Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2)
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“Don’t turn around. Close your eyes…now.”

I can smell the scent of grass and pine coming from behind me. He must have just come in from a run in his animal. I had heard how a run affected shifters sexually, and the thought excited me.

“But, I…”

“Do as I say.” The masculine voice is bold, insistent and commanding.

My eyes shut tightly, I feel the man’s hands come up from behind me and cover my eyes with a long piece of cloth. I can feel his hot breath on my neck as he ties the blindfold closed. He spins me around, pressing my body against his. Hot breath that smells of honey washes over me.

It feels good in his arms, yet something inside me can’t accept that I’m not in control. I squirm to break away.

He presses me tighter to him. “It’s time you let go, Judith. Let go with me…”

“Well, I…”

He puts a finger to my lips. “Why try to hide it? I can smell your arousal. Why don’t you admit that you want me? That you want me to take you for mine…give in to your desires, Judith.”

It’s true. I do want him more than anything…and he knows it. I stop struggling and lean into him.

“Why are you wearing those clothes?” He demands, as if wearing clothes is a terrible thing. “You should be naked for me.”

He doesn’t wait for my response and lifts my tank top slowly over my head. When the shirt is half way up and my arms are pinned inside it in the air, he leans in, kissing the top of my breasts. As he licks the sensitive skin there, my nipples grow hard, eager for his lips. He pulls the tank the rest of the way off and I hear a soft whooshing sound as he tosses it aside. As he unhooks my bra, my breasts spill out from the cups and I hear him begin to breathe harder. I shiver, knowing he is looking at my bare breasts and stomach. I have scars on my abdomen from being burned in a fire. I got used to them long ago, but I always wonder what men think when they see them for the first time. Though I can’t see his face, I can sense from his eagerness to free me from my clothes that the marks don’t bother him. His hands tug on my breasts, squeezing and fondling.

Then he leans in, taking turns nibbling and sucking each one, swirling the nipples with his tongue. He lightly bites them as he holds them in a solid grip. “Your nipples are so delicious,” he moans, pushing his face between my breasts as he hungrily tastes them.

The sensations send a thrill of pleasure through me. I can feel myself growing wet. I’ve given up trying to stay in control. I want him…every part of him. I reach out to touch him. His arm is slick, with a light layer of sweat. I run my hands over his muscled chest…I can’t see it, but I can feel the firm hardness. I can smell his desire—earthy and wanting.

He pins my hands behind my back with one of his big hands and uses the other to tilt my face towards him. Brushing my cheeks with his fingers, he moves them to my lips, lightly pressing a finger to my mouth, then gently opens my mouth and pushes his finger inside. He strokes the finger in my mouth back and forth a few times, wetting it. Then he kisses me, holding my face in his hands. It’s a deep, passionate kiss that sends an electric spark shooting from my brain; down to my toes. Then his tongue runs over the length of my neck, along my breasts, and down my belly. He is lightly licking my scars and his tongue feels so healing.

I feel his hands eagerly grope for the zipper of my jeans and in seconds he has them puddled by my ankles. He quickly pulls them off.

“That’s more like it,” he growls. “Now these…nothing should be between us.”

Large, probing fingers tug on the elastic of my panties and he slides them down, taking time to run his palms slowly along my ass cheeks. I love the feel of this man’s hands on my backside and I can’t resist jutting my butt out a little so I can experience it even more.

I am totally naked in front of him and goosebumps chase my skin.

“Tell me Judith, do you want to be fucked?”

I say nothing, but a shiver of anticipation runs through me.

“Don’t be shy. Tell me what you want.”

“I want…I want you to fuck me.” God it had been so long.

He grunted. “That’s good, because I can’t think of anything I want to do more than fuck your sweet pussy. But first I need to eat that nectar of yours.”

He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to another room, plopping me down on a bed. I couldn’t see anything but I could hear how excited he was from his breathing.

“You make my dick rock hard,” he growled.

God, his voice was sexy. I reached up from the bed, groping around his body. I could feel his beefy thigh and then his cock. It throbbed under my hand and I gasped as I ran my fingers along the length of it. It was so thick and huge.

He pulled my body to the edge of the bed so my feet were dangling over it. His tongue brushed along my breasts and belly, then along my thighs. I pushed his head deep between my legs. My pussy is aching to feel his tongue. Burying his face in my folds and pushing my thighs back to open them as wide as possible, he licks slowly up and down, driving me wild with need. Soft bristles from his facial hair scratch me lightly, adding to the pleasure.

“Oh God,” I moaned, clutching at the bed sheets. “This feels so good.” I claw at his back, my fingernails pressing into his skin.

I can hear him sucking noisily on my juices, licking every drop.

“You are so beautiful, baby,” he groans.

His tongue won’t let up, driving deep into my folds, licking and sucking. Then he zeroes in on my clit. As he flicks the little pink bud back and forth with his magic tongue, the tension in my body builds. I know I am going to explode in seconds. Right when I am on the verge, he pulls away and rams his cock deep inside of me. As my legs straddle his hips, he thrusts his dick in and out; deep and hard, filling me up and stretching me to my limits.

“You like it?” he asks, grinning.

I nod my head and moan as he grips my ass tightly.

“I love fucking your little pussy, baby…and I’m going to make you scream with pleasure.”

I gulp, gasping for air as our bodies move together and his swollen cock demands to fill me up completely, pushing past the resistance of my opening. I am so wet I am sopping.

“You’re so fucking tight and juicy. You’re going to make me come baby doll.”

“Fuck me, fuck me…oh God!” I scream out as drops of his sweat splash onto my body.

“I’m going to make you scream for more.”

My body can’t stand it anymore and I feel myself beginning to shake as I let everything go and the tremor of my orgasm takes over.

“Ahhhhhh…” I can’t hold back any longer. “This feels so good! Don’t stop fucking me, don’t stop!”

“Scream baby…let it all out…who do you love!”

“You…I love you!” I cry out, trembling.

“Say it again…”

“You!” I scream. “You!”

He reaches forward and pulls the blindfold off my face.

A man with a scruffy beard, dirty blond hair, and warm brown eyes stares back at me. It looks like…Evan? Grant? What the hell…?


I awoke with a start. After Vic showed me to my room, I’d decided to take a quick catnap before the wedding and I’d fallen asleep fast. What a dream I’d had. Wow! It was crazy how our dreams could be a jumble of our daily lives. I couldn’t wait to see Brad and experience all he had to offer. Yet, here one of those scruffy baker men, Evan or Grant, had showed up in my dream because Vic had mentioned them earlier today. I had to admit, the dream had been really hot. The experience had seemed so real. And the love making was, well…

I shook my shoulders. Get a grip, Judith. It was just a dream. Tonight I would be meeting Brad…smooth, elegant, sexy Brad, the man I was really here for. 




I looked at my watch for the fifteenth time. Brad was still not here to pick me up and the wedding was starting in less than twenty minutes. What was keeping him? I tried texting him but he didn’t respond. It was awkward standing outside of the hotel waiting for him.

I heard the door to the Big Bull open. “Is everything ok, Judith?” Vic asked as he looked out and spotted me. He walked over to where I was standing. He was wearing a pair of dark denims and a crisp white shirt—nice, but pretty casual for a wedding.

“Not really,” I felt a bit sick to my stomach. “I don’t know why Brad’s not here. He said he’d be here over an hour ago. He doesn’t answer my texts…”

“And you’ve been waiting all this time…?”

“Yeah…” I felt like I’d been stood up.

“Maybe something came up. Why don’t you text him that you’ll meet him at the church. I’ll drive you and then you can go to the reception from there with him.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, relieved. I really did not want to miss a minute of Sherry’s wedding. I had a lot to report back to the office about what her dress was like, what type of flowers she had…all the nitty gritty details. Plus, I couldn’t wait to see her!

“Of course, let me get the car.”

As Vic went to get the car, I smoothed my hands on my dress, wiping off the little bit of moisture on them. Things weren’t going as planned.

In a few minutes, Vic was back with his sedan and I climbed in front next to him.

“Is Max coming?”

“He’s already there. He’s one of Adrian’s best men.”

“One—how many best mans do you have at a wedding in Shifter Villages?”

Vic snorted. “I dunno…this is the first wedding the town has had! But there are two at this one…me and Max.”

“You? You’re a best man!”

“Yeah, but I’ll be walking Sherry down the aisle.”


“She’s never been close to her parents, and she said I changed her life with the Marriage Mates site. So, she asked me to walk her down the aisle to Adrian.”

“Wow…well, we’d better get there then.”

As Vic gunned the car, I stared out the window. It was upsetting that Brad had not turned up. This was not a good start to our relationship. But, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt. There was probably a good reason he was late. When we got to the church, Vic went off to find the groom and I found a seat at the back of the church so I could flag Brad down when he came.

I glanced around the church. It was filled with men. These were not your average guys. They were huge, muscular, brawny shifters. I swallowed as I noticed a few of them eyeballing me. I thought Vic was dressed casually, but he was dressed up compared to these guys. Most of them were in clean, but worn jeans and tees. There were a just a few women and they were all dressed casually. I felt out of place in my red silk dress and black patent heels. This was quite a change from the weddings I was used to. As I looked around the room, I caught site of Evan and Grant a few pews over. They looked just as they did in their photographs…scruffy, dirty blondes with stubble and messy hair. I couldn’t help but think of my earlier dream and I had a flash of one of the twin’s faces buried deep between my legs. I caught Evan staring at me and I quickly looked away.

Just as the wedding march started, I finally got a text from Brad. He said he was running late but would meet me at the reception. Thank God he was ok. Now I could relax and enjoy the ceremony.

As the music progressed Adrian came walking down the aisle. I had met Adrian when he’d come into the office to pick up Sherry. He was a gorgeous man with long hair, amber eyes, and bronze skin. Wearing dark denims and a cream colored linen shirt, he couldn’t stop grinning as he walked towards the church alter, followed by Max. Max looked uncomfortable and out of place in his starched shirt and black slacks. I had to give him credit for not letting his feelings get in the way of supporting his friend though.

Then it was Sherry’s turn. She was glowing as she clutched Vic’s arm and he led her down the aisle. She was wearing a buttery soft yellow dress with little bow tie shoulder straps. The dress was ringed with flounces at the bottom. Her shoulder length brown hair had been softly highlighted and layered. I had been wondering if she would use concealer on the birthmark on her face. She hadn’t, and it didn’t matter. She looked absolutely beautiful. Sherry did not have to put on pretenses or try to hide who she was. She looked perfect.

The ceremony was short and simple. Sherry was shifting excitedly from one foot to the other, and even though his back was to me, I could sense Adrian was beaming from one ear to the other. At the end of the ceremony when the pastor said ‘you may kiss the bride,’ Adrian held Sherry for a little too long and the guests started tittering. I could just imagine what their night was going to be like. Now it was done. Sherry Cole was married to Adrian Landen. The radiant couple made their way down the aisle to the cheers of the crowd.

I sighed as I got up to leave. Brad still hadn’t arrived. I guess I’d have to ask Vic for a ride. But before I’d had a chance to look for him, Evan and Grant Myles were by my side.

If the two looked scruffy from a distance, up close they were even scruffier.  But, I had to admit that they both had the warmest cocoa colored eyes, and it didn’t take a degree in rocket science to see how hard and buff their bodies were under their tees and jeans.

“We just wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m Evan and this is Grant. We saw you on the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site.”

“We wrote you quite a few times,” Grant said, frowning, “but we never heard back.”

“I’m sorry. I did get your emails, but I’ve been busy at work and…”

“We think…we think that…” Evan was stumbling over his words but Grant was quick to save him.

“Forgive our bluntness, but we know you are looking for a match. We are too. We would love for you to consider us,” Grant studied me intently, his eyes trying to hold mine.

I looked away.  It was funny how being around this scruffy pair made me a little shy. “Well, I…” I brushed a few strands of hair away from my eyes as I tried to find my voice. These shifters were pretty straightforward and it was disarming.

“To be honest, when we saw your photo something just clicked—for both of us,” Grant added quietly. “We felt you were meant for us and seeing you in person just confirms that feeling.”

“Our instincts have never been wrong,” Evan grinned, the deep dimple on his cheek growing as he smiled wider.  “But we want you to take your time and get to know us.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I met someone else on the site, and we are exploring the possibilities. Aside from that, I’m also just not interested in a relationship with two guys at one time.”

Evan and Grant exchanged concerned glances.

“But we…” Evan started to say something but Grant stopped him.

“I see. Well, let’s be friends for now, then,” Grant said. “We saw you come in with Vic. Will he be driving you to the reception, or can we give you a ride?”

“A ride would be great.” There was no reason Vic should have to taxi me everywhere. “Let me just go find him and let him know.”

As I left the two men, I overheard Grant say to Evan, “don’t push her…give her time.”

I shook my head. Underneath their ragamuffin exteriors, they did seem like really nice guys. But they could have all the time in the world. Something between us—the three of us—was just not going to happen!



BOOK: Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2)
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