Bearing Up In Wolf Rock (A BBW Bear Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters) (15 page)

BOOK: Bearing Up In Wolf Rock (A BBW Bear Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters)
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“You know I do. I love your cock
….it’s fucking heaven,” she moaned as she pushed herself upwards and came down again, feeling his entire length easing its way in, his impossibly large shaft opening her wide and creating a gush of delectable wetness.

“Tell me more,” he said. “Tell
me about how it feels to have me fuck you.”

This was another first for Kyla, and she wasn’t sure what to say, but she was eager to try.

“My pussy is tight, wet and swollen around you…squeezing you…I can feel every last inch of you inside of me…stroking me from the inside…your perfect cock is so thick that you can hardly open me up enough…but you thrust it into me and spread my lips wide…my cunt…feels so good…”


Kyla was beginning to enjoy this.

“I can feel my lips milking you…begging your cock to come for me….I can feel you get harder and thicker inside me…I…I want you to come. I want you to shoot your hot cream inside me, Maddox. Come for me. Come inside my pussy. Feel me squeezing you, inviting you…”

pushed her backwards onto the bed and pounded her now, hard and fast, his thighs slapping against her round ass as he drove himself deep inside her.

“I think…I’m…going…to…” with that he closed his eyes and let o
ut a moan worthy of a grizzly.

He tensed, his body tigh
tening as he exploded, and Kyla felt a rush of scorching heat at her center. She was growing to love this; her fulfilment through this man’s body in every way; inside her, tending to her needs, enjoying her lust and desire for him.

Maddox gave in finally and let his body ease down onto hers. He kissed her deeply
, his mouth tasting of sex, his tongue gently seeking her own.

hen the two lay in a hot embrace, holding one another until morning.

Kyla had never slept better in her life. Her dreams were of a man she loved, and of a quiet, peaceful home.





The night’s patrol was replaced in the daytime by four other wolves. Tristan was kind enough not to ask Kyla to join them; he knew that she would want to say good-bye to Maddox.

Corgan, Maddox,” he said to the bears as they had breakfast together. “I have a bit of a proposition for you. It’s entirely up to you two, but I need to ask for some help.”

Given that the alpha didn’t
want them on his territory, Kyla couldn’t imagine what his plan was.

“I’m hoping to
get some of the laws changed around here, at least where the town of Wolf Rock is concerned. So that no one enters with weapons anymore.”

“That’ll be a tough sell,” said Maddox.

“Probably. But if you can provide evidence: the website that you found and anything else, that this group exists, and that Wolf Rock is a target, I think everyone will agree that it’s for the best, and for the safety of the townspeople as well as the shifters. Corgan, do you think you could aid us in this?”

“I could. It’ll mean doing some more digging, so I’ll need a computer and a good web connection.”

“I know just the place,” said Nikki. “Julia’s got everything you could want.”

“Who’s Julia?” The mention of a woman’s name seemed to perk
Corgan up. He’d only been around coupled up shifters for what seemed like days now and was getting tired of watching smitten folks.

“She’s a good friend of mine, from our ‘stupid’ TV show.”

“Oh, the redhead,” said Corgan. He winced after the words had come out of his mouth, knowing what would come next.

“Ha! So you
watch it!” said Nikki.

“Of course I
did. It was about shifters and I’m a shifter. So sue me. Anyhow, I remember Julia. She’s pretty cute.”

“She’s also very intelligent. I’ll hook you up. I don’t mean sexually,” said Nikki, sensing a pending love-fest. Julia was very fond of strapping
young men; particularly of the shifting variety, and Corgan would be right up her alley.

“Okay, cool. We’ll get working.
I’ll let you know when I’ve found all the information that I need. Maddox, you don’t mind sticking around for a few more days, do you?”

“Don’t mind at all,” s
aid his brother, smiling. There was a peace in him, Kyla thought, that she hadn’t sensed before. Like a demon had almost been vanquished. She wondered if she’d see him in the next few days.

“I’ll take you two into town later,” Kyla said. “Maybe we can grab a drink at the


That afternoon as Kyla drove the two men into Wolf Rock, Corgan said, “I’m excited about this Julia. Meeting her, I mean.”

“Are you now?” asked the wolf shifter

“You know, to use the computer,” he insisted.

“Mmm hmm,” she said, laughing behind her eyes.

“We can drop him there and go for a pint,” said Maddox. “It’s been a while, I think, since either of us has been to the pub.”

“Not since we met,” said Kyla. “I could sure as hell use a drink.”

Last night Maddox was worried about their growing attachment and now he wanted to spend more time together. Confusion was setting into Kyla’s mind, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to be sensible and walk away. Not yet.


Julia opened the door when they arrived and smiled broadly at her guest.

“I’m Corgan,” he said, awkwardly shaking her hand.

“Well, aren’t you lov
ely,” she said as she showed him into her place.

“And this is Maddox,” Kyla said, introducing the larger man to the
slender redhead.

“I’ve heard a thing or two about you both,” said Julia. “I
do hope you stick around. This is a nice place to live.”

“You only moved here recently, right?”
asked Maddox.

“Yeah, only since the show. I sort of fell in love with the place while we filmed and decided to come back after I left…and after I heard that there was a new alpha.”

“Well, I’m not sure that we’ll be sticking around. Corgan and I might need to take off. But I agree—it’s a nice place.” He looked at Kyla then, and for a moment she felt a warmth inside her that seemed to come directly from him. The mixed messages were killing her.

When they’d made certain that
Corgan had everything he needed, Kyla and Maddox made their way to the Lion’s Head, which was refreshingly empty. With the new vigilance in the woods, the pack was largely occupied. The tourists hadn’t experienced any shifter sightings in days and it seemed that things had calmed down.

“Hey, Cam,” said Kyla as they entered.

“Hi, you two. Beer?”

“Yes, please.”

The bartender brought two pints to their table.

“It’s quiet here, huh?” said Maddox.

“Yeah, a little too quiet, if you know what I mean. I’m not complaining about money or anything, but it’s been strange. The tourists have disappeared but there’s a guy who’s been coming in every day.”

“Oh? Who is he?”

“Not sure. But he’s one of them outdoorsy types, always wearing khaki clothing and carrying packs. Really fit, like you’d expect a marine or other military type to be, I think. He’s certainly interested in you folks.”

Kyla felt suddenly nervous.

“What do you mean, interested?”

“Asking questions about the cabin, where you are, how many of you. That sort of thing. I haven’t told him anything, of course.”

“Good. Thanks.”

“But he may be gone by now.
I haven’t seen him in the last day or two. God knows, it’s entirely possible that he’s a journalist or something. Probably wants to write an article.”

“Probably,” said Maddox
, looking pensive.

When Cam had left, the large man took Kyla’s hand.

“I know you’re worried. But don’t be. I may not be Tristan’s biggest fan, but I sense that he knows how to look after his pack.”

“I just wish he’d let you two stick around the cabin. He’s a protector. He should understand that you are too.”

“Yeah, but he has to protect you first, and he’s right—getting distracted is bad. I should know.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have nightmares, Kyla. About that day. I should have protected her, my sister. I should have seen the rancher coming. I should have put myself in the way of that dog, and I failed. I failed her and my entire family and it haunts me. The one thing I know is that if something happened to one of you, Tristan would blame himself. Maybe he shouldn’t. But he would.”

“You shouldn’t blame yourself either, Maddox. You were only a kid.”

“I was old enough to know my duty.”

He was silent for a moment.

“Sometimes I think that if only she’d shifted into a squirrel and run up a tree, or something…she was so special. It seemed that her gift for shifting went to waste in the end.”

“This gift…does
Corgan have it?”

“No. Definitely not.”

“You said you’ve tried...have you ever come close to changing into anything other than a bear?”

“When I was a kid, I did, actually. A couple of times. I managed to become an otter once, and once a cougar. My imagination
seemed to run wild and my personality seemed to work with it, except I wasn’t as disciplined as she was. I was a happy kid until Chloe died. Happiness: I’m convinced that’s why she was so in control. She was all dreams and joy, and everything was an experience for her. I was more cynical, and got worse as I got older. I saw the bear form as the one way to guard against all evil. And it sort of stuck. But I’ve always wished I could find my way back.”

“Maybe you will one day.”

“Maybe. But you know how it is. When you first learn to shift, it’s not so much that you’re learning as the feeling that something’s taking over your body. You feel out of control, and you learn to control it rather than it being in charge of you. I feel like, if it’s still in me, I haven’t figured out how to manage it yet.”

“But your sister did.”

“She was amazing. Like a child prodigy. She knew straight away, and she used to run around in all sorts of shapes, which made for some great games. The best of it was that she could fly.”

“Wow. That would be incredible.”

“I think it was. And Cor and I weren’t even jealous. She was so good, such a sweetheart, that you couldn’t hold anything against her. She just enjoyed life.”

“Well, I’m glad for that, anyhow. I’m glad she was happy.”

Maddox sipped his beer.

“Me too.”

After they’d finished, Kyla reluctantly accompanied Maddox to a nearby motel where he checked in. Two rooms: one for him, one for Corgan. Normally, the she-wolf would have been delighted at the thought of a slightly seedy joint in which to have her way with Maddox, but she knew that she had to return to the cabin. More than that, she felt sad, as though part of her was slowly being torn away.

“Are you coming in?” asked Maddox as he unlocked the door to his room, opening it then and allowing the stuffy motel air to come out.

“I can’t. I’ve got to get back and make sure everything is all right. Duty and all that.”

Maddox leaned against the doorframe and looked down at her. As Kyla’s eyes met
his, she felt a stab of intense sorrow. Would she see him again?

His dimple appeared as his lip curled up, crooked as always. With his right hand he reached out and grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her to him. He kissed her then, his hands holding her face up to his as he leaned his massive form down.

Kyla felt herself falling, as though the kiss was causing her center of gravity to change and her feet were no longer stable under her. They’d kissed before, of course, but this time was different. Intense, passionate, and, if she didn’t know better, she’d have said full of love.

Perhaps Maddox also wondered if they’d ever see one another again.

When they pulled apart at last, he said, “I’ll be here for a few days at least, Kyla, so…”


“Come and see me if you want to.”

He put his hot arms around her and held her to him. She sensed that this might really be good-bye, though everything in her wanted to take him up on his offer.

“If you want to” didn’t seem like much of an invitation, though. He really needed to do better than that.

“Yes,” she thought, “I might need to come and see you.
But maybe I should stay far away.”

“Be safe,
my she-wolf,” Maddox said.

“I will. I’ll try, anyhow.”

She walked to the car, reluctant to turn and look though she felt his eyes on her back, watching over and protecting her.





Kyla drove back to the cabin. Tristan was sitting in the living room, alert and pensive
, when she arrived.

BOOK: Bearing Up In Wolf Rock (A BBW Bear Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters)
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