Read Belonging to Them Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

Belonging to Them (3 page)

BOOK: Belonging to Them
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Sean rushed on ahead of them, to open the house he said, while David’s strong fingers enclosed hers. Her belly fluttered at the feel of his calluses against her smooth palms. She wanted to feel them running over her thighs, her belly, most of all her breasts.

Still, with each step, trepidation tightened her stomach and warred with her arousal. She wanted this, she really did, but she was terrified beyond belief. More terrified than when she’d left home for the first time. Even more terrified than she’d been when she’d snuck out of town in the dead of night to escape her ex, Antonio Martinez Smith, who she’d broken off with eight months ago after he’d thrown her into a wall, punched her, then knocked her to the ground and kicked her. She didn’t buy “I’m sorry”. One time, that was it, and she’d been out of there. But he’d continued to stalk and threaten her.

This was a different terror. This was fear that she was doing something stupid. That she’d get attached and they wouldn’t feel the same. That she’d disappoint them. That she’d get hurt emotionally, even if they tried their best to just make this fun.

Sean held the door open when they reached the house. “Welcome to your temporary castle, milady.” He stepped aside, letting her in, and she suddenly felt a bit like Snow White entering the Seven Dwarves home—except these men weren’t even close to dwarves. The house was just as disastrous, and she smiled, knowing how she’d repay them for fixing her car. Apparently, despite the architecture, the proverbial bachelor pad wasn’t a myth.

“We have to go take showers. Um, make yourself at home,” Patrick said, his tone chagrined as he looked around and apparently saw the room as she did. “Be right back.”

The other two men had disappeared further into the house, and he followed.

Even through the clutter and junk, the design of the house shone through. The front door opened into an enormous entryway with double-width, arching doorways on either side. A large, open staircase curved upward into a balconied second floor where she saw numerous doorways and a second set of stairs, enclosed, leading to the third floor.

To her right lay a spacious sitting room. Its far wall curved outward with a turret-like effect and was entirely brick and glass—mostly glass. It appeared that the men used the space for recreation. Three large couches were grouped in an arc to face a big-screen television and a bank of electronics that spoke of the bachelors’ disposable income. The setup of seating and entertainment center in no way dwarfed the room, leaving the area with room to spare.

Distractedly, picked up a few magazines and stacked them neatly on the coffee table centered in front of the couches.

“Excuse the mess,” a deep, Irish-tinged voice said from the shadows of the opposite room, startling her since she’d thought she was alone. She spun toward the speaker and saw him leaning against a doorway to one side of what appeared to be a dining room with an oval table large enough to seat at least ten. A faint light behind the man, revealed a kitchen that matched the front areas in size. A dream…

Unfortunately, being illuminated from behind, left the man’s face in even deeper shadows than it would have been without. He took a sip from a soft drink can as he regarded her from the darkness of his hoodie.

“You must be the fourth O’Keefe,” she said.

“Jamie O’Keefe at your service—except in bed. I won’t be joining the four of you.”

She almost blurted “why not” but stopped herself before she sounded more wanton than he probably already thought her. “Oh…o-okay.”

Brilliant, Rayna.

“I’ll try to stay out of your way,” she told him.

“Sweetness, you’re not in my way. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman than you. I don’t
that you’re here. I’m just not sleeping with you.”

Disappointment kicked her hard. He was the one she wanted most. She’d felt it since she’d seen him walk down the street. Was it possible to feel such an urgent connection without speaking to a person, without seeing his face? Yet she had, and it was pulsing through her now, telling her she needed him badly.

Her tongue darted across her bottom lip as she tried to force back her desire. Jamie groaned. She looked at him curiously. But he didn’t want her, right?

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Fine,” he replied, sounding a bit choked. He took a chug of his drink. Outside, lightning speared across the sky brightening the room, but not enough for her to see him clearly.

Silence fell between them as rain pummeled the ground outside and pinged against the panes of glass in the large, solarium-like windows of the east wall. “The ground’s so hard right now, this stuff’s gonna be slick as slime.”

Rayna nodded.

“I’m gonna go upstairs and make sure you’ve got clean linens on your bed.”

“Thank you.” She wanted to go to him, to push back the hoodie and see his face. Her hands fisted as he set his drink on the table and moved past her toward the stairs. When he was even with her, he paused. She heard a tortured sigh and watched his fingers flex.

“Close your eyes,” he murmured.


“Close your eyes. I’d…I’d like to kiss you. Just once.”

She did as he asked, and he traced her bottom lip with his finger.

“Keep them closed,” he murmured. His hands splayed over her cheeks then into her hair. His breath feathered across her lips a moment before his mouth covered hers. Electricity zinged through her, and she moaned, pressing into him.

“Jamie,” she murmured. She reached for him, but he grabbed her wrists and held them clamped at the small of her back.

“Just let me kiss you,” he whispered. He nipped at her bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth then laving it. His mouth pressed over hers again, and his tongue thrust inside. Her entire body trembled for him, and she felt her cream flooding her folds. The other men aroused her, but Jamie enflamed her.

Crazy. Purely crazy. Surely, it was the mystery of him.

Her breathing grew choppy as he kissed her over and over, his mouth completely possessing hers, his hunger evident in the sweeps of his tongue. She groaned, pressing closer even if she couldn’t touch him. Her fingers flexed up into his hands where he held her, the excitement of being held captive making her pussy clench. Her breasts were tight and her bra chafed her nipples as she flattened against his chest.

Suddenly, he let go of her hands and she reached for him, but he was gone, already out of her reach.

“I’ll see to your bed,” he said roughly.

What the…

Confused by his abrupt behavior, she sank onto the couch. Her fingers traced her tingling lips as she listened to his odd gait marching up the stairs. Jamie O’Keefe.

She closed her eyes and leaned back. What a day. Not for the first time, she considered that she probably should have gotten a GPS for this trip. But if she had, she wouldn’t have ended up here, about to have the adventure of her life. Besides a GPS couldn’t have prevented her car issues or her money issues with her freaking ex. Jerk. Jerk, jerk, jerk!

She was well rid of the underhanded snake. Besides, his kisses had never come close to Patrick or Jamie’s. She sighed, her body still buzzing from Jamie’s attention. The couch depressed on either side of her legs as someone straddled her, kneeling over her. Hands cupped her face, but she didn’t bother opening her eyes as firm lips took hers. She felt others sit and their hands start touching her lightly. Stroking along her arms, her thighs. Taking up her hands and massaging her palms and fingers.

She fought back her immediate impulse to tense. No, this was what she’d agreed to and what she eagerly anticipated. There was no reason to be afraid or show false modesty. They knew she hadn’t indulged in this before. On the way over, Patrick had mentioned to Sean and David that they should all go easy. That didn’t mean, it seemed, that they’d delay in what they all wanted. She opened her mouth to the man kissing her, envisioning herself the offering to a band of hungry men—and that wasn’t so far from true.

Anticipation fogged her mind, drawing her senses to sharp edges. Even the lightest touch made her shiver with need. The callused fingers continued to caress her, and goose bumps raised on her arms. The man kissing her grasped the edge of her T-shirt, pulling it from her jeans. His hands moved beneath and slid across her belly and sides, his scratchy, oh-so-male skin lightly abrading her. Lord, how she trembled to feel that same abrasion rasping over her folds and clit then possessing her channel.

She knew without opening her eyes that Patrick had been the one kissing her, and when he lifted his head and spoke, he confirmed it. “Let’s go upstairs. Your room’s been freshened. We’ll have more space, too. Okay?” he added.

“Yes,” she whispered. Her breathing came in soft huffs as she thought of what was to come.

Her room was the first at the top of the steps and had a queen-sized brass bed parallel to the entry. The blankets had been turned down to the foot. A lamp on the bedside table lent a soft, dreamlike glow to the area.

All three of the men had damp hair from their showers and had only tossed on jeans, leaving their wide chests bare. Their muscled perfection was remarkable in its simplicity. They were built from their daily, hard work not from hours at the gym.

Sean moved in front of her. His brown eyes, darkened with desire, watched her closely as his hands went to the hem of her shirt. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. This was it. Slowly, she lifted her arms. Fire laced through her.
Touch me
, her body screamed.
Touch me, touch me. Please touch me.

“Baby, you’re so beautiful,” Patrick whispered behind her. His palms followed the path of the lifting shirt until he reached the edge of her bra. She groaned as he pushed his hands into the cups of her bra from beneath and curved his fingers around her breasts. “Mmm… So firm,” he commented, giving a soft squeeze to the mounds. He pinched her nipples, his breath brushing across her ear. “I can’t wait to taste these.”

“Me either,” Sean said. Hooking his fingers in her bra straps, he guided them toward the bed where David waited. Patrick released her, and climbed onto the mattress to half lean-half lay against the headboard. The other two men moved her to recline between his splayed legs, her back to his chest. Immediately, Patrick’s hands returned to her breasts. Sean and David both removed their jeans, revealing thick thighs and mouth-watering cocks that jutted from thatches of dark hair. Sean sat beside her, leaning in to suck one nipple into his mouth through the lacy fabric while David climbed between her legs.

Slowly, watching her through burning, blue eyes, he opened her jeans. Pausing, he massaged her belly. His hand moved close to the edge of her panties to taunt but never touch until her hips lifted into him, and her eyes were half-lidded with need.

Inch by inch, he drew her pants down her legs then tossed them aside, along with her shoes and socks. His thumbs hooked in her panties, and he dragged them down her thighs, as well. As soon as they were gone, he reached for her pussy and parted her.

“Oh God,” she cried out, already shaking from the touch. Sean bit her nipple and she arched in reaction as a spike of pleasure ran through her. In a daze, she watched David roll on a condom while Patrick stroked his hands up and down her. There would be few preliminaries. This was it. There was no mistaking how hot and wet she was. Her pussy was dripping with her need.

Her breathing shuddered as the tip of his wide cock pressed to her cunt. Sean kissed her hard, absorbing her scream as David surged forward, filling her completely. She bucked against him, taking as much of his cock as she could. She reached for Sean and wrapped her arms around him as David pummeled her channel. Patrick returned to her breasts and chafed the tips that were damp from Sean’s mouth.

All the while her arousal built from their touch and the knowledge that this was only the first cock to fill her tonight. There would be two more. How many times would they take her? How well-used would her pussy be after this night?

She moaned at the forbidden thought. Nice girls shouldn’t think that way, but she’d crossed that line. She was a sexual creature bent on as much fucking as she could handle.

David grasped her hips, controlling her wild movements as he thrust in a fast rhythm into her. Patrick reached down and rubbed her clit, his callused finger sending fire cascading through her veins. Sean lifted his head to release her scream as her first release speared through her. In her dimmed vision, she thought she saw Jamie standing in the doorway watching them before Sean again blocked her sight. Just the thought of being observed set her off again, and she convulsed around David’s cock. His deep grunt filled the room, then he was gone, leaving her pussy painfully empty.

Sean and Patrick immediately flipped her onto her knees and Sean moved to take her from behind. She saw a wrapper flutter to the floor as she reached for Patrick’s jeans to open them. His cock popped out, and she sank her mouth onto it as Sean surged into her. Freaking amazing. She’d left any reservations behind and launched full tilt into the world of ménage.

Patrick’s cock tasted so good on her tongue. She sucked and licked in time to Sean’s deep thrusts. Oh…so deep. She groaned around the shaft in her mouth, earning a few droplets of pre-cum to whet her palate. She groaned again when David shifted her slightly so he could get to her breast. He drew the peak deep between his lips, pushing the tip against the ridged roof of his mouth. His hand drifted lazily over her belly. He pushed up, intensifying the sensation of Sean’s driving cock. She knew he had to feel the other man’s pistoning.

BOOK: Belonging to Them
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