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Authors: Elbie Sinclair

Bent (The Gifted Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Bent (The Gifted Series)
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              Jerking her from her thoughts, Carter gripped her jaw and spoke, his breathing erratic from his release, “Promise me you’ll run tomorrow.  I know it’s going to be painful to break their hold, but you can do this.”

              She didn’t reply, wasn’t sure how to.  All that could be heard in the darkness was panting breaths that were slightly easing.

              “Joss, promise me.” He gave her chin a shake.

              How she wished she could see his eyes, knowing they’d match the graveness of his tone. 
Could you possibly care about me
?  she thought. 
Maybe as much as I’ve grown to care about you
?  “I’ll try,” she replied weakly, hating herself for it.

              “Not good enough,” he barked.  “You will escape.  Say it!”

              She reached up, running fingers through his hair as she nodded.  “I
try, Carter.”  She felt him go rigid with anger, and she pressed, “Don’t you think I want to?” 

              He pushed off her, kneeling between her thighs.  His snort told her that he doubted her words. She sat up, sliding away from him, but continued to defend in a hushed whisper, “Carter, it’s not as easy as you perceive it ta be.  I’ve been practicing for four months now, and the incident when I shot you was the longest I’ve been able to resist.”

              His voice was low and full of censure, “They want you to
a total stranger, Joss.  How can you do—” He stopped himself, but his body shook with rage.  Slowly he continued, “All I know is if I was expected to whore myself out and I had the means to stop it—no matter how painful it might be—I’d find a way.”

              Joss eased back further, glad the darkness hid the pain lancing across her face and through her heart.  Something inside her broke from his words. He thought her a weak whore.  She scoffed aloud, thinking,
I am a whore.
I am what Patrice has made me—a pretty spineless tart

             Bile rose in her throat as it always did when she over thought the debauchery she’d participated in, but then Carter began to speak, “This is your—” The lights suddenly came on and they heard the door open.  Scrambling for clothes, the two dressed at hyper speed.  Carter then lounged on the bed with the pretense of being woken from sleep, and Joss stood in the center of the room, legs shoulder width apart and arms crossed.

              “This normal,” Carter barely whispered, neither meeting each other’s eye.


              One of Patrice’s lackeys, a man the guys called Clip, strolled forward with bored disdain.  “Let’s go, princess,” he said, unlocking the door.  “Time to get you ready for the ball.”  He glanced at Carter, a half smile inching his lip.  “Stephan returned, surfer boy, so be expecting a visit at dawn.” 

              She heard Carter huff, muttering a cocky, “Looking forward to it.”
But she didn’t dare glance his way.  Not wanting to show any signs of emotion or affection, Joss kept her face forward, expression unmoved, and stalked out of the cell.  Inside, however, her body rioted at the thought that she may never see Carter again, or worse, how he would react to seeing her if she couldn’t break free and they returned her to their cell. 

             No! She couldn’t bear his admonishment. 
You will escape
, she ordered.  It was her only option.

Chapter 10

“I don’t know about you Jim,” the cheerful little chirpy said on the TV, “but I’m ready for ski season to begin.” 

              The equally cheerful male replied, “Mine are waxed and ready.”

              Chirpy: “I hope you’re not talking about your legs, Jim.”

              Jim: “Good one, Jennifer.  You got me.”

             Puke!  Leah turned her head away from the flat screen that sat perched against the wall to her right.  She’d been sitting in the breakfast room at their hotel for the last hour and couldn’t swallow one more gulp of the local newscaster’s blather.  She glanced at her watch, debating whether to return to the room. 

              Upon returning the night before, she’d crawled into bed and feigned sleep—not in the mood for another altercation.  The men spent most of the night in the attached room reading Samuel.  From what Declan mentioned in the early morn, they’d further sedated him, making the task considerably easier.  Declan also mentioned that they’d gotten a confirmation on Carter and Joss and additional information needed to plan their attack. 

              They’d be going after Carter and Joss today. 

              Leah was relieved by the news but her heart ached.  Gracen stayed away, sleeping in the room next door and intentionally ignoring her.  He was pissed, and in all honesty, she was too. 

              She frowned pushing away from the table and leaving the breakfast room.  As she reached the entrance to the lobby, Gracen stalked by offering not so much as a nod as he exited the building. Declan was on his heels.  Indignation slapped her across the face and it must have shown as Declan halted, gazing sympathetically.

              She gave a frustrated snort. “How is it you and I are in cahoots together, yet he still talks to you?”

              Declan offered a conciliatory smile. “We might be working surveillance today, but nobody said anything about talking.  He’s not exactly thrilled to be around me either, Leah, but we’re partners.”

              She nodded grumpily.  Declan and Tiago had been partners for years.  In fact, it was the two of them who came for her.  Wow, that day seemed like an eternity, yet it had only been six months. 

              Declan offered a quick goodbye as Leah stood stewing in the lobby.  Six months together … hardly any time at all. 

Although she and Gracen loved each other, there were other factors to consider in their relationship.  Factors that maybe he wouldn’t get over.  She’d known for months now that her gifts preceded his.  Hell, she was stronger than many in the agency, and most were comfortable with this fact, but she and Gracen had yet to really discuss it.  They sidestepped it, all the while Gracen reacted like an overprotective boyfriend, wanting to shelter and protect her from the big bad world.  She loved him for this, what woman wouldn’t, but it was smothering. 

              Sighing, she rounded the corner toward their room.  Mattis must have sensed her because he opened the door and spoke, “Are we, as in
, more rational this morning?” There was humor in his tone, which Leah supposed was a good thing.

              She cracked a slight smile. “Yes, I guess.”  She stepped inside.  “Is Bo next door with sleeping beauty?” 

              “Yeah.  Samuel’s awake though.”

              “What?” Leah was surprised that they allowed this. “Do you have him gagged because I didn’t hear him screaming bloody murder.”

              Mattis plopped down in a chair at a side table and took a sip of coffee. “There’s no need.  He’s completely compliant.  He appears … relieved.” Mattis tossed his hands in the air in a wonders-never-cease fashion.  “Apparently, we’ve got ourselves a deserter.  He verbally confirmed everything we pulled from his head last night.  He even gave up deets on Joss and Carter—where they’re located … How they fare …”

              Leah landed on the mattress directly across from him, “You’re joking?”

              His head shook slowly.

              “Damn,” she muttered.

              Silence lasted mere seconds before Mattis declared, “You definitely knocked Tiago down a few pegs last night.  He was tight lipped and all-business the remainder of the evening.  Not that any of us pressed him into having a
moment.” He snickered before studying her.  “Why though, Leah?  Why call him out like that?”

              Leah sighed, glancing at the sunlight that peeked through the crack in the curtains.  She needed five miles on the wooded trail near headquarters to put her mind in a good place.  Finally she declared, “The same tongue-lashing I doled out to Gracen I could have just as easily doled out to you or Reagan.”

              Mattis seemed surprised.  “We care about your safety, Leah, and we know a hell of a lot more about the Landons and what they’re capable of than you—”

              Her tone deadly, “I’m a product of what the Landons are capable of.  Their brutality couldn’t be more clear to me.”

              Although he hadn’t finished his sentence, he closed his mouth and nodded solemnly.  He knew she was referring to when she assisted in freeing her aunt from the mind warp and bore witness to the images of her own brutal conception—the rape.

              Leah softly continued, “Mattis, I’m not saying don’t protect me.  I mean, isn’t it every agent’s goal: to protect each other?”

              He nodded, and her heart gave a jolt.  Maybe she was getting through.  She pressed, “But I need to be utilized.  I love Smits, Carter, Dec, and of course, Gracen, but the
of body guards has got to stop.”

              He countered, “If I may point out, you went with just Declan and Carter to Chehalis and look how that turned out.  All three of you bullet ridden and Carter missing.”

              Her eyes rolled.  Obviously, she wasn’t convincing enough.  She made a last ditch effort.  Calming her mind, which was tough to do at the moment.  She then attempted a mental connection with Mattis.  Telepathy was still a weakness, but she had to win him over and prove her ability.

I wasn’t lying last night when I said I was out if things don’t change
. Not a sound was uttered from her lips, this went straight from her brain to his.

              He responded in kind.
 I was afraid of that. Tiago won’t let you leave, nor will I or Reagan.  You can’t go it alone

Then let me help

             She got no response, so before turning to other drastic measures, she gave warning, looking him square in the eye. 
If push comes to shove, Mattis, you know I can control you, and I’m only growing stronger

              He nodded, adding a mental reply. 
And what happens when you’ve got no one watching your back.  You’ve already been injured, so you know it weakens your ability.  One bullet wound could put you out of commission and leave you a sitting duck.

              She didn’t share the bullet dodging information, but she wasn’t sure if it was for the sake of privacy or if she felt like she’d be further salting some I’m-more-gifted-than-you wound.  Her chin dropped to her chest. She didn’t know how to proceed with the stubborn man.  He began to chuckle, startling her.

              “No question who you’re related to.”  He rubbed a hand across his tired face.

              “I wouldn’t have known it by the way Aunt Ray’s been acting lately.  She’s become a code-of-conduct nazi.”

              He nodded in agreement.  “I guess five years of being mind warped knocked sense into her daredevil head.  It certainly knocked sense into mine.”

              Leah sighed.  There was truth in that statement.  The reason Reagan remained mind warped and away from Mattis was because she had never shared Leah’s and Caroline’s whereabouts with Mattis.  So after Caroline’s death and Ray’s warp, Mattis had no clue where to look.  In fact, he believed her to be in Europe.  Sure, Ray thought she was doing this to protect, but what would have happened if she’d confided in him?

              He cut through her thoughts, “Look, Leah, I get what you’re saying.  Everything you said last night is true.  Your agent-in-training status is a miniscule concern because, as you stated, you’re a prime target, and we can’t allow you to get taken.  You might be warped, bent, and definitely bread with, so the need to protect you is grave.”

              She opened to rebuff, but his hand shot up halting her. “Work with us, okay?  And I promise I’ll ease off a bit and work with you.  Deal?”

              Leah folded her arms, a poker face intact, questioning whether to believe him.  Finally, she reached for his hand and shook.  “I can deal.”




    *     *     *     *

              Carter lay on their bed, eyes locked on the plexiglass ceiling.  Not that he could see the ceiling as no one had bothered to turn on the lights. He knew it must be daytime, in fact, he’d guess it was probably early evening, but oddly, Stephen never showed and neither did anyone else with breakfast or lunch. Food wasn’t a concern though.  His only thoughts were focused on Joss’ whereabouts.  That was all he’d thought about since she’d stoically stalked out of the cell the night before.

!  He hated how their final words played out.  He’d just experienced the most emotionally intense sex of his life, and then laid into the woman, basically insinuating her weak … and let’s not forget sleazy.

              “Dumbass,” he muttered to the darkness.

              He had no clue if he’d ever see her again, and damn, how he wanted to, but he prayed he wouldn’t.  He wanted her free and safe.  He’d take their late-night memories and cherish them.  Even if those memories were made in captivity by the biggest douche bag family on the muther fuckin’ earth!

Angry much
?  Desperately, he hoped his boys wouldn’t give up on him.
The agency had to find him, and soon!

              Carter exhaled harshly and leaped off the bed.  Pacing followed.  Five strides in one direction, spin, and five strides back.  This action continued for a good ten minutes when he heard the door open.  Foot steps followed, so he wheeled around toward the sound and crossed his arms over his chest, looking very much like Joss did the night before.

              “You’re requested above,” Clip stated, unlocking the door. 

              Carter didn’t hesitate—he knew the drill. He dropped to the ground and placed his hands behind his back even though part of him wanted to take Clip down and attempt to break free, but since he didn’t know where Joss was, he wouldn’t risk her safety.  He knew they’d take his actions out on her. 

BOOK: Bent (The Gifted Series)
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