Read Bewitched for Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

Bewitched for Pleasure (2 page)

BOOK: Bewitched for Pleasure
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“What’s Chuck doing tonight?” Brenna asked as they headed up the path toward her front door.

“Working late,” Chel told her. “He’ll head to the bar for a bit after then meet me at home later.”

Brenna unlocked the door and stepped inside, taking a second to kick off her heels and flex her feet. Chel kicked off hers, as well, when she entered.

“Let’s grab a corkscrew and head out to the patio. The moon is beautiful tonight,” Chel said.

“Looks like a full moon,” Brenna agreed as she moved toward the kitchen. “I’ll get glasses and meet you out there.”

“No glasses,” Chel called.

Brenna poked her head out of the doorway. “You brought your own glasses tonight?”

“Sort of,” Chel called and went straight through to the patio door.

Brenna knew she wasn’t going to get an answer just yet. She ducked back into the kitchen and grabbed the corkscrew from the drawer before hurrying to catch up with her friend.

“What is all this?” she asked as she stepped onto the deck and found Chel pulling stuff out of a bag and putting it on the wooden table.

“Supplies,” Chel answered again with a shake of her head, exasperation showing through. “Sit and open the wine. We’ll talk after you get a glass and relax.”

“I had a glass at the bar,” Brenna reminded her while she grabbed the bottle and began opening it. “Two, actually. I’m relaxed.”

“You’re not relaxed. Hell, sometimes I don’t think you know how to relax. I blame it on your lack of a sex life.”

“I have a sex life,” Brenna challenged.

“I’m not counting your toys,” Chel said dismissively. “I’m talking about the lack of a living and breathing man in your bed every night with a rock hard cock eager to get inside you.”

“Jesus,” Brenna muttered.

“Yeah, we might pray to him again tonight, too,” Chel mumbled.

“You’re making me nervous,” Brenna said.

“Do you believe in spells and witchcraft and all that?” Chel asked.

Brenna snorted. “Hell, no.”

“Then you have no reason to be nervous.”

“Oh, God. Please tell me you didn’t come over here to do some kind of love spell or something!”

Chel met her gaze with a glare, and Brenna knew she had.

“What the hell? Do you really think my life is so pathetic that I have to cast a spell to get someone to love me?” Brenna demanded.

“No,” Chel answered softly. “This is for you. I watch you sit back on the sidelines every time we go out. I want you to open yourself up to the possibility of love. It’s just a spell I found. I thought it would be fine to try it, just for fun.” Chel took Brenna’s hands and squeezed them. “Remember when we used to try everything, no matter what it was?”

Brenna smiled. “I remember you talking me into stripping naked and swimming in the pond at Chuck and Scott’s house. ‘The guys are gone’, you said. ‘No one will know’. Do you remember how that ended?”

Chel started laughing hard. “I remember you screaming when Kyle came running down the path and jumped in with us.”

“I was naked!” Brenna reminded Chel.

“And they all got out and turned around when I told them. They were complete gentlemen about the whole thing.”

“After Scott swam up to me and caught me against him. God, I was so mortified.”

“He thought you were playing,” Chel said with another bark of laughter.

“Yeah, funny for you since no one came near you, but Chuck.”

“Oh, yeah,” Chel said with a moan.

“Oh, my God!” Brenna cried out. “You had sex with him in the pond that night, didn’t you? While I was scrambling for clothes and the guys were pretending not to look at me. You totally had sex!”

“I did, and it was amazing,” Chel agreed.

“Sometimes, I really hate you.”

“Sometimes, I really hate myself,” Chel said, but they were both grinning.

“So what’s the spell?” Brenna found herself asking.

Chel crowed with triumph. “I knew you’d come around. I’ve got everything we need.”

“Is that a knife?” Brenna asked, staring at the wicked blade lying in the middle of the table.

“Yes. Don’t be a baby. The spell requires just a drop of your blood. You’ll be fine. We need to get the cloth laid out and set the candles up.”

“White and red?” Brenna questioned.

“White is for purity,” Chel said.

“So much for sex then.”

“Purity of heart,” Chel corrected. “His and yours. Red is for love and passion.” She looked pointedly at Brenna. “Sex.”

Brenna picked up the candle and laughed as she saw the word ‘sex’ carved in it. “You actually carved that in there?”

“Well, you’re supposed to be specific and carve the name of the guy you want in there, but since I knew you wouldn’t be able to choose, I just put what you wanted on it. Sex. All you have to do is picture which one you want to have sex with when you drip your blood over the candle flame.”

“Blood? Isn’t that a bit much?”

“This from the girl who doesn’t believe in spells or magic?”

Brenna sighed. “You’re right. I just have an aversion to cutting myself and dripping my blood anywhere.”

“Open the wine,” Chel ordered as she continued setting things out.

Brenna popped the cork. “Where are the glasses?”

Chel placed a goblet on the table.

“Oh, my God! I love it. Are those people having sex on there?” Brenna reached for the chalice and lifted it for a closer look. “They are! Where did you find this?”

“Same place I got the rest of this. I saw it and knew we had to have it.”

“I didn’t realize the cloth had a pentacle on it. Nice touch. I almost feel like we’re really casting a spell.”

Chel looked at her and shook her head. “We are, Brenna.”

Brenna laughed. “Of course we are.”

“Pour some wine in the chalice and set it on the table while I finish setting my stuff up.”

“Why is your candle green?”

Chel busied herself arranging things and muttered softly under her breath.

“What?” Brenna asked again.

“Fertility,” Chel said, snapping her head up and glaring. “It’s for fertility.”

“Oh!” Brenna sat the chalice and open wine bottle on the table and reached for her friend, tugging her close for a hug. “I didn’t know you and Chuck wanted to have a baby.”

“We’ve been trying for about six months with no luck. Chuck says not to worry…that it will happen when it happens.”

“But?” Brenna prompted.

“I really want a baby. The thought of having this tiny person who’s part of me and part of Chuck… It just fills my heart up with love. I want to have a baby.”

“Let’s do the spell,” Brenna urged. “You’ll get pregnant, and I’ll get laid!”

Chel laughed as Brenna had meant for her to.

“Okay, you stand on that side of the table. I’ll stand here. Join hands and close your eyes while I say the words I’m supposed to use to get us started. Here’s what you say.” She handed Brenna a piece of paper. “When I’m done, it’ll be your turn. I’ll guide you in what to do.”

Brenna nodded and tried to listen to the words Chel said, but her mind was racing. Who should she think of when she said the spell? After her encounter earlier, it would be easy to think of Travis and his erection. But then there was no way she could keep Scott or Kyle from floating through her mind, as well. So whom did she focus on? Who did she want to have sex with the most? She barely held in a groan. All of them. She wanted all of them.

“Brenna,” Chel whispered. “It’s your turn. Take the white candle from the center and use it to light the red candle in front of you.”

Brenna took a deep breath and followed Chel’s directions. She had no idea why she felt strung tight. This was for fun. It wasn’t as if this was really going to bring about a huge change in her life. So why not go with it and let her imagination run wild? Chel wanted her to play along. Brenna would.

“Take the
and cut your finger. Then drip it over the bowl I put beside your candle.”

Brenna looked at the bowl and saw that Chel had already put something in it—some type of powder.
Have fun,
she reminded herself. She took the blade and pricked her finger then moved it over the bowl.

“Three drops,” Chel whispered and Brenna obeyed. “Shake the bowl then pour some of the powder onto your palm and close your fist over it. Then say the spell I gave you three times.”

Brenna sprinkled some of the loose powder into her palm then held her hand up by her face while she used her other hand other to hold the paper Chel had given her.

“Heart open, soul free. I call my lover unto me. I am his. He is mine. If the Goddess so divines.” She repeated it two more times.

The wind picked up a bit, adding to the ambience of the night. She shivered as the breeze caressed her neck.

“Picture your perfect lover. Open your palm and blow the powder into your candle flame. Then say the last line.”

Brenna took a deep breath and let all three guys enter her thoughts. She’d fantasized enough to know exactly what picture she wanted to fill her mind. Oh, yeah. She was going to have fun with this. She pictured herself naked, with Scott, Kyle and Travis touching her with hands and mouths. The three of them were hard and ready to make love to her all night long. They’d be the perfect foursome. They’d belong to her and only her, but they’d share her equally.

As the vision took shape, she felt her breasts swell and her nipples press against the lace of her bra. Between her thighs, her panties dampened with desire. She corrected the last line in her mind.

I am theirs. They are mine. If the Goddess so divines.

She repeated it three times, opened her eyes, unfolded her fingers and leaned close to blow the powder into the flame. There was a crackle as the powder hit the fire. The flame shot up, turning blue and green before settling back down. Brenna felt caught in a vacuum. There was no noise on the air around her. No breeze. Nothing but her and her wish cast into the candle flame. Then the world all returned in a rush, and she felt a bit dizzy.

“Here. Drink this,” Chel said, handing her the chalice. “I think we should have done this earlier, but I don’t remember. This is more complicated than I realized.”

Brenna smiled and started to give a typical smartass response when she took note of the intensity on her friend’s face. This meant something to Chel. She really wanted a baby. Brenna threw out an extra prayer that Chel would get pregnant soon and have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

She took a drink then handed the cup back to Chel who placed it in the middle of the table. She said some more words then leaned in and blew out her candle. Brenna shrugged and followed suit.

“Now, let’s take the rest of the wine inside and have a proper glass or two,” Chel said.

Brenna reached for the bottle while Chel grabbed the knife and her bag.

“Should we clean up?” Brenna asked.

“Let’s just leave it for now,” Chel replied.

They linked arms and headed inside. The breeze kicked up and Brenna shivered again as she slid the patio door shut. She glanced back, a little spooked for some reason, but she shook it off and turned toward the kitchen, Chel and the promise of wine.

For just a moment, she would have sworn the candles had still been burning. But that was impossible. She and Chel had blown them out, and candles didn’t light themselves.

“Hurry up,” Chel called with a laugh. “I’m pouring the wine.”

Brenna shoved the thought aside and took the glass of wine Chel held out to her.

“Here’s to the promise of magic,” Chel said and clinked her glass against Brenna’s.

“To magic,” Brenna agreed and thought of the candles. She’d go back out and check on them later, to reassure herself they were out.


Chapter Two




Brenna stepped out of the shower a few hours later and dried off. Chel hadn’t stayed long after their spell casting on the patio. Chuck had texted—something naughty if Chel’s face had been any indication—and she’d taken off. So Brenna had finished the dregs of the wine and decided on a shower. She toweled dry her hair as best she could then left the long, blonde tresses to air dry the rest of the way.

She grabbed one of her short, silk robes from the hook on the back of her bathroom door and headed out to the living room. She might open another bottle of wine or just sit and see what movie she could find on the television tonight. She was just settling down when she thought she heard a sound on the patio.

“Fuck,” she mumbled, remembering she and Chel had forgotten to clean up the stuff out there. She might have a drunken raccoon or something if they’d gotten into the wine left in the cup outside.

She peered out the glass door but didn’t see anything to cause alarm. She unlocked it then slid it open, stepping outside before she realized what clicked in her mind. The candles were burning. She was positive she and Chel had blown out all three. Now, they were burning. Had Chel relit them to mess with Brenna for her disbelief in this whole spell thing? She wouldn’t put it past her best friend.

Something tickled the back of her mind, and she recalled a brief moment earlier when she’d thought she’d seen the flame still burning after she and Chel had gone inside. They’d blown them out. Brenna would swear to it. Chel must have snuck back out when she left and relit them for some reason.

Feeling satisfied with that answer, she reached for the red candle, intending to blow it out again and clean the table, when the heavens opened up, and rain drenched her to the skin in seconds. Brenna looked down at the robe plastered to her body and felt the sodden ropes of hair plastered to her skull worse than when she’d been in the shower. There was nothing to do but throw her head back and laugh.

She opened her arms wide and just let the rain wash over her. She stepped off the patio into the cool, slick grass and turned in a slow circle. It was actually pretty warm for October, and the water felt good on her skin. The combination of the rain and the slight breeze felt like a lover’s caress over her body. Her nipples swelled and tingled, and her pussy ached with the need to be filled.

BOOK: Bewitched for Pleasure
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