Read Bidding War Online

Authors: Cher Carson

Bidding War (5 page)

BOOK: Bidding War
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Arching her back, she tried forcing his tongue deeper into her tight channel, but he sent her a clear message about who was in control when he grabbed her hips, pulling away.

Looking up at her, he said, “Brace your foot on the couch behind me.”

She didn’t hesitate to do as he asked, knowing he could withdraw at any moment, leaving her with the urge to crawl out of her own skin. “Please, I need…”

“Sssh. I know what you need,” he said, sliding a finger into her pussy. “Believe me, I’m going to give it to you, but we’re going to do this my way. We’re gonna take it slow, ease into it. I don’t want to hurt you.” He slid another finger slowly into her tight pussy. “I need you to trust me, okay?”

She wanted to ride his fingers, his cock. She couldn’t believe she had lived without the sensation of a man giving her pleasure for so long. Now that she’d had a taste, she couldn’t imagine going another day without it.

“That’s it,” he said, circling her clit with his tongue. “Let me fuck you with my fingers first, get you ready, then I’m going to slide my hard cock into that sweet pussy, so deep, so hard…” He groaned. “Fuck, I wish I could shoot my hot come inside of you, baby. I’d give anything to feel your pussy milk me dry.”

She shuddered, reveling in his graphic description of what he wanted to do for her, what he wanted her to do to him.

Her mind wandered, wondering if she should tell him she was on the pill. She wasn’t reckless. She knew unprotected sex was risky, but the way he described it made her wish they could make love without the barrier of latex between them. She didn’t feel the need to protect herself from this man, not when every fiber of her being told her he would do anything to protect her.

The thought of trusting him, relying on him, thrilled and terrified her in equal measure. She wanted to give herself over to the lure of this connection building between them, but if she was wrong about him and he hurt her, she didn’t know how she would recover.

“Damn it, just let go,” he whispered. “You’re overthinking this. Don’t think, baby, just feel.”

She let herself go and fixated on the thrill of what he was doing to her with his hands, his mouth, his heart. He was giving her hope, reason to believe he would catch her when she found the courage to fall. She imagined what it would be like to go home to this man, to curl up in his arms at the end of a long day, fall asleep on his chest at night.

Her fantasies and reality intertwined; her body responded to her heart’s demands as she scaled the mountain, took a deep breath, and forced herself to jump off without looking down. “Oh God, oh yes,” she cried. It was on the tip of her tongue. She wanted to tell him she was feeling what he was feeling, that she was falling in love with him, but he hadn’t said it, not yet, and it hurt her heart to realize she didn’t know if she would ever hear those words pass his lips.

He was hungrily sucking her clit, fingering her pussy, as though her pleasure, this moment, was the only thing that mattered to him. “I love the way you taste,” he whispered, gliding his tongue over her swollen lips. “I need more.”

He tilted her hips forward and hooked his fingers deep inside of her, probing her. Her first instinct was to push him away. It was too much, too intense. She couldn’t handle it.

He swirled his tongue over her clit as he massaged her sweet spot. “It’s okay, I know it feels intense, but trust me, you’re gonna come like you never have before. That’s what I want.” He kissed the inside of her thighs. “I want you to flood my mouth with your sweet cream, honey.”

He was getting her so hot. She had no choice but to surrender to him. Wherever he wanted to take her, she was willing to go as long as she could ride this high just a little longer. She wasn’t a drinker, but she knew this is what people talked about when they described an alcohol-induced buzz, that fuzzy feeling in your head when you let go of your worries and fears and surrendered to the moment. That’s what he was giving her now: freedom. “Shane, oh God…” She was torn between wanting it to last forever and trying to reclaim her sanity when he took the decision out of her hands and sent her freefalling over the edge.

Her whole body tensed as her legs began to tremble. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she prayed he still had the strength to hold her up because she knew her legs weren’t steady enough to support her weight. Just when she thought he was satisfied she had endured the sweet torture long enough, he drew her clit into his mouth again. “No, oh, I can’t…”

“Yes, you can,” he said, blowing on the engorged bud. “Just ride it out. I’m not gonna stop until your body stops trembling, and I know, for a fact, that you’re satisfied.”

If she were any more satisfied, she feared she may pass out, but she suspected he may be more in tune with her body than she was in this moment. It still felt surreal to her as the surges coursed through her, claiming her, demanding her complete and total submission.

Finally, he got to his feet. Cupping her face in his hands, he smiled. “I needed to do that to earn your trust, Lacy. It’s not easy to let go, to risk embarrassment or shame, but I need you to know you can trust me.”

Shaking her head, she tried to make sense of what he told her. She wasn’t experienced, but she knew that what just happened between them went beyond your average orgasm. “What the hell…”

He chuckled and brushed a kiss over her cheek before whispering in her ear, “When you let me find your G-Spot, and you trust me enough to give yourself over to it, you’re going to explode, in my mouth, on my hand. Next time I want it to be all over my cock.”

Next time.
God help her, she needed a next time more than she needed sustenance to survive. “My turn,” she whispered. Now she wanted to watch his restraint snap like a dry twig as he fucked her mouth, pouring his come down her throat.

He grabbed her shoulders. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to…”

“I want to,” she whispered. “Please, let me do this for you.” She dropped to her knees. She didn’t give him a chance to argue. After fastening her hand around the base of his cock, she tried to get used to the weight and feel of it in her hand, trying to decide how to maximize his pleasure.

He chuckled. “Baby, you’re overthinking it again. Just trust your instincts. You know what I need.”

She glided her tongue over the tip of his engorged cock and tasted the salty pre-cum on her lips. It made her hungry for more. She wanted to taste him the way he’d tasted her, without fear or restraint, just trusting her intuition as a woman to give her man what he needed.

He threw his head back, moaning deep in throat. “God, I’ve imagined this so many times, baby. Your sweet mouth on my cock… it’s even better… than I…”

She stole his words with her tongue, sliding it all over from base to tip, making him wet. The blood rushing through his cock was almost palpable. She could feel it straining in her hand, and longed to feel that same sensation in her mouth. She had never pleasured a man this way, but she was more than ready now.

“Ah…” Fisting his hands in her hair, he clenched and released, as though he was fighting a losing battle with himself.

She could tell he wanted to be aggressive, to take a strong lead and force her down on his cock, but he was trying to be gentle and respectful of her lack of experience. She loved him even more for that. No doubt about it, Shane was the kind of man most women only dreamed about finding, and he was hers, at least for tonight. Maybe longer, if she could get past her fear and insecurity and let him in.

She took him in her mouth, tentatively at first, trying to decide how far she could go, but the sound of his soft moans, knowing that she was giving him so much pleasure, spurred her into action. She stopped thinking and starting feeling. His hard shaft felt like steel cloaked in velvet and she wanted, needed, more. She wasn’t doing this for him anymore. She was doing it for herself too. She was ready to surrender to the physical pleasure she’d denied herself for too long.

“Oh God,” he muttered. “Yeah, just like that, nice and deep.”

Listening to his direction, and the gentle pressure on the back of her head, she zeroed in on the only thing mattered to her in this moment: giving him pleasure. She loved the feel of him, wet and hot, sliding between her lips as she thrust his hard cock in and out of her mouth. She couldn’t suppress her deep moan, only to moan again when he obviously enjoyed the sensation.

“Baby,” he said, gripping her shoulders. “You have to stop.”

Shifting back, she felt the heat of embarrassment wash over her. She wasn’t doing it right. She wasn’t experienced enough to push him to the point of claiming his release. “I’m sorry,” she said, dipping her head. “I know I’m not very good at that, I’ve never…”

He pulled her to her feet and framed her face with his hands. “Are you serious? Honey, that was amazing. I asked you to stop because I’m so close…” He leaned in to brush a kiss over her lips. “And I need to come inside of you. I want to be looking into your eyes,” he smiled, “not at the top of your head, when you take me there.”

She smiled back, grateful that he was sensitive enough to know that she needed his reassurance now. “I want that too, to make love to you.”

He reached for the faux-fur blanket on the back of the couch and then spread it on the area rug in front of the fireplace. “You know the next time will have to be in front of a real fireplace at my place. These gas jobs just don’t have the same effect.”

Next time.
This was more than a one-night stand to him, and knowing that gave her the courage to hope for more. Pointing to the blanket, she said, “You realize all this stuff is rented, don’t you?”

He chuckled. “I’ll buy it.” His eyes darkened as he took a step toward her. “I want to keep it to remind me of our first time, your first time.”

She shuddered at the significance of his words. Her friends thought she was crazy to save herself for the right man, but no one had ever turned her inside out the way he did. She was so grateful she’d waited now because that look in his eye told her that he was worth waiting for. “It’s crazy that we’re doing this now,” she said, suddenly feeling a wave of uncertainty about where they would go from here. “We haven’t even been out on a date yet, and here I am giving you…”

He thrust his hands into her hair as he stole her breath with the intensity of his gaze. “You know me. This isn’t a game to me, Lacy. I wouldn’t make love to you unless I thought we had a real shot at a future.”

It wasn’t a guarantee. She knew he would be lying if he made promises now, but it was enough to convince her that he was committed to trying to build a relationship, and that’s all she could ask for now. “I know you’re not the type of guy who’d sleep with a girl and forget to call the next day.”

A trace of a smile passed his lips. “I’m not gonna lie to you. I’ve done that a time or two, but I won’t with you. I meant what I said earlier. I can’t get you out of my head, Lacy. I go to sleep thinking about you. I wake up thinking about you.”

She reached to press a soft kiss to his lips. It was her way of telling him she shared his pain. Her fixation with him had started to intrude on all areas of her life. She thought of him when she was driving, working, lying in bed at night.

“You’ve been making me crazy.” He laughed. “I’ve asked you out a dozen times over the past month, yet you kept shooting me down. What the hell was that about?”

“I was scared,” she said, forcing herself to look him in the eye. “I still am, but I’m tired of hiding from this. I know my feelings are not going to go away, so I’m finally ready to face them, to do something about them.”

He pulled her into his arms and slid his hand down her back. “I’m not gonna make you regret this. I promise.”

She knew that no matter what happened, whether they found love forever or if this was just a brief moment in time, she would have no regrets. He was a good, honest, decent man. She knew he’d make a wonderful husband and father someday, but whether he would be her husband, the father of her children, she had no idea.

Pulling back to look at her, he said, “I need you to believe that.”

Shaking her head, she smiled. “I do.”

He lifted her hand, pressing his lips to her palm. “God, I feel like I’ve waited forever for this.”

She laughed. “You may feel as though you’ve been waiting forever, but I have, literally.” And she didn’t want to wait one more minute. The feel of his arousal was heavy between them, and she was anxious to feel him sink inside of her.

“I don’t want to wait anymore,” he said, grabbing her hips and holding her tight against him. “I can’t wait anymore.”

She allowed him to lead her to the blanket he’d set out on the floor. When she saw him reach for the jeans he’d discarded earlier, she grabbed his wrist. “Shane, you don’t have to. I’m on the pill.” He’d mentioned having the courage to trust him earlier, and in her mind, this was the ultimate show of trust.

BOOK: Bidding War
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