Read Because This Is Forever Online

Authors: Lena Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Because This Is Forever (15 page)

BOOK: Because This Is Forever
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rubbed his back. “Thanks for letting him wait up,” he said. Then his gaze
turned fierce and hungry. “And are you gonna make me wait all night?”

Mia grinned,
shaking her head as she made her way up to him. When she was only steps away, he
gathered her close with his free arm. She held him tight. She leaned up and
gave him a light kiss on the corner of his mouth.

home,” she whispered.

arm tightened and he slanted his lips over hers, deepening the kiss. Desire
curled in her belly. The tenderness between her thighs had recently started to
ease yet her body clenched in anticipation of having him inside her again.

discreet yet loud cough came from behind her, bursting their sensual bubble. She
had forgotten about her sister. Mia pulled away from him. Nate glanced behind
her, surprise and irritation plain in his dark gaze.

Nate,” her sister said. “Remember me?”

course, Leah,” he replied. “How’ve you been?”


also thought to surprise me today,” Mia said when Nate glanced down at her
questioningly. “I left you a message letting you know she’s visiting.”

hope you don’t mind,” Leah said.

of course not,” Nate said coolly. “You’re always welcomed here. But there’s
only one other spare room,” he added stiffly. “And that’s where this little guy

hadn’t thought through their sleeping arrangements now that Nate was back. She
had planned to have Mikey sleep with her in their bedroom for the night while
Leah took the guest room. There was no reason Mikey couldn’t still sleep with
them and was about to suggest that when her sister interrupted.

don’t worry about me,” Leah insisted. “I’m happy to crash on the couch.”

visibly relaxed then nodded. “I’m gonna put him to bed,” he said, looking down
at a now sleeping Mikey.

took his bags into the bedroom then went to the closet to grab some bedding for
her sister. Leah stood close beside her.

big sis,” Leah drawled, taking the folded sheets from her hands. “Where are
sleeping tonight?”

glared at her sister. Leah laughed.

where I thought,” Leah said, smirking. “There was no way he was giving up his
bed tonight.”

up, Leah.”

serious! Didn’t you see the way he was looking at you?” Leah continued, laughing.
“Oh, he’s fucking you tonight.”




Chapter Fourteen


ran his hand over Mia’s back and hips, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and
smooth curves as she lay over him. He was happy to finally be home, his
agitation from the long trip finally dissipating.

had missed them both fiercely. If he had known having her would be like this,
he would have never let her leave five years ago. Having a family of his own was
unlike what he had experienced with his own parents. It was a wonderful feeling
to have someone to come home to, someone who waited up for him, who lit up at his
presence, who wanted him.

should have recognized that from the beginning, when he’d had her unconditional
love, when she had not been afraid to tell him she loved him. Now, however, her
romantic, fanciful nature seemed to be hidden away. And he had only himself to

once her declaration of love had come freely, she now guarded it closely, not
once letting it slip. Not even during their most intense lovemaking.

again, he still couldn’t bring himself to tell her how he felt. He’d never told
anyone he loved them, not even his parents, and the thought of saying those
words to her made him feel vulnerable and anxious. Though he wanted to hear her
say them as badly as he wanted to tell her, it was easier just to show her.

do you think of my surprise?” she whispered, her head tucked under his chin,
her fingers teasing the hairs on his chest.

smiled. “It’s pink.”

lifted her head from his chest and propped it on her folded arms. “It’s coral,”
she muttered. Even in the darkness, he could see her frowning.

laughed. “I’m just teasing you, baby. I love it.”

I love you.

had turned his house into a home. And it wasn’t just the new decor and
pictures, though he smiled remembering the photo of him and Mikey in their face
paint, which now sat on his desk, nicely framed. Mikey had created the tale of
the pirate and the stranded rabbit but it occurred to Nate that his son may not
have been too far off from the truth in his story. Nate had been a man lost and
it had taken their son and the woman nestled above him to save him from an
empty existence.

her presence, she had brought her warmth and her love into his bleak, lonely

tightened his arms around her. “Thank you,” he whispered.

leaned down and gave him a soft kiss. “You’re welcome. And thank you for
putting up with my sister.”

grunted. “I thought she would never shut up.”

had heard Leah’s colorful comments to Mia, though he had pretended ignorance
when he had walked in on the ladies. Leah had taken great joy in talking his ear
off while he ate a late dinner. It had been her way of stalling him, knowing full
well all he wanted to do was eat and get to Mia.

Mia said with a sigh. “She’s special but she’s the only sister I’ve got.”

long is she here for?” Not that Nate minded her sister visiting—she was Mia’s
family so his door would always be open to her—but Leah could be a bitch at
times, especially to Mia, and there was a limit to how much of her company he
could take.

don’t know,” Mia said with a small shrug. “She’s been really vague about it, but
I’ll ask her again tomorrow morning.”

next morning, Nate didn’t wait around to hear that conversation. He took Mikey and
decided to play hooky from work. No one was expecting him back in the office
today and he had something more important to get done.

can’t tell Mommy we were here, Mikey. Okay?”

Mikey promptly agreed.

held out his small finger. “Pinky promise.”

son eagerly made the sacred oath then went back to surveying the glittering
diamonds behind the glass case.

jeweler finally came out with a tray of glittering engagement rings and Nate
began looking through each one, waiting for one to catch his eye.

wanted this to be perfect. He owed that to her. He wasn’t sure where or how he
would propose, but he knew he wanted it to be soon. He couldn’t let her leave—not
when he’d gotten a taste of real happiness.

eyes eventually landed on a ring that was beautifully bright yet elegantly
simple. He pulled it out of its velvet bed and examined it closely. He imagined
it on her slender finger and an overwhelming sense of joy and possessiveness came
over him. He couldn’t wait to make Mia his. He just had to make sure he did it
right. The little romantic in her, though silent and hidden, was still there.
He just needed to bring her back out.

Nate held
up the ring to his son. “What do you think of this one, Mikey?” Nate asked.
“Will Mommy like it?”

examine the ring with all the seriousness of a four-year-old. “Um, it’s not
very nice.” He turned back to the glass case and pointed to a wide bracelet
encrusted from end to end with bright, glittering diamonds. “I think this one
is better.”

Nate shook his head. Maybe for another occasion, he thought, though he couldn’t
imagine such a gaudy piece on Mia’s slender wrist.

looked back down at the elegant diamond reflecting up at him. But this one…this
one was perfect.


* * * *


I’m not going to ask Nate for that kind of money,” Mia snapped at her sister.

only ten thousand dollars. He probably makes that in his sleep.”

Mia said with finality. “It’s bad enough I’m asking him to help with the mortgage.
I’m not going ask him to loan you money.”

don’t say it’s for me,” Leah suggested. “Tell him we need to fix something
around the house or something. I promise I’ll pay him back when I can.”

Mia stared
at her sister, stunned by her naiveté. She had always thought between the two
of them, her younger sister was more skeptical and worldly.

you can’t really think ten thousand dollars is going to get you a new life in
LA? What happens when the money runs out? What will you do for work when the
agents and directors aren’t calling and beating down your door?”

me worry about that, all right,” Leah snapped. “I just need a head start and I’m
asking you to help me.”

sighed. “I can’t. I don’t have that kind of money to give you and I’m not going
to ask Nate when he’s already doing so much for us.”

face twisted with anger and resentment. “God, you’re so fucking selfish.”

gaped at her. “Are you serious?
selfish? You’re the one who’s forcing me to ask for money so that
can start a new life. If you needed
money so damn bad, why’d you quit your job, huh? Why didn’t you do like
everyone else and save it?”

could I when I had to help keep the lights on! We were living hand to mouth but
I can’t do it anymore. There’s nothing in Detroit for me and I’m ready to start

stared at her sister and some of her ire faded. Her sister had been a big help
to her and she couldn’t forget that. Leah was also still young and if she was
determined to head out on her own, Mia needed to support her. But ten thousand
dollars was a lot of money.

been there for you, Mia, and I’m asking you to be there for me.” Leah sighed then
added quietly, “If you do this for me, I’ll never ask you for anything. I

sighed. At her sister’s desperation, she eventually relented. “Fine.
I won’t promise you anything and you
will pay him back.”

night, Nate surprised her by suggesting they go out to dinner. It was a Friday
night and he wanted to take her out someplace nice for a change, just the two
of them.

Leah agreed
to watch Mikey and they both made plans for a night of pizza and a movie.

on the other hand was having fun dressing up for a change. Tonight, she was
forgoing her simple skirts and camis and usual boring ponytail for a sexier
look. She hadn’t been out on a date in an embarrassingly long time and it felt
good to dress up and have an excuse to wear makeup.

wore one of her favorite dresses, a multipurpose sleeveless wrap-around that
accentuated her figure and flowed at the knees. It was more peach then coral
but was close enough to the orange-pink color that it complimented her
complexion nicely and also made for a great summer evening outfit.

sister helped her with her hair, curling and swooping the thick strands to one
side of her head. It was the makeup, however, that transformed Mia into another

Leah said, stepping back to admire her work.

When Mia
stepped out of the bedroom, she blushed from the looks and compliments she got from
her boys.

you look really pretty. Like a movie star.”

don’t know, Mikey,” Nate finally said, his eyes full of heat and dark promises.
“I think she looks prettier.”

walked up to her and she instantly read the intention in his eyes before he reached
for her. She quickly turned her face and his lips landed on her jaw.

laughed at his low growl. “You’re going to ruin my makeup.” She brought her
hand up to his cheek. “Later,” she promised.

When they
arrived at the restaurant, Mia was speechless with emotion. He had kept the
news of where they were going a secret until they pulled up to Josie’s, the
restaurant where they’d had their first date. He wasn’t normally the
sentimental type, that was more her thing, but tonight he was and she loved him
for it.

the best, you know that,” she said, smiling through her teary eyes.

grinned then grabbed her hand and led her into the restaurant. Despite the
Friday night crush, they were seated rather quickly. Mia glanced around the
restaurant, noting the changes that had been made in the five years she’d been away.

changed management a few years back,” Nate said when she commented on some of
the modifications she noticed. They weren’t necessarily bad, just different. “Thankfully
the food’s stayed the same.”

glanced up at him.
So he still comes here?
Josie’s was a popular date-night restaurant that saw a specific
clientele—single ladies or couples. Men never came here to just hang out
together. They gathered at the sports bar across the street instead. Did
bring other women here? Mia shoved
the miserable thought aside. She didn’t want to think about that. Not tonight.

wrong?” he asked, frowning with concern at her sudden silence.

shook her head, offering him a weak smile. She didn’t want to ruin their
evening with resentful thoughts.

studied her for a moment. “I don’t bring other women here, if that’s what
you’re thinking,” he whispered. “I come here from time to time just for a quick

visibly relaxed but quickly changed the subject. She knew she was acting foolish,
but it would have bothered her to know he had brought other women here. This was
supposed to be their spot.

evening continued nicely and she was truly enjoying herself. She was pleased that
he had thought of this. Tonight was exactly what they needed and she couldn’t
have been happier. And because she didn’t want that to change, she purposely
waited until after their meal to bring up Leah’s money request.

she immediately regretted.

is this why she’s here?” Nate asked after a moment.

Mia shrugged.
“I don’t know. Maybe. It would just be a loan and she promises to pay you

He was
silent for a while, the muscle on his jaw flexed. “This is pretty damn awkward,
Mia. I hope you realize that. Ten grand isn’t pocket change you just lend

glanced down at the table, humiliated. He was right. It was awkward. She wasn’t
his wife and Leah wasn’t his flighty sister-in-law asking for money. The only
person he had any accountability to was Mikey.

wasn’t entirely sure why she was now adamant in helping her sister secure this
money but she recognized her sister’s desperation and wanted to help her realize
her dream.

know, I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Believe me, if I had it, I wouldn’t even be
bothering you with this.”

that’s the same thing you told me about the mortgage,” he muttered.

cringed inside. And yet here she was asking him for more money. “I know you
don’t owe her anything but it’s just…she has no money and is dead-set on going
to California. She’s my sister and I want to help her.”

cursed and she winced at the harsh word.

not a damn bank,” he snapped. “Who’s to say she’ll actually pay the money

sat back in her seat, clenching her hands together tightly. She had already
gotten this far and having been thoroughly mortified, she might as well see it
to the end. Or until he gave her a flat out no.

BOOK: Because This Is Forever
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