Read Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1) Online

Authors: K Webster

Tags: #Becoming Her Series, #Book One

Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1)
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Elisabeth’s sister is nothing more than a well-paid prostitute.

And she sickens me.

THE CORSET IS TIGHT, AND the moment it falls from my body, I gasp for some much-needed air. Normally, I’m not one to wear them, but since they’ve been included in my wardrobe here at Jasper’s estate, I find it rude not to wear what was given to me.

Tiny butterflies have been fluttering in my belly since the moment I admitted to myself that I do want to make love to this man. Jasper might have taken me under the wildest of circumstances, but I’d be a fool to deny the obvious chemistry we have together. My family—William—are quickly becoming second place to the man who has easily stolen first.


My goodness, the way he looked tonight at dinner. Dark eyes visually devouring every surface of my body, focusing on my lips or the way my breasts would jiggle as I spoke. And even though I know that the man wants my body—to take my innocence away—more than anything, I feel as though he does love me as he says.

I always thought that what I felt for William was love. And maybe it was to a certain degree, but now, I realize I idolized the idea of him. Fascinated over what we could be. Yet with Jasper, my heart beats out of control in my chest whenever he is near. I become flushed and needy for his touch. My heart yearns to hear his romantic words—to feel his gentle yet firm caresses.

My eyes fall on the mirror in my room and I smile at it. The smile is one of mystery, and I appear sexy. For once in my life, I don’t feel like the girl waiting with bated breath for her man to come back and marry her. For once, I feel desired beyond humanly possible. Sexier than any woman on the planet.

I feel wanted.




Now, the smile turns into a happy one. The pure bliss on my features is surprising. Who knew that, only days ago, I was dreading my future? Yet now, I want to forget the past and run hand in hand with Jasper toward it.

I want to make love to him.

I want him to own me with his body and his soul.

I want to be his and only his.

I’m about to slip the cashmere robe over my naked flesh when I hear a noise at the open window. Turning quickly, I gasp to see William of all people climbing through.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss.

His eyes darken as he blatantly stares at my breasts. After yanking the robe from the bed, I shrug into it and tug it around me so that I’ll end his free show.

Once our eyes finally do meet, his are filled with sadness. Something in my heart feels bad for him. I raise my eyebrows in question, and he lets out an exaggerated sigh.

“You’re so beautiful, Lissa. I’ve missed you so much,” he says in a low voice as he takes a step toward me.


Funny how I forgot about her.

The name of a girl.

Instinctively, I retreat a bit and repeat my question. “What are you doing here?”

His eyebrows pinch together as if he’s angry with my words. “Dammit, Lissa. What’s happened? You’ve changed. You’re so different.”

I purse my lips before I finally speak. “William, it had to be done to spare my father’s farm. You and I both know this. Your being here tonight only makes things harder on the both of us. I’m sorry, but I think you should leave before Jasper finds you.”

A possessive growl rips from his throat as he stalks over to me. I stumble back, but he captures me with his strong hands on my biceps.

“Don’t tell me he’s brainwashed you already. Don’t deny that you love me anymore.”

I bite on my lip and his eyes fall to them. It reminds me of the way Jasper looked at them earlier today. However, when Jasper was eating them up with his eyes, I felt satisfaction and desire. Now, with William, I feel awkward.

No fluttering butterflies.

No blushing.

No need to fan myself.

“William, things are over between us. I’m so sorry. It has to be that way.”

His grip tightens, and for a brief moment, by the angry look in his eyes, I wonder if he’ll shake me. Instead, he relaxes his grip but glares at me.

“So he finally got to fuck you instead of me getting to. That’s why you’re so messed up in the head over him. I should have known you would spread your legs the first chance you had—just like your sister.”

The sting of his words is immediate, and tears well in my eyes. “Let me go.”

He releases me, and the moment he does, I slap him hard across the cheek.

“Don’t ever say such terrible things about me or my sister again. Leave my presence before I have you removed by the man you speak so ill of. He would never talk to me as you just have,” I bite out.

His eyes narrow, and he brings his face close to mine so that, when he says his words, they spittle all over me. “I slept with her over and over again at university. A man has sexual needs—needs you were supposed to fulfill as my future wife. Whenever I missed you, I would sink into her and pretend it were you. But, Lissa, know that I didn’t take her virginity. Your sister sleeps around a lot. Apparently just like you do.”

I have no words for him. The betrayal is too much. And while I should be more hurt over William’s having slept with my sister, I’m devastated that she would do that to me.

She’s my sister.

My flesh and blood.

“I hate you. And for the record, I have not made love to him. Yet,” I snarl with tears rolling out over my cheeks as I raise my hand to slap him again.

This time, he grabs it before it connects and pushes me against the wall. His lips are on mine in an instant, muffling my scream. Then I hear a door swing open before William is forcibly ripped from me.

My chest heaves wildly as I meet the dark, furious eyes of my Jasper.

“Jasper!” I cry and reach a shaky hand toward him.

His eyes shoot me a quick apology before he begins smashing punch after punch into William’s face. Blood bursts from William’s nose, and I nearly faint from the sight of it.

“Jasper, stop!” I scream. “Please, stop!”

It isn’t like William doesn’t deserve it, but I hate to see the feral, murderous look in Jasper’s eyes. I want my sexual, domineering, yet sweet beast to come back to me.

“Let him go. He’s not worth it,” I sob. “Jaz, please.”

He stiffens at my words and the raised fist doesn’t connect with William’s face again. Instead, it drops to his side and his shoulders slump. William takes the moment to stumble his way back toward the open window. Wordlessly, he escapes into the night and out of my life.

I’ve never been happier.

Jasper appears to snap out of his haze, because his shoulders lift back up and he turns to take in my mess of a face.

“My honeysuckle,” he whispers before prowling over to me and taking both of my tear-stained cheeks in his palms. “I saw red. Him, kissing you. It was too much. You’re mine, Elisabeth.”

I nod emphatically. “I am yours. Always. Now, kiss away his taste. I only want you on my tongue for the rest of my life.”

His growl spills into my throat as he kisses me hard enough to bruise my lips. My tongue meets his with urgency—a need to connect and forget the past. This man, my Jasper, tastes delicious and perfect.

He is mine and I am his.

As we kiss, his hands slip into my hair and he tugs at it, tilting my head back. Then he breaks the kiss and dips down to my neck. I moan with each desperate suck he takes on my flesh. He’s marking me, and I want more. I want him to mark every part of my body and my soul.

“I need you in my bed, honeysuckle. My cock aches to fit inside you—to be completely whole with you,” he murmurs against my skin.

“Yes. Take me, Jaz.”

The words barely leave my mouth before he scoops me into his arms. I gasp at losing ground under my feet, but I also snuggle into his chest. Then my fingers find his hair and I lovingly stroke at his scalp.

I wonder why I fought this pull for so long. Destiny brought us together. Fate already had plans for us. This was the work of a higher being. It was only a matter of time before I caved and gave in to what was meant to be.

“I have a gift for you, dear Elisabeth. All day, I have wanted to bestow you with it, but I wanted to wait for the right time. Can you wait a while longer and let me present the gift to you before we make love?”

His eyes are tender as they shine with adoration. I would give him the world right now if I could.

“Of course. The wait will be worth it, remember, Jaz?”

He grins a lopsided smile that flips my tummy. The man is achingly handsome.

“Honeysuckle, I love it when you call me Jaz.”

I beam at him. “Jaz, I love it when you call me honeysuckle.”

His lips find mine for an uncoordinated, chaste kiss as he walks, but it still warms my heart. When we make it into his bedroom, he sets me to my feet beside the bed.

“Stay here,” he instructs.

I watch as he disappears into his dressing room. While I wait, I unpin my hair and set the clips on the table beside the bed. My mess of crimson curls fall piece by piece until I’ve undone it all. I’m sure that, to anyone else right now, I seem an awful sight.

But to Jasper?

I know he sees me as beautiful and perfect—even with my hair looking the way it is while I’m wearing a simple robe.

“Close your eyes,” he says in a thick voice as he reenters the room.

My eyes take in the fact that he’s removed his waistcoat and shirt. His feet are bare, and he is standing in only his trousers, which hang low on his hips. The lines in his chest that define the muscles are utterly worthy my tongue. When my eyes fall to the dark smattering of hair that follows the V-shape of his lower stomach muscles right into his trousers, a needy mewl falls from my lips.

“You can look at this for the rest of your life. Right now, though, I need you to close your eyes.” His grin is smug, and I feel my cheeks redden at being caught.

“Don’t take too long. I was getting rather aroused, mister,” I tell him saucily before snapping my eyes closed.

His growl satisfies me that my words had the effect I had intended.

“Elisabeth,” he murmurs and takes my hand, “I have loved you from the moment I saw your portrait. In that moment, I felt as if I’d been given a glimpse into the intricacies that are this universe. It was as if I caught a vision of a perfect future. But it was one I would have to work for to achieve. Honeysuckle, I’d do it all over again just to have you here with me.”

Once he pauses, I peek my eyes open. Immediately, tears spill over to see him so vulnerable on one knee and a shimmering ring between the thumb and finger of his free hand. When he hesitates before sliding it on, I nod with approval.

“Honeysuckle, will you be my wife? Of your own free will? Will you let me make love to you every day until we both are buried in one grave together as one? Will you bear my children and my last name? Will you let me love you like I was born to do?”

I sniffle at his words, nodding after each question. “A thousand yesses, Jaz.” Then my eyes widen as he pushes the ring along my finger—a perfect fit. “It’s gorgeous,” I sigh dreamily.

The ring he chose is appropriate. It’s a large ruby encircled by smaller emeralds. Most women wear diamonds for their marriage, but I feel special and different with this well-thought-out ring—the ring he had especially designed for me. When I turn it over, I notice the clever heart etched around the engraving.


“It doesn’t compare to your beauty, but it was as close as I could get.” He smiles sheepishly at me.

“Thank you,” I tell him before quirking my eyebrows up in a teasing manner. “Now, I suggest you take my innocence and make me yours before I change my mind.”

He rises to his feet in such haste that I’m nearly knocked over. The giggle that bursts from me earns a swat to my bottom. I’ve learned that those swats are the good sort of punishment.

“Honeysuckle?” His voice rumbles through his chest and tickles mine, which is barely touching his.


“Your name is Elisabeth.”

I scrunch my nose up in confusion. “I know that.”

“I wanted to remind you because, in a few minutes, I’m going to make you forget it and the only one you’ll know how to say is mine.”

BOOK: Becoming Lady Thomas (Becoming Her Book 1)
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