Read Before The Night Is Over Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Before The Night Is Over (8 page)

BOOK: Before The Night Is Over
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You feel incredible.” He moaned, grasping her hips with both hands.

She nipped at his chest with her teeth then soothed the bite with a kiss. The rough pad of her wet tongue over his nipple sent his hips rocking, and he found himself totally engulfed inside her.

Oh, yes. Perfect,” she purred. “Now rock them hips, cowboy. Ride me hard.”

Unable to stop the careening of their lovemaking, he slammed his pelvis against hers as she wrapped her feet behind him and panted. “Yes, yes, yes.” Her pussy quivered around him with each thrust, sucking him in and leading him to the edge with her. She shattered in her climax with his name on her lips, shoving him into the endless abyss of sexual gratification right along with her.

Their breathing slowed and the air-conditioning sent goose bumps flittering along her arms. They both groaned when he pulled his semi-erect cock from her warmth.

Stay for a while, Laurel.”

I can’t, Kale,” she said, dropping her legs to the floor and looking from side to side. “I have to get home.” She grabbed her clothes and slipped on her sexy underwear and then her bra.

Why? I can show you the inside of my shower. My big bed upstairs. And maybe a few more interesting positions I know.” He trailed his fingers down her arm and watched in fascination as the goose bumps returned.

I spent all night on duty. I need to sleep for a few hours.”

You can sleep here and I can wake you later for a few more rounds of wild sex. Do you have to work tonight?”

No, but—”

Then stay with me today. I’d like to show you my place.”

She yanked on her shirt and buttoned the front. “I’m not a cowgirl, Kale. I’ve never ridden a horse. I don’t know anything about ranches. I hate blowing dirt and dust.” She tucked her shirt in her trousers. “I don’t like cows except on a plate.”

Do you like endless blue skies?” He tucked a curl of her hair behind her ear. “Water so clear, you can see the bottom of the deepest pool?”He trailed his fingers over her cheekbone and lost himself a little in her eyes. “Soft fur across your palm?” The need to feel her lips under his drove him to kiss her softly. “Stay, Laurel,” he whispered against her lips.

I can’t,” she murmured without opening her eyes. “I have a child at home who needs her mother.”

* * * *

Laurel slowly opened her eyes waiting for the reaction she knew would be there. The shock, the realization she had a child, the disappointment and finally the shut down, but it never came and nothing could have surprised her more than the open acceptance in Kale’s face.

Does she look like you?”

Well, I…uh…mmm,” she stammered. “No, actually. She looks more like her father than me.” Her gaze swept down his still buck-ass naked form. “You probably should get rid of the condom and put your clothes back on.”

Moving toward a small bathroom off the kitchen, he disappeared for a moment and she contemplated leaving.
That would probably be really rude. I mean, we did just have wild sex.

Within moments, he walked back out with his sweatpants firmly in place. Grabbing two mugs from the cupboard over the sink, he poured the coffee and asked, “Cream or sugar?”


Sit for a bit and let’s talk,” he said, nodding to the chairs at the dining room table. “I’d like to get to know you a little.”

Great! He’s an after sex talker.

Not much to tell, Kale. You already know most of it.”

I don’t, really. All I know is you moved here a few weeks ago from Los Angeles in a plea from your sister because her husband is beating on her.” He set the cups on the table and pushed one toward her. “You’re a cop.”

Homicide detective.”

Excuse me, homicide detective and street patrolwoman here since we rarely have homicides.” His cute butt met the soft chair across from her. “I now know you have a daughter. How old is she?”


Were you married?”

No,” she replied, pressing her lips together. He didn’t need all the juicy details of her affair with Dennis and his death. She sipped some of the hot liquid hoping to forestall any more questions.

Where were you born and raised?”

Listen, Kale, I’d love to sit here and shoot the shit with you, but I really need to get home.” She stood and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Thanks for everything and I guess I’ll see you around.”

Thanks for everything?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow.

Oh shit.

Yeah. I mean—”

Don’t bother, Laurel.” Both eyebrows now dipped between his eyes as a frown clouded his face. “I’m glad I could accommodate your sexual needs this morning and thanks for bringing my license by. I could have gotten in real trouble from a
for not having it on me.” He headed for the front door and whipped it open with a growl. “See you around.”

It slammed behind her, hard enough to rattle the glass panes. A weary sigh left her lips as she walked toward her car.
Man, I really screwed that up. I should apologize. I hadn’t planned on coming here and having sex with the man.

Right. You didn’t purposely keep his driver’s license last night after you stopped him so you could see him again,” she argued with herself. “Yeah, well, maybe. But I didn’t plan on having sex with him. If he hadn’t shown up at the door wearing nothing more than a pair of sweatpants, I wouldn’t have been tempted beyond control to fuck the man.”

The door opened with a tug on the handle. She slipped inside and pulled it close with a resounding
. Her forehead met the steering wheel and for a split second, she thought about beating her head against the hard plastic. With a heavy sigh, she lifted her head and thrust the key into the ignition, starting the car.

Silence and guilt rode her hard on the way back to her apartment. Meaningless sex wasn’t on the top of her list of things to do on a regular basis even if it had been a very long time. Fortunately for her, Kale knew exactly how to make her body sing for his without any guidance from her except a whimper or a moan.
The man is good, I’ll give him that.
It had been ages since a man made her come with his mouth. Not since Dennis.

Thinking about Kimmy’s father would be a really bad thing right about now, but she couldn’t stop it when her mind wandered back to the day of his funeral. They’d had plans for dinner later in the evening and her heart burst with love for him. That night she’d planned to tell him those three little words she had never before uttered to any man, but she never got the chance.

Her company issued blue police uniform hid the bandage on her arm from her own bullet wound and her badge held the black ribbon in memory of a fallen comrade. Unable to participate in the service itself, the emptiness and loss almost consumed her.

His parents would be there and maybe his two brothers and she wanted to make a good impression on his family. Dennis hadn’t introduced her to any of them yet, but she knew she would have to make their acquaintance today. They needed to know how sorry she was for her part in his death. Grief, anger, guilt and pity played a huge part in her need for closure.

The group stood near his coffin, surrounded by officers from the police force. Soft whimpers and hiccups of women crying caught Laurel’s attention and tears pooled in her own eyes.

Laurel approached the casket, steeling herself to see the man she loved with all her heart, lying inside. Her knees almost buckled when she saw his face.

It’s not Dennis. It can’t be. He looks so pale—so lifeless.

Tears streaked down her cheeks and she gripped the edges of the coffin for a moment. She wanted to touch him, but she couldn’t bring herself to brush her fingers over his skin. The white rose she clutched in her fingers would have to do as she laid it over his chest and said her goodbyes.

When she turned to face his family, she pulled her shoulders back and moved toward them.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. I’m truly sorry for your loss.”

Thank you. Did you work with Dennis?” his mother asked.

Yes, ma’am. I’m Laurel Hayes.”

The elderly couple looked at each other and then back to her. “Laurel?” his father asked.

Yes, sir. I know we’ve never met, but I was very close to Dennis. I’m sure he’s mentioned me a time or two.”

Actually, no he hadn’t,” his father snapped. “We didn’t know about you until two days ago when we were going through his papers.”

Taken aback by his father’s irritated tone, she said, “Well, I’m sure he had intentions of us meeting. We had been seeing each other for several months and had grown quite close.”

His father said, “There is someone you should meet, Laurel.” He stepped back and indicated another young woman sitting in the chair behind where they stood. “This is Anita. Mrs. Dennis Morgan.”

Wha—” The words trailed off as her gaze darted back and forth between his parents and the woman silently weeping in the chair. “Mrs. Dennis Morgan?”

His wife.”

Spots appeared before her eyes and her whole body flushed. Sweat popped out on her forehead and passing out seemed to be a real possibility at the moment. One of her police buddies rushed to her side and slid his arm around her waist. “His wife? He’s married?”

The young woman stood and moved toward her. Laurel took a tentative step back.

I’m sorry, Laurel. Dennis and I were having problems. I knew he’d found someone else although he never mentioned you by name. We didn’t know about your existence until we went through his journal.”

Oh, my God,” Laurel whispered. “I have…I have to go.”

She’d rushed out of the funeral without a backward glance, tears streaming down her cheeks at his betrayal, the loss of his love and the untold truths hovering between them.

The unborn life snuggled in her womb would never know his or her father, nor would they know his parents. Love blossomed in her heart for the baby she carried, but she would protect Dennis’ child with her very last breath and she knew that meant keeping it hidden from his family.


Chapter Four

Laurel stopped the car and sighed. The memories of those days right after Dennis’ funeral were the hardest for her to bear. Once the little life inside her began to kick and her abdomen started to expand, her life changed. Kimberly became everything to her. She ate, drank, slept and breathed her daughter—never giving into the needs of her own. In fact, Kale was the first man in over three years to make her feel like a woman again—a woman with desires.

Enough feeling sorry for myself. I screwed up with Kale and I’ll have to find some way to make it right. I really could use a friend in this town besides the few neighbors living next door.” When she reached the door to her apartment, she unlocked it and pushed it open silently.

Mommy!” Kimberly yelled, rushing into her arms.

Hey baby girl. You’re up early.”

You’re late,” Teresa said with a smile.

I know. I’m sorry. I had an errand to run before I came home.”

One of Teresa's eyebrows rose in question and Laurel felt heat crawl up her chest, across her neck and infuse her face.

BOOK: Before The Night Is Over
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