Read Big Cat Mates Lion in Wait Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

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Big Cat Mates Lion in Wait (2 page)

BOOK: Big Cat Mates Lion in Wait
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“Is all of this for me?” She grinned at him, gliding her thumb over his tip, spreading his precum, savoring his almost daunting length.

He chuckled. “It’s all yours, beautiful.”

I feel beautiful
. Starr stroked him, working him with both hands, and he nibbled on her nipple, the tiny twinges of pain exciting her.
I need him. I need him inside me, now, before he changes his mind
. “Condom?”

“Right pocket.” He bobbed in her hand.

She tore the package open and sheathed him quickly, rolling the latex over his shaft. Starr positioned him at her entrance, her pussy gushing, extra lubrication unnecessary, her body ready for him.

He eased into her, stretching her open, sinking deeper and deeper, filling her as she’d never been filled before. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he growled.

“And you’re huge.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, strengthening the connection between them. He stilled, his base pressed against her pussy lips, his chest heaving, both of them remaining almost fully dressed.

“Are you okay?” She petted his hair, playing with the strands, the length unexpected for a businessman.

“Better than okay.” Royce met her gaze, his golden eyes catlike, a stubble she’d never noticed before covering his jaw. “You’re perfect.” He rocked, the slow slide urging the fires of her desire higher.

“Perfect,” she repeated, her extensive vocabulary erased from her brain, the only knowledge left revolving around Royce, the push of his cockhead in and out of her pussy, the prick of his nails against her ass, the musk of his cologne.

He moved into her with more urgency, pulling her toward him as he thrust forward, driving farther into her. Starr panted, hanging onto his broad shoulders, her breasts slapping against his silk tie, and he grunted, the animalistic noise exhilarating.

Royce rode her hard, fucking her savagely, a sheen of perspiration forming on his face.
He’s a beast, wild and primitive and, for this one exquisite moment, he’s mine
. She undulated against him, passion stealing her breath, this encounter surpassing her limited experience.

Everything inside of her tightened while he hardened even more. The friction escalated her fervor, her senses enhanced. For years, she’d worked constantly, rushing from job to job, sleepwalking through her life. In his arms, in this instant, she was gloriously alive, feeling, smelling, hearing. She reveled in the coarseness of his hair, the flare of his cockhead, the pulsing of the veins in his shaft. She breathed in his distinctive scent. She savored the heat rolling off his body, the primitive sounds pulled from his throat, the rumble of his chest.

“Harder. Faster. More.” She dug her fingertips into his shoulders, unable to pierce through the fabric to reach his tanned skin, the barrier frustrating her.

“Mine,” he growled, slamming into her, his muscles straining against the confines of his suit. “Mine. Mine. Mine.” He captured her earlobe between his teeth and bit down, the pain breaking her.

She screamed, bucking, the world exploding into a thousand different pieces, all different colors. He roared, temporarily deafening her, and rammed into her, holding the pose for three long heartbeats, prolonging her orgasm.

Royce shuddered and collapsed, sagging into her, his forehead dropping to her shoulder. Starr held him, running her hands over the broad expanse of his back.

“I needed this,” he murmured into her bare skin. “I thought I didn’t, but I did.”

“You’ve been working hard, too hard.” Starr caressed him, the tension seeping from his body. “And you’ve been alone, with no one to talk to, being strong, too strong, for everyone else, neglecting your own needs.” She told him what she wished someone would tell her, expressing the loneliness in her own heart.

“I’m the boss, the alpha, the older brother.” His breath blew hot against her neck. “The health of the firm falls on my shoulders. I’m responsible for the pride; all of them depend on me.”

The pride
? “Tonight, I’m responsible for you.” She pressed a kiss to the top of his head, this strong, successful man she had let inside her.

“Only for tonight.”

“Only for tonight,” she reassured him, squelching her need for more.
I don’t know him. This yearning is because I’ve gone too long without companionship

“Good.” He raised his head, meeting her gaze, humor lighting his unusual eyes. “Because I don’t know if I can afford more.”

“I understand.” Starr smiled gently. Her schedule was as jam packed as his, her debt mounting, the interest compounding daily, a cycle of debt she might not ever escape.

“Let me take care of you, Royce.” She stroked over his back, marveling at the muscles rippling under his suit jacket. “I may not have a lot of experience in marketing, but I’m very good at taking care of others.”

Chapter Two


Whatever they paid her, it was worth it

The next morning, Royce stared into the fireplace, his ass seated in the chair he’d fucked Starr over and over in, taking her in every way a female could be taken. The scent of sex and ripe woman lingered in the library, hardening his cock, reminding him of every thrust, every moan, every slide of muscle over never-ending curves.

I needed that, her
. Since the moon-maddened wolf attack that had killed his parents and wiped out most of his pride, he’d worked damn hard. He’d focused on rebuilding his small family and strengthening the firm, vowing that nothing would hurt the ones he loved ever again. He’d neglected his own needs, his animal’s needs, and the tension inside of him had become unbearable.

Until last night
. Royce turned the glass of cognac in his hand, the flames lighting the amber -- the costly liquor one of his rare indulgences. Last night, Starr’s experienced touch had eased his stress and calmed his beast, leaving him more relaxed than he’d been for years.

Any female could have accomplished that
. He sipped the cognac, savoring the hints of leather and dry fruit.
She wasn’t special

, his inner lion purred, undulating inside of him, his animal sexually sated.

He’s confused
. Royce rejected his lion’s claim. A mate would expect to be wooed and seduced -- activities he hadn’t the time or energy for.
Starr merely gave us what we needed; what we’ve craved for months, years, forever

And it was glorious
. He smiled.

“He’s smiling,” Dirk announced, the second eldest Leone male lounging in the chair beside him, his long legs stretched out before him, his black shoes scuffed.

smiling.” Tanner, the youngest, leaned against the bookshelf, holding a glass of cognac as though it were a mug of beer, having no respect for the aged liquor. “He’s been smiling all morning. What the hell happened last night, bro?”

“You should know.” Royce slid his gaze to the young male, his smile fading.

“How would I know?” Tanner’s constantly moving mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened. “You hired her.” He hooted, slapping his thigh, spilling his cognac. “I knew she’d be perfect for you. You’re both workaholics.”

“Who are you talking about?” Dirk demanded.

“Starr, the woman from the sausage place.” Tanner grinned his foolish grin, his face unblemished, the young lion having never fought for anything in his life.

Royce tilted his hand back and forth, creating waves of cognac in his glass, his role as pride alpha requiring him to be stern. “My present for a birthday I distinctly said I didn’t wish to have acknowledged.”

“Right.” His youngest brother laughed. Royce leveled a hard glance on him, the safety of the pride depending upon all members following his orders, and Tanner’s laughter stopped. “Come on, big bro. You may be a workaholic but even you can’t claim an assistant as a birthday present.”

“Stop with the assistant story.” Royce set his cognac down on the table, glass clinking against wood, his brother’s continued lies disturbing him. “I know who she is.”

Tanner’s forehead creased with lines. “Is this about her being a waitress? She went to school for business administration and she… I don’t know… when she waited on us, she was so…” He scrunched up his nose, acting and sounding too damn sincere for Royce’s comfort. “Motherly, as though she truly cared for us. I liked that. I thought you might too.”

? Royce stared at his youngest brother, the sexy woman he had spent the night with as far from motherly as any female could be.
Does Tanner seriously believe I don’t know about her being a prostitute
? “Her name is Starr,” he pointed out dryly.

“Yeah.” Tanner grimaced. “I asked her about that. Her late mother had a thing for Belle Starr, some badass Wild West cowgirl. Starr likes to joke about it being her stripper name. I don’t think clients will care once they get to know her and hell, we’re in advertising. If you want to hire her, we’ll figure out some way to frame it, making it a plus, rather than a negative.”

She’s not a prostitute
. Royce gazed at the fire, unsure whether to be horrified or relieved, having used her body last night for his own selfish sexual gratification.
It doesn’t matter. I still don’t have time for a relationship

, his lion rumbled, aggravated by his statement.

“You’re hiring the waitress from the sausage place as your assistant?” Dirk raised his eyebrows. “Can she get us a discount on bratwurst?”

“Ohhh… their bratwurst is the best, bro.” Tanner rubbed his stomach. “I ate over a dozen the last time I was there. I slept the entire afternoon.”

“You always sleep the entire afternoon. I --”

I don’t have time for this
. “I’m not hiring Starr.” Royce interrupted their banter, his mood darkening.

, his animal snarled, fighting his decision.

His brothers turned their heads. “She made you smile, bro.” Tanner frowned. “You should, at least, consider it… for all our sakes. You’ve been a bit… intense lately.” Dirk, that idiot, nodded, his brothers for once agreeing on something.

“I’m not considering it. I don’t need her,” Royce lied, needing Starr with every cell in his shifter body. “And I’m not hiring her. That decision is final.”

“Yes, alpha.” The two fools snapped to attention, giving him an impertinent salute.

Gods save me
. Royce lurched to his feet, desperate to escape Starr’s scent, to concentrate on business.
Yes, business
. “Ask Jeanine to have the library cleaned.”

His brothers stared at him. Royce ignored them. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and strolled to his office -- an office he didn’t plan to leave until all traces of Starr were gone.

* * *

I’m tired
. Starr grabbed her tote from her employee locker and hooked the straps over one of her aching shoulders.
So very tired

It had been three long work-filled days since her non-interview with Leone Media, and she hadn’t yet caught up on her lack of sleep. Fucking Royce Leone had been worth it though, that all night sexathon the best experience of her life, her orgasms reaching double digits before she lost count.

“See you tomorrow.” Starr waved to her fellow waitresses and slipped out of the staff entrance into the back alley. The night air cooled her flushed cheeks as she walked, the pavement rolling before her, black urban plains inhabited by cars and tall buildings.

I still want him
. She’d dreamed of Royce every night since their encounter, fantasizing about his calloused hands, his erotic purring, his enticing warmth, and his burning passion. And every morning, she had woken up, throbbing with need, her bed sheets twisted around her body.

I’ll dream of him again tonight
. Starr headed toward the bus stop, cutting through the parking lot, the area dimly lit by two flickering streetlights, inconstant stars in a midnight sky. Her lips curled into a small smile.

“Is that smile for us, pretty lady?” Three large men stepped in front of her -- a pack of predators she couldn’t avoid -- their eyes gleaming, their denim-clad arms extended, boxing her in.

A shiver ran down Starr’s spine. She recognized them, the cruelty in their faces memorable. They’d caused trouble at the restaurant during the dinner rush, grabbing the waitresses and threatening the guests.

“It’s been a long day.” She lifted her chin, meeting the dead-eyed gaze of the leader, not allowing him to see her fear. “Please let me pass.”

Starr reached into her tote and closed her fingers around the can of pepper spray, hoping she wouldn’t have to use it, praying that if she did, it’d be enough to stop them.

“We can’t let you pass. Not just yet.” Their leader looked her up and down. His gaze lingered on her breasts, and he licked his lips, his saliva glistening. Starr shuddered, the thought of him touching her turning her stomach.

“Not until you give us,” he continued, looming closer. Starr stepped back, her ass pressed against a parked car. “All of us.” His friends leered at her, their canine teeth unusually sharp and pronounced. “What we want.” The leader plucked at her white peasant blouse, the fabric ripping underneath his fingertips.

A menacing rumble rolled through the space, the sound primitively deep. Starr turned her head. Royce leaned against a silver Maserati, his legs casually crossed, his big body clad in a black suit, his shirt startlingly white, his scarred face expressionless. Starr’s heart leaped, her terror flowing into relief and then into desire.

“Does your alpha know you’re out?” Royce flicked a piece of lint off his sleeve, his fingers long and tanned and perfect, his nails surprisingly blunt considering the scratches he’d left on her ass.

The leader growled. “Mind your own business.”

Royce met Starr’s gaze, and he smiled slowly, his eyes glowing golden. “I am.” Her breath caught, his words possessive and arousing. He pushed away from the car and prowled toward them -- his gait fluid, loose, soundless.

BOOK: Big Cat Mates Lion in Wait
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