Read Battle Earth X Online

Authors: Nick S. Thomas

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Space Opera, #Alien Invasion, #Galactic Empire, #Military, #Space Marine

Battle Earth X (8 page)

BOOK: Battle Earth X
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“You’re still an asshole!”

It was Cordero. He recognised the voice. He looked past the bars of his cell and across to the opposite cell. The shadowy figure had been there since they arrived, and it had not occurred to him that’s who it would be.

“You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for him!” Parker called out in his defence.

No response came, but Taylor already knew the man would be more trouble. They could hear the door to the brig open and footsteps approaching. There were more than two sets of footsteps, and that meant someone of note was coming, but Taylor made no attempt to get up. A few seconds later, Huber stepped into view; he was surrounded by marines. He stopped at Taylor’s cell and simply stared at him.

“This asshole came looking for trouble, Admiral. He is a danger to this fleet!” Cordero screamed.

“Shut up, Captain!”

Huber turned to him.

“You are assigned to this ship, but I am still your superior officer, just as Colonel Taylor is!”

He turned back to Taylor.

“Really?” he asked, “All the shit we have to deal with, and you brawl with idiots like him? You have to get yourself together, Colonel. I need you. The people need you. But they need Colonel Taylor, saviour of humanity. The same Taylor who defeated Demiran, not the mess I am seeing here now. Earlier today, I thought you had come through for us and you had, and now I have to deal with this? What do you have to say for yourself?”

Taylor said nothing.

“Right now I need you. I need all of you,” Huber continued, “So you keep whatever this is bottled up, never to come out. Not until we are back home on Earth, and all of this is over. I don’t care what it was about or why it started, that’s the deal. You all got that?”

“Yes, Sir,” they all said in tune, except Taylor who remained silent.

“Goddamn it, Taylor, are you with us or not?”

Taylor shook his head.

“In all these years, why do people keep asking me that?”

“Probably because you keep getting into this shit. I don’t need a troublemaker, Taylor. I need the legend that is Colonel Mitch Taylor. Can you be that man? Because that is the man, that is the marine these people need. So are you gonna be that man?”

Taylor looked across to Parker and could see she was nodding for him to agree. Not just to get them out of the mess they were in, but because she genuinely believed in the Admiral’s words. He looked back to Huber.

“You have my word I will do everything I can to get us back home and to win.”

Huber sighed. “Good enough. Get this lot out of here!”

The cell doors opened, and Huber was waiting for Taylor.

“You’re coming with me.”

Taylor knew he had no choice in the matter, but he accepted his sidearm and carried on beside the Admiral.

When they were clear of the brig, Huber finally opened up the real reason he was released so soon.

“Colonel, we’ve got problems. Problems we could both see coming, and I need your help.

“What is it now?”

“Dissent among the fleet. Huang is winning support amongst a number of the ships. People are starting to question who should be in command, and what we should be doing. Some want to return to Earth and think we should never have left. Others want to see a President elected to rule us. It’s a goddamn disaster.”

“I told you, Sir, I am not a politician.”

“Yes you are, Colonel. You have been for a long time, whether you like it or not. Look, Taylor, there are many things in life we have to deal with that we don’t like and don’t want to do. You just want to lead marines and fight the good fight; I get it. But the people need more from you than that because you are capable of more.”

“Not sure I agree, Admiral, but I can’t hide the fact I am glad to be out. What is it you actually want me to do?”

“Huang, he is the key to this. He has some sway over the fleet, particularly those from the far eastern nations, but his support is growing. Huang is a good officer and a good Admiral, but he has no idea what to do in this situation of ours. He is going to get a lot of folk killed unless he can be made to see straight.”

Taylor was sick to death of being forced into verbal onslaughts to convince people he had no care for, but he knew he had no choice.

“How on Earth am I supposed to convince a Chinese Admiral to accept your authority?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but that’s your task now, and I have every faith in you.”

Taylor was led towards the bridge by Huber but stopped short where he found his Reitech suit awaiting him.

"Expecting trouble?"

"I want you to convey the image of Taylor the marine. I need you to both intimidate and bring a sense of confidence in us all at the same time."

Taylor pulled on his gear and carried on to the bridge where all the crew there turned to him, as if he would be able to speak some magical words that would end all their troubles. Admiral Huang was projected on a screen before him for all to see and hear.

“This is Colonel Taylor. He will act as mediator for us.”

Mediator? That isn’t how it was sold to me.

But he could see from Huang’s response to his presence that his reputation went a long way.

“It is an honour, Colonel Taylor. I am so glad you made it here to fight with us.”

“I didn’t come here to fight,” replied Taylor, “We came here to survive. Maybe that involves fighting, maybe not. All that matters is the human race survives, and for that we need to stick together and work together.”

Huang did not reply.

“If that is to be the case, this fleet needs a leader.”

“But it should not be Admiral Huber, the leader of the failed operation in enemy space.”

“Oh, really? And who should it be, someone with no experience that any of us have heard of? You? You have a third the vessels the US Navy has in this fleet. And you think you should be in charge? Huber is the obvious choice for this. Accept him, or leave this fleet and do not come back!”

The transmission cut off.

“What the hell was that?” Huber asked.

“You asked me to negotiate. Well, this is how I do it.”

“Are you trying to pick a fight, Colonel?”

Taylor turned to him and responded angrily.

“I am doing what you asked me to in the best way I know how. If you don’t like it, then why did you spring me from that cell? I will be a puppet to no one. I have been there, and I didn’t like it the first time.”

“Sir, the Chinese Battleship Lo Yang is launching fighters.”

“Power up weapons, launch fighters,” replied Huber.

He turned to Taylor.

“What have you done?”

"This shitstorm was coming whether we wanted it or not. Let's get it over with now before we really are deep in the shit."

"That was not your decision to make, Colonel."

"You put me in this position, Sir. I never wanted it."

"You see, Sir. Can you see him for the troublemaker he is?"

Taylor looked around to see Cordero standing on the bridge behind him.

"What the hell is he doing here, Admiral?"

"Captain Cordero is here to represent the interests of the Spanish Navy and her South American allies, who make up more than a sizeable amount of this fleet."

Taylor could see the smug look in Cordero's face, but he did not care for it.

"Sir, fighters are ready to launch," said Vega.

"I said launch, not prepare to launch. Get them out there!"

Taylor could see everyone on the bridge was uneasy with their position.

"Sir..." said Lieutenant Capwell.

"What is it?" he replied impatiently.

"Sir, A number of ships are moving out of formation and heading for the Lo Yang."

"What are their intentions?"

"Admiral Huang will not accept your authority," stated Cordero.

Taylor and Huber turned, suddenly realising the Spaniard knew more than he was letting on.

"All right, I'll indulge you. Speak," replied Huber.

"I am here to represent my people, who like Admiral Huang, are concerned about the direction you are taking this fleet in."

"Direction? We haven't even got a direction. We just got here."

"There are many concerned parties that do not believe you are the right man for the job, Admiral. Your track record thus far is far from exemplary."

Taylor knew he referred to their disastrous incursion into enemy territory, but that was not a fair blow to strike. General Dupont strode aboard the bridge in the silence that ensued.

"What the hell is going on?" he demanded.

Taylor leaned over to him and responded quietly.

"We've got trouble. Admiral Huang is trying to seize power, and he's got a fair amount of support."

Dupont shook his head. "Huang? He's a crazy fool."

"A fool with a wealth of resources, though."

"Sir, we've got a signal coming in from the Lo Yang," said Vega.

"Put it through."

Huang appeared before them. He was a young Admiral with boyish looks, and although he must be at least thirty, he didn't look it. Huber opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Huang.

"Admiral Huber. You have been unwilling to hear and act upon the concerns of myself and many other Captains in this fleet. We therefore have no choice but to demand you stand down as Admiral of this fleet, a position that was never awarded to you, nor were you entitled to bestow upon yourself. We insist that you step down and accept negotiations as to the structure of this fleet. Or.."

"Or what? You'll fire on us? You'll fire on what remains of the human race? You wouldn't be here if it weren't for us and this ship, and don't you forget it!"

He cut off the transmission and looked to Capwell.

"Open a channel to the fleet."

"Everyone, Sir?"

"Yes, absolutely everyone, including the Lo Yang. I want everyone to hear this."

"Yes, Sir."

Capwell nodded to the Admiral to acknowledge he was now live with the entire fleet.

"This is the Admiral speaking. Admiral Huber of the Washington, flagship of the fleet. The Washington is the most powerful vessel we have, and as the highest ranked senior Naval officer, the responsibility of this fleet falls into my hands. I did not ask for this nor seek it. I don't want to rule as a President nor King. I will continue to serve in the capacity I always have done. But there are others among us who would seek to divide our forces and struggle for power themselves."

He looked to Taylor for support. Taylor nodded in agreement, and he went on.

"The survival of the fleet is dependent on us sticking together and doing what is best for us all. I will not tolerate dissent among the officers. It is a luxury we cannot afford. In time, we will establish a civilian government, and that process is already underway. But I want to assure you all, that I will do everything in my power to protect this fleet. Admiral Huang is taking up arms against us and is therefore threatening our safety. Those who would follow him and recklessly endanger all we have fought to defend, go now. Go, or stay and submit to my command."

He looked to Dupont who stood beside him in support.

"Admiral Huang, you have five minutes to recall your fighters and stand down. You may either end this peacefully so that we may go about our lives, or leave the fleet. The alternative will be your destruction."

Huber ended the transmission and watched the map projected on the table before them. He could see three warships embark for Huang's position, and one came back over to theirs.

"This will not end well."

"No, Colonel Taylor," he replied, "but I didn't pick this fight, and I'll be damned if I am going to back down and be walked over by this son of a bitch. What else could I have done?"

BOOK: Battle Earth X
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