Read Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun Online

Authors: Catelyn Cash

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage

Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun (7 page)

BOOK: Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun
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“Do you have any idea what you look like with your tight little ass in the air like that?” Jake asked, bending to kiss the top of her head.

Seth reached for her breast, rolling her nipple gently between his fingers. The pleasure was so sweetly intense she stopped sucking for a moment and sighed, her breath ruffling his dark pubes, which, in turn, tickled her nose.

He reached for her arms and dragged her up his body. As she slid, skin on skin, the delicious friction almost burned her. His dark eyes smoldered with need. “I can’t believe I haven’t kissed you yet,” he said, and promptly remedied the fact.

At first his lips were soft, an enticing contrast to his hard frame, but very soon, he demanded more, searing her nerves with a skill that filled her with a warm glow and left her thinking she could be kissed like this all night.

As the kiss deepened and grew increasingly urgent, Kayla began to squirm. She parted her legs to straddle him, then rode his hard belly with her wet pussy, building the friction with an instinctive rhythm even as she deepened the kiss. His cock rested between her buttocks, and she raised herself up and rocked back a little farther, trying to capture it, to slide it inside her pussy, desperate to ease the growing ache there.

Luckily Seth had more self-control. He tore his mouth from hers and growled, “Condom,” and as if he had been waiting for the cue, Jake handed one over from the backpack.

“Are you ready for this?” Seth asked her as he rolled it on.

Ready? She didn’t think she had ever been more ready for anything in her life. “Please,” she gasped. “Please, Seth. Hurry.”

Seth placed his hands under her buttocks and lifted her with ease. Wobbling slightly, Kayla braced her palms on his chest for support as he held her suspended over his cock. Their gazes remained locked, his eyes glittering darkly.

“Jake?” he said. “Buddy? Can we have a hand here to keep it slow?”

Jake? For a moment, Kayla had been so caught up in the action, she had forgotten the other man, so she jerked in surprise when Jake reached between them and steadied Seth’s cock against her entrance as Seth began to lower her down.

“Oh!” Whether her startled exclamation came as a result of Seth’s entry or Jake’s involvement, Kayla couldn’t say. And with the swollen head of such a huge cock forging into her, she didn’t have time to think about it.

Seth was big. Taking him might have been daunting, but Jake’s participation made it easy. He kept a firm grip on Seth’s shaft, only allowing him in an inch at a time, swirling his cockhead inside her in delicious little circles before sliding his hand down, down, giving her a tiny bit more, making Seth’s entry easy while eking out her pleasure.

Even while she wondered if one man guiding another man’s cock into her pussy was entirely normal behavior, Kayla felt grateful that things weren’t moving too fast. Gravity would have done the job, but no matter how ready she was for this, Seth was far bigger than she’d ever had before, and her body protested even as it welcomed him.

She looked down at Seth. His face was drawn, the skin on his cheeks pulled tight with concentration as he watched Jake feed his cock into her.

“That feels so good, baby. You okay?” Seth’s arms shook with the effort of holding her, and she suspected he was fighting an impulse to simply thrust up into her, to make her his quickly and completely.

Kayla was tempted to tell him to do it, to take her. But a less primitive part of her brain was grateful for his self-control. Besides, the slow, sensuous glide and the verging-on-painful stretch brought their own rewards. In fact, it felt exquisite. Panting slightly, she nodded. “Better than okay.”

They reached a point where Seth was in so deep that Jake’s hand became a barrier, and he began to gently finger her clit instead, keeping his connection with her body.

“You’re so wet, honey,” he said approvingly. “Just take it slow.” He leaned over and kissed her.

Kayla welcomed the distraction as her body continued to resist Seth’s sweet invasion. But Jake’s kiss, his gentle stroking of her clit, relaxed her enough to take another inch of Seth’s cock. And another. When she seriously thought she could take no more, her pubic bone finally bumped against Seth’s, and she tore her mouth from Jake, grinning in delight.

“Fuck,” Seth said through clenched teeth, his nostrils flaring in his battle for control. He stared at the place where their bodies joined and his black curls met her gold. “That looks so damn hot.”

Kayla squeezed her inner muscles experimentally, and he groaned. “Not yet, baby. We’re all in this together, remember? Jake?” he said. “I think this is your cue to join the fun.”

Jake straightened up. The height of the altar placed his cock nicely in line with Kayla’s mouth, and he caught hold of a hank of her hair and wound it around his hand like a rope.

“The mural, honey,” he said, gently tugging her head around to show her. “Remember the mural. You want to share her experience, don’t you? You want to live this rather than just see it. You want to touch, to feel, to taste. You want to know what it feels like to have two men inside you, a cock in your throat, another filling your pussy to bursting, don’t you?”

Less than three feet away, Kayla locked eyes with the Mayan woman straddling one man and sucking another. Even with her mouth full of cock, the woman somehow managed to convey a smile, as if inviting Kayla to join her.

With a whimper, Kayla turned her head, mouth open to capture Jake’s cock, but still he denied her.

“Not yet. Seth? Touch her. Just like that guy is doing to his woman. When Kayla draws this, she needs to remember exactly what the moment feels like. I want you to keep her on the verge of coming.”

Obligingly, Seth cupped her breasts, fondling her nipples. Kayla shuddered and closed her eyes, but Jake pulled gently on her hair again. “Look,” he instructed. “Eyes open.”

She looked. Even as the pleasure built inside her, Kayla consciously memorized the woman’s expression, felt the pressure of Seth’s hands as the Mayan warrior massaged the other woman’s breasts. All five of Kayla’s senses engaged, her mind working like a camera to capture everything—the airless heat in the dim room; her own sweat-drenched body; the carnal scent of sex in the steamy air as the storm still raged outside; Jake’s hand pulling her hair, gentle but hard enough for the roots to tingle, for her neck muscles to begin to protest; Seth’s hard body beneath her, her thighs gripping him tightly, his pubic hair rasping her spread pussy lips.

With all her senses heightened, this time when she looked at the mural, she noticed the other woman’s throat bulged slightly, suggesting she was sucking her man deep. Kayla’s mouth watered at the thought of what that must feel like.

“Are you ready?” asked Jake, and panting in anticipation, she could only nod. “Then open up.” He guided his cock toward her mouth. Eagerly, Kayla did as he bade, and he slid his cock past her lips, over her tongue, slow but persistent until he went a little too deep, and she gagged and drew back.

Seth groaned. “Take him, baby,” he urged.

Jake tightened his grip on her hair, gently adjusted her head to the same angle as the woman’s in the mural, and once more pressed his cock to her lips. This changed the angle of penetration so that when he pushed in slowly, the satiny head of his penis hit the roof of her mouth, her soft palette, before stroking out again. And in. Each time his hold on her hair grew tighter. Each time he pulled her head back farther. Each time he went deeper. And Kayla loved it.

Loved it so much that when he next tried to withdraw, she resisted. He tugged lightly on her hair, but she fought him, pushing forward till he bumped the back of her throat, and she swallowed him. Whatever the long-ago Mayan woman could do, she could do too.

Jake hissed his pleasure, and beneath her, Seth bucked a few hard thrusts before he regained control.

Meanwhile Seth now had a finger on her clit, circling with the lightest touch, expertly keeping her on edge. Kayla seriously didn’t know how much more pleasure she could take. Impatient, she began to move her hips, and to her delight, Seth moved his too, taking them both one step closer to losing control.

. The men were controlling all the action. With her eyes closed, Kayla pictured the Mayan women she had drawn, their secret smiles, the men’s adoring looks. She doubted those women had handed over control to anyone.

Jake pulled out, and, needing to breathe, she let him. Then another delicious slide into her mouth, Jake keeping it shallow, always careful. But Kayla had endured five years of careful in Marc’s bed. She didn’t want careful. She wanted deep. She wanted rough. She wanted what the Mayan women had had.

Clamping her pussy around Seth’s cock, she grabbed Jake’s hips and held him firmly. On his next inward stroke, she made sure he slid down her throat again. Then out. Breathe. In and repeat.

“Jeez, Kayla,” Jake gasped. “I’m going to come.”

Exactly what she wanted. She wanted him to come, but more than that, she wanted to
him come. Seth too. Again, she squeezed down so her pussy closed around Seth’s cock, and she began to bounce, lightly at first, then harder while her fingers dug into Jake’s butt cheeks hard enough to leave marks.

Her fingernail accidently brushed his crack, and she felt his entire body stiffen.
. She repeated the action, deliberately this time, and he reacted the same way. Third time and Jake jerked so fiercely his cock almost slipped from her mouth. Almost. Taking it in his fist, he held it steady as he thrust into her. Hard. And she noticed he had widened his stance, granting her better access to his ass.


Kayla dropped her hand to her pussy and slicked her finger with moisture. Then back to Jake’s butt. A second of pressure, a moment of stillness from him, and then she breeched his barrier and her finger slipped inside.

Jake’s groan reverberated around the room. He let go of her hair but now held the back of her head, pressing her face into his groin, where he held it for a few seconds. Kayla exulted. She eased her finger deeper, knowing it was driving him wild, and kept it there even after he released her and she gulped in some air.

She only had a moment’s respite before Seth grabbed her hips. “I don’t know exactly what you’re doing to him, but guessing is driving

He slammed upward hard, catching her completely by surprise. But this was exactly what Kayla wanted. As he rammed up again and again, her entire body shook with pleasure, her heavy breasts bouncing. Seth didn’t let up. For a while the only sounds in the room were the slap of damp flesh and the groans of the two men.

Kayla’s orgasm was close. Any second now she would splinter apart, and she hoped to take Seth with her. But she didn’t want to leave Jake behind. So she sucked on him, using her lips, using her tongue while she fucked his ass with her finger.

Jake dropped his head forward. Still grunting with every thrust, he gazed down at Kayla, but his eyes were glazed, and she had no idea if he even saw her. She saw him, though, wide open and vulnerable, and she consciously memorized his expression, knowing one day soon she would capture it on paper.

Jake’s head snapped back, and he clenched his jaw. A millisecond later she felt the first hot splash of semen on her tongue. The next spurt filled her throat, and she swallowed greedily. Jake held her head and pumped his hips, fucking her mouth, chanting, “Ohfuckohfuckohfuck.”

Kayla had a second to gather herself before Seth reclaimed her attention. Reluctantly, she had to release Jake, again bracing her hands on Seth’s chest. Delicious pressure built as he pistoned into her, waves of heat spiraling upward until her orgasm became inevitable, and she gloriously gave herself over to it.

Another thrust catapulted her into a pleasure so intense she thought she might pass out. Lights flashed behind her eyes even as her vision darkened and blurred. Kayla felt tossed and tumbled in a whirling vortex of pleasure that she never wanted to end.

She opened her mouth to call Seth’s name, but before she could draw enough breath, Jake caught her chin in his hand and bent down to kiss her. The thought of him tasting himself on her lips threw her headfirst into another orgasm. And another. Waves and ripples of pleasure continued to chase along her nerves until all she could do was whimper.

And then, beneath her, Seth tensed. His body pulsed, and he shook and groaned through his release.

Exhausted, Kayla slumped down onto Seth, and Jake dropped to his knees, hugging her until all three were a tangle of sweaty, satisfied limbs.

Kayla managed a weak smile when Seth stroked her hair and said happily, “I think it’s my turn to choose the next scenario.”

Chapter Seven

The storm ended sometime after dark, but Jake had already called the mainland to say they were safe, had shelter, and that rescue could wait till morning. Which left the trio with the whole night to indulge themselves.

Kayla doubted there was a position the ancient Mayans had tried that she, Jake, and Seth didn’t attempt, provided there were enough body parts to go round. The men were insatiable, taking her to the very edge of her limits, and she loved every second. When the generator finally packed up, they moved outside and carried on shamelessly by moonlight, the jungle a dark blanket beneath them, stretching to the silver ribbon of the river in the distance. With the night insects kept at bay by the recent downpour and a freshening breeze atop the pyramid, Kayla could easily believe she was in paradise. It was close to dawn before she finally rolled Jake’s sleeping bag out under the stars and curled up with the men in an exhausted, satisfied sleep.

She awoke in someone’s arms but couldn’t summon the energy to open her eyes to see which of the men held her. Instead she basked in the gentle heat of the morning sun on her bare skin.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” Seth murmured against her ear, answering the question of which man held her. His erection prodded her lower back.

“No more,” she grumbled. “At least not until I see if I can walk.”

BOOK: Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun
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