevator up to our floor. Jeff still had all our luggage in his hands, refusing to let me carry more than my purse. My stomach was doing flip-flops as he slid the card into the reader and pushed the door open, flipping on lights and setting our suitcases against the wall.

I hadn’t gotten three steps into the room when Jeff stopped, turned in place, and wrapped a large, strong hand around my elbow, drawing me inexorably against his chest. I dropped my purse on the floor at my feet and placed my palms on his pecs, staring up into his hot brown gaze. My heart was hammering in my chest, as if this was my first time.

Except I knew what was coming, and I needed it as much as my next breath.

He didn’t do anything for the space of several heartbeats, only clutched my elbow, his thumb drawing a slow circle on my skin. I stood waiting, breathing, anticipating.

Then he lifted his hand and brushed my cheekbone with the back of his index finger, trailed the pad of his finger down my neck, across my collarbone and down between my breasts. I sucked in a deep breath, swelling my breasts, and held it. He slipped the digit under the elastic of my camisole, pulling it down to bare one breast. I was already holding my breath, so when he touched his lips to the slope of my breast, I expelled the air in a long sigh, tipping my head back in ecstasy. He kissed down the breast to the nipple, paused to look at me, then took my nipple in his mouth and suckled it.
Oh, sweet Jesus, thank you.
Electricity shot down my body to strike at my core, sending trembles through my thighs and dampness slicking my folds.

Jeff’s hand left my elbow and slid up my arm, over my shoulder, and down my back, stopping to cup my ass, drawing my hips against his.
His mouth left my flesh, and he murmured, “I need you naked.”

“Fuck yes,” I whispered.

He pulled my camisole over my head, and my heavier-than-ever breasts fell free, bouncing and swaying. I watched in pleasure as his eyes fixed on them, revealing his desire.

Is there anything better in the world than knowing your man thinks you’re beautiful? Not to me, there isn’t.

He pushed my skirt off, leaving me in my panties. He liked me like that, naked except for panties. Even now, with the burgeoning roundness of my belly, he liked to kneel in front of me and take in my body, as if he were drinking in my beauty to slake an unquenchable thirst. Then he knelt forward to sit on his calves, wrapping his hands around my ankles, sliding his palms up my legs, up the back of my thighs, caressing the ever-expanding globes of my ass. He buried his face against my hip, just above the waist of my panties, kissed my skin, dug his fingers into the leg opening to stroke my wet folds. I gasped when his middle finger slid inside me, ever so slightly. I gasped again when he abruptly jerked my panties off and nudged my legs open. I spread my stance and steadied myself with my hands on his shoulders.

He swiped my folds with his tongue, clutching me close with his hands on my ass. Then, outrageously, he stopped.

“What—why are you stopping?” I demanded. “God, you can’t stop now!”

He stared up at me, his brow wrinkled in confusion. “Didn’t I hear somewhere that pregnant women shouldn’t receive oral sex?”

I growled in my throat. “That’s an old wives’ tale,” I said, putting my hand on the back of his head. “Just don’t do a hot kitty, and we’ll be fine. Now…give me orgasms.” I pressed his face between my thighs and whimpered as he complied, spearing my clit with his tongue, slipping a single finger into my channel and curling it to brush me just so.

Then he stopped again. “Hot kitty?” He curled his finger once more, and my legs almost gave out.

“Blowing—blowing hot air into me.” I locked my knees as he stroked inside me.

“Oh.” He kissed my folds, then lapped at my opening, inciting a blissful moan from me. “That’s too bad. I know you like that,” he murmured, the vibrations of his voice making me shiver.

“Yeah, but just don’t stop what you’re doing, and I don’t think I’ll miss it.”

He started a circular rhythm with his tongue around my swollen clit, which made my knees buckle in time with his tongue. I felt the sweet burning pressure well up within me, rising and rising with each swipe of his tongue, each curling caress of his finger. And then he added a second finger, pressing against the inner ridge, and sucked my stiffened nub into his mouth. He reached up to pinch a thick nipple between two fingers, and with that added stimulation, I exploded, falling forward against him and crying out, holding on to his shoulders for balance as my body convulsed and spasmed, heat billowing through me, lightning bursting behind my shut eyes.

He moved me back, and I felt the edge of the bed against my knees. I let myself collapse backward, gasping, feet planted on the floor. Jeff slid his body between my thighs, and I reached up, eyes still closed as aftershocks washed through me, to tug his shorts down. He peeled his T-shirt off as I took his erection in my fist and slid my hand down around his rigid, silk-soft cock. I drew him toward me, needing him, needing more of him, all of him.

“Give it to me, Jeff,” I panted. “Please.”

“Goddamn, Anna. You’re so beautiful when you come.” He leaned over me, and I felt the broad tip of his erection nudge my opening.

I pulled him closer, guided him into me. I whined in the back of my throat, a sound of pure relief, utter bliss. Jeff groaned low in his throat as he slid deep. He straightened, tucking one hand under my right knee and lifting my leg around his waist. One foot still on the floor, one around his waist, I was at the perfect height for him to stand and drive into me, his sliding shaft striking every nerve ending inside me, gliding deep, so deep, so gently and wonderfully deep.

“Oh, fuck, Anna. You don’t even know how much I needed this, how much I missed this.”

“I think I do.”

He pulled back, almost out, then slid home again, groaning when our bodies were flush against each other. “You feel so good, Anna. God
, you feel so good.” He was trembling, holding back.

I fisted my hands in the blanket and lifted my hips to meet him. “More, Jeff. Harder. Please.”

“I don’t want to—”

I pulled at him hard with my leg, jerking him deep. “I need it, Jeff. I’m not going to break. Please, just fuck me harder.”

Jeff slid out and back in, a thoughtful, hesitating thrust, then another. Then he gave me an exploratory harder thrust, and I cried out his name. That seemed to encourage him, and he pushed into me again, harder this time.

“Yes, like that,” I panted. “God, that’s good. More.”

He rumbled in his chest. “So good.” He set a fast rhythm then, and each stroke sent me further in ecstasy; each thrust had me whimpering and moaning.

BOOK: Big Girls Do It Pregnant
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