Read Bent (The Gifted Series) Online

Authors: Elbie Sinclair

Bent (The Gifted Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Bent (The Gifted Series)
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              “Bastard thing to do, snoopin' into other people’s thoughts,” Joss quipped, her cheeks pink.

              Bowen shrugged. “I make no apologies for who I am.  Besides, everyone at division headquarters suspects something’s brewing, or
brew between you two.  So, here’s your chance to talk it through without
Lucky ‘Carol’ Charm
”—he chuckled deeply—“eaves dropping and running interference.”  He began to walk toward the kitchen, tossing over his shoulder, “You’re welcome.”

              Carter ran a hand through his hair, hiding a smile.  Bowen was a fifty-fifty split of wisdom and ass hat.  Which was why he liked the dude.  “So is the sighting bogus?” he yelled toward the kitchen.

              “No, it’s legit,” replied Bowen. “So keep a watchful eye. We’ll check in on the hour.” With that he heard the door click.

              A strained silence pervaded the house as they listened to the garage door closing and the Prius head down the long driveway.  It was Joss who finally spoke. “Hungry?” She headed toward the kitchen, not waiting for his response.  “I was going to make myself a bite,” she tossed over her shoulder.

              He followed. “Uhh … sure.  I guess I could eat.”

              She opened the refrigerator door, giving Carter a glorious view of her backside in her snug jeans.  “I won’t force you,” she humored before wielding around with left over chicken and greens.  “I’m craving a salad. That okay with you?”

              “Sure, if it’s chicken salad between some bread with a heap of mayo.”

              A smile danced around her lips, and Carter gazed, love-struck at how beautiful she looked.  She’d gained a few needed pounds over the last couple of weeks, giving her a vitality to her fit frame.  Her gorgeous hair strewn about her shoulders wildly, and she absentmindedly tucked a few strands behind a delicate ear, exposing her slender neck.  Carter thought of nothing else but how much she loved his tongue running along that neck.  The soft moan that would escape and the way her body would tighten with anticipation, seeking more.

              “Penny for your thoughts,” she sang lightly, her eyes on the focaccia bread she was now cutting for his sandwich.

              “Just thinking of how much I miss running my tongue along that beautiful neck of yours.” Yep, he did it, forgot to turn on his filter.

              Her stunned eyes flew to his, but he didn’t detect desire. Dammit! He really needed to leave the filter on 24/7.  She opened her mouth to speak, and he mentally cringed at what was about to come out.               

              “I won’t stop you,” she breathed, but he didn’t—he’d forgotten how.

              Did he hear her correctly?  His brain must have malfunctioned, allowing him to hear what he wanted, not what was actually said.  Then he felt his body rise and damn if he wasn’t moving around the granite island toward the proffered neck.  His hand reached her waist and he felt her tremble at his touch—his imagination was
good.  Then his head descended and his tongue met paradise, sliding steadily along the delectable slope toward her delectable earlobe.  He nipped and sucked, and her body melted against his as his name left her lips in a breathy moan.

Fuck filters
!  “I miss you so much,” he blurted against her skin. He then attempted to claim her sensual lips, but she leaned back, halting him.

              “You brush me aside for weeks, yet you claim to miss me?  I’m thinkin’ you’re a rite messer, Carter Thompson.”

              Her body still trembled and the way she held onto him confirmed that she was feeling this as much as he, but there was definite skepticism in her eyes and tone.  And why wouldn’t she be? He’d been a horse’s ass, not only during their final moments together but following their release. It was now or never to rectify this.  He pulled back, grasping both her hands and led them around the island.  As he plopped down onto a bar stool, he pulled her between his spread thighs and shifted his hands to her waist.  Although she’d stiffened some, she didn’t attempt to pull away, which he took as a good sign.

              His words poured out slowly. “Sorry doesn’t begin to explain how I feel for all I’ve done to you, Joss.”  His face then scrunched with confusion. “And I don’t have a clue what a ‘rite messer’ is, but I’m sure I don’t want to be one—at least not in your eyes.”

              He could see her hidden amusement, but her face quickly shifted to a scowl. “I’m not tracking either, Carter.  What
have you done to me exactly?”

              “What I said to you while we were in captivity was inexcusable.  I made you feel weak, and worse ... like a whore.”  The final word came out coated with pain and disgust.

              Her eyes immediately diverted to the counter, and he felt her body go rigid.

              He clasped her chin, trying to pull her back, but she wouldn’t budge.  “Please, look at me,” he pleaded.

              “I can’t.  Everything you said wasn’t anything I didn’t already feel about myself.”

              “Why do you think I took advantage of that?  Because that’s just the kind of piece of shit I am.”

              Her head darted in his direction, and they carried a fiery depth. “You knew?”

              “Yes.” He firmly nodded. “After spending all that time together in close proximity with nothing but our thoughts to share, I’d say I got to know you pretty well.  I know you carry a formidable strength and I know you would never have stayed if you truly believed you could have broken free.  I … I pushed you because I couldn’t bear to think of you with another man.  Whether by force or not, I couldn’t deal with the idea of anyone touching you.”

              Joss broke free of his hold and stepped back, dodging his hand as he tried to prevent her actions. “Well,” her voice barely carried, “I
forced, just as you were forced to watch.”

              “You knew I was watching?” he questioned softly, yet he suspected she could hear him all along.

              She nodded, unable to look at him as she put more distance between them. “I heard everything.  I wanted to break free; desperately, I did.  I tried … but … but Stephan threatened and I was so scared.  I knew he would follow through.”

              Carter’s heart pulsed. “Threatened what?”

              She still wouldn’t look at him, but her voice carried strong, “He said they’d torture and kill you if I didn’t comply.  He and Patrice knew of your inability to be hypnotized, and although people with gifts such as yours can be broken and eventually bent, they questioned how long it would take and if it was worth their time.”  Her eyes then pierced his. “I believed him.  I’ve watched them callously murder others who were noncompliant.  I suspected you wouldn’t survive the night if I didn’t ...” Joss’ hand went to her stomach, and she appeared instantly ill. “If I didn’t … follow through.”

              Carter instantly rose, stalking her. “No more, baby.  Don’t say another word.” Unable to stop himself, his arms wrapped around her lithe body, and he lifted her to the counter she’d backed into.  His body pushed between her legs, and his mouth met hers, softly caressing and desperate to erase the pain that engulfed her heart.  He wanted that pain removed forever and replace with love—his love. She would be his to claim alone.  Never had he desired a woman to likes of what he felt for Joss, and more importantly, his heart had never wanted to truly claim anyone until now.  The kiss strengthened; their bodies pressed against one another, yet not nearly close enough.

              She met his fierceness, whimpers of longing escaping her, but once again she pulled back.  “How could you possibly want me?” she whispered. “Knowing where I’ve been.”

              Carter couldn’t believe his ears.  Delicately, he kissed her lips, her cheeks, the tip of her nose before muttering, “How could I
want you, sweets.  What you did”—his voice caught with emotion—“what you subjected yourself to, you did for me.  To save my life.”  He leaned in tenderly, their lips barely grazing.  “I owe you everything,” he whispered against her, and then they meshed once again, tangled in heated bliss as their hands roamed to touch what they’d both denied themselves.  After a bit, Carter pulled back, continuing, “I behaved like the biggest ass on the globe.  So the real question is: how could you want me?”

              Joss’ mouth dropped opened, but whatever was about to leave her lips halted.

              “Please, Joss, don’t hide the truth.  Whatever it is, please tell me.”

              She met his gaze, nearly buckling him with the emotion swimming in her stunning green eyes as she said, “I want you because … I’m in love with you.  I know it’s crazy—”

              Carter’s astounded gasp halted Joss; his lips curved into a staggering smile.  “You fucking love me?” he barked.  This gave her a start, and his grip on her tightened as her head fell back with unabashed laughter.  The most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.  Making her laugh would be his life’s work if he could hear that sound daily.

              When her chuckles finally subsided, she coquettishly declared, “Yes, Carter—” She then halted and frowned. “What’s your middle name?”

              “You gotta a thing with calling people by their middle names?”

              Deadpanned. “Yes, I do.”

              “Well then it’s Wayne—after a grandpa.  Yours?”

              “Delilah.” This was said in a tone that insinuated her distaste, but short lived as Joss picked up where she’d left off. “Yes, Carter Wayne Thompson, I
love you.”

better, Jocelyn Delilah,” he teased low, his lips drawing closer. “Because I sure as shit love you.”

              “Poetry is not your strong suit, Carter Wayne,” she whispered coyly with her lips touching his.

              “Don’t be so quick to judge; you ain’t even heard my Georgie Porgie limricks, baby.”

              Through Joss’ giggles the two attacked each other’s mouths with a need and greediness like no other, and then Carter hefted Joss up and spun, making a beeline for the bedroom.


    *     *     *     *


              Carter laid Joss on the bed.  Her gorgeous blond locks fanned about the pillow as her gaze, strong as iron, captivated him.  With one knee on the bed, Carter remained still as stone, compelled by what lay before him.  She was the love of his life.

              True arrow-to-the-heart love.

              Slowly her hands drifted down her body, halting at her waist.  Her fingers curled under her cotton tee and then did a reversal, slowly rising until the tee was off and tossed to the side. 

              Both remained quiet.

              Carter leaned forward, placing his index finger along her collar bone.  He watched as her body shivered.  “Anticipation?”

              A coy smile and a breathy “Yes, it’s been far too long.”

              “I can’t disagree with that.”  His finger slid up and down her prominent collar bone as he watched the rise and fall of her steady breath.  Her small, yet perfect, breasts rose and fell, hypnotizing him as they lay perfectly encased in lavender lace.  As his finger lightly traced southward, up a swell, and to a tight pebble, her own hand popped the button on her jeans and then moved upward under the swell of her breasts, cupping them for his display. 

              Carter growled with want when her fingers pinched her hardened nipples before she yanked the lace away, leaving them exposed and ready for his salivating mouth.  A gasp and appreciative giggle escaped when Carter collapsed upon her with one direct order.  “Ditch the jeans.  I didn’t get that sandwich you promised and I’m mighty hungry.”

              Another giggle. “How quickly you went from ‘eh, I could eat’ to yer current mouthwateringly famished state.”

              His mouth captured her right nipple, and he growled, causing her to gasp and wantonly arch.  After giving a good long suck he descended along her taught belly and all but growled again. “That’s cuz the menu changed from old chicken and greens to—” He spread her thighs wide and muttered a greedy curse as he gazed upon her glistening sex. “A perfect delicacy.” A devilish snicker followed then his mouth descended and nothing had ever tasted better.  Her moans and tiny squeals in conjunction with the gyration of her hips told him he was working her to paradise.  He grimaced slightly when he realized he was thrusting himself into the edge of the mattress, ready to cum from tasting her heaven.

              “I need yer cock, Carter.  Ahhhh, yes … please let me feel it thrustin’ inta’ me." A yelp of pleasure. "I’ve never known ... anything so sublime.”

              Carter climbed back up eager to please.  He ridded himself of his shirt as Joss assisted in ridding him of his sweats.  Once naked, he fell upon her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth the way he’d like to thrust his cock in her perfect pussy.

              “Mmmm … I taste good on yer tongue,” she whispered in a seductive tone as he nipped along her jaw and neck.  “I only wish I had the taste of yer cock in my mouth.”

              Carter leaned upward, allowing his head to fall back.  His eyes shut as his body began to tremble.  “Woman, another comment like that and Mr. Dick is gonna go zero to sixty all over the headboard.  I’m barely hangin’ on here.” He then thrust both hands into her hair, tilting her head back to meet his searing kiss.  “Feed my cock into your heat, baby,” he whispered against her lips.  She obliged and both began to tremble with need, but it was so much more than sexual desire.  This went beyond basic sexual cravings—it was a mating of heart and soul.

              His tempo accelerated as their gazes burned into one another.  He never stopped cupping her face, his hands gentle but leaving no doubt that she shouldn’t look away.

              This moment, this paradise, continued on and on, building and igniting further.

              Finally, Joss cried out.  Her breath erratic, and it was the most breath taking sight Carter had ever witnessed.  “Yes!  Right there,” she moaned, “So
good … nothing could ever be this good.”

BOOK: Bent (The Gifted Series)
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