Read Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) Online

Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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“Where is my daughter, Fiona?” He asked, angrily. Danger poured from him in dark, suffocating waves as I peeked around Andre’s shoulder to look at my father standing before my mother. He stepped closer to her as if he stalked her and I tensed wanting to protect her. Andre pressed further into me as if he knew what I was planning to do.

“Don’t do it, Aurora,” he whispered, “No one will let him hurt her.”

I looked back at my father. His silver eyes glinted dangerously as he stepped closer to my mother. I watched as the men from the mobile home park created a circle around her. Sophia moved to stand beside her. I was thankful for their presence. Oddly, I trusted them to protect my mother.

“Where is she?” My father asked again narrowing his eyes at my mother.

“I will never tell you,” she whispered timidly but her chin rose in defiance.

“You will,” he said with his nostrils flaring. His very demeanor threatened murder as he spat out, “Her marriage has been set. She must marry before the next season passes.”

Sophia stepped forward with a raised brow. I could tell that she wasn’t the least bit afraid of my father, “And she will marry before the season passes,” Sophia said, smiling haughtily, “She will marry my son, Andre.”

“She will not marry into this…family,” he sneered as if disgusted and then, looked back at my mother pointedly, “I will receive my daughter,” he said, turning his gaze to Andre, “One way or the another.”

I knew that he must have seen me then because his face softened. I frowned confused because the look he gave me was almost one of…love. He turned back to my mother and the softness faded so completely that I knew that I must have imagined it.

He narrowed his eyes again at my mother as he spoke his next words with a growl, “If you don’t allow me to leave with my daughter then I will come for her at night and I will keep coming for her until I receive her.”

Anger pierced me hot and potent as I stared at this…monster who had fathered me. I could not help but to hate him for he what he had done to my mother…for making me in such a way that was dirty and cruel and made me feel ashamed for even existing. I couldn’t help but to be angry that he would not leave me alone and continued to try to ruin my life. I stepped forward though Andre kept me at a safe distance from Emilian by grabbing my forearm. I raised my chin as if unafraid and spoke in as ominous a voice as I could, “I won’t come with you. You raped my mother. You are
my father.”

He sneered at me though for a moment he seemed wounded by my words. Maybe there were some paternal feelings for me. A moment later, his eyes hardened, “Is that what she told you…that I raped her?” He laughed bitterly, “Sometimes, you shouldn’t believe everything that she says.”

I frowned at him doubting my mother for only a moment but then, looked into her terrified face and knew she had told me the truth, “You lie,” I said as defiantly as possible, “You aren’t a man. You’re a monster.”

He stepped forward and Andre pulled me backwards…pushing me behind him protectively. Emilian stopped moving as he smirked.

I peered around Andre and he glared at me,“Reguardless of what you believe, you are my daughter and you will leave with me now or later.”

I shook my head from side to side as Andre pushed me further back.. Emilian’s eyes landed on him and he laughed.

“You’ve picked a boy to marry her,” He said, looking Andre over as if he were a piece of trash, “A boy to protect her.”

Andre’s eyes narrowed. Again, anger suffused his face, “I
protect her,” he said through clenched teeth. The determination in his voice made me shiver, “Especially from you.”

My father laughed as he looked beyond Andre to me. He smiled, “We’ll see tonight,” he said and turned as if he didn’t have a care in the world, “You may be surprised at how easy it will be. I will call for her and she will obey my voice.”

I frowned. I couldn’t help but to think of my name spoken only to me in my mind…beckoning me even in my sleep. He smiled and fear pierced me as I watched him turn and leave. Could it be possible he was calling for me? Had he been the person who had spoken my name in my dreams and even while I was awake? A tremble shook me even though Andre’s hand was still firm on my arm. Why did the possibility seem so real? Andre turned and looked down into my eyes with a frown marking his face.

“Don’t worry, Aurora,” he said with anger sparking from his eyes, “No one here will let him touch you…especially me.”

I frowned wondering why he would bother. Wouldn’t he be happy if my father took me? It would free him of his obligations. Still, I couldn’t help but to be grateful for his protection because even though I was upset about the arranged marriage, I was more terrified of my father which meant I needed Andre’s protection.


Andre walked beside me and my mother as we made our way home. My father’s visit had made everyone tense and I noticed that Andre continued to look over his shoulder every few seconds as if expecting to find him there. He also kept his hand protectively around mine as if ready to pull me behind him at any moment.

I frowned as I wondered, what was causing his need to protect me.. Family duty? Probably. For some reason, that thought depressed me. I shook my head pushing the feeling down. I suppose that the reason didn‘t matter as long as he was willing to help me. Still, a certain sadness flowed through me and I did not know why.

I was still deep in thought when we reached our motor home. My mother walked inside after giving me a look that told me that I needed to speak to Andre. I was left standing in awkward silence with the man who was now my fiance. I turned to him with a frown on my face, shifting and biting my bottom lip. Finally, I raised my head to look at him.

“Thank you,” I said, glancing at him shyly as I crossed my arms in front of me releasing his hand.

He smiled and shifted from foot to foot, “You’re welcome.”

The silence stretched, feeling endless. I looked down at my feet before finally gaining the courage to look up to study his handsome face.

His eyes were no longer angry but beautiful and anxious. They roamed over my face, as if searching for something. I tilted my head and spoke what had been twisting through my mind since he had first taken my hand at the bonfire, “I don‘t understand why you‘ve changed since I last seen you. You‘re still being forced to marry me. The fact that I didn‘t know about our arranged marriage shouldn‘t make a difference.”

He smiled, raising his eyebrows, “Would you rather me be mean to you?”

“No,” I said, squirming under his gaze, “But wouldn’t you be free of your obligation to marry me if my father took me?”
He laughed bitterly seeming almost insulted, “Do you think I’d want to put you in danger?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at him. I pursed my lips and then, sighed, “I barely know you.”

He shook his head, “Well, I wouldn’t,” he smiled and his eyes twinkled mischievously, “Besides I’d be outcast for not protecting you.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “That’s not funny.”

His smile widened as his eyes gentled, “Sadly, it’s the truth…but even if it wasn’t, I don’t want anything to happen to you, Aurora,” he said and then, shrugged, “So, it won’t.”

“You sound sure,” I said shaking my head and wishing that I could have that much faith. I was still terrified my father would kidnap me while I slept.

“That’s because I am,” he said. He paused, studying me. His muscles tightened and his jaw set as he looked into my eyes, “Listen. I shouldn’t have acted like a jerk when we first met. I’m sorry but I want you to know I’m not a monster. Even if you had known, I should have realized that you‘re in the same predicument that I am and it isn‘t your fault. So, tonight, I hope that we could start over. Maybe you‘ll realize that I‘m not always a jerk and I really am going to protect you.”

My eyes widened as I realized that he had seen my doubt and it had hurt his pride. I scrubbed my hand over my face and then, blew the air from my lungs as I realized how hard he was trying and for some reason I believed in him. He would try everything to protect me.

I smiled softly and nodded my head, “I know that you’ll try to protect me and I know that you aren’t a jerk.”

He looked at me sadly, “I hope that you can remember that. Especially since I have my moments…as you have already seen.”

I laughed, “I think that we all do but I will remember.”

“Good,” he said grinning widely, “Now, go to bed. I promise you’ll be safe.”

I nodded my head as I looked up at him. His determination calmed me, “Somehow, I believe you.”

His smile widened, “Goodnight, Aurora.”

“Goodnight, Andre,” I said as I walked through the door, feeling safer than I should with just a promise.












Chapter Five

My Father’s choice

I heard him calling me in my dreams. I felt the pull of his voice and the cool grass on my feet. Somewhere in my mind, I realized that I was sleepwalking and if I wasn’t stopped I would go to the owner of the voice. I would walk straight to Emilian. I could not resist.

A hand gripped my arm firmly above the elbow and I tensed, afraid that it was too late.

“Aurora,” Andre’s voice blended with the voice of my father. I tilted my head as I frowned. Was it a trick or had I really heard the man who had sworn he would protect me? For some reason, I had believed him as I fell asleep. I believed that he would at least try. Hope sprang up in that part of my mind as I listened.

Slowly, Andre’s voice rose becoming more persistant, drowning my father’s voice out, “Aurora, open your eyes for me.”

Slowly, I pulled my lids open and looked around with wide eyes. My heart jumped when I seen my surroungings. Even though I had expected it, I was shocked when I realized that I stood outside yet again. Andre stood in front of me with his hand on my arm. Concern and fear marked his face.

“W-What happened?” I asked, blinking rapidly, hoping for another reason for me to be standing outside in my nightgown. My heart sank at the look that he gave me. I really was going crazy.

Andre frowned as he took my hand and led me back toward my motor home. I started again when I realized we were near the bonfire pit. Had I really walked that far?

“You‘re a sleepwalker,” he said, softly, “Do you do that a lot?”

I shifted uncomfortably. What would he think when I told him the truth? I flushed as I looked at him with a pained expression, knowing that I would have to tell him especially since we would be married soon. I closed my eyes and sighed. Finally, I opened them, looking at him.

“Twice in the last week,” I said, lowering my head for a moment and then, forcing my eyes back up to meet his. Thankfully, he only seemed concerned, not judgemental so I continued, “But it just started again. Other than that, I was a sleepwalker as a child.”

Andre cocked his head to the side and looked at me sternly, “Well, at least I was able to catch you.”

I looked up at the sky realizing that dawn was fast approaching. It was not a time for people to be walking around. I looked at him suspiciously, seeing the dark circles under his eyes, “
were you able to catch me.”

He closed his eyes and sighed seeming tired. Then, he looked at me and gave me a small smile, “Your father said that he would come for you tonight so…I stayed awake and watched in case he was telling the truth.”

“You can’t do that,” I said with wide eyes, “You ‘ll be exhausted.”

He shrugged, “You’re safe. Besides, my brothers are helping and so is my father.”

“How long do you plan on doing this?” I asked, horrified, “How long are they going to do this?”

“Until we’re married,” he said, matter of factly. My mouth fell open.


“No buts, Aurora,” he said, shaking his head, “Reguardless of how much you argue…it will happen. You see, you are part of our family and you will be my wife. So, get used to it.”

“I don’t think that I can,” I said, frowning, “I just wish that I could do something to make it easier for everyone.”

Andre smiled, “There is something that you can do. You could say thank you,” he said and then, yawned before giving that lopsided grin that seemed to do funny things to my heart, “You know I’m losing beauty sleep for you.”

, I grinned at him. At least he seemed to be in a good mood, “Thank you for missing out on your much needed beauty sleep to protect me. You need all of it you can get.”

“Hey!” he said with narrowed eyes, “What’s that supposed to mean.”

My grin widened, “Nothing. I’m just trying to thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, looking at me with his brow raised in mock anger, “Now your ugly fiance wants you to go inside and try to stay there until sunrise.”

I gave him one more smile and walked inside closing the door. Once inside, I walked to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. As I fell asleep, a howl of a wolf broke through the air. I frowned wondering why there always seemed to be a wolf near me lately.


The light was so bright I was nearly blinded as my eyes fluttered opened. I covered them with my hands, closing them quickly as I watched the red dots dance around behind my lids. So, many thoughts drifted around my head as the dots faded. The first thought was a good one that made me smile in relief. Sleep had come peaceful and calm even after the wolves howl and I found myself still in my room because of it.

I smiled as I sat up slowly, stretching like a cat and finally opening my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light. The second thought came…that thought was of food and lots of it. I found that I was extremely hungry. The smell of bacon cooking filtered to me and my stomach rumbled confirming that fact.

The third and final thought before exiting my bed was of Andre. I wondered if he was still outside. Guilt twisted through me. It was because of him I had been able to sleep. He had protected me and because of that, I felt safe. I took a deep breath. Maybe I should take him some breakfast. It was the least I could do.

BOOK: Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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